
Everything golf! From golf equipment, to golf tips, to golf videos, and more. Be sure to follow the main account Golf Practice and stop by the blog for instruction Share your favorite pins!
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DIY Golf Simulator Setup for Under $5,000
Here's my step by step video showing a DIY golf simulator I built in my garage for less than $5,000 using a Mevo+ swing simulator and hitting cage from the local Lowes/Home Depot #golf #golfswing #golfsimulator
How to Hit Chips Close to the Hole Every Time (Golf Chipping Tips)
Here are important golf chipping tips to follow to help you hit your chip shots close to the hole. Here's how to get the ball really close to the hole everytime for an easy putt. #golf #chipping
This may contain: a man standing in front of a projection screen holding a golf club
Golf Swing Plane Explained
Here's what to know about the golf swing plane. This is important for why you might hit shots left, right, thin, fat. ⛳ #golfswingplane #golftip #golfswingtips
This may contain: a man standing in front of a golf simulator
Clubface Position at Top of Golf Swing
Here's where you may be creating that open or closed club face that leads to a slice or hook. check your clubface position at the top of the back swing with this simple rule of thumb. #golf
How to Hit Long Irons Far and Straight in Golf
Want to hit your long irons better? Watch these golf tips from top instructor on how to crush your long irons. Hit it farther and straighter. Long irons are tough to hit well but follow these swing tips.
Golf Club Shafts: What to Know Before Playing Golf
Are you using the right golf shafts for your clubs? Here's my easy to understand guide on the proper shafts and why they matter so much if you want to play your best golf.
Hit Far Like Pro Golfers: Power Guide
Here's a power swing guide for those golfers looking to hit longer and add distance to their golf game. Here's what you need to do to swing like the pro's. Learn more here..
Golf Putting Setup Strategy for Straight Putts
Use this setup strategy to make sure you're properly aligned to your putt and your posture isn't causing you to miss putts by pulling and pushing them off line. Here's the putting drill to practice... #golftips
Break 90 Then 80 Golf Plan
Here's your golf plan to help you know what golf drills to practice and how frequently. We made a template to fill out worksheets and track results. Start with this practice plan that 1000s of golfers are using.
Golf Driver Setup Tips
Here's how to setup for hitting a driver. Use this guide to improve your tee shot performance on the golf course. Learn more here..
How to Consistently BREAK 80 in Golf
Stop scoring in the 80s and 90s. Here's the golf training system that you need to follow to break 80 consistently. Seriously, this will work and you'll get lower golf scores after using this golf practice system. Start today here.
3 Things You Must Do Before Hitting a Tee Shot in Golf
Before you tee off each hole, here's your 3 step checklist to follow to help you play better golf. Seriously, learn these 3 tips for the pre shot tee shot routine. Learn more here. #golfswing #golftip
This #1 Golf Swing Fault Is Hurting Your Score
Here's a golf swing fault that you're likely making. It can hurt your swing and your scores. Learn what to do to fix this fault here in today's lesson from coach Nick Foy.
How to Hit Drives Straight: Golf Swing Drill
Here's my best tip and golf drill for helping someone get control back and hit drives straight again. If you feel your driver is spraying the golf ball all over the golf course, then try this golf swing drill. Learn more here.
How to Do the Pullback Short Game Drill
Here's a challenging up and down drill to work on your short game. You'll start with a chip then a putt. Here's how the drill works...