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Tumor markers play a critical role in diagnosing, monitoring, and managing various cancers. Here's a quick guide to some commonly associated tumor markers and their respective cancers: 1. Ovarian cancer: CA 125 2. Breast cancer: CA 15-3 3. Pancreatic cancer: CA 19-9 4. Prostate cancer: PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) 5. Colorectal cancer: CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) 6. Teratoma: AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein) 7. Seminoma: LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) 8. Choriocarcinoma: Beta-hCG 9. Small ...
IV Start Tips 👀🩸 |
🩸 Rolling veins A rolling vein moves easily when touched. It may seem straight and perfect, but as you approach, it can roll away from you. To prevent this, firmly anchor the vein when inserting the needle. 🩸 Avoid bifurcations Bifurcations occur when a vein splits into two branches. Inserting an IV here can blow the vein or prevent catheter advancement. Always avoid these areas to ensure a successful insertion. 🩸 Avoid valves Valves obstruct the needle, making it difficult to pass through the vein. While some can navigate them, it’s generally best to avoid them. You can feel small elevations or breaks in the vein, so palpate carefully and steer clear of these spots.
The 7 Best Nursing Student Study Guides You Must Know About!
As a future nursing student, I can’t wait to learn about all things nursing school and become the best nurse I can be. I am sure that these 7 nursing student study guides and will definitely help me reach that goal !! Check them out in this blog post so you can get all the details !! #nursingstudent #nursingstudentstudyguides #nursingstudyguides #studyguides #nursing #studygirlera #NCLEX