
118 Pins
divano vintage
homcom Divano Vintage 2 Posti in Stile Industrial Chic, Divanetto Francese per Ingrasso in Velluto, 130x77x77cm
Savier 50.2" Contemporary Living Room and Bedroom Loveseat | KARAT HOME-TEAL
This loveseat chair will provide a fresh and pleasing look to your space and will be the center of attention with tufted design. The medium density foam filling with a sturdy solid and manufactured wooden frame provides comfort and support. Shown in a beautiful velvet upholstered fabric, this chair’s sleek lines, comfortable for skin touch, and features an on-trend solid hue that’s bound to blend in with your color scheme. The tufted details decorate the elegant curved flower-shaped back cushion
Willa Arlo™ Interiors Tyneside 86.5" Tuxedo Arm Sofa 28.0 H x 86.5 W x 34.0 D in green/blueVelvet, Stainless Steel | 28" H X 86.5" W X 34" D | Wayfair
Seat guests in the epitome of comfort and style with this Marlon velvet sofa. This piece is just the thing to showcase your modish style while ensuring total enjoyment for all who are lucky enough to relax on its channel-tufted seats. The soft velvet upholstery adds a beautiful touch to your space and feels great against your skin while the brushed gold stainless steel base lends it a contemporary finish. Willa Arlo™ Interiors Fabric: Mint Velvet | Willa Arlo™ Interiors Tyneside 86.5" Tuxedo Arm
Bizzotto 0743689
2-sitzer-sofa - holzkonstruktion | stahl mit sitz aus nicht abnehmbarem pfauenblauem samt Giliola ist ein sofa mit klassischem design, das sich durch die besondere schalenform auszeichnet. bequem und einhüllend, ist es perfekt, um den wohnbereich mit einer raffinierten und einzigartigen note zu vervollständigen.
Sofá Pétala 2 Lugares Veludo Azul Turquesa Visalar Móveis | MadeiraMadeira
Sofá Dos Plazas Turquesa
Sofá Dos Plazas Turquesa, moderno y elegante. Sofá totalmente acolchado, y tapizado en precioso y suave terciopelo color turquesa. Dale un toque moderno y nada convencional a tu salón, y combina este Sofá Dos Plazas Turquesa con otros estilos decorativos sin miedo. También tienes este sofá en turquesa intenso Precioso y decorativo Sofá Dos Plazas Turquesa. Como todo buen sofá que aspire a ser cómodo, este Dos Plazas Turquesa tiene respaldo alto y curvo en sus laterales, reposabrazos redond