Labor Tips 👶

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Birth Partner Tip | ETX Doula | Passion Doula Co.
As your birth doula, I will teach your partner how to best support you during birth and one those is with reassurance and guiding words. Reminders to breathe deeply and relax your head and shoulders to open your pelvis. #etxdoula #passionddoulaco #birthdoula #labortips #laboraffirmations
Hemorrhoids After Pregnancy
Postpartum hemorrhoids…⁠ ⁠ Here are some things you can do to lessen the discomfort:⁠ ⁠ → Don’t sit for long periods of time⁠ → Drink plenty of water⁠ → Eat a high fiber diet⁠ → Take stool softeners⁠ → Apply some ice to the area⁠ → Use a pillow when sitting down⁠ → Use witch hazel pad or wipes like Tucks⁠ → Take a sitz bath⁠ → Use a topical cream or ointment⁠ ⁠ If you are experiencing pain or discomfort beyond what these tips can provide, please contact your provider. ⁠ ⁠
Common Labor/Birth Fears
🚀 Fear Can Halt Labor⁠ ⁠ It's True and it's preventable.⁠ ⁠ 🤫 Hmm...How does that work?⁠ ⁠ Fear triggers auto-responses in our bodies. It prepares us for danger. Fear says to us something is bad, wrong, and prepares us to RUN away. ⁠ ⁠ Hmm...How does that affect our perception of birth and how does that affect our body's ability to labor and give birth?⁠ ⁠
Belly and Bub Pregnancy and Birth Affirmation Cards
Belly and Bub Affirmation cards have been created to support you in your birthing journey. Affirmation cards can be used prior to birth to mentally prepare for your labour, they can be placed around your birthing room for reference or can be read aloud by you or your birthing partner during your labour. Affirmation cards aim to empower your birthing experience as your mental state has a large impact on your pain management abilities. The PDF includes 12 pre-made affirmation cards accompanied by
Essential Oils During Labor — for nausea, back pain, stalled labor, fear & anxiety, and uterine discomfort from [Hello, Darling] Doula & Photography
Caring For a Newborn Baby
Unlock the secrets to nurturing your precious newborn with tenderness and confidence. From soothing techniques to feeding schedules, explore expert advice on providing the best care for your little one. Dive into the wonderful journey of parenthood armed with knowledge and love.
The Apgar Score
The Apgar score is a test given to newborns soon after birth. This test checks a baby's heart rate, muscle tone, and other signs to see if extra medical care or emergency care is needed.