
16 Pins
10 Prize Box Ideas for Elementary Students
I have recently started implementing a prize box in my classroom and it has changed the motivation level of many students in my class. What do you put in your prize box? What prizes do students like best? These prizes are perfect for lower and upper elementary students in first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders get excited at school when they see these classroom management rewards.
Portfolio Assessment Letter |
This letter can be sent home to explain to parents how and why portfolio assessments are being used.
Preschool Assessments
Within my preschool classroom, I have been completing assessments with each student during Center Time. This is something I was very used ...
The Beginning - READ THIS FIRST!! - Modern Parents Messy Kids
The Beginning - READ THIS FIRST
Books about Fractions and math activities
Learning Fractions: Kids Books & Hands-on Math Activities -- great for kids…
reading area ideas
Tree idea for Reading Area, tent... Options: attach some of the branches to the…
37 Best Math Board Games & Other Math Games To Develop Math Skills
70 cool math games, separated by grade level. An amazing list to help add some…
The Book with a Hole
I'm going to make this but change the pictures in to some rough tough toddler…