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Banish Flies With Coffee
We are forever after the trick that will finally banish pesky flies and mosquitoes, and we think we've found a handy solution in this video from Jennifer's Tips! The basic idea is that you spoon some coffee into a short glass (a shot glass or tumbler would work!), add a wick, and then burn it so that the scent of coffee fills the air.Honestly, we would do this without the added benefit of banishing flies and mosquitoes, but why not have both?If you're thinking, "what, and waste my co…
2.9M views · 140K reactions | The best mosquito repellent! | The best mosquito repellent! #garden #bugs #homemade | By Leon & LaCongoFacebook
2.9M views · 140K reactions | The best mosquito repellent! | The best mosquito repellent! #garden #bugs #homemade | By Leon & LaCongoFacebook
With warmer days ahead, I swear by this trick to getting rid of all the flies, mosquitoes, and bugs
With warmer days ahead, I swear by this trick to getting rid of all the flies, mosquitoes, and bugs
Trick for Keeping Flies Away Outside (That Really Works!)
Learn how to use 3 things you already have at home to keep flies away outside. This hack for getting rid of flies outdoors will let you eat your meals in peace.
84K views · 496 reactions | Put coffee on the paper towel and you won't believe the result | Put coffee on the paper towel and you won't believe the result | By My Tips Book | Put coffee on the paper towel and you won't believe the results. After finding out about this, I never had this problem in my house again. I bet you've never used paper towels like these but when you know what they are for, you'll definitely make them at home. We will need a roll of paper towels. In fact, let's take just one leaf. Take the paper towel and make it as straight as possible. Run your hand until the paper is well stretched. Now we use coffee powder. If you prefer, you can also use the terrain which also works. Before adding the coffee, we will measure the distance of a finger and then we will add two tablespoons of coffee powder. Leave it as a straight line like this. Now we will also need cloves. Add some cloves on top of the coffee powder. There is no specific amount. You can use a handful of cloves. And so it will continue to be. All you need to do now is roll it up. It is very important to fold all the paper as you see it on the screen. You may be wondering what this is for. I'll show you so stay here with me. Now, we place our tip on a glass container and the last ingredient that we are going to use is toothpaste. Take a little with your fingers and understand it all over the paper. You can use whatever you have at home and our tip is ready and we're going to light the two ends. It is not necessary to leave it on the fire just red hot. If this happens, blow because what we need here is that smoke. What we have just made is a powerful homemade repellent. This will scare away types of insects such as mosquitoes, bees, wasps, cockroaches and some types of spiders. The function of toothpaste is to slightly inhibit the smell of burning paper. Cloves have a very good aroma in addition to being a powerful natural repellent and together with coffee they will help scare away all types of insects from your home. This tip is just fantastic. It is widely used in fields and farms since the types of places usually have many insects and it will definitely solve your problem especially with the mosquitoes that insist on showing up. Don't forget to try this wonderful trick at home. You will surely love the results. Go with God.
The Gooch on Instagram: "An easy way to scare away mosquitoes 🦟 #mosquito #lifehacks #lifehack #tipsandtricks #outdoors #outdoor"