Beyond Worldview

137 Pins
Magical Numbers as Synchronicities
Are you starting to notice repetitive numbers everywhere? This list is one way of understanding why certain magical numbers are appearing in your life. Which numbers are you noticing right now?
Moon Rituals
Moon Rituals Grimoire Printable | Moon Magic | Astrology Rituals | How to Rituals for your Grimoire #moonrituals #grimoirepages #moonmagicrituals #astrologyprintable
Ear Ringing Spiritual Meaning: The Omens of the "Death Bell"
Have you ever felt a ringing in your ear? Did something happen afterward that made you wonder if there was more to it than just a random noise/buzzing? I’ve been researching this topic lately and came across some fascinating folk tales and superstitions surrounding ear ringing. It’s made me curious to get your opinions on what this could mean spiritually!