Sani Milani

12 Pins
Cooking Skills By Age: Toddlers to Teens
Cooking with your kids is a a great way to fill time, bond with your kids, make memories, teach them a critical life skill, and explore math, reading, and science in a practical setting, all while getting dinner on the table!
Baby Milestone Chart by Month
Seeking a baby milestone chart for the first year is a great helper that will allow you to track your baby's development phases. Track all the baby's development milestones in one place, from the gross motor, to fine motor, social and communication.
How to Introduce Solid Foods to your Baby (4-6 Months)
How to Introduce Solid Foods to your Baby (4-6 Months). Schedule of how much & how often to feed your baby. Also tips and tricks for making introducing solid foods as easy and fun as possible!
How and when to start baby on solids. Sample schedule to follow
Starting a baby on a solid schedule can be an exciting time for you and your baby. But before that, many questions come to mind like how and when to start baby on solids and what schedule to follow initially. What method is the best way to start? What foods should you introduce first? and What to do if your child will not love solids? But don’t worry, here is everything you need to know about starting a baby on solid, including sample schedules.
YouTube Guide for Kids
YouTube Guide for Kids | California Casualty
How and when to start baby on solids. Sample schedule to follow