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burmilla cat personality-lifespan of burmilla cats
Burmese cats. Description, features, care and value of Burmese Barmila Cat - Silk Beauty The work of breeders is laborious and lasts for more than a month,
neva masquerade cat life expectancy
The first time you see such a pussy, it is impossible not to fall in love with her. Relatively recently encouraged offspring have already won the hearts of many cat lovers and there are many reasons.
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This fascinating cat breed is an intentional (man-made) cross between a traditional or classic Siamese cat and a Burmese cat.
Kinkalo cat-The smallest cat in the world
So, for example, when it reaches 18 - 20 kg, the average weight can be about 10. However, this article will focus on smaller varieties that do not reach more than 4 kg.