Scene Painting: Drapery

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Le Nozze Di Figaro. Image of the working progress of a theatre project. December 2009. #SfumatoPinturaEscenica #Opera #Theatre #Sculpture #Painting #Art #Scenic #Scenery #Set #Stage #Murals
Backdrop Vintage Theater Stage Curtain - Black by EveyD on DeviantArt
Set design made with theatre curtains ?
Atmosphere Custom Painting - public bids
This set was a beautiful example of forced perspective scenic design. This production was later made into the movie "Stage Beauty"
Le Nozze Di Figaro. Image of the working progress of a theatre project. December 2009. #SfumatoPinturaEscenica #Opera #Theatre #Sculpture #Painting #Art #Scenic #Scenery #Set #Stage #Murals
Portrait of a Lady of the Hampden Family (in masque costume), Artist Unknown, ca. 1610, English. RISD Museum
Le Nozze Di Figaro. Image of the working progress of a theatre project.
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"Ribbon" | Charles James | 2009.300.742 | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Half-sewn muslin, 1947 The Collection includes an extraordinary group of sewn muslins and flat patterns that represent James' design process from original concept to the finished garment. Several clients gave supporting material along with the actual garments. In some cases, the garments are accompanied by materials that represent all of James' design phases—two flat patterns (paper and muslin) and two sewn muslins (half and full).