DIY Corset/T shirt ideas

Proiect Alabama Red Sequin Flower Embroidered Tank Size M
Project Alabama Red Sequin Flower Embroidered Tank
Hand Made Corset Style Altered Tee Shirt
Hand Made Corset Style Altered Tee Shirt | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
nikki out west | the story of a journey - Part 12
from Alabama Stitch Book
First attempt at an Alabama Chanin design. Made from up-cycled t-shirts. | Express Your Creativity!
Alabama Chanin Corset top made with the family's old t-shirts (reversible!)
"All Right, Mr. Cohen, I'm Ready For My Close-Up...." *
Alabama Chanin style
poshiv odezdy
This is a Russia blog. But it is filled with wonderful fabric manipulation, sewing tips, patterns, designs. Incredible. Got to it for this beading with knots?