⭐️ Introducing our Chinese vintage style pendant necklace that the pendant is made in synthetic jade that's in a light green color. Around the jade is a Koi fish decor. ⭐️ In Asian culture, koi fish represents luck and wealth. So this would be a very nice piece to keep or to gift with a lucky meaning behind it! ⭐️ The necklace is designed in a very vintage color that's unique and adorable to wear. The color is so elegant and simple that looks clean and easy to style.  ✈️ Handling & Shipping usually takes about 10 days in total, so please consider the processing time if it's a time sensitive gift.  🌹 We are trying our best to package your orders with love and care ❤️ Hope you understand our processing time!  ⚠️ Returns & Exchanges: We accept returns and exchanges within 7 days! Gift Necklace With Detachable Round Pendant, Enamel Amulet Necklace With Round Pendant, Spiritual Enamel Round Pendant Necklace, Enamel Necklace With Detachable Pendant, Enamel Round Pendant Necklace Amulet, Gold Enamel Necklaces With Detachable Pendant, Round Pendant Enamel Amulet Necklace, Gold Locket Necklace For Gifts, Gold Enamel Necklace With Detachable Pendant