Voices of Colour - Call to Action Form
Voices of Colour is a transformative digital skills and community action programme for underrepresented young women between the ages of 15- 25. We provide them with the platform and necessary tools to make a meaningful change within their communities, along with gaining both practical and soft skills to support them to reach their aspirations. The first part of the community action programme provides the girls with the opportunity to create positive change in their communities on an issue that impacts them. We provide them with the necessary digital skills to enable them to create online campaigns to build youth led projects in collaboration with local partners. They also receive mentoring support throughout the programme.

As part of our first call to action - we're looking to hear from you about your stories when it comes to making a decision about your education and career pathway journey. Our aim is to share the stories of those dealing with this now and of those who have dealt with this in the past. We want to hear your stories, your barriers, your advice. This could be to do with decisions around whether to study a-levels or join an apprenticeship scheme to deciding whether you'd want to move out for university or apply for a job instead.

Here at Voices of Colour we take your privacy seriously, and will only use your personal information to contact you further (if confirmed) about the campaign and to request permission to use the data you have shared via this form. We will request you to sign a quick form to confirm whether you are happy in sharing your journey on our media platforms. We securely store this data for up to three years and you can contact us for further details about our privacy policy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at - hello@voicesofcolour.org 
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