Salves and Balms

Homemade Rub for Colds and Flu | DIY Cold and Flu Balm
Suffering from a cough, sore throat, stuffy nose or clogged sinuses? Promote healing with a homemade rub for colds and flu that you can apply to the chest and feet! This homemade salve recipe uses only natural ingredients and essential oils and is a great way to ease the symptoms of a cold or flu. The DYI balm for colds and flu helps to clear nasal congestion and to relief from respiratory problems. Suitable for adults and children. #rub #salve #cold #flu #essentialoils |
Get Burn Relief with This Easy-to-Make Homemade Salve
Best Burn Salve
How to make an herbal burn salve
How to make a burn salve from herbs that will actually help the skin heal faster! Antibacterial. I used this salve on a burn and it was completely gone within 2 months! It's easy to make and only requires a few ingredients, but works great on mild burns. Help your skin heal naturally with this natural ointment, don't hinder it with chemicals!
Natural Antihistamine Balm with Essential Oils for Allergies - Happy Mothering
11 of the Best Salve and Balm Recipes for Your Skin
Check out these 11 all-natural salve and balm recipes to heal and soothe your skin. Switch up your regular drugstore moisturizers to these DIY salve and balm recipes for amazing skin solutions and overall care! #skincare #all-naturalbeauty #salve #balm #naturalhealing #healinggarden #plant-basedbeauty #gardentherapy
Arnica Muscle Pain Relief Balm With Warming Cayenne