toy storage

19 Pins
4 Tips for Decluttering Kids Toys and Trinkets Without Being a Killjoy
If you're tired of the "junk" kids accumulate via goodie bags, prizes and kids meal surprises, here are tips for decluttering kids toys.
My version of a stuffed animal zoo. Six foot tall, 18" deep, 24" wide. Made with 2x4's, pink bungee cord bought on Amazon, quart of black paint, foam board with wrapping paper (mod podge) for the backing, and several hours of TLC doing the sanding, painting and decorating the 1x6's on the front.....all for about $50
Practical Advice For Purging Kids’ Toys
Check out these awesome tips to helo with Purging Kids' Toys! Since cutting back their toys by half they haven’t asked for anything back, or feigned boredom over lack of toys. #Toys #Decluttering #Purging
Amazing Mom Hacks To Organize Your Child's Toys And Crafts
Coffee Pod Carousel Play-Doh Holder Mom Hack #hacks #lifehacks #momhack #momlife #storage #organization #ideas #howto #playdoh #kids #parents #clever #genius #diy