My Cupcake Tower

Using cardboard boxes. Wrapping them with your favorite gift wrap paper and a little ribion, or other craft idea's that you would like to use. The base of the tower is also cardboard flat box. You can stack the boxes how you would like them. For the finishing touch went to the 99 cent store for the topper of the cupcake, it's a gift box that i used to support the big cupcake at the top. This was very cheap and easy.. Only spent $12.00 for the cake mix and all of the crafty idea's.
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The finishing look with it lite up! I also displayed the cupcakes at the base with a number 16 for my daughter birthday.
This how it looks like with all the cupcakes displyed.
I have the Big personal cupcake as the Topper for The cupcake Tower. I also used coffee filters for the cupcake to sit on.
The finishing look of the tower
using wrapping paper for the idea thyme you like for the party.
smaller size box to stack for the tower
you can leave bottom open or closed. I decied to place open for more support. It's up to you on how you want to build your cupcake Tower and diffrerent sizes..