
25 Pins
How to Write about Food: How to Become a Published Restaurant Critic, Food Journalist, Cookbook Author, and Food Blogger
How to write a recipe like a pro - Pastry Workshop
As a food blogger you need to how to write a recipe, how to explain it and how to take responsability for it. Read and learn the do's and don'ts here!
How to Create a Recipe Book with Childhood Favorite Recipes
I have so many containers of family recipes laying around. This is a great tutorial for putting them into a cookbook where you can see and use them. These cookbooks are great holiday gift ideas or for passing down to your kids!
The Joy of Writing a Great Cookbook: How to Share Your Passion for Cooking from Idea to Published Book to Marketing It Like a Bestseller
How to Create Your Own Recipes
Learning how to create your own recipes is much easier than I thought!! You can create your own recipe from scratch with this easy guide, and learn how to make a recipe book! #howtocreateyourownrecipesbaking #howtocreatearecipe #howtomakearecipe
How Recipe Writing is Changing, and How It's Influencing Our Cooking | cooks & books
A cookbook literary agent's advice on how to write recipes that stand out from the millions of recipes available online, so that you get even more readers and attract attention from top agents and media!
Cookbook Software - make a cookbook with our award winning recipe software
Cookbook Software - make a cookbook with our award winning recipe software