Papers by Supriyadi Ahmad
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i
Religious moderation is a kind of discourse that relatively new and has been proposed by the Indo... more Religious moderation is a kind of discourse that relatively new and has been proposed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion since 2019. Various reactions have emerged from the public, including pros and cons. The comparative thoughts of two national figures from Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, Syafii Maarif and Lukman Saifuddin regarding the concept and implementation of religious moderation described in this article. The research method used is library research, taken from the main works of the two figures as primary data, while secondary data taken from various written works by scholars in the form of books, magazines, freelance writing on social media, and alike. The conclusions of this study are as follows: The concept of religious moderation proposed by Syafii Maarif is religion as the basis for the revival of the nation, Indonesian Islam, democratic Islam, and modern Islam. Meanwhile, the religious moderation offered by Lukman Saifuddin is an attitude and view that is not e...
Milli Folklor, 2019
Bu arastirmada halk kulturu degismelerinin genel bir tanimi yapilarak kapsami uzerinde durulmakta... more Bu arastirmada halk kulturu degismelerinin genel bir tanimi yapilarak kapsami uzerinde durulmaktadir. Arastirma, teori ve uygulama olmak uzere iki temel uzerine oturtulmustur. Teorik temeli Mumtaz Turhan’in 1951 yilinda hazirladigi Kultur Degismeleri adli eseri ile ayni bilim adaminin konuyla ilgili diger calismalar olusturmaktadir. Ancak Turhan’in calismalari genel anlamda kultur degismeleri, yer yer sosyal degismeler uzerinde yogunlastigi ve bu konular sosyal psikoloji acisindan ele alindigi icin halk kulturu degismeleri arastirmasi acisindan sadece hareket noktasi olmustur. Arastirmanin uygulama ayagini ise 2015-2017 yillari arasinda Erzurum il merkezinin yakinindaki koylerde yapilan ve bir TUBITAK projesi cercevesinde gerceklestirilen alan arastirmasi olusturmaktadir. “Halk”, yakin zamanlara kadar dunyada ve Turkiye’de asagi tabakayi olusturan, genel nufus icinde bir suru, bayagi ve kaba bir grup ve ayni toplumun seckin tabakasi ile tezat teskil eden bir insan grubu olarak dusu...
Mengulas tentang demokrasi, ham dan masyarakat madani. tujuan dari pendidikan civic education ada... more Mengulas tentang demokrasi, ham dan masyarakat madani. tujuan dari pendidikan civic education adalah untuk mendorong partisipasi aktif setidaknya setiap warga negara.xvii, 247 hlm.: 22 cm
Abstract: The simultaneous elections in Indonesia led to a number of corrupt behaviors such as po... more Abstract: The simultaneous elections in Indonesia led to a number of corrupt behaviors such as political dowries, transactional mental politics, and others that indicate the rampant corruption in the millennial era. All political transactions or other modes that can harm the state's finances and economy, because profitable personally, or others, or corporations are corrupt. Islam views corruption as an illegitimate crime, and the perpetrators will be held accountable in the Akherat. In the perspective of Positive Law, corruption is a crime that must be proven and accounted for by the perpetrators. If found guilty, the perpetrator shall be punished in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Keywords: Corruption, Political Affairs, Mental Transactional Politics, Millennial Era, Islamic Law, and Positive Law Abstrak: Pilkada serentak di Indonesia memunculkan sejumlah perilaku koruptif seperti mahar politik, mental politik transaksional, dan lain-lain yang mengindikasikan m...
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law, 2018
Disparity or difference of opinion among Muslims often associated with false hadiths رحمة" أمت... more Disparity or difference of opinion among Muslims often associated with false hadiths رحمة" أمتي "اختالف or رحمة" لكم أصحابي ."اختالف Likewise disparities theological concept in Islam. Differences of opinion among friends great Prophet Muhammad had been there since he was approaching death, or perhaps earlier. However, the disparity of the opinion that there is a cause divisions, and even war, but some are not. The latter may be a blessing. Islamic theology as a branch of Islamic science that is built to maximize the power of reason reason or logic, is closely associated with Manthiq Science and diversity or dissent. It is also closely related to the growth of streams in the Science of Kalam as part of the Islamic civilization. In the end, the disparity concept of Islamic theology that will bring maturity Muslim civilization.
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i, 2017
Pancasila learning in schools and universities has seemed difficult to understand by the millenni... more Pancasila learning in schools and universities has seemed difficult to understand by the millennial generation, as well as National Knowledge Education. Therefore, it is necessary to transform or change the form, nature and function of Pancasila Education, so that this State Philosophy becomes attractive, attracts interest, and can be easily implemented in everyday life. Anti-Corruption Education is also time to be revitalized, rejuvenated, and re-actualized, so that it can be more easily absorbed by the millennial generation in particular, and the citizens of Indonesia in general from an early age. The chronic economic conditions of the Indonesian people, one of which is caused by the rise of corruption in certain groups of this nation. Therefore, it is time for various efforts to improve learning for both aspects that are very urgent in the life of this nation and state.
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i, 2019
Hoax originating from "focus pocus" originally from Latin "hoc est corpus", means false news. Hoa... more Hoax originating from "focus pocus" originally from Latin "hoc est corpus", means false news. Hoax also comes from English, namely Hoax, which means fake news. Terminologically, hoax is a false message in an attempt to deceive or influence readers or dealers to believe something, even though the source of the news delivered is completely baseless. Ahead of the Legislative and Presidential Elections in Indonesia 2019, hoax have entered the political sphere which can threaten the nation's unity and unity. In the perspective of Islamic thought, hoax is a public lie or dissemination of information that is misleading and even defame the other party. The hoax maker is classified as a party that harms others and the hoaxes made are categorized as ifki hadith or false news. Therefore, the perpetrators were threatened with very severe torture. In a positive legal perspective, hoax is a charge of false and misleading news, a content that creates hatred or hostility of certain individuals and/or groups based on ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups (SARA). The culprit can be punished with a maximum of ten years in prison.
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law, 2018
Mizan of Islamic Law published twice a year since 2017 (June and Desember), is a multilingual (Ba... more Mizan of Islamic Law published twice a year since 2017 (June and Desember), is a multilingual (Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, English, and Russian), Peer-Reviewed journal, and specialized in Islamic Law, Islamic Studies, and Sharia. This journal is published by the faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, in partnership with APSI (Indonesian Sharia Advocates Association). Editors welcome scholars researchers and pratitioner of Islamic Law around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published throught this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication, each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles. MIZAN; Journal of Islamic Law has been indexed at Google Scholar, Moraref, Sinta, and become a CrossRef Member since year 2017. Therefore, all articles published by MIZAN; Journal of Islamic Law will have unique DOI number.
Abstract: The era of AEC (Asean Economic Community), which began in early 2016 has led to an infl... more Abstract: The era of AEC (Asean Economic Community), which began in early 2016 has led to an influx of foreign workers -of course also commodities tradewhich can cause problems of social, political, economic, and security in the Republic of Indonesia. In turn, the inclusion of these cultures can cause depletion of the understanding and implementation of the Indonesian people against the Four Pillars of Life Nation and State, the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia, and national unity. Therefore, Indonesia needs to do rejuvenasi Four Pillars, not only with the understanding that the value-free, butmust be accompanied by the planting of transcendental values that implicated a universal divinity, humanity, and the reward, which must be constantly revitalized. Keywords: Rejuvenating, Revitalization, Four Pillars, Era MEA Abstrak: Era MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean) yang dimulai pada awal tahun 2016 telah menyebabkan masuknya tenaga kerja asing -tentu saja juga kom...
Al-Ghazali is an expert and great Muslim scholar who speaks up for moderate Sunni sufism, a sufis... more Al-Ghazali is an expert and great Muslim scholar who speaks up for moderate Sunni sufism, a sufism which is based on the doctrine of the asceticism of the Qur'an, Prophetic traditions, and the tradition of his companions. He succeeded in purifying Sufism from various deviations, and harmonizing Sufism with sharia, and making it "halal" for Sunnis. According to al-Ghazali, several terms in Sufism should be returned to the original teachings of the Qur'an and Prophetic traditions. In his view, ma'rifah is knowing the secrets of God and His various rules about everything that exists. Heart becomes a means of understanding for a Sufi. So the highest and most noble pleasure is recognizing Allah Almighty, known as ma'rifah. A wise person (‘arif) does not see other than Allah, and everything he or she knows in this existance is only Him and His various creations. In the knowledge of Mukasyafah for example, al-Ghazali wanted to avoid the mistakes of other Sufis who...
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar'i, 2016
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar'i, 2016
Setidak-tidaknya ada empat hal yang harus dipersiapkan oleh dosen sebelum melakukan pembelajaran,... more Setidak-tidaknya ada empat hal yang harus dipersiapkan oleh dosen sebelum melakukan pembelajaran, yaitu merumuskan kompetensi (atau tujuan) pembelajaran, menetukan materi, memilih metode yang tepat, dan melakukan evaluasi autentik. Dalam hal evaluasi pembelajaran, kompetensi dosen dalam mengonstruksi soal UAS menjadi sangat urgen.
Abstract: The era of AEC (Asean Economic Community), which began in early 2016 has led to an infl... more Abstract: The era of AEC (Asean Economic Community), which began in early 2016 has led to an influx of foreign workers -of course also commodities trade-which can cause problems of social, political, economic, and security in the Republic of Indonesia. In turn, the inclusion of these cultures can cause depletion of the understanding and implementation of the Indonesian people against the Four Pillars of Life Nation and State, the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia, and national unity. Therefore, Indonesia needs to do rejuvenasi Four Pillars, not only with the understanding that the value-free, but must be accompanied by the planting of transcendental values that implicated a universal divinity, humanity, and the reward, which must be constantly revitalized.
Keywords: Rejuvenating, Revitalization, Four Pillars, Era MEA
Papers by Supriyadi Ahmad
Keywords: Rejuvenating, Revitalization, Four Pillars, Era MEA
Keywords: Rejuvenating, Revitalization, Four Pillars, Era MEA