Physical Therapy

16 Pins
(Infographic) Sitting Disease By the Numbers
An alarming statistic shows that American full-time workers sit too much—and it's killing us. "Sitting Disease," a term coined by the medical community, is causing an increasing number of Americans to gain weight, develop chronic diseases, and even die prematurely. The easiest and most effective solution is to get up and move around more often. - If you like this pin, repin it, like it, comment and follow our boards :-) #FastSimpleFitness
How to apply Kinesiology Tape for IT Band / Runners Knee
How to treat Runners Knee / iliotibial band friction syndrome with kinesiology Tape
Injury Series: Uncovering the role of hip strength and mechanics in the cause and treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome
Uncovering the role of hip strength and mechanics in the cause and treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel Exercises (Gliding exercises for the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus, which pass through the carpal tunnel.)
Blog Reader Question: How much can a person bounce back after a brain injury? - Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
ranchos los amigos scale | Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale
Easy ECG Handheld Monitor FP180, Portable Handheld ECG EKG Monitors
Medical Assistant - St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants now offers an nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program online.‎