story/text: form - transactional

Grade 7: a) study examples to write business letters, b) understand connection between document and purpose, c) know parts of business letter (date, inside address, salutation, use of colon, paragraph organization, closing, signature and title, notification of copy or enclosure), d) terms "business letter" and "letter to the editor" to show understanding of genre, e) persuasive/informative, f) editing to remove unnecessary details, g) writing for a specific audience
52 Pins
How to Write a Business Letter. Parts of a Business Letter. Important phrases for writing business letters.
How to Write a Business Letter. Parts of a Business Letter. Important phrases for writing business letters. - learn English,writing,english
Business Letter Format | What to include and when
business letter format. I used to be able to do this in my sleep but I don't use it so much in the world of Barney & Cheerios!
20 Picture Books about Mail & Getting Letters
Kids Books told with snail mail through Letters - fun pen pal activity & great ideas for introducing letter writing & how to address an envelope for kids! #snailmail #booklist #picturebooks #kids -&nbsppenpaloftheweek Resources and Information.
Non linear letter writing - creative from the normal way I write to my friends!
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La silhouette de la CARTE POSTALE. Les élèves continueront à ÉCRIRE pendant l'été, on l'espère.
Le gentil facteur ou lettres à des gens célèbres d'Allan et Janet Ahlberg, chez Albin Michel jeunesse. Dès 6 ans. - Le Blog de Kidissimo
Un incontournable de la littérature jeunesse que je dois encore acheter...
13 Insanely Cool Resumes That Landed Interviews At Google And Other Top Jobs
A foto que fala. Imagine como seria uma exposição de fotos assim? O vídeo gravado com a boca do personagem poderia contar uma história. :) Com o #Bipcode isso fica fácil de fazer. E o expositor ainda poderia conhecer o perfil de seu público. Demografia, Cidades de origem, faixa etária e muito mais. :)
Media Literacy - Create your own Cereal Box. Present book repots on cerealboxes in order to persuade peers to read the book too.