Fur Affinity Moderator Sign-up 2024
Do you enjoy the thought of helping the Fur Affinity community? Want to assist one of the Internet's largest communities in making our corner of the internet just a little bit of a better place? Then we have good news: we are opening up volunteer moderator positions!

Candidates must be 18 years or older and have actively used Fur Affinity for a minimum of one year. In addition candidates’ accounts must be in general good standing with the site.

Moderators must be able to work as part of a team and act in a professional, polite manner. Moderators have two primary duties as part of their role: monitor the site for issues and respond to trouble tickets. We expect moderators to handle about 20-40 tickets per week.

Does this sound like something you'd like to do? Apply today to help improve our community.
Adresse e-mail *
What is your Fur Affinity username? *
Are you applying to assist with the website or Discord?
What is your Discord username?
Our staff communications are Discord based only so you will need to have an account. 
Are you comfortable with signing an NDA for this position? *
NDAs are required as we handle private user information as well as for staff protection.
What is your legal first and last name? *
We need this information for NDA purposes
What would you like us to call you? *
If you go by a different name than your legal name please let us know!
What are your preferred pronouns? *
What is your current age? *
How long have you been a member of the Fur Affinity community? *
Please list any alternate or previously used accounts.
Have you ever received a warning or infraction from staff? *
This is not an automatic disqualifier 
Do you have any experience as an admin or moderator, such community-based websites, forums, Telegram, or Discord? *
If yes, please give a description of your experience.
How many hours are you willing to devote to moderating per week? *
When are you most available to work for FA during an average day?
What time zone do you live in? *
What do you feel you bring to the team? *
What makes you different? Tell us your experiences, hobbies, (aside from admin/modding), or anything you may want us to know about you. 
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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