Health and wellness

22 Pins
Natural Toddler Cough & Cold Remedies (EVERY Parent Should Know!)
These toddler cough & cold remedies got my kids through their first few years of life with much more ease! Having a sick toddler with a bad cough or cold can be miserable, keeping them and you, up all night! Try these tried and true toddler natural cough remedies for kids that really work! #coldremediesforkids #coughremediesforkids #toddlercold #toddlercoldremedies #toddlercough #toddlercoughremedies
Toddlers + Stomach Bugs = comic relief???
It's always challenging to have a sick child, but toddlers are a whole different ball game! They are tiny and not able to help take care of themselves at all. Vomit ends up everywhere. Accidents happen and on and on. Check out one of our adventures here:
It is so hard when your baby is sick and they can't tell you what is wrong. This is a great post full of ideas to help you soothe your sick baby. What to do when your baby is sick.
Kid's Got the Stomach Flu? Here's What You Need to Do
Hacks and ideas for when the stomach flu invades your house | ideas for what to eat and drink and what to avoid to help sick kids feel better | suggestions for remedies to provide some relief for your vomiting children | tips for cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces in your home so you can stop the symptoms from spreading to the rest of your family.
How to treat a common cold in kids
How long should a cold in kids last? When should they feel better? When should a parent worry about a cold or cough in kids? What treatments are safe for a cold in kids and babies? Which treatments for the common cold should not be used in children? What about vitamins and supplements for children with colds? Read for all the answers and evidence-based treatment for the common cold in children.