It’s all about Jesus

Our purpose is to exalt the name of Our Lord JESUS through the gospel
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The depth of the love of Christ
This article explores into details the depth of the love of Christ towards us. Kindly visit the site below 👇to get started. God bless you
If Jesus was God, then why did he cry out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
This is an interesting theological question. By the grace of God, I have provided an in-depth biblical answer for your spiritual edification. Kind visit the site below to get started. God bless you
Is it true that our past, present, and future sins are forgiven?
The above question is a difficult question provided you are well acquainted with what the bible teaches concerning it. This article explains exactly what the Bible says concerning it. Kindly click on the link below to get started
What is the significance of the veil that was rent asunder at the death of Jesus Christ?
This article is very important because it reveals the true meaning of the curtain that was torn in twain from top to bottom. Kindly click on the link below to get started. God bless you
What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man?
This is a Spirit filled exposition of what it truly means that Jesus is the Son of Man. Kindly click on the link below for an interesting theological study. God bless you
Why was Jesus called the Son of David?
The answer to the above question can only be found in the scriptures. For this reason, kindly click on the link down below for an in-depth teaching. God bless you
Who is a Christian?
Many people are ignorant of the biblical definition of who a Christian is. This article delves deeper into who a Christian is according to the bible. Kindly click on the link down below to get started. God bless you
Is Jesus the only way of salvation?
Are there many ways of salvation or Jesus is the only way of salvation? Kindly click on the link below to delve deeper. God bless you
Substitutionary Atonement
What is substitutionary Atonement? How is Jesus Christ our substitute? Kindly click on the link down below to get started. God bless you
Can I have an Assurance of my salvation?
Is it possible to have an Assurance of salvation? The answer to this question can only be found in God’s word. Kindly visit the site👇 below for an in-depth exposition. God bless you
The doctrine of Redemption
This article explains into details the redemptive work of Christ and the benefits we have gained from it. Kindly click on the link below for an in-depth study