For the Birds!

Mountain Bluebirds
Oompa loompa doobeedeedoo, here's a bird that looks like violet beauregarde for you! (Mountain Bluebird)
Cool idea ~ rather than throw out old stale bread, hang it in a tree for the birds to enjoy!
Diy: Strawberry Stones Forever • Recyclart
Did you know..... Stones painted as strawberries when put around strawberry plants in the spring will keep birds from eating your berries because the birds will think the ripened berries are stones. Plus..these are super cute and fun for kids!
Secrets to Bird-Hosting
Tips to Attract Birds - How to layout your garden plan to attract birds to it. from 'Better Homes and Gardens' Magazine
Preparing Your Garden for Winter - Home & Garden
. You’ve cared for your garden all year, taking the time to fertilize, mulch, plant, water and prune your lovely garden specimens, so why stop now that winter is on its way? #Preparing_Your_Garden_for_Winter #Top_Pinned_Garden #Gardening
Landscaping That's for the Birds | Gardener's Supply
Landscaping That's for the Birds. Winterberries (Ilex verticillata) put on a spectacular show in late fall and early winter—until the birds find them. Birdfeeders aren't the only tools for attracting birds. By choosing the right trees, shrubs and perennials, you can create a habitat that will draw birds and other wildlife.
Inside Austin Gardens Tour 2012: Donnis Doyle Garden - Digging
Hanging nesting material for the birds adds even more color to the garden.
I Heart HGTV Blog
Attract Birds With Homemade Bird Nesting Materials From HGTV's Design Happens Blog (
ein hübsches vogelrestaurant – Happy Serendipity
For the birds ~ Cut a big apple in half and carve out a heart with a cookie cutter. The tutorial in German & English