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Mira on Instagram: "I thought I’d ring in the weekend with my new favourite quilt block using 2” x 3.5” scraps. It was suggested by a fellow quilter in our @projectlinusukkentandmedway group that we add this to our repertoire - and I LOVE it! It’s a fabulously fun and colourful way to marry your scraps and no longer wanted fabrics together and turn them into pure joy.. 🪡🧵 send this to a quilty friend to say hello 👋 😍 I hope you’ll have some creative time scheduled into your weekend, too, doing whatever takes your fancy.. I bet there’s going to be a very interesting variety of crafts between you all.. I’d be fascinated to hear what you’re making/working on, if you fancy sharing..! Mira 🙋‍♀️🪡🧵 #scrappyquilts #scrappyquilt #scrappyquiltblocks #scrappysewing #fabricscraps #fabrics
Video tutorial: Buzz saw patchwork block
Emily Dennis - Quilty Love - Modern Quilter on Instagram: "I started a new string quilt! This time I’m doing little rectangle blocks in a chevron pattern. ➕Cut an 8.5”x 11 inch paper in half. ➕ Mark or fold a 60 degree line anywhere on the paper. For chevron, half the blocks go in one direction and half the other. ➕ Add your first two fabric strips using the line as a guide. Sew this seam through the paper. ➕ Press open. ➕ Trim each fabric strip straight as needed. ➕ Keep adding strips until the paper is covered. But fold the paper out of the way for all of the remaining seams. ➕ Trim block square. In this case it’s 5.5”x8.5”. ➕ Remove paper. It’s easy peasy if you only stitched the first seam through it. 👌🏻 #quiltylove #quiltylovepatterns #scrapquilt #scrappyquilt #stringquilt"