Poodle Haircut Styles

Different types of common poodle clips. Do you want a clean face or maybe an Asian style like a teddy bear clip? Lots of fluff or easy maintenance? #poodlegrooming
73 Pins
10 Sections
Ruger the standard poodle
The gorgeous Rugar owner by Bianca.
52 weeks of "Lucy"
love the top knot! not normally a fan of the fluff, but it would be fun to try.
Short Body, Big Topknot?
Miami clip and big top knot... blended neckline.
Oodles of Poodles
DOGS POODLES ♡ STANDARDS ~ "A Poodle Portrait" - Geraldine
My Diva Dog Model of the Day "Paris" modeling her tutu and gorgeous rhinestone collar available at www.teacuptutucharm.com :)
Upgrade Airbrush Kit + Temp Ink Value Pack (VP07)
Temporary Dog Grooming Airbrush Ink Set - 10 Colors Value Pack