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12K views · 76 reactions | Wanna learn how #AbramsKMTP guarantees you’ll melt your body fat without counting calories? 😍 comment “info” 👈 or check my profile to learn more | Abram Anderson
61K views · 52 reactions | Wanna know how women following #AbramsKMTP are guaranteed to melt body fat as a byproduct of better hormonal health? 🤔 comment “info” 👉 | Abram Anderson | Abram Anderson · Original audio
61K views · 52 reactions | Wanna know how women following #AbramsKMTP are guaranteed to melt body fat as a byproduct of better hormonal health? 🤔 comment “info” 👉 | Abram Anderson | Abram Anderson · Original audio
14K views · 72 reactions | Want to learn more about our women’s health & life coaching program #AbramsKMTP that guarantees results without counting calories? 😍comment “info” or check my profile to learn more 👍 | Abram Anderson | Abram Anderson · Original audio
This may contain: a person holding a piece of bread on top of a wooden cutting board with flowers in the background
Quick bagel.
Flaxseed, egg and baking powder, 90 sec in microwave.
Danica on Instagram: "HOW I PROTECT MY KID'S IQ🧠👇 Step 1: Remove competing ions that displace iodine. Fluoride in particular easily displaces iodine in the body because it is much lighter and therefore more reactive. I use the natural mineral zeolite clinoptilolite to remove fluoride as it has been shown in studies to remove fluoride through the process known as "adsorption." Anecdotally, when I put my daughter on zeolite one of the first things she experienced was an improvement in her sleep. I suspect it's because the zeolite decalcyfied her pineal gland (the gland that governs sleep) by cleaning all the fluoride & toxins out of it. Comment "autumn" for the zeolite I use DAILY for myself and family. Step 2. I choose to supplement with iodine as it's pretty difficult to get eno
Abram Anderson - Hormonal Health Coach & Nutritionist on Instagram: "Interested in learning more on how our women’s health & life coaching program #AbramsKMTP guarantees results without counting calories? 😍 comment “info” 🙌"
Melanie Sandford on Instagram: "This whipped body butter is amazing! It’s great for crepey skin, spider veins, varicose, veins, cellulite, stretch, marks, age spots, etc…It’s all natural and here’s the recipe: 2 tablespoons of Shea, butter unrefined 2 tablespoons# of raw cocoa butter, 4 tablespoons of cold pressed hexane, free castor oil, three droppers of vitamin E. Melt that down in a saucepan of boiling water in a glass bowl. Add your favorite essential oil I added lemongrass and lavender from @@GuruNanda LLC to make it a lotion that is also a natural bug repellent. Put it in the refrigerator or freezer and then when you take it out, you want to use an electric hand mixer to whip it until all the lumps are out and it’s completely creamy then transfer it into your jar and you have the mo
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Food Facts/Food Quotes/Healthy Food