Christmas crafts

119 Pins
Stina Roos , Lifestyle, Garden & Home on Instagram: "Dahlia i tapet 👇🏻 (You find Instructions in English at the buttom) Längtan efter trädgården är stor och snön ligger som ett vilande täcke just nu. Denna instruktionsfilm är den mesta sedda reelen hos mig under årets gång. Så tänkte det passar perfekt att bjuda på den en gång till nu när året närmar sig sitt slut. En Dahlia av tapet, jag vet att det sitter en hel del tapetdahlior på väggarna runt om i världen efter att skaparna har hittat inspiration här. Har du hunnit skapa dig en Dahlia av tapet än? Vill du göra en Dahlia så kommer instruktioner här: Klipp en rund kartongbit med diameter på 23cm. Gör markeringar runt ringen från mitten med 2cm mellan varje markering, detta är stödlinjer. Klipp tapetbitar i storlek 23 st 8*8cm 48st
Julie Stuart ⋒ on Instagram: "Let’s make our Felt Alphabet Decorations step-by-step! 😍 This is a guest pattern by the incredibly talented Jess of @otterbeestitching! These alphabet letters are such a fun way to add a homemade touch to your Christmas decorating - and your family and/or children will love seeing personalised decorations of their initials. 🎊 This pattern is only available in our Maker’s Academy: 🪡💕 #embroidery #modernembroidery #DIY #christmasdecorations #christmas"
Agrima Wadhwa on Instagram: "Christmas Series🌲| Day 6 Let's make some ornaments! Macrame Christmas tree bunting Yarn used Jute yarn (4mm) - any length Single ply cotton yarn, green (4mm) - 1m Dm for workshops and products #macrame ##macramemakers #macramelove #india #instagood #instagram #handmade #sustainability #macramekeychain #learnsomethingneweveryday #indian #artistsoninstagram #diy #macramecommunity #knots #explorepage #100daysofmacrame #india #christmas #christmasmacrame"
Agus Gallo🤍Arte, Deco y más... on Instagram: "Buenas tardes y feliz viernes grupazo!!!! Hoy damos por inaugurada la temporada de proyectos navideños, sé que es pronto, pero también sé que les gusta trabajar con tiempo… ☺️ igualmente tendremos variedad de proyectos por acá, no todo será navideño… ( para l@s GRINCH 😁) La idea de hoy es muy simbólica e ilustrativa de la Navidad, un Papá Noel ideal para colocar en la puerta o para darle un toque a algún rincón de la casa! Con una ramita, restos de lana bien gruesa, hilo de algodón y la pistola encoladora de @ideasunipox vas tener listo este proyecto hermoso en menos de una hora… siiiiiii te desafío a intentarlo… sisisi a vos que nunca hisciste ningún proyecto con tus manos, hoy es el día!!! Vamos, vos podes… dale anímate que YO TE AYUDO!!!
Emma Villaneda on Instagram: "Sharing 6 of my MOST VIRAL🎄Dollar Store🎄 HOLIDAY DECOR ideas for your home! 👉🏻 Which decor idea was your favorite?! ♥️ 1. Cabinet Decor 🎄 2. Present Stack ♥️ 3. Candy Center Piece 🎄 4. Dollar Store Tree Collar ♥️ 5. Reindeer Napkin Holder 🎄 6. Oversized Holiday Bell SHOP Cordless🎄HOT GLUE GUN: 👉🏻Click link in Bio 👉🏻Select Amazon Storefront 👉🏻 SHOP ‘DIY Materials’ #gift #giftideas #dollartree #christmas #holidaydecor #holiday #diy #craft #homedecor #christmasdiy #outside #design #home #interior #homedesign #interiordesign #dollartree #dollarstore #kidcraft #creative #christmasdecorations #tutorial #hacks"
Cassandra Aarssen • Organizing Expert on Instagram: "Run Forest Run!! 👟 Head to @dollartree to create this beautiful Christmas forest DIY (get it? see what I did there 😉) You don’t need to spend a lot of money (or time) to create Christmas decorations that look expensive. Just a few bottle brush trees, some spray snow and some green sprigs and voila - a gorgeous Christmas centerpiece! Want more simple holiday DIYs- head to 🔗in bio to check out my YouTube Holiday video playlist filled with hundreds of Christmas decorating ideas and DIYs (well maybe not hundreds but there’s ALOT! ) #christmascenterpiece #christmasdiy #dollartreechristmas #dollartreediy #christmasdecoratingideas"
Christine Spörri on Instagram: "Adventstablett mit Waldbewohner Nach dem runden Tablett, nun das längliche Tablett mit Thema Winterwald. Die Zapfen-Lichterkette sorgt zusammen, aber auch ohne die angezündeten Kerzen für einen schönen Lichterglanz ✨. Material: * 1 Dekoschale Holz * Steckschaum * 2 Tannen groß * 2 Tannen klein * 4 Kerzenhalter * 4 Stabkerzen weiß * Moos * 3 Sterne Anhänger * 1 Lichterkette Zapfen * 1 Rentier stehend * 1 Rentier liegend Weitere Inspirationen zum Thema Advent und Weihnachten im Feed und auf meinem Blog. Geschenkideen für die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit in der Story und im Story Highlight 🎁. #weihnachtsdeko #christmasdecor #advent #adventszeit #christmasdecorations #weihnachtsdekoration #tannenbäumchen #diy #diyhomedecor #rentiere #geschenkidee #adventske
Preschool Crafts & Activities on Instagram: "CHRISTMAS MOOD 🎄 Check out this cute and easy proposal for the Christmas Deco by @creer_es_crear_decoracion . . . . . #christmas #christmasdecor #christmascrafts #christmasideas #christmasdecorations #xmas #diychristmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasforkids #christmascraftsforkids #reusereducerecycle #recycledmaterials #mrmintz"
Ghumakkad.kalakaar on Instagram: "Christmas decoration ! Decoration hacks, Christmas easy decorations, budget friendly diy. Christmas decor series 🌲 . . . #chrismas #easydecor #diy #trendingreels #instagram #howto #diycrafts #woodendecor #wood #crafts #collaboration #viral #dollartree #hobbylobby #hobby #michealcraftstore #holidaydecor #holidaycrafts"
Shannon Andersen on Instagram: "Comment "Holiday" for Link! 🎄✨ Okay, I know it might feel a bit early, but Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year, and I’m already in full holiday planning mode! Last year, these gorgeous pine stems and lighted twigs sold out fast, so I wanted to share this easy Christmas centerpiece idea to help you get a jump start on your decor this season! ✨ Simply comment "Holiday" below for a link to everything I used! Let’s get ahead of the holiday rush and make this season extra special! ❄️💫 #christmasdecor #holidaycenterpiece #christmasinspo #seasonofjoy #festivevibes Live Beautifully ✨ Love Deeply ✨ Be Grateful"
Bailey | Vollmar Vintage on Instagram: "DIY gift idea! 🎄✨ You already know my obsession with vintage brooches! They are so beautiful and many of mine are sentimental because they belonged to my great grandma. I love this gift because it’s thoughtful, affordable, and multipurpose! I chose to add a ribbon and magnets on the back so it could be used as a either a frame, ornament, or fridge magnet. I think this would also make such a fun girls night craft. Try it out for yourself and let me know what you think! 🤍 #diy #diygifts #diygiftideas #thrifted #thriftedchristmas #thriftmas #diychristmasgifts"
• Michaela & Nico 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼• Cookie 🐶 • Mr.Pokee 🦔 on Instagram: "Marmoroptik-Windlicht ✨ Jedes Glas eine andere Optik - wie’s geht ist auch kinderleicht. Alles was ihr braucht: ✨ Windlichtglas ✨ Sprühfarben nach Wahl ✨ Großes Gefäß mit Wasser Die Gläser können sich sehen lassen oder? 🥰✨🫶🏻 #actiondeutschland #easydiy #actiondiy #actionhack #hack #actionaddict #diyvideo #easydecor #dekoideen #dekoinspiration #lowbudget #gartendeko #homedecor #easydiy #easypeasy #diyinspiration #inspiration #upcycling #decorating #selbermachen #homeandliving #outdoordiy #craftideas #bastelliebe #doityourself #createyourown_diy #gartenliebe #outdoorspace #mygardentoday"
Dawnalee | Home + Lifestyle UGC | Kelowna, BC on Instagram: "Gift ideas⤵️ Simmer pots have been around a long time and they’re still one of my favorite items to give or receive. I remember my grandma having a simmer pot on her stove all the time and her house always smelled so warm and welcoming. They’re a great chemical-free alternative to candles to make your house smell fresh and cozy but my favorite reason for simmering is how it also adds moisture into the dry air throughout the cooler winter months. You can use fresh or dried fruits, but obviously when making them as gifts, you’ll need to use dried. I teach others how to create special Christmases with easy recipes, simple decor ideas and gifts from the kitchen. Ready to get through the season without the overwhelm? Make sure
Tereza Rak on Instagram: "První vánoční věnec ✨ #diy #tutorial #wreath #wreathmaking #christmas #vanoce #venec #dekorace"