Berries & Vines

Grow anti-oxidant packed super fruits right in your yard. Many berries are perfect for edible landscapes - grow blueberry hedges, and strawberry borders. Instead of paying premium prices for berries at your local market, pluck them from your backyard! Grapes are a great selection for edible landscaping. Grow them for beauty and taste! Make jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, and grape seed oil — the possibilities are endless!
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5 Sections
Table Grape Vine - Thompson (Seedless)
Variety: European Zones: 7-11 Pruning: Cane Prune Harvest: August - September Fruit: Pale green oblong grapes with a very sweet flavor. Facts of note: Everyone’s favorite seedless table grape. The world’s leading fresh and raisin variety. Eat fresh or dry for raisins. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Loves heat. Excellent used as an ornamental, for summer shade, arbors or leafy walls. Thompson grapes were developed in Iran and introduced to California in the 1870s. European varieties are cl
Blueberry - Jelly Bean® (potted) (Late Season)
Delicious, exceptionally nutritious, high in bioflavanoids. Consider climate suitability, ripening season and fruit size when selecting varieties and include at least two different varieties for cross–pollination and fruiting (any two varieties will do, regardless of ripening time). Grow in acidic, well-drained soil. Cottonseed meal is an excellent fertilizer for blueberries along with good quality compost and peat moss. Check out our Fruit Harvest Chart to plan for successive harvests.
Goji Berry Root Crown Cutting - Phoenix Tears (Each)
For centuries the Chinese have used parts of the entire goji plant for food or medicine. Use of stems and leaves is little known in the United States, but the highest concentrations of healthful antioxidants can be found in the leaves. Fruit in the health food market in the form of dried berries and juice is more familiar. For successful growth, is critical that the soil pH remain at 6.8 or higher. High nitrogen is not recommended for these plants. One year old root crown cuttings.
Quinault Strawberry Plants by the Box (1500)
Strawberries are sent out on Mondays. Place your order by Wednesday to ship the following Monday. Unless you specify otherwise, we will send your Strawberries on the next possible Monday. You could also request delayed delivery in the Order-Specific Comments box. Strawberries are extremely adaptable and are grown in every state in the U.S. Plants generally grow 6”–8” tall and 12” across, are shallow–rooted, and benefit from mulch such as straw, pine needles, or plastic. Prefer a soil rich in all
Raspberry - Willamette (Bundle of 3)
Cane berries prefer a deep, well-drained, fertile soil and typically bear fruit on 2-year-old wood with everbearers producing on first-year wood. They thrive in most soil types. Cane berries are versatile and hardy in the coldest climates where other fruits fail. Plant late winter to early spring. Space 2’ - 3’ in a row with 8’ - 10’ between rows. Note: Red raspberries must be more than 300' from WILD blackberries, as the wild blackberries can carry some diseases that insects can transmit to the
Blueberry - Southmoon (Mid-Late Harvest)
Delicious, exceptionally nutritious, high in bioflavanoids. Consider climate suitability, ripening season and fruit size when selecting varieties and include at least two different varieties for cross–pollination and fruiting (any two varieties will do, regardless of ripening time). Grow in acidic, well–drained soil. Cottonseed meal is an excellent fertilizer for blueberries along with good quality compost and peat moss. Check out our Fruit Harvest Chart to plan for successive harvests.
Blueberry - Emerald (Mid Harvest)
Delicious, exceptionally nutritious, high in bioflavanoids. Consider climate suitability, ripening season and fruit size when selecting varieties and include at least two different varieties for cross–pollination and fruiting (any two varieties will do, regardless of ripening time). Grow in acidic, well–drained soil. Cottonseed meal is an excellent fertilizer for blueberries along with good quality compost and peat moss. Check out our Fruit Harvest Chart to plan for successive harvests.
Raspberry - Red Heritage (Bundle of 3)
Cane berries prefer a deep, well-drained, fertile soil and typically bear fruit on 2-year-old wood with everbearers producing on first-year wood. They thrive in most soil types. Cane berries are versatile and hardy in the coldest climates where other fruits fail. Plant late winter to early spring. Space 3’-4 in a row with 6’-8’ between rows. Note: Red raspberries must be more than 300' from WILD blackberries, as the wild blackberries can carry some diseases that insects can transmit to the red r
Blueberry - Jewel (Early Mid-Season)
Delicious, exceptionally nutritious, high in bioflavanoids. Consider climate suitability, ripening season and fruit size when selecting varieties and include at least two different varieties for cross–pollination and fruiting (any two varieties will do, regardless of ripening time). Grow in acidic, well-drained soil. Cottonseed meal is an excellent fertilizer for blueberries along with good quality compost and peat moss. Check out our Fruit Harvest Chart to plan for successive harvests.