art history - Prehistoric

Prehistoric art: the period of time before written records. Earliest works of art known to us was during the last stage of the Paleolithic (The Old Stone Age). Paleolithic societies led the unsettled life of the hunter and food gatherer. The Neolithic societies (The New Stone Age) learned how to assure food supply and settled into permanent village communities. Prehistoric art: frontal views, free floating, light/shade coloring, and movement expressed.
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The Great Serpent Mound
NEOLITHIC: Great Serpent Mound c. 300 B.C - 400 A.D. 1400' long. Earth art of prehistoric Indians. Effigy mound in the shape of serpent. Huge head marked by heap of stones -may have been altar. Effigy mound is a raised pile of earth built in shape of stylized animal, symbol, religious figure, human, or other figure. Primarily built during Late Woodland Period (AD 350-1300). Primarily for religious purposes - some are burial sites. LOCATION: ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO
Panoramio is no longer available
NEOLITHIC: Dolmen (tombs resembling "houses of the dead") c. 1500 B.C. Upright stones for walls and a single giant slab for a roof. LOCATION: CARNAC FRANCE
Prehistoric Art
PALEOLITHIC: Wounded Bison c. 15,000-10,000 B.C. Dying animal has collapsed on ground. Legs no longer able to carry the weight of the body. Head lowered. Keen observation. Subtle shading of form. LOCATION: ALTAMIRA, SPAIN
Art 3 Lecture 3
NEOLITHIC: Early Neolithic wall and tower c. 7000 BC Sun-Dried brick wall 5 feet thick and nearly 20 feet tall. Stone tower was 28 feet tall. LOCATION: JERICHO, JORDAN
Art 3 Lecture 3
NEOLITHIC: Plastered skull from Jericho. 7000 BC. Life-size. LOCATION: ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, AMMAN, JORDAN
Art 3 Lecture 3
Dancing Hunter at Catal Huyuk. c. 6000 - 5500 BC.E
Art 3 Lecture 3
NEOLITHIC: c. 6500 BCE. Height 33 feet. (menhirs: simplest megalithic form, upright slabs that served as grave markers) LOCATION: KERLOAS MENHIR, FRANCE
Art 3 Lecture 3
NEOLITHIC: Arial view of Stonehenge c. 2000 BC. Diameter of circle 97' LOCATION: SALISBURY PLAIN (WILTSHIRE) ENGLAND
Art 3 Lecture 3
NEOLITHIC: Stonehenge c. 2000 BC. Cromlech (the setting of religious observances). Evenly spaced upright posts supported by horizontal slabs (lintels) and two inner circles with altar-like stone at center. Entire structure oriented toward the exact point at which the sun rises on the day of the summer solstice (possible sun-worshiping ritual). LOCATION: SALISBURY PLAIN (WILTSHIRE) ENGLAND
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PALEOLITHIC: Bison, from La Madeleine near Les Eyzies (Dordogne). 15,000-10,000 B.C. Reindeer horn - only 4 inches long. Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye, France. Notice texture within beard of bison. Eye and horn frontal view. Palm-shaped piece of antler. Possibly carried by hunter... LOCATION: MUSEE DES ANTIQUITES NATIONALES, STE. GERMAIN-EN LAYE, FRANCE
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PALEOLITHIC: Horse, from Vogelherd Cave, 28,000 B.C. Mammoth ivory. Graceful harmonious curves. Very small figure - only 2 1/2 inches long! LOCATION: PRIVATE COLLECTION
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PALEOLITHIC: Rock engraving, 10,000 B.C. Height of figures 10" (25.4 cm). Found in 1950s. Human figures in dance-like movements along with some animals. Several layers superimposed on one another. LOCATION: ADDAURA, MONTE PELLEGRINO (PALERMO), SICILY
Ennedi Plateau - located in the LOCATION: NORTHEAST CHAD
Resource: Bridging World History
PALEOLITHIC: Lascaux Cave. Around 30,000 years old. Cave discovered in 1940 by neighborhood boys whose dog fell into a hole that led to the underground chamber. Pictures are typically found in the darkest recesses as far from the entrance as possible sometimes needing to crawl on hands and knees. LOCATION: LASCAUX (DONTIGNAC, DORDOGNE) FRANCE