In the Time of the Butterflies Summative

TBD Javen Terry
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Literature of the Generalized I think the characters are generalized as scrificing becuse they didn't have to do all they did to make sure many people were being heard, but they did.
Theme 1. Two symbols in the story is Trujillo and the butterflies 2. When I read about Minerva and Lio, I thought about Nala and Kovu on "Lion King". One parent forbid their child from seeing the other, but they did anyway. 3. The theme of the story is do always do what you beleive no matter what others may think or do to you.
Genre The genre af the novel is historical-fiction because it took place during a historical time period in the Dominican Republic but the story was made up.
Symbolism Trujillo- He symbolizes the devil because he was so cruel, didn't care about anyone, and would do anything to get what he wanted. Sinta told Minerva "Trujillo was doing bad things." pg.17
3. Continued: La Victoria really tested what they trully believed in, especially Mate who was dealing with depression. 4. The mood would be stressed because the Maribal sister's are always finding themselves in some type of situation they're trying to get over or overcome.
Setting 1. The majority of the story took place before 1960 because Dede was telling the inteviewer about the life of her sisters, and 1960 is when they died. 2. The main places that were in the book was the Inmaculada Concepcion, La Victoria, and their home. 3. At the Inmaculada Cocncepcion was where Minerva really got to know who Trujillo was and what he did. All her issues dealing with him and the govrnment started at that moment.
Figurative Language(Metaphor) "A daughter is a needle in the heart." pg.12 Papa was comparing his daughters to a needle in the heart, trying to say how he loves them so much but can be a pain at times.
Figurative Language(Personification) "I know you probably thought me dead all these months." pg.127 Maria was giving her diary the human ability of thinking, but was saying how long it's been since she wrote in the diary.
Firgurative Language(Similie) "Three years stuck in Ojo de Agua, and I was like that princess put to sleep in the fairy tale." pg.86 Minerva was comparing her life to the life of a sleeping princess using the word "like". She was saying how everything is the same thing, there is hardly any change.
Figurative Language(Idom) "... you'd like to throw some water on the turtle." pg.231 Only those in the prison would understand this phrase becasue they used it as code to tell the gaurd that they would like to purchase items such as cigarettes or milk.