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17 Note-Taking Tips That'll Make Everyone In Class Want To Copy You
17 Note-Taking Tips That'll Make Everyone In Class Want To Copy You
how to study for biology
Here is a detailed guide on how to study for biology 🧫🧬🥼🔬🧪 Know Theory • Unlike courses like chemistry and physics that mainly require one to apply theory, many biology courses are centered around knowing large amount of information. • 1. Write clear & DETAILED notes. And yes, biology is one of those subjects that requires pages of notes. • 2. Visuals are everything! Draw diagrams. Screenshot textbook pictures of mechanisms, pathways, structures, etc. Create tables and learn to compartmentalize info to make it easier for your brain. 3. Write concept maps. Almost any biology topic can be simplified into simple concept maps with key terms and examples that you can refer back to during exam time.I would have entire 40 page lectures drawn into a single page concept map right befor
Suburban Science
Cornell notes are an effective way for students to study! In this set, high school Biology students can learn about atoms and molecules.
10 Popular High School Chemistry Homeschool Curriculum
10 popular high school chemistry homeschool curriculum. Sorting through popular chemistry homeschool curriculum can be daunting. However, a practical high school chemistry homeschool curriculum should be easy to understand. Both a non-science oriented teen and strong science oriented teen can find a curriculum to match their interests.CLICK here to look at your options and fun supplements! #highschoolhomeschoolchemistrycurriculum