Halloween Jokes and Puzzle Fun

Have some Halloween fun with bewitching, ghostly, and spooky jokes and puzzles about witches, skeletons, scarecrows, ghosts, and anything Halloweeny!
60 Pins
Cindy Evans
What kind of tests do they give in witch school? - Halloween witch joke with answer
Printable Puzzles
How did skeletons send their letters in the past? - Halloween skeleton joke with answer
Cindy Evans
Where does an explorer go on Halloween? - Halloween joke with answer
Cindy Evans
Why can’t you stab a zombie with a broken pencil? - Halloween Zombie joke with answer
Cindy Evans
What is a scarecrow’s favorite food? - Halloween scarecrow joke with answer
Crafts | Disney Family
Hard Halloween Word Search - Word Searches for Halloween - Kaboose.com
Cindy Evans
Who was the most famous witch detective? - Halloween witch joke with answer
Cindy Evans
What do you call a skeleton who won’t get up in the mornings? - Halloween skeleton joke with answer
Cindy Evans
What was the name of the DJ scarecrow? - Halloween scarecrow joke with answer