Golden Foods

73 Pins
Plan Your Dream Vacation And We'll Tell You Which Outrageous Dessert You Must Try
Quiz: Plan Out Your Vacation And Get An Outrageous Dessert To Try
箔一 東山店 | RETRIP[リトリップ]
箔一 東山店 | RETRIP[リトリップ]
[Å] 金沢で人気沸騰!箔一の金箔ソフトクリームを兼六園で食べてきた
ただの旅行じゃつまんない?!「観光スポット+○○」で楽しむ『金沢』まるごとおすすめ帖 | キナリノ
Money cake! Four cake mixes, held together with icing and supports inside the cake. I used straws and skinny cake boards. Then shaped it like a bucket. Crumb coated, Strips of chocolate fondant were applied to it. Don't forget to hollow out a section in the middle to hold all the coins. Add a ton of coins and you're done!