26 Pins
Cute Handprint and Footprint Crafts
Hand and Footprint Gift Idea via Pitter Platter on Etsy
Long wall of basement built in cubbies
Built in Cubby Storage with a DIY Butcher Block Top: Find step-by-step plans of how to make the DIY Butcher Block Top. Pretty simple, even the kids can help! Use Rust-Oleum Ultimate Wood Stain in one of the many colors available to personalize this idea to fit your space!
DIY Succulent Terrarium - Bower Power
DIY Succulent Terranium.. use an old candle jar? I really like this idea...too bad I kill all the plants I try to take care of
my weekend upcycle project...repurposed doilies and wood it as a wall hanging, but will likely use it to organize my earrings.
Olha o que sua mesa pode vestir se você juntar as peçinhas avulsas que tem por aí.