Narcissism MEMES

Memes about narcissists and narcissism, helping to put a spotlight on their unconscionable behaviour.
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Why Narcissists Love Empaths
Narcissists absolutely love empaths for their kind and giving nature. Not because they value those things, oh no. But because they can so easily gain the empath’s trust and use their kindness to manipulate them into doing what they want and handing over their resources. Once the narcissist and empath relationship progresses, the empath slowly begins to lose themselves to the narcissist’s abuse, without even being aware of what’s happening. Over time, the empath ends up living each day in survival mode, always trying to either ‘fix’ the narcissist or get back to how things were in the beginning. They don’t understand why the narcissist is now so cruel when all they’re trying to do is help them be better.
Narcissists Use Empaths Over & Over Again
Empaths feel like they want to heal everyone or at least help them ease their pain. Due to their extra attentive and ‘feeling’ nature, they end up being over-givers. Unaware empaths are even more prone to over-giving, because they haven’t yet learnt that it’s not their job to ‘fix’ everyone else, nor does everyone have their best interests at heart. Narcissists and manipulators will use the empath’s compassion against them, over and over again. What the empath doesn’t realise is that the underlying reason for wanting to solve everyone else’s problems is really just to grant themselves relief from having to feel so much. This is particularly common when the empath is not yet able to discern between what is their own energy and what is not.
Narcissists NEEDS Narcissistic Supply Like an Addict Needs Their Drug
The narcissist’s ego maintains the fantasy by seeking out narcissistic supply like a drug addict. 💉 However, if people knew that by enabling the narcissist they were allowing them to siphon out their precious ⚡️life force energy, they would never agree. Hence, like a 😈 devil in disguise, the narcissist must manipulate, coerce and trick people into doing it. For the psychological survival of the narcissist, their delusion must be continuously fed. Without constant feedback from the world around them that their False Self and fantasy reality is ‘true,’ it will quickly begin to dissolve, leaving the narcissist to fall into their own inner void. The narcissist will stop at NOTHING to prevent that from happening since they are a conscienceless being.
Narcissist Meme: Trading in Their True Self for a Black Hole
In other words, the narcissist cut off their conscience. 🪚 The narcissist didn’t realise that they were trading in their True Self for an empty black hole. Nor did they realise that this black hole would vibrate out even greater feelings of disgust and shame, since there’s nothing authentic left inside of them. The only way for the narcissist to move through life now was by letting their ego take charge. Since the ego is nothing but a ‘no self,’ which can be usurped at any time, it knows that for its own survival, it needs to hide the narcissist from the truth of who they are. A scared, vulnerable and defective person who is not special at all.
Narcissists Intentionally Isolate their Victims from Family & Friends
Narcissists will slowly and subtly try to isolate you from your friends and family. They will do things to put a wedge between you and your loved ones so that your support system falls away and you end up largely or solely dependent on them. This way, you’re easier to manipulate and less likely to talk about things the narcissist does, which could alert alarm bells within others. There are many ways they’ll work to isolate you. It could be starting arguments with your family, making it difficult for you to see them. They might even make you feel like you need to choose between them or your family, setting an ultimatum in place. Or, they might subtly sabotage your catch-ups with your friends in such a way that it becomes easier just to say no to those invitations.
Why Narcissists are Argumentative
Narcissists are EXTREMELY argumentative. This is partly an extension of them having to ‘win’ at everything, but more than that, they must always be ‘right.’ Remember, narcissists live in a fantasy delusion where they are perfect, superior and the centre of all things. So, if you say something that goes against anything that supports their fantasy, they will argue with you until they’re blue in the face. Narcissists will not back down in an argument because to do that would be to admit to themselves that their fantasy is not real. They will keep at you until you are so drained you either admit defeat or agree to disagree through sheer exhaustion.
Narcissism Meme
When you don’t understand you’re dealing with a narcissist, you put so much energy into trying to teach them how to be decent human beings. What a colossal waste of time that was!
Narcissists Are Extreme Hipocrites
Narcissists are EXTREME hypocrites. While they expect you to be there for them whenever they need you, they’ll go awol in your time of need. They might have many friends who they text and catch up with of the opposite sex, but don’t you dare have one single friend in that category. When they walk in the door after work, they’ll demand all of your attention as they debrief about their day, but will be outright disinterested or annoyed when you talk about your own day. All of the narcissist’s hypocrisies work to reinforce that THEY are the only one who truly matters, while you are there to serve them. Your needs are nothing but an inconvenience to them and over time, they will program you to not even prioritise them yourself.
Energy Vampires see Empathy, Kindness & Love as Weaknesses to Be Exploited
Genuine human beings with a conscience DO NOT see kindness and empathy as weaknesses, they see them for what they truly are - beautiful assets. So, if you notice anyone using those commendable traits against you, even in the subtlest of ways, the choice is a simple one. Quietly walk away and refuse them all entry to you, your life and most importantly, your energy.
Narcissist Meme: Pretending Like You're Best Friends After They've Abused You
I'm sure many of you can relate... 😒. Narcissists are masters are conveniently 'forgetting' about the horrendous way they've treated you and will pretend like nothing has gone down at all. This creates confusion and cognitive dissonance. Meaning that one half of you is like, "Wtf is happening?" while the other half is thinking, "Ohh see, they really do care about me after all." This is how narcissists are able to continuously cycle abuse victims through their horrendous treatment over and over again.
When the Narcissist Can No Longer Rattle You
When you raise your vibration to such a level that you end up with a full-on narc radar. 📡🙌
Narcissists Weaponise Guilt
Narcissists know that the best way to coerce empathetic people into handing over whatever they want is to lay the guilt on THICK! EXAMPLES of Guilt-tripping: 🥺 “How could you do that to me?” 🥺 “After everything I’ve done for you.” 🥺 “Go on, leave me just like my dad did.” 🥺 “I’m just asking for a bit of help, but you can’t even do that.” 🥺 “I can’t believe you’d do this to me. I never thought you were that type of person, but now you’ve shown your true colours.” The purpose of guilting is to pull at your heartstrings and make you feel like you’re a terrible person for not helping them. The trick is to stand in your power and notice when someone else is trying to make you feel bad for something that is THEIR responsibility, not yours
When a Narcissist Belittles You, Take it as a Compliment!
Narcissists are the quintessential schoolyard bully. Since they can't rise up and be better, they'll pull down the ones around them who are lighter and brighter than they are. It's the only tactic they have to put themselves above or ahead of others. The thing is, it only works if their target falls for it. Take it as a compliment, I say, and use it to shine even brighter!
Covert Narcissists Are the Biggest Victims on Earth
Oh, they'll tell you alright. You don't even have to ask them... 🤦🏻‍♀️
"What's in it for me?" - Famous Narcissist Words
Narcissists are EXPLOITATIVE and PREDATORY in nature. From the moment they cut off their true authentic self, they became a ‘service to self’ being. Narcissists will only ever put energy into something that they can get even more energy out of. They’re perpetual ‘takers,’ feeding off and exploiting people who have a more ‘service to others’ nature. #unmaskingthenarc🎭