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his name is literally trisetar von floof


Where is the back button? I had to reset the entire game because I couldn't find the back button to get out of the settings and the save slide.



I'm assuming the answer is no, but is this game 18+? If not, what age do you recommend the player be?

nope!! maybe somewhat suggestive scenes but even then theres not a lot. best bet is just 13+ since theres cussing from what i've seen

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is perfect for the people who love bitchy, rude, hot, guys that act like you don't exist but have a soft spot for you later

(1 edit) (+2)

I just relized that Felix's shirt says single, taken, gamer, only instead of gamer it says:

☐ Single

☐ Taken

☒ Gaymer

But now looking at the screenshots I think it's an easter egg.

loved this game and the characters 

aaaaaaaa so cute! i loved this so much!!

the demon give me tsundere vibe! really cool


LOVED THIS GAME!!! Had me squealing and giggling the WHOLE TIME..!



Stupid question but how do i back out of the save menu >.<

i also dont know, but refreshing the page works


Just finished the game. It's super cute! However, I was puzzled with the mechanics of the cross-realm communication devices. If time flows about 45 times faster in Hell than on Earth, then they should either have some misfits in the talking speed, or the device-user in Hell should wait an annoyingly long time to wait for the other user to reply. Am I ruining a perfectly fine game with reasoning? Yes.



how do i get out of the options


"Don't leave this room under any circumstance." Oh so clearly you want me to leave the room Demon Guy.


i loved this so much it was so cuteeeee!!!!! would love to see more because damn this had me in awwww


AAAAAAH! THEY ARE SO FREAKIN' CUTE OMG YOU SHOULD REALLY MAKE MORE GAMES LIKE THIS LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!! Mwah The game was Awesome it made me excited every now and then. :)

This is good however the quality doesn't really work low or high it still looks pixelated maybe it's just like this on phone


it was really good and fast 😭😭


Soft/10, I support them
I like romance stories that aren't very... aggressive, and this is exactly that? The romantic development doesn't take forever but also none of them are being extra pushy or flirty? This is a right and balanced amount of romance (and funny)

There are technical issues in menus (hard to return from CG list and there's some more listed by others) but fortunately the game experience is going smooth, so! 👌

this is nice but after i go to sttings to make the text go faster< its pretty hard to exit back to the game which is pretty frustrating

Deleted 1 year ago

please i have the same issue, can you tell me how to leave the setting page?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I think you're supposed to go back to "BASIC" the return button is under it, it worked for me


This was the cutest thing ever !! <3


Ahh! This was so cute <3


Um I am trying to leave the settings but I don't see a way out of the window. I have a mac, I don't know if that's just a macbook problem but idk.


"If you're demons, doesn't that make you already--" -Felix

"Do not complete that sentence." -Trisetar



(1 edit) (+2)

bootiful. absolutely bootiful. and ridiculous at points lmao


Nah cause the "and laid"

I don't get that!

D Nada mina "irmão volta pro inf3rno"

n sei como sair da tela de configuração .,.


Really enjoyed the story! 🥰

(2 edits) (+5)

This was amazing! I love visual novels and the romance in this was *beautiful*, But I have a question. How do I get volume 2?


This was so goooooooooooood I wish there was more. :D

(10 edits) (+5)

This was really heartwarming. I love the romantic scenes between them. This is random but I really like how Felix's hair is drawn and has pink highlights. It's also really cute how Tris takes care of Felix when he feels overwhelmed. Spoilers below.

I really love the ending where Felix and Tris live on Earth. They seem so carefree and happy.


I love how the first time Trisetar says his name (when Felix cant understand it) it says Trisetar Von Floof <3 
Nice detail! :3 


heyo :3


wah :( why does the boyfriend have share names with me. But, this is a really cute game!




how do you get out of the save with out closeing game???

Just keep pressing the down arrow key till you see nothing selected, then press the left arrow key till nothing is selected, press the space bar. it should bring you back to the game. It worked for me, so I hope it helps some of you guys out!


I loved it!! It was adorable! 

I love the art and character design too and I think they were well written

(1 edit)

So, his name is Felix Wright? Is he Phoenix Wright's younger brother?

On a side note, it took me a bit to notice that some of the backgrounds are also in Royal Alchemist. That was fun to notice. Regardless, a fun game!

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