Prehistoric Life

Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures, Pleistocene / Ice Age flora and fauna, Paleozoic plants, Cambrian fossils, the life and living of Earth before people starting writing things down.
218 Pins
Found a mandible in the travertin floor at my parents house : r/fossils
Fossil of an ancient shark that swam in the age of dinosaurs solves centuries-long mystery | CNN
Fossil of an ancient shark that swam in the age of dinosaurs solves centuries-long mystery | CNN
WTF Fun Fact 13276 - Hallucigenia
WTF Facts : funny, interesting & weird facts WTF Fun Fact 13276 - Hallucigenia 13276 #Animals #cambrianage #fact #facts #fossils #funfactsaboutanimals #funnyanimalfacts #Hallucigenia #Nature #prehistoric #randomfact #randomfacts #randomfunnyfact #Science #Weird #weirdanimalfacts #wtf #wtffact #wtffunfact
Person Goes Around Asking Professionals What Weird Questions They Have Been Asked, Delivers A List Of The 12 Best Ones
Person Asked 12 Workers From Various Fields To Share Some Odd Questions They've Had To Answer