healing poetry & prose ✨

Whether you're hurting, healing, or trying to help someone (or all 3), words can be medicine for the soul. If you love the way words can make you feel things, this board is for you: words of hope, words of love, poems that inspire & comfort & make you wonder. Some from others, some from my own journal. I hope they brighten your day & put stars in your mind.
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Being In Awe of Everything (I Find In Between)
What if life is actually everything happening all at once, not compartmentalized and controlled but fluid and full, each task wed to another, each sadness and delight related? This poem is about that sense of wonderment and appreciation. Being in awe of everything is a kind of therapy, an active participation in life. #mindfulness #beherenow #mindfulliving #gratefulheart #gratitudepractice #healingpoetry #selfhealing #openyourheart #healingpoems #gratitudepoem
4 Short Poems about Grief: The Same Love, but Different
I have not heard your voice in years, but my heart has conversations with you every day. - original poem by Jennifer Williamson, Healing Brave #griefpoem #griefsupport #griefjourney #healingpoetry #healingheart #heartconversations
Talking to Grief, a Poem
My favorite poems about grief do either one of two things: express my own experience in words in a way I never could or call on me to think differently about my experience. It’s a special thing when a poem can do both. Today I’m paying forward a beautiful grief poem written by Denise Levertov. May it call up your compassion the way it does for me. #healingpoems #griefpoems #griefandloss #lifeafterloss #griefsupport #healingprocess #healingheart #trusttheprocess #openhearts
Heart Conversations Poem: The Full Version
This standalone verse you might've seen circling the internet: I have not heard your voice in years, but my heart has conversations with you every day. I call it Heart Conversations, an ode to the intimate dialogue that carries on after someone we love dies. I thought it time to revisit this poem and that conversation. #heartconversations #healingpoetry #healingpoem #griefandloss #griefsupport #griefpoem #openyourheart #griefjourney
Disorientation // A Science Poem by Astrophysicist Katie Mack
This science poem is, oh, so beautiful, and that is a VERY big understatement. It's written by theoretical astrophysicist Katie Mack. She studies dark matter, the early universe, galaxy formation, black holes, cosmic strings, and the ultimate fate of the cosmos. This stunning poem of hers, titled Disorientation, is one of the best things I've ever read and listened to. #sciencepoem #spacepoem #healingpoetry #trusttheprocess #youareenough
I Am Not Alone, A Poem about Unity
Love is everything, which means that I am not alone and you are not alone, because we're part of everything. And everything is part of us. Read this poem about unity if you're feeling lost... and need to feel your essential connection to everything. Especially the ones you love who feel too far away. #mentalhealthsupport #depressionsupport #griefsupport #griefandloss #healingpoetry #healingjourney #youarenotalone #healingaffirmations
No More Suffering, a Poem about Freedom
There comes a point when we’ve had enough of the lingering negative energy of our old wounds. I’m at this point of wanting to live a better way, because I know there is a better way. I may still have pain, but I want no more suffering, and freedom from any fear surrounding that pain. That’s what this poem is about. #selfhealing #healingpoetry #healingprocess #mentalhealthawareness #innerpeace #innerwork
"I Am Enough" Poem
I wrote the "I Am Enough" poem back in 2016 with a tattered heart after my dad died. I wrote it to remind myself that even though everything felt wrong, being alive wasn't wrong. I hope this reminds you, too, that you don't have to go it alone. That you're full of the light, you're here on purpose, and this is enough. #iamenough #youareenough #selflovepoetry #healingpoetry #innerwork #selfhealing #mentalhealthsupport #emotionalintelligence
I Hope You Find What You're Looking For ~ A Prayer-Poem
I hope you look for one thing and, by chance, find something else beautiful and true. I hope that wherever you look, you see a piece of yourself in everything, and recognize in yourself an entire universe... In the end, I hope you find what you're looking for, especially when it's not what you set out to find. #healingpoems #healingpoetry #emotionalhealing #openyourheart #livewithintention #innerpeace #trusttheprocess
They Are Not Lost // A Poem about Our Loved Ones Passed
In honor of our loved ones who have passed, I wrote a poem. For me, they speak most clearly through poetry. It also seems like when we put down what we're carrying, let the past rest, and embrace the moment we're standing in instead, we have a better chance of feeling their presence. May this poem help you do just that. #griefpoem #griefsupport #griefjourney #healingprocess #healingheart #loveneverdies #healingpoetry
Goodbye Poem
It’s hard to say goodbye: to someone you love, to who you used to be, to how life used to be. Whether you’re saying goodbye to a person, a whole year (2020) or something from the past you don’t need anymore, I hope this poem lets you know that it’s OK to be right where you are. It's OK to be human instead of perfect. #healingprocess #trusttheprocess #goodbyepoem #healingpoetry #innerpeace #lettinggo #newbeginnings #griefsupport #griefandloss #gratefulheart
A Healing Poem about Loss and Holding on to Love
If you know the kind of pain that doesn't leave, read this poem about loss. It'll help you stop fighting against the mystery and soften into it instead. At least, for a moment. One moment of peace at a time... you deserve that much. #healingpoetry #healingprocess #loveandloss #griefsupport #griefpoem
5 Native American Prayers for Peace
With everything that's happened this year, we could use some prayers for peace. We could do with some fresh air and some ancient wisdom: a little perspective. With respect for the people who came before us, whose words and ways continue to shine light on the mountains and valleys of life, these Native American prayers. #healingprayers #worldprayers #prayerforpeace #innerpeace #loveeachother
I Hope You Find What You're Looking For ~ A Prayer-Poem
I hope you look for one thing and, by chance, find something else beautiful and true. I hope that wherever you look, you see a piece of yourself in everything, and recognize in yourself an entire universe... In the end, I hope you find what you're looking for, especially when it's not what you set out to find. #healingprocess #healingpoetry #takecareofyourself #trusttheprocess #followyourheart #openyourheart