Advanced Astrology

Advanced astrology for those who are learning astrology. Information on the zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) and the astrological planets (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus), and also the asteroids Chiron, Lilith and Eris. Info to expand learning birth charts and reading natal charts. Transits through signs and houses, aspects and placements.
140 Pins
Uranus Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart: Personality, Appearance, Being Weird - Astrology
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Mixed Elements in the Natal Chart
Astrology of Progressed Saturn
Attention all Virgo peeps! 9 most common Virgo rising problems.
If you're a Virgo rising, or have a loved one who is, chances are very likely that you've encountered these 9 most common virgo ascendant problems. This article for both advanced astrology and astrology for beginners goes into the root of these problems and the evolutionary intent of the Virgo zodiac sign. Dig into the most common issues affecting Virgo rising sign individuals, physically, mentally and emotionally.