15 Pins
The Warm Fuzzy Jar: a positive parenting strategy to encourage good behavior - The Many Little Joys
The Warm Fuzzy Jar: a positive parenting strategy to encourage good behavior - The Many Little Joys
32 Consequences "Mean Moms" Can Use for Negative Behavior
Are you a mean mom? Here are some consequences for bad behavior moms use for toddlers, preschoolers, and younger children.
Smart Punishments For Kids When Time Out No Longer Works
Smart and creative punishments for kids for when time out no longer work. For when kids need consequences for poor behavior.
A "good home" isn't treatment for reactive attachment disorder
Many people (including professionals) believe that a "good home" is the fix for the effects of childhood trauma. But for kids with moderate to severe reactive attachment disorder, that's often not true. No matter how loving the parents or comfy the home, RAD doesn't just go away. In fact, it's triggered by nurturing. As a RAD parent, know that it's well within your right to ask for help and expect safety for everyone in your home.
‎Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD): The Essential Guide for Parents (Unabridged)