Improve your PivotTables with Excel: Manual
Par Rémy Lentzer
À propos de ce livre électronique
With Excel you can calculate, filter and organize your information in thousands ways. PivotTables allow you to produce statistics and analyze data more finely. Any person who handles Excel is able to create a PivotTable. There is no limit in the choice of information to analyze. This book focuses on details, various options and devices that facilitate daily work. It will enable you to make progress in the control of this great statistical tool.
An essential practical guide to perfect your mastery of Excel, an indispensable tool for your daily work.
Thanks to Excel you can at any moment calculate, filter and organize your information in thousands of ways. The PivotTable allows you to produce statistics and analyze the data more finely. Any person who handles Excel is able to create a PivotTable : one sales person can analyze data marketing, one engineer can manage information relating to material resistance. There is no limit in the choice of information to analyze.
Rémy Lentzner has been a computer trainer since 1985. Specialized in the mastery of office automation tools, he assists companies in the professional training of their employees. Self-taught, he has some fifteen computer books to his credit.
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Improve your PivotTables with Excel - Rémy Lentzer
Chapter 1
Creating a PivotTable
While pointing out the obligations related to the presentation of the data, this chapter exposes the basic principles governing the creation of a PivotTable.
1.1 What is a PivotTable ?
Whenever you employ the concept of category or group of data, you can use this kind of device to gather, calculate or synthesize information.
You speak about a PivotTable when you want to produce a report. Information result from a list of data organized in columns then crossed. The basic elements can be stored in one or more worksheets, or come from several external sources. Part 2 of this work will present in detail the Data Model which makes it possible to establish relations between tables. Figure 1.1 is an example of an Excel table which one calls a Database. Each column indicates identical groups of data clearly (month, number, area) and the column quantity is used for calculation. Excel proposes 1,048,576 lines and 16384 columns.
You can thus handle great amounts of information but, in practice, it is rather rare to employ all the lines and all the columns. For working well with Excel and its PivotTables, privilege a fast computer with a powerful memory.
Figure 1.1 : An Excel table in the form of a database
The structure of this table implies compliance with certain rules :
In column A insert only months.
In column C insert only areas.
In column D insert only digital values.
Insert neither blank lines, nor empty columns inside the table.
Name each column.
When the data are well recorded, you can create statistics very easily. For example, you seek the total of the sold quantities (column D) per month (column B or A). For January, the total would correspond to 22 ; for February, you will have 7 and 13 for March.
Here, calculation remains easy because there are only three months to test. But imagine a table with hundreds of lines. Excel and its PivotTable will carry out calculations easily.
In this table, column B indicates the month in figures to facilitate the sorting. If you need to gather and calculate data, Excel will be a valued ally. It can round up information with groups then calculate totals in relation to these groups. The goal of a PivotTable is to compile common values while proposing a digital result.
Excel uses the data in the columns and crosses them. By changing the position of the lines and the columns, calculations change dynamically, hence the name 'PivotTable'.
You will see further in this chapter that it is completely possible to choose several regroupings, while changing other functions to calculate new results. Thus, you will be able to calculate the average of the quantities using the Average function, the largest quantity using the Max function or the smallest amount using the Min function.
These functions are defined during the creation of the PivotTable report. Figure 1.2 shows a possible result.
Figure 1.2 : A PivotTable report
Column A contains the months and the other columns the statistical results. In the center of the table are the calculations. A line Grand total carries out the sum of the values. The data are dynamic because they change if the columns are different. The following sections will detail the method to be used for this operation.
The headings of certain columns have been changed for better understanding.
For the last time, let us reconsider the obligations related to the structure of the source