
FirebaseFirestore Framework Reference


The following structures are available globally.

  • A property wrapper type that marks a DocumentReference? or String? field to be populated with a document identifier when it is read.

    Apply the @DocumentID annotation to a DocumentReference? or String? property in a Codable object to have it populated with the document identifier when it is read and decoded from Firestore.


    The name of the property annotated with @DocumentID must not match the name of any fields in the Firestore document being read or else an error will be thrown. For example, if the Codable object has a property named firstName annotated with @DocumentID, and the Firestore document contains a field named firstName, an error will be thrown when attempting to decode the document.

    • Example Read:

      struct Player: Codable {
      @DocumentID var playerID: String?
      var health: Int64

    let p = try! await Firestore.firestore() .collection(“players”) .document(“player-1”) .getDocument(as: Player.self) print(“(p.playerID!) Health: (”)

    // Prints: “Player: player-1, Health: 95”

    - Important: Trying to encode/decode this type using encoders/decoders other than
      Firestore.Encoder throws an error.
    - Important: When writing a Codable object containing an `@DocumentID` annotated field,
      its value is ignored. This allows you to read a document from one path and
      write it into another without adjusting the value here.



    public struct DocumentID<Value: DocumentIDWrappable & Codable>:
    extension DocumentID: Codable
    extension DocumentID: Equatable where Value: Equatable
    extension DocumentID: Hashable where Value: Hashable
  • Wraps an Optional field in a Codable object such that when the field has a nil value it will encode to a null value in Firestore. Normally, optional fields are omitted from the encoded document.

    This is useful for ensuring a field is present in a Firestore document, even when there is no associated value.



    public struct ExplicitNull<Value>
    extension ExplicitNull: Equatable where Value: Equatable
    extension ExplicitNull: Hashable where Value: Hashable
    extension ExplicitNull: Encodable where Value: Encodable
    extension ExplicitNull: Decodable where Value: Decodable
  • A property wrapper that marks an Optional<Timestamp> field to be populated with a server timestamp. If a Codable object being written contains a nil for an @ServerTimestamp-annotated field, it will be replaced with FieldValue.serverTimestamp() as it is sent.


    struct CustomModel {
      @ServerTimestamp var ts: Timestamp?

    Then writing CustomModel(ts: nil) will tell server to fill ts with current timestamp.



    public struct ServerTimestamp<Value>: Codable
      where Value: ServerTimestampWrappable & Codable
    extension ServerTimestamp: Equatable where Value: Equatable
    extension ServerTimestamp: Hashable where Value: Hashable
    extension ServerTimestamp: Sendable where Value: Sendable
  • A property wrapper that listens to a Firestore collection.

    In the following example, FirestoreQuery will fetch all documents from the fruits collection, filtering only documents whose isFavourite attribute is equal to true, map members of result set to the Fruit type, and make them available via the wrapped value fruits.

    struct ContentView: View {
        collectionPath: "fruits",
        predicates: [.whereField("isFavourite", isEqualTo: true)]
      ) var fruits: [Fruit]
      var body: some View {
        List(fruits) { fruit in

    FirestoreQuery also supports returning a Result type. The .success case returns an array of elements, whereas the .failure case returns an error in case mapping the Firestore documents wasn’t successful:

    struct ContentView: View {
        collectionPath: "fruits",
        predicates: [.whereField("isFavourite", isEqualTo: true)]
      ) var fruitResults: Result<[Fruit], Error>
    var body: some View {
      if case let .success(fruits) = fruitResults {
        List(fruits) { fruit in
      } else if case let .failure(error) = fruitResults {
        Text("Couldn't map data: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    Alternatively, the projected value of the property wrapper provides access to the error as well. This allows you to display a list of all successfully mapped documents, as well as an error message with details about the documents that couldn’t be mapped successfully (e.g. because of a field name mismatch).

    struct ContentView: View {
        collectionPath: "mappingFailure",
        decodingFailureStrategy: .ignore
      ) private var fruits: [Fruit]
      var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
          List(fruits) { fruit in
          if $fruits.error != nil {
            HStack {
              Text("There was an error")

    Internally, @FirestoreQuery sets up a snapshot listener and publishes any incoming changes via an @StateObject.

    The projected value of this property wrapper provides access to a configuration object of type FirestoreQueryConfiguration which can be used to modify the query criteria. Changing the filter predicates results in the underlying snapshot listener being unregistered and a new one registered.

    Button("Show only Apples and Oranges") {
      $fruits.predicates = [.whereField("name", isIn: ["Apple", "Orange]]

    This property wrapper does not support updating the wrappedValue, i.e. you need to use Firestore’s other APIs to add, delete, or modify documents.



    @available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0, *)
    public struct FirestoreQuery<T> : DynamicProperty