Rocks & Gems

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Banded Amethyst is commonly found in India and Russia. It helps the crown chakra. It’s appearance is crystals or masses with white banding. Sometimes there is also rusty reds and oranges mixed in. It is great for protection, helps you solve problems, relieves stress and tension, enhances psychic abilities and shamanic journeying. Banded Amethyst helps the eyes, lungs, intestines, thyroid, pancreas, liver and immune system. It’s great for headaches, pain and infections.
Killer Cab Contest April 16st - April 30th.
sugilite/richterite . This crystal is said to be the crystal of Archangel Michael. That is why I am pinning this here.
Mark & Linda – The Andara Crystal Experts
Larimar is a rare blue variety of pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. Edgar Cayce predicted that on one of the Caribbean islands, being the remnants of Atlantis, a blue stone of Atlantean origin would be found with extraordinary healing attributes. In 1974, Larimar was found in the Dominican Republic.
Grape Purple Hybrid Aura Quartz Cluster Rose Aura Quartz | Etsy Canada
Grape purple hybrid aura quartz cluster, rose aura quartz, celestial blue aura quartz, violet crystal
spirit quartz
Spirit (or Faerie) Quartz - found only in South Africa & carries the vibration of universal love. It may assist you to let go of issues you have been holding onto... and forgive both yourself and the other person. Spirit Quartz are powerful stones to heighten metaphysical abilities & can align the lower self with the higher spiritual self and manifest into your life those spiritual attributes. These are stones that will assist you with your ascension process and they may activate the Lightbody.
Ruby: the “energy stone” because it fuels life vigor, restores passion, stimulates motivation, and aligns one with the authentic self while gently encouraging one to follow his/her bliss; promotes clear visualization. #perspicacityparty #magicgeodes #magicstones #stones #crystals #gems #ruby
Minerals 1000 and up
Heliodore: A highly sought after healing stone. Psychologically it brings equilibrium to the wearer and gives him the courage to live. It promises the wearer charisma and personality. It can counteract the over-reactions and hyperactivity of the body. Heliodor water eases stiff muscles and cramp. It was identified as both a protective stone and healing stone in the pre-Christian times.
Mixed Minerals
Kunzite- produces loving thoughts and communication, radiates peace, induces deep centered meditative state helps those who find it hard to enter into meditation, enhances creativity, strengthens circulatory system and heart muscle, soothes joint pain
Ruby brings integrity, devotion and happiness. It also enhances generosity and brings prosperity. Ruby brings and increases romantic love. Ruby is a stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, children, and psychic protection. It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels. Ruby is associated with the root chakra. balancedwomensblog,com
Orange calcite is particularly helpful mentally, can relieve fear, depression, help after accidents, rape, divorce, with suicidal thoughts, and phobias. It restores mental and emotional balance, gives a boost to psychic abilities and intuition, is helpful for the reproductive system, genitals, and intestines, helps irritable bowel syndrome, kidneys, chronic fatigue, calcium intake and assimilation, is helpful for balancing sexual energies, and is associated with the sacral chakra.
Shattuckite Shattuckite comes from the US. It stimulates your third eye and throat chakras. It makes psychic visions clear and helps you understand what you see. It helps channeling, brings a high vibration, helps develop your psychic abilities such as automatic writing, and telepathy. It’s a highly spiritual stone that heightens your vibration. Shattuckite helps all minor health issues, brings the body back into balance and aids tonsillitis. It clears intercellular blockages