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47K likes, 361 comments - hairbylin on January 6, 2024: "Versatile Quick Weave Install | Hair: 3 Bundles x 24” | Available For Sale | For all appointments Click Link In Bio | Hairbylin.Com • • • • #cornrow #cornrows #trenzas #2partsewin #weaves #3partsewin #protectivestyles #protectivehairstyles #nycbraider #versatileinstall #braid #quickweavenyc #braidedhairstyles #nycbraiders #nycbraidstylist #quickweaveinstall #extensions #hairextensions #extensionspecialist #versatileweave #versatilew
I took a break from serving y’all this gorgeousness so you don’t get an overdose!!!😂 but this was just too cute to leave in my picture… | Instagram
Locgician on Instagram: "Been practicing how to do this fishtail braid for the longest, and I'm FINALLY comfortable enough to do it on my clients. 🥰 I think I did pretty good! Locgician @dreadsbydread #locgician #goodlocday #goodlocdayvibes #goodlocvibes #locstyling #locretwist #locrepair #dreadlocks #locmaintenance #houstonloctician #dreads #neatlocs #miamilocs #locticians #loctransformation #locstyles #braidedlocs #naturalhair #fishtailbraid #blackhairstyles #locdup #miamiloctician #ilovemylocs #dreadsforwomen #blessedhands"
MK✨• MISSISSAUGA HAIRSTYLIST on Instagram: "Highly requested video!! Please save this for later😍 The trick is to wrap the hair FLAT against the flexi rod. This will help to maintain and mimic the shape of the curl to enhance the bounct curl look. When taking down the flexi rods, open the bottom of the flexi rod and let the curl drop out on its own. Do NOT unravel as you will ruin the curl. I hope this helps"
RVA Natural Hair Care on Instagram: "Quick tutorial on how to so invisible locs. I always show yall the process but never the how to actually do the style. This is one of my favorite protective styles because it’s so versatile, can be long or short, curly pieces or just the loc. Either way the look is going to GIVE 😍"
Micro Braids: All You Need to Know About this Coiffure – Svelte Magazine
Micro Braids: All You Need to Know About this Coiffure – Svelte Magazine
This is your Sign to Start your Hair growth Buisness✨️ This Natural Hair Butter is a certified Money Maker! Comment “BEAUTY” for more FREE recipes 🔥💇🏽‍♀️

oils have been used to treat hair loss for over 100 years. A compound in them is thought to boost hair growth. #naturalhair #bodybutter #piping #smallbusiness #hairgrowthjourney
Hair Butter Recipe for Hair Growth
This is your Sign to Start your Hair growth Buisness✨️ This Natural Hair Butter is a certified Money Maker! Comment “BEAUTY” for more FREE recipes 🔥💇🏽‍♀️ oils have been used to treat hair loss for over 100 years. A compound in them is thought to boost hair growth. #naturalhair #bodybutter #piping #smallbusiness #hairgrowthjourney