
22 Pins
How To Grow Chia Microgreens Fast And Easy - Epic Gardening in 2021 | Microgreens, Growing chia seed
DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids for Mason Jars
DIY - How to make Sprouting Lids at home for pennies on the dollar. It's an easy and frugal solution for all your soaking and sprouting needs.
DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids for Mason Jars
DIY - How to make Sprouting Lids at home for pennies on the dollar. It's an easy and frugal solution for all your soaking and sprouting needs.
Everything About Growing and Using Chia Sprouts
Instructions for Growing and Using Chia Sprouts | PreparednessMama
DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids for Mason Jars
DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids - These DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids for Mason Jars are an easy way to better absorb nutrients from grains, seeds & legumes. Have a complete soaking jar with screen for under $2 each! via @preparenourish
DIY Soaking & Sprouting Lids for Mason Jars
DIY - How to make Sprouting Lids at home for pennies on the dollar. It's an easy and frugal solution for all your soaking and sprouting needs.
Love this system using Dollar store trays and wood pieces in-between! They serve the top tray each day & start a new one on the bottom.