Gardens & Plants

21 Pins
DIY Yellow Jacket Bottle Trap
Yellow jacket trap and reasons why to use these attractants. Even caught the queen!!
4 Natural Things For A Bright Green Lawn With No Weeds
Weeds are killers! It’s hard to keep them out of your yard, and they look so bad when they are there. If you use these 3 tips, your lawn will look and feel so much better. 1. Naturally prevent weeds with corn gluten meal. Spring is the best time to …
Driven By Décor
No Privacy? Plant Tall Grass in Galvanized Tubs. Grasses are easy to grow, fast growing & easy to divide - so if a friend has some, ask for a piece.
Garden Designs and Layouts - Growing The Home Garden
Growing The Home Garden: Gardening in the Home Landscape: Garden Designs and Layouts
How To: PET Bottles
Mosquito trap - No more mosquitos!! Cut the top off a 2 liter bottle. Invert the cone and place it inside the bottle. Glue the two pieces together. Add 1 tsp yeast and 1/2 cup sugar to some luke warm water, and pour the mixture into the bottle. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that you exhale. The yeast feeds off the sugar and emits the same gas, so the mosquito enters the bottle, thinking she will find food there. FLIES LOVE THIS TOO!!! -&nbsperthturf Resources and Information.
Great advice about planting, growing, pruning & caring for roses. All About Roses - Wilson Bros Nursery // Great Gardens & Ideas //
10 Great Tips for Growing Tomato Seedlings to Add to Your Garden
Plant tomato plants on their side
5 Ways To Use Coffee Grounds In The Garden | Northwest Edible Life
5 Ways To Use Coffee Grounds In The Garden