Votre plan d’intervention d’urgence est en place. Comment allez-vous vous adapter si la crise s’aggrave ?
Plongez dans l’inconnu : comment pivoter lorsque les plans de crise vacillent ?
Votre plan d’intervention d’urgence est en place. Comment allez-vous vous adapter si la crise s’aggrave ?
Plongez dans l’inconnu : comment pivoter lorsque les plans de crise vacillent ?
The essence of an emergency is that things are going to go wrong. You know this. You've prepared for the contingencies. The True Leader will be at the ready with audibles to be called. Let's take a look at the recent hurricanes that struck the southeastern part of the United States. The priority is always life so that means having available transportation, water, shelter, food, clothing, and medical supplies. You have prepared for those materials to be wiped out in several different areas. You have prepared for roads to be blocked. You have prepared for power to be down. Take that knowledge and move the chess pieces appropriately on the board. Panic is our enemy. Preparation is the word of the day.
Adapting an emergency response plan when a crisis escalates involves several key steps: 1. Assessment and Monitoring: Continuously monitor the situation to assess how it evolves. Use reliable sources for real-time information. 2. Communication:Establish clear lines of communication with all stakeholders, including team members, emergency services, and the public. Provide regular updates and adjust messaging based on the changing circumstances. 3. Resource Allocation: Re-evaluate resource needs and allocate additional resources as necessary. This may include personnel, equipment, or funds.
In rapidly evolving crises, constant situational scanning and updating are crucial. By comparing new information with the original data on which the plan was based, we can identify deviations and adapt the plan accordingly. Involving the team through collaboration and leveraging their expertise helps ensure decisions are well-informed and adaptive. Flexibility is key—our response must evolve with the crisis, allowing us to make real-time adjustments that keep us aligned with the changing dynamics. This approach ensures both effective problem-solving and collective ownership of the actions we take.
1. Calm yourself 2. Re-evaluation of situation 3. See what you missed to do 4. Try to think "out of the box" 5. Plan and organize reaction with different approach 6. Make a motivation on others and go hard!
Grundsätzlich: Ruhe bewahren und bei völliger Ahnungslosigkeit totale Selbstsicherheit ausstrahlen ;-). Im Zuge der kontinuierlichen und wiederkehrenden Lagebewertung sollten Eskalationen entsprechend direkt aufgenommen werden. Hierbei folgt die Bewertung ob die Eskalation Einwirkungen auf meinen weiteren Verlauf hat oder diesen gar gefährdet. Falls dies der Fall ist muss eruiert werden woher diese kommt und ob ich die Ursache bekämpfen oder lediglich darauf reagieren kann. Somit können Handlungsspielräume eruiert werden für die laufende zielgerichtete Planung. Reaktionen auf dynamische Lagen müssen jederzeit möglich sein. Hierzu darf man nicht nur "Plan B" haben sondern auch gerne "C" und "D" vorbereiten.
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