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Le plus grand magazine au monde sur le commerce de tlvision numrique depuis 1981 Satellite OTT Smart TV IP/WebTV Streaming

Rapport de test

09-10 2013
Egalement: MKTECH: Un rcepteur idal pour lAmrique du sud CHANGHONG: Va au-del de ses activits de base pour venir en aide aux victimes SPEEDCAST: Le site de liaison montante dAmrique du sud, un passage oblig TIVI+: Une tlcommande qui agit comme un TV

Rapport de test


Les multiswitch multiplient la capacit des systmes de cable


Valeriy Kuchkovskiy Utilise lancienne technologie tubes pour ses remarquables amplificateurs

Rapport de test


Paul Pickering Offre aux cablo-oprateurs, loutil idal pour des installations professionnelles


Rapport de test

Analyse tout type de signal TV du monde


TELE-audiovision International
t The Worlds Larges gazine Ma de Tra TV l ita Dig
since 1981

Alexander Wiese
Publisher y HQ in Munich, German

Chers lecteurs,
Il na jamais t plus facile de mesurer des signaux numriques. Au cours des trois dernires annes, nous avons vu comment sest largi de plus en plus, la disponibilit des analyseurs de signaux. Au dbut, ctait juste des rcepteurs de tlvision numrique modifis qui ont t placs dans un botier qui leur permettait de ressembler un analyseur de signal. Mais ce nest plus la mme chose ,aujourdhui! Les nouveaux analyseurs de signaux sont de vritables analyseurs qui donnent des rsultats rels. Mme lexploitation de ces analyseurs est devenue de plus en plus facile et, plus surprenant encore, leur prcision de mesure qui na cess de samliorer alors quen parallle , le prix de ces analyseurs de signaux a chut de plus en plus. Y at-il une excuse dornavant, pour ne plus mesurer des signaux numriques? La rponse est simple: non. Dans le mme sillage, les exigences ne cessent daugmentent pour toute personne implique dans les installations de tlvision numrique. Comme il ny a plus aucun handicap dinstaller correctement quelque chose et de complter une installation avec un protocole officiel de test, chaque installateur et concepteur de systme doivent accorder une attention beaucoup plus proche quauparavant pour corriger les valeurs. Tout ce que vous prvoyez et installez , doit tre fait avec beaucoup plus dattention maintenant. Laugmentation du nombre danalyseurs de signaux engrange une bonne consquence qui permet maintenant aux nombreux professionnels de la tlvision numrique dtre en mesure den acqurir. La qualit de leur travail augmentera en consquence. Cela est galement ncessaire vue que la complexit de la technologie daujourdhui, lexige. Il sagit dun dveloppement technologique parallle: beaucoup de technologies de tlvision numrique daujourdhui sont utilises de la meilleure faon possible dans les analyseurs de signaux daujourdhui. Dans chaque numro de Tl-audiovision, nous vous prsentons un aperu actualis de tous les analyseurs de signaux actuellement disponibles. Jetez en un coup dil lintrieur de cette dition partir de la page 128. Mme si vous avez dj un analyseur de signaux, il ya beaucoup de nouvelles choses dcouvrir et plus souvent quautrement, ces nouveaux analyseurs sont trs abordables.

Alexander Wiese Rdacteur en chef de Tl-audiovision international

Address TELE-audiovision International, PO Box 1234, 85766 Munich-Ufg, GERMANY/EUROPE Editor-in-Chief Alexander Wiese, Published by TELE-audiovision Magazine GmbH, Aschheimer Weg 19, 85774 Unterfoehring, GERMANY/EUROPE Design Nmeti Barna Attila Advertising or email to Hard Copy Subscription Hard Copy Subscription by Courier Service Send Order to Copyright 2013 by TELE-audiovision ISSN 2195-5433
TELE-satellite was established in 1981 and today is the oldest, largest and most-read digital tv trade magazine in the world. TELE-satellite is seen by more than 350,000 digital tv professionals around the world and is available both in printed form and online.


Deviser S7000 Multi Norm Professional Digital TV Signal Analyzer........... 18 MKTech IS1-19HD Satellite and Terrestrial PVR Receiver.............................. 48

UHDTV.............. 162

HORIZON HD-CM+ DVB-C Signal Meter............... 62 REIND......... 188 DragonSat DS-5500HD HDTV Satellite Receiver................ 72 CHANGHONG.... 196

SPAUN SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY & SUS 5581 F Cascadable SCR Multiswitches........ 88

SPEEDCAST....... 214

Air Tivi+ Tiviar App......... 98

Audolici A1/25 Hi-Fi audio amplifier...........................104

Global Readership of TELE-audiovision Magazine............... 12 AWARD Winning: Digital Receivers of 21st Century......... 118 AWARD Winning: Signal Analyzers of 21st Century......... 128 AWARD Winning: IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century.............................. 136 AWARD Winning: The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century.............................. 142 Feature: Self-made IPTV - Part 3...................... 148 Feature: Ultra High Definition Television............ 162 8

Digital Technology: New Developments............................ 166 Vitors Workshop Overview: How to get the most out of technology.............................. 172 Company Report: Digital TV Wholesaler REIND, Iceland............................... 188 Company Report: Satellite Receiver Manufacturer CHANGHONG, China.......................... 196 Global Company Directory: The Decision Makers in Worldwide Digital TV Industry.......... 202 Company Report: Satellite Uplink SPEEDCAST, Brazil............................. 214

Uplink Overview: Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations................................... 230 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 1983................. 240 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 1993................. 242 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 2003................. 244 News: Ultra High Definition HDTV............... 248 WebTV Providers Around the World............................... 250 DTT of the World............................ 252 Satellites of the World................. 254

TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

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TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

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Analyseur digital multi-norme de signal TV

S7000, Analyseur de Signal TV de Diviser

Grand cran haute dfinition Convient au MPEG 2 et MPEG 4 Spectre en temps rel pour identifier rapidement les transpondeurs actifs Peut tre contrl distance par PC ou tlphone mobile Trs ergonomique avec fonctionnement efficace

18 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Partie 1: Fonctions de l'analyseur 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Multi Norm Digital TV Signal Analyzer

Professional Combination Analyzer for all Digital TV Standards

My expectations were big when Deviser sent their new flagship S7000 to us here at TELE-audiovision to be tested. Its a signal analyzer that can work with essentially all the different TV standards: satellite DVBS/S2 signals, cable DVBC signals as well as all the terrestrial standards DVB-T/T2/H, ATSC, DTMB signals and, believe it or not, even older analog signals. As is normal, I first use the device to be tested for a while without having to worry about the test report so that I can simply gain some experience with the unit. But I also like to open up the boxes as soon as they arrive and play around with the devices without first reading the user manual. Its simply

Deviser S7000 Best professional instrument for measurement and analysis of all globally used TV systems

20 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

ously only available on a PC with specialized software. But thats not all. Do you remember the TELE-audiovision issues from 12-01/2012 and 02-03/2012? In those issues I described my idea of implementing a waterfall diagram to continuously display the spectrum for satellite signal analyzers. This makes it possible to display the spectrum over a specified time period so that, for example, intermittent errors could be identified. It also makes it much easier to align antennas, especially motorized dishes. Suffice it to say that its thrilling to find this fun to do this but it also gives you a feel of how easy it will be to work with the unit. But this time it was different: I was speechless when I first saw the S7000. This unbelievable analyzer can not only handle your typical measurements like those youd find in higher-end professional units, it also integrates a complete transport stream analyzer that provides information on the entire contents of a received transponder. All of the parameters can be displayed this type of detail was previfunction in the S7000. It also comes as no surprise that measurements like Echo, Barscan, skew, constellation diagrams, realtime spectrum analysis, etc., are available in this super analyzer. Using the S7000 is childs play and the user manual was only needed occasionally to make sure that none of its functions were overlooked. Another surprise in these tests came from the included CD. The software on this CD not only allowed the comfortable administration of the channel and transponder lists, logger files and screenshots, but we discovered
22 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

that the entire signal analyzer could be completely remotely controlled. This makes it possible to remotely diagnose problems. You simply place the analyzer at the customer site and access it via the internet. Or you could climb on the roof with your mobile phone while the analyzer stays in the living room. The Deviser S7000 is overwhelming. Thus far we have never had the opportunity to test such a complete and feature-rich signal analyzer.

Since a full encompassing test report of this unbelievable signal analyzer would be much longer than normal, this report is divided into two parts. The first part presents a detailed introduction to the Deviser S7000s wide range of functions. In the next issue of TELE-satellite we will report on our actual test results where we thoroughly tested the S7000 to our satisfaction. Deviser was founded in 1990 and is located in Tianjin in northeastern China, not

too far from Beijing. Deviser develops signal analyzers for TV and radio and is Chinas leader in this segment. Deviser is on the way to becoming an international force as well. Deviser is the first Chinese signal analyzer manufacturer to receive ISO9001 certification. Deviser first appeared in TELE-audiovision in the 06-07/2011 issue and then again recently in the 07-08/2013 issue after they moved into their brand new production and office facility. The Deviser TV Analyzer S7000 reached our test center packed in a cardboard box in which the actual product package was packed. Inside we found the sufficiently protected S7000 in a soft carrying case made out of durable nylon. A removable box contained the following accessories: Charger (12V/5A) 12V car charger Carrying case replacement strap Two F adapters (malemale) GPS antenna with USB interface Mini CD with user manual in PDF format and control software Guarantee card The analyzers TFT screen is surprisingly large with a diagonal measurement of 7 inches. Its size is similar to that of Android tablets. The analyzer is relatively lightweight and thanks to its rubber jacket it can be securely held in your hands. At 3.4 Kg (7.5 Lbs), longer workdays are possible with the S7000. The carrying case is very handy. Unlike other analyzers, you wont have the urge to remove the case since, despite providing protection for the analyzer, it still allows access to all of the units buttons. Also practical is the ability to open the case upwards into three segments. By folding the three

segments into a triangle, it makes it easy to place the analyzer in an inclined position on a table thus simplifying its use, especially if youre used to using analyzers that could only be laid flat on the table or placed standing fully upright. In either case the analyzer would be hard to use and the screen could not easily be viewed. So, a serious plus to Deviser for coming up with the idea to place the analyzer in an inclined position. The front side of the S7000 pays tribute to Devisers many years of experience with professional signal analyzers. And its the ergonomics that stand out here in the foreground; sure enough, youll find your way around very quickly. The already mentioned 7 TFT screen has a resolution of 800x480 pixels and is large enough to clearly display all information. The days of switching between different low-resolution screens just to view all of the important parameters are over. To the left of the centrally located screen is a button to turn the unit on and off. Below this button are three LEDs that show the status of the rechargeable battery: battery is charging, analyzer is switched on/off and battery is discharged. To the right of the screen are six function buttons. The function of these buttons is shown in the corresponding spot on the screen next to these buttons and varies depending on what menu screen is currently active. Under the screen are an additional three groups of buttons: the group to the left consists of six function buttons that can be accessed at any time (TV, HOME, EXPLORER, CH INFO, SETUP and SAVE), the central group consists of an alphanumeric keypad for frequency and text entry using 12 but23 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International

tons and lastly the right-side group of buttons includes arrow buttons plus an OK button for confirmation and ESC and TAB buttons. The relatively large number of buttons actually simplifies

operation in that most of the buttons only have a single function. Theres no unnecessary switching to go through like there would be with multi-function buttons. Aside from that, we definitely

approve the ability to enter frequencies directly. On the top side of the S7000 is the HF input in the form of an F connector. Two male-male F adapters are included in the package. Of course, other types of connectors can be used such as the type needed for a typical CATV antenna jack. Unfortunately, the required connector adapters are not included as accessories with the S7000 although any practicing technician would already have these adapters. On the left side of the an-

alyzer is the outlet for the cooling fan and the carrying case has a mesh cutout in the same location so that the analyzer can also be operated and even recharged in its carrying case without giving it a second thought. These details are evidence of Devisers attention to detail. Additional connections can be found on the right side of the analyzer: a USB port for the GPS antenna and USB storage device, an RJ-45 port as well as a connection for the power supply. Further up is the HDMI jack so that

24 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

the display can also be routed to an external monitor; this could be useful, for example, in a training environment. The carrying case has the necessary Velcro flaps to cover the inputs. The rechargeable battery can be swapped out by the user and can be accessed

from the rear panel. Theres also another highlight of this professional analyzer: an ASI input and output. Its very unusual yet excellent for measuring real professional systems. Theres even a Common Interface (CI) available and with the proper CAM even encrypted

channels can be analyzed. The built-in speaker is also mounted on the rear side. The housing on the front is made out of light plastic although it certainly doesnt have a cheap feel to it; on the contrary, the analyzer is extremely solid and firm. The housing doesnt warp

at all when it is squeezed; the sides and bottom of the analyzer are metallic. A light blue rubber cover protects it from accidental bumps and also if it should fall to the floor. Throughout our tests we really didnt have to worry about the S7000; we could focus on our work

26 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


without having to constantly keep an eye on the analyzer. After turning the S7000 on, it needs only 18 seconds before its ready to be used. The Main menu appears from which you can switch between SAT and CATV/terrestrial mode with the help of the menu buttons on the side. The IPTV option can be added for an additional charge whereby even IPTV in a network could then also be measured and analyzed. This option was not available in our test analyzer. The S7000 comes shipped with transponder lists from numerous satellites as well as the frequency tables for cable and terrestrial TV. Additionally, the analyzer permits the administration of various channel lists that are created from an automatic channel scan. They can also be manually edited and managed. At this point its important to point out that the S7000 can analyze a signal unusually fast and can automatically set the corresponding reception parameters. In SAT mode you can very quickly get used to driving to the desired transponder and directly take measurements in a real-time spectrum. The signal is correctly locked on to within 1-3 seconds, even with non-standard symbolrates. Theres no other analyzer known that can accomplish this as fast. Of course DXers will be excited about this since feeds can then be found so much faster. Its not a coincidence that the S7000 is labeled TV Analyzer. It actually contains a complete transponder stream analyzer. It can not only display MPEG2 and MPEG4 video with audio (analog video and audio too), it also shows a variety of parameters and PIDs. Added to this are powerful functions

to fully analyze and measure transport streams. Up until now, these kinds of functions have never been found in analyzers in this price class. Absolutely ideal is the ability to store the transponder stream on a USB storage device so that it can be analyzed more closely or documented later on in the office. We cant help but reveal our opinion at this point: as a passionate DXer, feedhunting is a piece of cake with this analyzer! It has never been so simple using a realtime spectrum to select the typical transponder peaks of feeds (theyre much narrower than normal transponders and are also typically lower in power) and then push the TV button. In just seconds the S7000 automatically processes the reception parameters and simultaneously makes it possible to completely analyze the received transponders. So much for the Deviser S7000s introduction. Its become clear that this is no ordinary combination meter for satellite, cable and terrestrial TV; its a complete TV analyzer that can perform every conceivable measurement and signal analysis and yet is still small and lightweight, has a high-resolution display and can operate for up to five hours on its own. In part two of this report in the next issue of TELEaudiovision, we will present the results of our tests. The S7000 had to compete against our TELE-audiovision upper-class reference units to prove its measurement accuracy. We will also show how this analyzer can be controlled via a network from a PC and what tricks came to mind. Just to whet your appetite a little: the analyzer passed our tests with flying colors!

Deviser S7000


Vitor Martins Augusto Test Center Portugal

+ Professional Analyzer for analogue, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, DVB-T/

T2/H, ATSC and DTMB Signals Complete Transport Stream Analyser MPEG2 & MPEG4 Decoder Waterfall Diagram for Spectrum display Advanced measurements like: Echo, MER vs. Carrier, Constellation Diagram, etc. Can record Transport Stream for offline analysis Features ASI Input/Output


More about this company

TELE-audiovisions first report on signal analyzer manufacturer Deviser appeared in the 06-07/2011 issue. After moving into a completely new production and administration facility, a follow-up report appeared in the 07-08/2013 issue.

28 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer E-mail Web page Function Display AC/DC Adapter Battery Charge Time Working Time Remote Feeding DiSEqC Dimension (WHL) Weight Working Temperature Storage Temperature Deviser Electronics Instrument Co., Ltd. Professional TV Signal Anaylzer 7 TFT LCD, 800480 pixels AC 100-240V/50-60Hz - DC 12 V / 5 A Li-ion, 7.4 V/13Ah around 5 Hours >5 Hours 5/13/15/18/21 V, Max. 5 W DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and SaTCR 245mm 194mm 105 mm 2.8 kg -100C ~ +500C -200C ~ +700C Fax +86-22-27645002 DVB-T/H Measurement Modulation Type QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM Power Level Range 25 - 110 dBV Level Resolution 0.1 dB Power Level Accuracy 1.5 dB (C/N>20 dB ) MER Measurement > 30 dB MER Accuracy 2.0 dB CBER/VBER Yes Constellation Yes MER Versus Carriers Yes Echo Pattern Yes DVB-T2 Measurement Modulation Type QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM Power Level Range 25 - 110 dBV Level Resolution 0.1 dB Power Level Accuracy 2 dB (C/N>20dB ) MER Measurement > 30 dB MER Accuracy 2.0 dB CBER/LBER Yes Constellation Yes Echo Pattern Yes DVB-S/S2 Measurement Modulation Type QPSK,8PSK Symbol Rate 2 -45 MS/s (DVB-S ) 1 45MS/s (QPSK DVB-S2) 1 45MS/s (8PSK DVB-S2) Power Level Range 40-110 dBV Level Resolution 0.1 dB Power Level Accuracy 1.5 dB (C/N>20dB ) MER Measurement > 25 dB MER Accuracy 2.0 dB CBER/LBER (VBER for DVB-S) Yes Constellation Yes Video/Audio Decoder Video MPEG2/4, H.264 Video Resolution 1080i, 720p, 576i Audio MPEG1/2, AAC CAM Module EN50221 (DVB-CI) PCMCIA interface TS-ASI Input and Output Yes TS Record Yes TS Analyser Interface EN 50083-9 (DVB SPI, ASI) DVB-ASI Interface 75 BNC DVB-ASI Clock 270 MHz DVB-ASI Max Data Rate 0 to 72 Mbps DVB-ASI Output Signal Level 1.0 Vp-p nominal DVB-ASI Return Response >15 dB DVB-ASI Input Level 800 mV +/- 10 % Real-time Decoder Display the real television pictures (through CA system), including program numbers, program names, provider information, video & audio PIDs. TR101290 Monitor TR101 290 three levels real time monitor Base Information Count the PIDs percent according to the type of the streams: Video, Audio, PSI/SI, Null Packages PID List Display all the PIDs in current stream Program Information Detailed infos about a program (if it isnt be encrypted). Video resolution and audio compress rate. PCR Monitor Calculate PCR interval and PCR accuracy PSI/SI List Display the PSI/SI infos by tree view. Including PAT, PMT, CAT and, when available, NIT, SDT, RST, TDT, EIT. Program Info EPG PID Capture Capture a specified PID by its type: Video, Audio, PSI (PAT, PMT, NIT, TDT, RST, SDT, EIT) and display the data in HEX format. TS Record and Replay 8 GB disk for Transport Stream record Interface RF Input 75 F-Type HDMI Output 1x USB 1x USB 2.0 LAN 1x 10/100 MBit/s CAM 1x PCMCIA TS-ASI Input/Output 2x 75 BNC DC Supply Input 12 V / 5A GPS Input USB

Model S7000

22 kHz Control Yes

Spectrum Analyser Frequency Range Frequency Span Frequency Step Resolution Bandwidth (-3 dB) Level Measurement Range Accuracy of Measurements Measurement Detector Reference Level 5 - 1050 MHz(TV); 950-2150 MHz (Satellite ) 0 - 1045 MHz (TV); FULL/600/300/200/100/50/20/10 MHz(Satellite) 10 kHz (TV), 1 MHz (Satellite ) 30 kHz, 100 KHz, 300 kHz, 1 MHz, 3 MHz(TV ); 1 MHz, 3 MHz(Satellite ) 10-120 dBV (TV); 30-120 dBV (Satellite) 1.5 dB Peak, sample, AVG 30-120 dBV

Markers 2
Analogue TV Measurement Standards Colour Standards Hum Measurement C/N Level Measurement Range Accuracy Of Measurements Level Resolution Digital CATV Measurement Modulation Type Symbol Rate Level Resolution Power Level Accuracy MER Measurement MER Accuracy BER Measurement 16/32/64/128/256QAM, ITU-T, J.83, ANNEX A/B/C 4.0-7.0 MS/s 0.1 dB 1.5 dB(C/N>20dB ) 40 dB 2.0 dB 1E-3~ 1E-9 B/G, I, D/K, L/L, M/N PAL, SECAM, NTSC > 50 dB > 50 dB 30 - 120 dBV 1.5 dB 0.1 dB

Power Level Range 30-110dBV

Constellation Yes ATSC Measurement Modulation Type Power Level Range Level Resolution Power Level Accuracy MER Measurement MER Accuracy 8 VSB 25-110 dBV 0.1 dB 1.5 dB (C/N>20dB ) > 35 dB 2.0 dB

BER Yes Constellation Yes DTMB Measurement Carriers Power Level Range Level Resolution Power Level Accuracy MER Measurement MER Accuracy C=1 - 3780 -83- +2 dBm 0.1 dB 1.5 dB (C/N>20dB ) > 28 dB 2.0 dB

BER Yes Constellation Yes Echo Pattern Yes 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Satellite Modes
1. The S7000s Main menu is nicely organized. The function buttons to the right select the desired mode: cable, terrestrial or SAT (IPTV optional). The File Manager can also be accessed here. The arrow buttons are used to switch between measurement, constellation diagram, spectrum analyzer, Sat Finder and DiSEqC. 2. A push of the SETUP button brings up the correct LNB configuration page. 3, 4, 5, 6. In just 2-3 seconds a signal lock is achieved and all the reception parameters are displayed. As expected, for digital signals the measurement screen displays the level, MER and BER whereby BER is divided into CBER and LBER. BER (Bit Error Rate) shows the bit error ratio, that is, the number of faulty bits compared to the number of received bits in the same time interval. Since the received bits go through an error correction process, professional analyzers display the BER before and after error correction. Depending on the modulation method, different error correction algorithms are used. Our modulation table compiles all of the important details together.

Modulation Table
Modulation Algorithmus of Error Correction VITERBI LDPC+BCH Reed-Solomon LDPC+BCH VITERBI LDPC+BCH Recommended Threshold BEFORE Error Correction CBER = <1E-6 CBER = <1E-7 PRE-BER = <1E-6 CBER = <1E-7 CBER = <1E-6 CBER = <1E-7 Recommended Threshold AFTER Error Correction VBER = <1E-8 PER = <1E-8 POST-BER = <1E-8 LBER = <1E-8 VBER = <1E-8 LBER = <1E-8



For DVB-S signals, the S7000 shows the BER measurements in QPSK modulation in CBER (Channel Bit Error Rate before error correction) and VBER (Viterbi Bit Error Rate after Viterbi error correction). With DVB-S2 signals using 8PSK modulation, BER is shown as CBER and LBER since in this case LPDC+BCH error correction is used. It is extremely helpful to have the BER measurements displayed in this way in that for one thing you want to receive a signal that is as error-free as possible and secondly, any errors would be totally corrected by error correction. The first function button is labeled VIEW. This highlights that these analyzers were designed by technicians for technicians since with this button you can switch between measurements whereby the currently selected measurement is prominently displayed in the upper part of the screen numerically and as a bar graph. This makes it easy to read from a distance even when outside working on the antenna. We also appreciated some of the smaller details like, for example, the ability of the S7000 to show the transponder frequency simultaneously in satellite IF form and actual downlink frequency. You no longer have to convert the frequency (for example, the conversion in the Ku-band with a universal LNB is like this: up to 11700 the IF = transponder frequency 9875 and from 11700 and up the IF = transponder frequency 10600). We should mention that the transponder bandwidth is also displayed.

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7. Without any detours you end up in the constellation diagram. Here Deviser utilizes the highresolution display and provides an excellent method to diagnose problems caused by faulty components. 8. Next is the Spectrum Analyzer mode. First of all we liked that the spectrum can be displayed with a 1200 MHz span in real time. Real time simply means that the spectrum display is renewed multiple times per second. In this way you can instantly recognize how, for example, an antenna needs to be adjusted to receive the best possible signal. And just the highresolution of the spectrum itself is a plus point closely spaced narrow-bandwidth transponders are clearly resolved. 9. The representation of the spectrum can be switched using the DISPLAY function button located in the second row of function buttons. Instead of displaying the spectrum as a single line, it can also be shown with the area below the line filled in. 10. Push the DISPLAY button a second time and the spectrum is then shown as a waterfall diagram. You can easily follow transponders over a period of time and since its possible to send out DiSEqC 1.2 commands while in this mode, aligning motorized antennas becomes easy as pie. If you want to learn more about how to use waterfall diagrams you may read my articles in TELE-audiovision issues 12-01/2012 and 02-03/2012. 11. That Deviser actually put some thought into this and didnt simply implement the waterfall diagram carelessly can be seen


when the DISPLAY function button is pressed again. Just as can be seen in the demonstration software, the spectrum is now displayed in parallel to the waterfall diagram. In this way you can clearly recognize the transponders in the spectrum and measure the levels using the obligatory markers (available in all display modes) while the waterfall simultaneously documents the evolution of the signal. The otherwise standard peak-hold function (that, of course, is also available) will now only seldom be used thanks to the waterfall diagram. 12. If the function button labeled DRIVE is pressed, the up/ down buttons can then be used to switch between the DiSEqC 1.2 modes MOVE and STEP whereby the left/right buttons move the motor correspondingly. The spectrum is still displayed in real-time and thanks to the waterfall diagram its easy to obtain the best possible alignment. Aside from that, you can also see how many and which satellites can be received between the east and west limits of the antenna. You simply drive the antenna from east to west (or vice versa) and using the waterfall diagram you can clearly recognize each satellite and with a little experience youll also be able to identify them. 13. The S7000 supports a variety of DiSEqC and single cable SCR standards with a single DiSEqC menu. These can be selected in the Main menu or at any other time using the function buttons.


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14. Switching from SaTCR (SCR - Single Cable Routing) and DiSEqC. In SCR mode the individual frequency windows of the antenna jacks can flexibly be edited so that the S7000 can be harmonized with practically every SCR switch. 15. In DiSEqC mode DiSEqC 1.0 and 1.1 multiswitches can be controlled (for up to 4 or 16 LNB inputs) as well as a DiSEqC 1.2 positioner. Simple tone-burst switches can also be controlled.

In just a few seconds the live picture of an unencrypted channel is displayed and you can quickly switch between channels via the transponder service list. The S7000 shines with channel switching times of 1-3 seconds depending on the type of signal and modulation. 25. In this mode the Deviser S7000 even has a complete transponder stream analyzer available. This function is geared more towards technicians that are responsible for head-end stations, transmission or reception systems. All analyzer functions are available for each received transponder stream regardless if they originate from the internal DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, DVBT/H tuners, from the ASI input or, for example, from an external transponder stream file. The first picture shows the transponder streams primary data. The bandwidth is shown as well as NIT information and the streams basic statistical data. 26. In the second picture, EVENT INFO, additional information on the quality of the transport stream is shown. 27. The third screen, PID VIEW, shows the assignment of the different PIDs. This data is also important for installers because it can provide important error conclusions with the setup of smaller head-end stations and IPTV servers, for example, if the wrong PIDs were accidentally configured. 28. The fourth screen, PROG GRAPH, displays details on the selected channel within the transponder stream. These parameters provide important information on the resolution and, above all, the CODECs in use. If a customer complains, for example, that a specific channel cant be played back by a receiver, then the reason could be that the channel is encoded with professional equipment using 4:2:2 Chroma, instead of the standard receiver based 4:2:0 Chroma.


16. The Sat Finder function shows the active satellites selected transponder signal level. If needed, an audio tone can also be turned on so the antenna can be aligned without having to look at the analyzer. The arrow buttons can be used to switch satellites without having to leave the current display screen. The specialty of this feature is the automatic calculation of azimuth, elevation and LNB skew. This data is obtainable thanks to the GPS antenna; the current position is of course also shown. If for some reason the current geographical position cant be obtained from the GPS, this information can also be entered manually. At first this might not seem all that critical; the antennas are always mounted outdoors. But what if the installer wants to pre-align the antenna in his workshop so that he can install it more quickly at the customer? Then it could be very practical to enter the customers position in ahead of time. 17, 18, 19. The S7000 can automatically recognize reception parameters like symbolrate, FEC and modulation. Many instruments fail at this seemingly simple task and therefore need current and specially setup channel lists. Not true with the Deviser S7000: it recognizes these parameters on its own and in a very short time. Sure enough, markers can be used to select a desired transponder (or the frequency can be directly entered) and in measurement mode the S7000 determines a variety of reception parameters in 1-3 seconds and also simultaneously shows these values. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Naturally, the S7000 can also play audio and video and includes the corresponding decoders for analog and digital signals in MPEG2 and MPEG4. This mode can be accessed at any time with the TV button. If the signal has not yet been locked on to, because perhaps in spectrum mode the marker was just placed on top of a transponder, the analyzer determines the corresponding reception parameters on its own, just like in measurement mode.




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29. The fifth screen contains a PCR measurement. PCR stands for Program Clock Reference and serves to determine the transit time delay between the received signal and the receiver clock (27 MHz). A PCR is periodically added to the transport stream. The Deviser S7000 reads this PCR and shows how precisely synchronized the internal 27 MHz clock is with the PCR signal. The difference should normally be no more than +/500ns. Since the PCR bytes themselves are generated with a 27 MHz clock and embedded in the transport stream, the resolution is limited to 37ns. The accuracy shown in the upper graphic highlights the timing error within the multiplexer, but not any runtime delays that were generated within the network. As you can see, a perfectly synchronized transport stream is being received indicating that no errors existed in the clocks of various multiplexers and modulators at the headend. If the delays are longer than 500ns, then the receiver could have problems. In the lower graphic the timing offset between the PCR bytes is shown. Run-time delays that were generated within the network can be derived. And here too everything is in the green. Even though small delays are visible, they dont yet have any influence on the reception quality. It is therefore an extremely important measurement when it comes to maintaining head stations and broadcasting systems . 30. The PROG LIST shows the providers channels. This information, as long as its correctly entered into the NIT by the provider, makes possible a faster channel scan for receivers since known transponders do not have to be scanned separately. Unfortunately, many broadcasters dont stick with the standards and all too often dont include the correct NIT information in the stream. Thus a transponder would show the wrong satellite name or even no name at all. And then theres the case where the name of the satellite, bouquet, etc., is spelled wrong or non-uniform upper/lower case lettering is used. Here the responsible technician should definitely have an S7000 placed in his hands! 31, 32, 33, 34. The seventh menu screen PSI/SI lets you navigate within the complete TS table. All data can easily be analyzed, PAT, PMT, CAT, NIT, SDT, TDT and MIP. The arrow buttons let you navigate within the individual branches of the table giving you information on the smallest detail. Its an indispensable aid when working with multiplexers and you want to make sure that all the parameters are correctly configured. 35, 36. The transport stream analyzers eighth menu screen is a highlight of the S7000: here individual transport stream packets can be stored and dis-

played. After recording, these data packets can be displayed byte-by-byte. 37. In the last menu screen the transport streams reception parameters can be read and edited. This permits the simulation of different situations; the S7000 can be configured like similar receivers. There is no other known signal analyzer that can do this. 38, 39. If you insert a USB storage device into the S7000, the transport stream can be recorded if it is in transport stream analysis mode. The streams are recorded in *.ts format, a format compatible with many PC processing programs such as TS Reader, VLC or TransEdit. Of course, recorded transport streams can be played back on the S7000. In this case all of the listed analysis tools are available. In other words, you can record a transport stream on a receiver or computer and then analyze it with the S7000. 40. The currently displayed image on the screen can be saved in JPG format to the analyzers internal memory by pressing the Store button. If you happen to be in one of the various measurements modes, the analyzer will ask you if want to save the current screen or the displayed data. If the latter is chosen, the data can be recalled offline on a PC and if desired can be displayed and edited, for example, with the marker. Using the analyzers File Manager (accessible from the Main menu), the data stored in the analyzer can be displayed, deleted, edited or saved to a USB storage device. 41. The active transponder can be edited and stored in a special channel configuration screen. In this way the channel list can also be managed and updated directly on the S7000. This process is actually quite comfortable so that you dont necessarily need to refer to the Settings Editor on the included CD. 42. Back in the Configuration menu the TS INTERFACE makes it possible to activate or deactivate the ASI input. This interface lets you stream transponders to other devices or take the ASI streams from other devices and scrutinize them with the S7000s transport stream analyzer. 43. The Configuration menu is divided into five sections: ABOUT, GENERAL, MEASURE, CHANNEL and INTF. In the first section a variety of analyzer information is displayed, for example, the version number and the different modules.





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44. In the second GENERAL section the network interface can be configured. 45, 46. Outstanding: the Ping command can be used to test the network connection. This alone is very useful when, for example, a socalled Triple Play CATV connection is being installed and, in addition to telephone and digital cable TV, the Internet connection needs to be tested. 47. Display and power consumption can also be configured, such as, how much inactivity time should elapse before the S7000 turns itself off.

48. The date and time can be set. 49. A variety of skins can be selected. 50. Of course, a variety of menu languages are also available. 51. The submenu OPERATOR is very interesting: different technicians can log in here and even the company name can be left behind. This allows the analyzer to be operated by different users whereby it would be easy to determine who is responsible for a particular measurement. 52. Retrieving the analyzers default settings.

38 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

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53. In the submenu HUM the user can select whether the line voltage uses 50 or 60 Hz. The corresponding measurement can therefore properly recognize and display any hum. 54. Under LEVEL UNIT the desired units can be selected for signal level and power measurements. The standard is dBV although measurements can also be displayed in dBmV or dBm. The S7000 can also offset the measurements from -3.0 dB to +3.0 dB so that comparisons can be made with other analyzers.


55. TP COMPENSATION allows you to add two additional compensation values. The first field lets you add a general dB value that is then added to the measured signal. In the second field an additional dB value can be entered that is also added to the signal; the intention here is to compensate for the probe. Only positive values can be entered in both fields (0 dB to 40.0 dB). This is always useful when, for example, different cables or adapters with varying attenuations are used between the S7000 and the antenna jack. In this way its possible with

a table to compensate for the attenuation in different cables. Now the first field makes sense: here you can enter the compensation of the analyzer or other passive/active elements in the network (such as, multiswitches, amplifiers or filters) to make sure that other instruments will provide the exact same measured values . 56. Choosing the PID number representation in the transport stream analyzer. A decimal display is the more popular choice with most users but others might be more used to hexadecimal format in that it has the advantage that all bytes, regardless of their value, have precisely two characters. 57. Since the S7000 supports both ATSC and DVB, the desired mode can be selected in the appropriate menu. This only affects the transponder stream analyzer which displays the received stream. Sure enough, theres very little you can do wrong here; the S7000 processes the reception parameters automatically, even if these were predefined incorrectly.

40 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013







58. In the last submenu the correct analog signal standard can be selected. All standards are supported: PAL-BG, PAL-I, PAL-M, PAL-N, PAL-DK, NTSC-M, NTSC-N, NTSC-433, SECAM-BG, SECAM-DK and SECAM-L, and, of course, 50 or 60 Hz. Theres no doubt, no matter where you are in the world, this analyzer can be used to measure TV signals. 59. Another highlight: channel lists can be created not only with the editor that can be found on the CD, but also directly here on the analyzer. 60. Last but not least, theres also a dedicated menu for configuring the GPS antenna. If its active, the current position will be displayed. If theres no GPS antenna or if you want to enter in another position, such as the customers location, this can be done manually. In the firmware of the analyzer that we tested, the GPS antenna is used to only show the current position and to calculate the azimuth, elevation and skew. An upgrade to the firmware that would allow the continuous recording of measurement parameters together with the geographical position would be nice. Such a recording of the recep-

tion parameters along with the geographical position could be used, for example, in conjunction with Google Maps to create regional footprints of Single Frequency Networks.


61. The Deviser S7000 is the first combined TV analyzer that features the waterfall diagram to show the spectrum. In this picture you can see the result of rotating our motorized dish. Notice the different satellites and their transponders. Can you guess the satellites? With a bit of experience you will be able to recognize the satellites. 62. Deviser not only implemented the waterfall diagram they seriously thought about it and realized a combined spectrum and waterfall display mode. This is really useful, since the spectrum is in high resolution, while the waterfall will keep track of the spectrum over a period of time. 63. Here we were optimizing our dish for the reception of exotic satellites notice how the reception level varies on the waterfall

diagram. After using this display mode, youll never go back to anything else.

and Barscan. 65, 66, 67, 68. Based on the active channel list, the analyzer automatically selects CATV or terrestrial reception. Once again the S7000 automatically recognizes the reception parameters and in record time. Just like in Sat mode, in the upper part of the screen the power, MER, CBER or VBER can be enlarged and displayed with bar graphs.

CATV and Terrestrial TV Modus

64. If you switch to Cable and terrestrial TV mode from the Main menu, two new symbols will appear in place of the Sat Finder and DiSEqC symbols for the measurement of angular position 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



69, 70, 71. In DVB-T/H mode, the constellation diagram is enormously useful in identifying errors. The Deviser S7000 comes with all the expected functions like Zoom, to magnify quadrants. Also interesting is the ability to focus the constellation diagram onto single carriers in the transponder. This lets you analyze, for example, the influence of a narrow bandwidth interference signal on a single carrier. Fantastic! 72, 73. And just like in Sat mode, the spectrum in DVB-T/H mode can also be displayed in various forms, including a waterfall diagram. The 50 MHz to 1000 MHz spectrum is clearly refreshed at a much slower rate than in Sat mode and this is obviously due to other signal modulations and smaller spectrum frequency bandwidths being used. However, Deviser gives the user the ability to edit the spectrum frequency bandwidth in increments. Depending on the setting, the spectrum is displayed in more detail or presented much faster. 74. You dont want to analyze the spectrum across the entire frequency span here anyway it would be good enough if you find out ahead of time on what frequencies signals can be found. Its critical here to enter small enough ranges that would allow a precise measurement of the signal-to-noise ratio. There are two markers available in this mode for that purpose and the S7000 automatically determines this ratio in MHZ and dB. 75. An ECHO measurement should be included in every modern DVB-T/H signal analyzer. This type of measurement is critical for Single Frequency Networks (SFN). The idea here is that various transmitters in a region all broadcast on the same frequency. This has numerous advantages; for one thing the rest of the frequency band remains clear for other uses and secondly, receivers can be transported within a region (such as in cars) without having to reset the reception frequency. Unfortunately, SFN transmissions also come with a huge disadvantage: if the receiver finds itself between two transmitters, the signal will be received from both transmitters. Since the distance of the receiver to both of the transmitters is likely to be different, the result is a shift in the arrival times of both signals known as ECHO. The DVB-T/H standard provides for a so-called Guard interval that automatically compensates for this time shift if it is small enough, that is, lies within the Guard interval. If the ECHO is too large, it will inevitably lead to reception problems even though a simple signal analyzer will show a high signal level!

The S7000 has mastered these ECHO measurements and automatically displays these measured ECHOs graphically and in a table. For each ECHO the corresponding level as well as the delay in microseconds/kilometers is shown. This will allow the installer to determine which transmitter is causing the interfering ECHO and properly align the antenna especially if he has documentation showing the regional distribution of these transmitters. A trick would be to use the sloping roof of a house to block the unwanted signal from a distant transmitter. 76. Another relatively new measurement that is found in very few professional analyzers is the MER vs. carrier measurement. Here the Modulation Error Rate (MER) is not shown as an average value of all carriers within a transponder, instead it is shown for each individual carrier. These values are presented in a graphic that resembles the spectrum and consequently, also in a waterfall diagram. The marker allows the navigation within the many carriers that make up the transponder and the analyzer will show the respective matching MER value in dB. This measurement serves to identify the smallest interference such as that from audio/ video broadcasters in the VHF/ UHF range. But even LTE and other services could interfere with a DVB-T/H transponder. With a basic MER measurement this interference might not be detected since the average value is hardly affected. Nevertheless, it could be enough to totally interfere with a few carriers such that a considerable portion of the transponder stream can no longer be correctly received. The simultaneous display as a waterfall diagram is truly oneof-a-kind; it allows you to catch and document even intermittent and momentary interference. 77. Just like in Sat mode, the TS Analyzer can be accessed at any time. In just seconds a signal lock is achieved and the reception parameters are read. Thanks to the implementation of many standard and also nonstandard CODECs, channels such as the Portuguese TDT (Televiso Digital Terestre digital terrestrial television) can be displayed even though, despite DVB-T modulation, the video and audio are compressed in MPEG H-264 and MPEG4 AAC, respectively, as can be seen in the PROG GRAPH screen.





42 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

78, 79, 80. The Deviser S7000 doesnt differentiate between CATV and terrestrial TV. The advantage here is that the channel list doesnt need to be divided and you dont have to go through complicated menus to change modes. The S7000 recognizes the modulation, regardless if its analog, DVB-C or DVB-T/H. With analog channels the audio/video levels are displayed and the offset is automatically calculated. 81. Naturally, analog channels can be presented with picture and sound while the analyzer simultaneously shows added information such as the video standard. Just like with the presentation of digital transponders, the TV picture can be shown in full-screen mode by simply pushing the OK button.








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82. With analog signals there are of course additional measurements possible, for example, the signal-to-ratio. Whats unusual is all of the information that can be displayed at the same time thanks to the high-resolution screen. Even from a distance youd be able to read on a bar graph the numerical values, for example, for the signal level and the signal-to-noise ratio while at the same time, for example, the channel number and frequency are displayed. 83. The S7000 can also perform hum measurements. This makes it possible to measure the influence of hum that originates from the power grid and are present on analog channels. Naturally you can choose in the configuration menu whether the power grid operates on 50Hz or 60Hz. 84. And another surprise: in order to actually find every possible error, the analog video lines can be presented in an oscillator mode. In this way, for example, problems in the blanking intervals that are critical for picture synchronization can be recognized.

85. The spectrum mode when used in CATV and terrestrial modes has the capabilities to position two markers whereby the level offset is automatically displayed. 86. A peak-hold function is, of course, also available. This would be useful, for example, when an amplifier needs to be adjusted. 87. A preamplifier is integrated into the Deviser S7000 and, when necessary, can be activated. 88. Digital CATV channels can also be measured and once again the S7000 processes the necessary reception parameters in record time. It was surprising that throughout the entire testing process it was not necessary to use the Settings editor to setup the channel lists ahead of time. 89. With digital signals the power and signal-to-noise ratio is displayed in the measurement screen. Thanks to the large screen all of the critical measurements and parameters such as MER, Pre and Post BER and frequency can all be viewed at the same time.


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90. Just like with the handheld signal analyzer DS2400T introduced in the 1209 issue of TELEaudiovision, a long duration bit error rate (BER) measurement is also available. The time interval can be selected and from that point on a graphic shows the progression of BER and MER. This helps to identify intermittent problems. 91. An additional measurement for DVB-C signals is available, namely the EVM or Error Vector Magnitude. This measurement resembles the MER measurement but here a different reference is used: while the RMS value of a QAM signal is used for determining the MER, for the EVM measurement the peak value of the QAM signal is used as a reference. The EVM measurement presents the ratio of the error vector amplitude versus an ideal vector amplitude and helps with the identification of interfe rence in signals under the QAM mask. 92. The so-called Tilt measurement shows the bars for each channel in increasing frequency from the left to the right so that the line connecting the first bar

to the last bar shows the tilt. Ideally, the line should be as horizontal as possible. A large tilt in the line suggests attenuation in the upper frequency range (or lower frequency range) and can, for example, be compensated for with the proper amplifier. 93. For the Barscan measurement up to 16 channels can be selected you can choose only analog, only digital or a combination of analog and digital channels. 94. Here only analog channels were used for the Barscan measurement. 95. Digital channels were now measured (in blue) at the same port. Its obvious that the signal is falling off for the four digital channels on the right side. The attenuation is too high. 96. The so-called Barscan measurement is nearly self-explanatory and is where the level and power of the selected channels are displayed as a bar graph. With analog channels the video level is shown in green and the


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associated audio level is shown in yellow. Digital channels are shown in blue. Here too the channels are arranged in increasing frequency and once again its obvious that theres a problem on this antenna jack. The digital channels to the right clearly have a lower level than the others.

97, 98. The Deviser S7000 supports all the standard CATV modulators and can display the constellation diagram without any problems regardless if its 64QAM or 256QAM. 99, 100. The S7000 can perform a channel scan for terrestrial TV and CATV. The user can choose if only analog channels, digital channels or both should be searched for. The threshold values can be predefined in the configuration menu. 101. For satellite mode the desired satellite simply needs to be selected from the list and its even possible to enter new satellites into the analyzer. The preprogrammed satellite list contains nearly every satellite from around the world along with their current transponders.

TELE-audiovision's Technical
Editor Vitor Martins Augusto using the Deviser S7000 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Rcepteur PVR satellite et terrestre

MKTech IS1-19HD

48 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

& Rcepteur
Logiciel trs convivial Tuner ultra sensible avec une recherche rapide de chaines Zapping de chaines trs rapide Intelligent : Cadre du disque dur rtractable Un volume spcifique peut tre attribu chaque chaine 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Satellite and Terrestrial PVR Receiver

The Best of Both Worlds


The IS1-19HD from MKTech is a hybrid receiver. It can receive both DVB-S2 satellite signals as well as terrestrial channels. MKTech configured the IS119HD with an ISDB-T receiver section because of the fast growing market in South America. On the front panel of the subtle housing youll find a very easy to read VFD display and right along side the manufacturer incorporated a total of seven buttons to control the receiver in case the remote control goes missing or its batteries die. Behind a flap theres a card reader that permits the reception of encrypted channels. The rear connector panel is nicely equipped; there are DVBS2 and ISDB-T inputs that

each have looped-through outputs, an HDMI output, six RCA jacks for stereo audio, CVBS and YUV outputs, a network interface, a coaxial S/PDIF output and a USB 2.0 port. Especially clever and new to us in this form is the removable frame for an internal 2.5 SATA hard drive. It can be inserted and removed without any tools; simply push one button and it pops right out. And lets not forget the WiFi dongle that the manufacturer also included in the package. It can be used to set up a wireless network connection with the IS1-19HD. The included remote control sits very nicely in your hand and its slip-free surface underneath guarantees it wont slip easily out of your

MKTech IS1-19HD Best equipped for satellite and local TV reception in South America

hand. The nicely arranged and clearly labeled buttons greatly simplify the use of this receiver. All-in-all we had nothing but praise for the workmanship of the MKTech IS1-19HD and the easyto-access removable hard drive frame is an especially nice feature. The IS1-19HD does not come with an installation assistant; the user has to take care of all the necessary settings manually and deal with all the various menu entries on his own. But it turns out that its easier than it sounds; the entire menu structure is nicely organized and all the

menu entries are essentially self-explanatory. Thanks to the support of all the DiSEqC protocols (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3), the IS1-19HD can be used with any antenna configuration. The preprogrammed as well as freely selectable LOF values make it easy to use this box anywhere in the world. MKTech preprogrammed the receiver with a total of 59 satellite entries but, unfortunately, these entries are not all that up-to-date. Channel scanning, on the other hand, is definitely outstanding: Blind scanning and normal channel scanning functioned very


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nicely in our tests. 1500 TV and 520 radio channels were discovered in just about four minutes. We liked in Blindscan mode that the receiver first identified all the active frequencies (for which it needed a little more than a minute) and then compared them with those in the preprogrammed list. After that it performed a channel scan. In this way the transponder list is consistently kept up to date with every Blindscan. In ISDB-T mode the user can perform automatic and manual channel scans. In automatic mode, all of the available frequencies will be processed; in manual mode the frequencies can be selected and processed individually. Both the ISDB-T tuner and the DVB-S2 tuner have excellent input signal sensitivity and can easily handle weaker signals. A total of eight Favorites lists are available for the quick and easy recall of all of your favorite channels and if you dont want to take any chances, you can store the channel lists on an external storage device so that in an emergency you wont have to redo all of that channel list setup work again. The automatic signal matching feature worked perfectly in our tests. While our 42 LCD TV could handle resolutions up to 1080p, the receiver correctly recognized the maximum resolution of our capture card to be 1080i and automatically adjusted the resolution to the proper setting. We shouldnt forget to mention the Volume per Channel feature that can be activated or deactivated in the System Settings. With it activated, the receiver automatically recognizes the volume setting for each individual channel so that especially loud channels can be set to a lower volume and, vice versa, a significantly quieter channel can be set to a higher volume. In our tests this feature proved itself to be very practical especially when surfing between channels from different regions of the world that are often broadcast with varying volume levels. The Info bar that appears with every channel change shows the name of the current program and the upcoming program assuming of course that the provider supplies this information. Since the IS1-19HD is a PVR receiver, MKTech naturally thought to include the ability to set up timer recordings directly from the EPG with the push of just one button. This worked exceptionally well in our tests even when setting up repeated daily or weekly recordings. Thanks to the clearly arranged channel list, surfing between channels is actually quite a bit of fun. And this is only enhanced by the speedy channel switching speed of less than one second. We appreciated the number of direct-select buttons on the remote control, such as, searching for a specific
1. The IS1-19HD's main menu 2. The Language menu also contains the volume setting for each channel "Volume per Channel" 3. Matching the video output signal 4. Child protection settings 5. USB and network settings 6. PVR settings 7. With the help of the USB Tools, files and directories can be created and edited 8. Hard wired network connection 9. Of course the DHCP protocol is supported 10. Thanks to the included WiFi dongle, the receiver can also communicate wirelessly with a router 11. Available WiFi networks 12. Manual IP entry 13. Additional features of the IS1-19HD 14. Stock prices 15. RSS Reader

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16. All the functions of Google Maps that the user is familiar with on a PC are also available in the receiver 17. Access to the online photo services Yupoo, Picasa and Flickr 18. Sorting the displayed YouTube clips 19. Searching for specific YouTube clips 20. For weather forecasts there are numerous cities already preprogrammed, more cities can easily be added 21. Weather forecast for Florence 22. Dozens of games can be downloaded 23. Installation menu 24. The preprogrammed satellite list









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channel, changing the output resolution, switching the picture display mode as well as displaying the currently stored timer entries. Our overall positive impression was further amplified by the error-free functioning of the OSD teletext decoder and the on-thewhole very carefully implemented software. Thanks to the powerful main processor, the 128 MB flash memory and the 256 MB SDRAM, all of the remote control commands were promptly executed without any delay. This can also be seen with its PVR functions. There were no problems recording two HD programs at the same time while a third program could be watched live or played back from the hard drive. And thanks to the practical USB Manager, users can easily create folders as well as delete, copy or rename files. Its also possible to format new storage devices. The MKTech IS1-19HD also comes with a jukebox function so that audio files can be played back. Theres also a photo viewer as well as a video player. These are

features that have generally become standard an nearly every PVR receiver. The file formats that are supported include: AVI, ASF, MPEG, MKV, RM, TS, M2TS, FLV, SWF, DAT, VOB and RMVB for videos, MP3, FLAC, WMA and AAC for audio as well as JPEG, BMP, PNG and GIF for pictures. Last but not least, the USB port serves to upload the latest receiver software. The manufacturer regularly makes software updates available for download via their web site. The IS1-19HD comes not only with a hard-wired RJ45 Ethernet interface, with the help of the included WiFi Dongle it can also communicate wirelessly with your router. In our tests this connection worked perfectly; as soon as the Dongle was connected to the USB interface, it immediately recognized all of the locally available WiFi
25. Transponder overview 26. The user can easily edit transponder entries or add new ones 27. If needed, the LOF can be entered manually 28. A network scan to find related transponders is also available 29. Picture viewer




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30. DiSEqC 1.2 settings 31. Country selection in the DiSEqC 1.3 settings 32. ISDB-TB frequency overview 33. Editing the channel list 34. Channel List Manager 35. The IS1-19HD channel list 36. Language selection 37. A total of eight Favorites lists are available 38. Specific channels can be searched for using the OSD keyboard









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networks. Manually entering the SSID is not possible so therefore the receiver cant look for hidden WiFi networks. Once a connection has been established with the Internet, the user can then check the local weather forecast, access an RSS reader, check stock prices, view Google Maps, YouTube as well as the online photo services Yupoo, Picasa and Flickr. Theres also a large assortment of entertaining video games available for download.
39. ISDB-T channel scan 40. The IS1-19HD channel list 41. BAND HD from Chile via ISDB-T 42. Language selection

Overall we enjoyed using the MKTech IS1-19HDs network features - all the services were integrated by the manufacturer in an exemplary fashion; they were all fully functional. We especially liked that they could all be used very effectively via the receiver and TV. Only in that way will users actually want to utilize them. The combination of DVBS2 and ISDB-T tuners in this receiver makes it a very interesting choice for our TELE-audiovision readers in South America and were certain that the IS1-19HD from MKTech will find many fans in that part of the world.



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Thomas Haring Test Center Austria

+ Thoughtful, clear and error-free software
Rich yet easy to use functions The removable frame for the 2.5 SATA hard drive is very innovative and clever


Manufacturer Adress Contact Internet Model Function Input frequency Input symbol rate DiSEqC Input frequency Digital Audio out

Gotech International Technology Co., Ltd. 66 Yongda Road, Hongqi, ZhuHai 519045, Jinwan, CHINA IS1-19HD & 950 - 2150 MHz 2 - 45 Ms/s 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 177 - 213 MHz & 473 - 803 MHz yes (coaxial) Combo Receiver

Cannot enter SSID manually in WiFi mode

HDMI yes USB 2.0 yes Internal 2.5 SATA HDD yes CI Slot no Card Reader yes Stereo Audio, CVBS, YUV yes (6x RCA) Scart no Ethernet yes WiFi yes RS232 yes 0/12V no EPG yes HDTV yes PVR yes WebTV no Power Supply Dimensions Weight 100 - 240V AC 50/60 Hz 28 x 23 x 5.5 cm 1.35 kg

Apparent Power Mode Active StandBy Apparent Active Factor 22 W 13 W 0.59 4W 1.5 W 0.37

Active Power

Energy: The first 15 minutes active operation; the second 15 minutes Standby 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Mesureur de signal DVB-C


Manipulation trs conviviale Permet des mesures compltement automatiques avec journal Affichage trs facile lire Option de dtection de perte des cbles dfectueux Mesure comparative de frquences pour control de cblage

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DVB-C Signal Meter

Made for professionals by professionals!

A reliable signal meter is one of the most important tools for professional installers of new DVB-C networks for hotels, apartment buildings and small residential estates or for distributing existing DVB-C signals. Horizon has come up with just the right device for all those demanding installers out there: The HD-CM+ for DVB-C signals, launched by a long-time manufacturer of top-notch signal meters which TELEaudiovision readers have come to know and appreciate through numerous test reports. The blue signal meter measures 17 x 16 x 6.5 cm, weighs approximately 1 kg and sports the tried-andtested Horizon design that has proven its worth in many previous tests. On the front users of the new HD-CM+ can find a female socket for the signal input. High up on the wish list of most installers is an option to exchange that socket, and Horizon has gladly met that demand. In case youre wondering why this is an issue at all the signal input socket is usually the first component of a meter to fail due to all those different cables that need to be connected and disconnected again during active use. Right next to the socket there is a perfectly readable LCD display, as well as a total of five buttons for using all functions of the meter. Turning the meter around will give you access to the power socket on the back, as well as a USB interface and connection for the external 12V car charger on the side. The built-in Ni-MH battery pack is located on the bottom side and is protected by a sturdy flap. We love the fact that the battery pack can be accessed without the need for additional tools and therefore can easily be exchanged, if need be. After all, nothing is more annoying than running out of power during a major installation job. Horizon has also been generous as far as included accessories are concerned. The HD-CM+ comes with all required cables (power supply, USB), a car charger, a very handy display cover for rainy days, an external antenna for detecting faulty cables or interfering signals, and a heavy-duty carrying bag made of nylon. This way, the meter is always at hand while at the same time being protected from the elements or damage. The manual that is also part of the package is clearly structured and deals with all functions of the signal meter in a straightforward way. Horizon recommends charging the battery pack of the HD-CM+ for eight hours before using the meter for the first time. This makes sure the battery reaches its maximum capacity and provides optimum performance. It goes without saying that we heeded that advice and connected the meter to the mains overnight. Speaking of which, the internal power pack can handle any voltage between 90V and 250V AC, which makes it a true globetrotter. During the charging process an indicator on the display shows the

Horizon HD-CM+ fr DVB-C Extremely easy to operate, for professional installers

current battery status at any time, which is a nice feature as it gives you some hint as to when the charging cycle will be completed. And while were at it, lets have a closer look at the monochrome LCD display at this stage. Offering a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels it sports remarkable readability in dark surroundings thanks to its backlight feature, but also in direct sunlight thanks to its excellent contrast settings. As far as the battery pack is concerned, Horizon has opted for a 3300 mAh Ni-Mh battery which allows seven hours of continuous operation without external power supply. This in turn means that a single cycle will get most professional installers through a regular workday. Similar to other Horizon meters the HD-CM+ is brought to life with a feisty touch of the arrow down button. Installers can then call up the settings menu right away in order to customise the meter according to their requirements. This is where you can adjust the backlight mode, display brightness and display contrast, or you can activate automatic shutdown

1. Horizon HD-CM+ Logo 2. The three scan modes of the HD-CM+ 3. Signal level measurement 4. MER measurement 5. BER measurement 6. Manual scan with spectrum display 7. Selecting one of five pre-set channel allocation plans 8. Comparison measurement of five different frequencies 9. Comparison measurement of five different frequencies with signal level difference shown 10. Spectrum display 11.Settings menu 12. Settings menu 13. Leakage test 14. Constellation diagram 15. Individual channels can easily be selected for a comparison measurement

after a pre-set period of inactivity. This is a particularly useful feature, as it avoids drawing all power out of the battery pack simply because you forgot to switch off the meter. Measurement results can be given in dBV, dBmV or dBm and an automatic noise limiter can be set between -75 dBm and -55 dBm. Lastly, default factory settings can also be restored through the settings menu. Right after turning on the

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HD-CM+ installers will be happy to find themselves smack in the scan menu which lets them select one of three available scan modes: full scan, short scan and manual scan. Before we explain all three varieties and make a selection for testing purposes, we should mention that the HD-CM+ signal meter is capable of storing up to 20 pre-defined channel allocation plans in its internal memory. Those plans are

available for dozens of DVBC providers worldwide and allow fast access to all active frequencies of a given cable network. In case no channel allocation plan is available for the provider at hand you can always fall back on a standard channel plan that includes all UHF and VHF frequencies. Channel allocation plans can easily be selected for download from the manufacturers website at www.horizonhge.

com. All data will be packaged into a ZIP file that can be downloaded to a PC. All that is left to do then is to use the USB cable for connecting the meter to the PC. All drivers that are required to that end are also available from the Horizon website. File transfer worked flawlessly during our test and without any additional user input, since the zipped channel allocation plans come complete with all necessary

software. Only pre-defined plans can be downloaded without an option for creating a customised plan; however, customised plans can be requested from Horizon directly. Our test PC runs with Windows 8, so were happy to confirm that both drivers and software work smoothly with the latest Microsoft operating system. As the name implies, a full scan goes through the currently selected channel plan in its entirety, from A to Z, or from Z to A by pushing the LEFT/RIGHT buttons. With a short scan it is possible to look at specifically selected frequencies of the current channel plan, and a manual scan allows users to chose a single frequency from a frequency selection with spectrum view. Both in full scan mode and short scan mode the HD-CM+ starts from the lowest frequency and works itself up to the highest frequency of the plan. Whenever an active frequency is
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found, the scan stops and a measurement is initiated. In addition, the meter gives out the following parameters for each active frequency, depending on the actual signal type: RF, signal level, MER and BER for digital signals, and RF video signal level, RF audio signal level as well as SNR for analog channels. Whats more, you dont only get a precise figure, but also an info bar! During our test the display did not only impress us with its clearly structured display layout, but also with absolutely flawless readability under all circumstances. So its easy to see why we could hardly wait to have a close look at the signal of our local DVB-C provider. As it turns out, no pre-defined channel allocation plan is available

Signal Level Horizon 328 MHz 394 MHz 562 MHz 59.6 dBV 64.7 dBV 59.7 dBV

MER Horizon 32.1 dB 34.7 dB 36.6 dB

BER Horizon 2.05E-4 2.69E-4 3.20E-7

Signal Level Reference 61.2 dBV 62.1 dBV 58.4 dBV

MER Reference 31.3 dB 33.5 dB 34.8 dB

BER Reference 2.3E-4 2.3E-4 3.1E-6

on the Horizon website for UPC Austria, our cable operator. Not to worry, though, as we simply used the standard channel plan that will do fine for situations like this. It didnt take long until the first measurement results popped up on our meters display, and we were amazed by the ease of use and smart simplicity of the HD-CM+. As always with signal meters that we test, we need to find out if the indicated values can be categorised as rough estimates (read: unreliable) or correct results

(read: good for professionals). To find out, we connected a second meter from another manufacturer and discovered that both devices showed almost identical results. The conclusion that can be drawn is that Horizon has made a point of equipping its latest professional meter with an excellent tuner. Have a look at table 1 to see for yourself which results


16. Pre-set channel allocation plans are available for convenient download from the manufacturers website (www. 17. Transfer tool of stored measurement results of the HD-CM+


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we obtained for individual frequencies. Every time the Horizon signal meter detects an active frequency a touch of the OK button will call up a constellation diagram (for digital signals), plus all measured signal parameters can be saved onto the meters internal memory.For DVB-C, in particular, varying signal levels and somewhat inclined signal levels spread over the entire frequency band can create major problems. These issues are mostly caused by bad cabling, lowbudget splitters or signal feed units that are not properly configured. In order to address those issues, up to five active frequencies can be determined for a comparison measurement, with their signal levels shown side-by-side in a clearly presented overview. This way it is childs play to make all required signals adjustments. Another benefit: If you mark one of the five selected frequencies the meter calculates and shows the signal level difference between the marked and the other four frequencies. We also appreciated the spectrum view that is always very helpful for professional installers. The spectrums bandwidth can be adjusted right on the meter using the control buttons, with the following pre-defined options available: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,256, 512 and 840 MHz. Each frequency can conveniently be selected using the left/right buttons and is shown in the upper section of the display, alternating with the current bandwidth and the measured RF signal level. If you then need to analyse the current frequency and find out all additional parameters, all you need to do is press the OK button. The range of options and functions of the HD-CM+ is completed with a so-called leakage test that allows quick identification of unintended signal loss or sources of in-

terference. In order to perform this test, installers have to attach the antenna that is shipped with the meter to the signal input of the HD-CM+ and then select one of the pre-set test frequencies. The meter then initiates a particularly intense noise level measurement whose results are shown on the display either as a grey bar (indicating that the measurement result is below the threshold and consequently no faults occurred) or as pronounced signal level peaks (indicating a problem somewhere along the line). Obviously, we gave this feature a thorough test as well and can report that it works brilliantly. Amateur users are usually happy with an easy-tooperate signal meter that gives them quick results. Professional installers, on the other hand, take money for their work and therefore frequently require written documentation for completed jobs. Once again, the HDCM+ delivers with its internal log function that can be used to store all measured signal parameters in the meters internal memory. Free software from the manufacturers website then allows using those data in the CSV format in MS Excel, for example. Our test showed that all values of the comparison measurement could easily by saved and imported into an XLS chart. Last but by no means least we should like to mention the built in voltmeter with a measurement range from 0 to 110 V. In summary, the Horizon HD-CM+ turned out to be an excellent DVB-C signal meter during our test. To a large extent, this is due its excellent usability and smart user interface. Added to that is a display with wonderful readability something that always sets an installers heart on fire. The comparison with a reference meter demonstrated that the measurement results turned out to be absolutely accurate.


Thomas Haring Test Center Austria

+ Easy to use and clearly structured, a perfectly readable display,

a wide range of functions and accurate measurement results all this makes the HD-CM+ a top-notch signal meter. Thanks to its capable battery pack, several included accessories and robust build quality it is just the right companion for professional jobs.


More about this company

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Rcepteur satellite TV HD

DragonSat DS-5500HD

Fonctionne via lEPG en deux modes Commutation trs rapide de chaines Ragit rapidement toutes les commandes de la tlcommande Un tuner exceptionnel, convient aux signaux faibles ainsi quaux bas dbit symbol Lecteur et serveur intgrs pour contenu multimdia
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HDTV Satellite Receiver

A Satellite Receiver with Many Excellent Features

Just because its a high quality receiver doesnt mean it has to be big. Dragonsat wants to prove this with their new DS-5500HD. So, is it true? Well, thats what we wanted to find out so we put this new receiver to the test. After unpacking the box, there was really nothing that stood out visually. At 22 x 14.5 x 3.5 cm the DS5500HD is nice and small. It should therefore easily find its place in any TV cabinet or living room wall unit. On the front panel the manufacturer incorporated a four-digit display and right next to it a status LED as well as three buttons for receiver operation without the remote control. If you turn the Dragonsat receiver around, youll reveal the tightly spaced connector panel. In addition to the required connections, the manufacturer also included the CI slot and the internal card reader on the back of the box. The satellite signal is fed into the Sat IF input. Right alongside the input is the looped-through output as well as an HDMI port, a USB port, an RJ-45 network interface, an S/PDIF output, an RS232 interface and a connection for the included CVBS/Stereo audio adapter cable. Power is supplied to the DS-5500HD by an external 12V power supply. This allowed the manufacturer to eliminate the extra space in the receiver that would have otherwise been needed for an internal power supply. The included remote control is somewhat narrow and the buttons on the lower portion are rather small. Overall though, the quality of the receiver and remote control left us with a very positive impression as did the included user manual. As has become standard with nearly every receiver, the owner of a DS-5500HD will also be greeted with an Installation Assistant when first turning on the box. It will guide you through the most important basic settings. This includes OSD language, time settings, network settings and of course an automatic channel scan to top it off. If one or more details are missing or if you simply want to get an overview of all the functions of your newly acquired receiver, we suggest you take a look in the Main menu. In the System settings you can personalize nearly every one of the DS-5500HDs functions. For example, the resolution of the video signal output can be set to 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i or 1080p or you can let the receiver handle this task automatically. We really appreciate the fact that more and more receivers, including the DS-5500HD, are fully HD compatible even though the availability of 1080p HD content depending on the region is still very limited or completely non-existent. But at least youre ready for the future. External USB storage devices connected to the receiver via the USB interface

Dragonsat DS-5500HD Very fast satellite receiver with fully integrated Internet access


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can be used without any problems. Formatting these devices (thankfully also in NTFS format) with this receiver is also possible. If you really want to be able to use all of the DS-5500HDs functions, such as the various OSD display modes or its PVR features like fast forward/rewind, it definitely pays to have a look in the user manual where detailed information on these and other features can be found. All-in-all, the DS-5500HDs menu structure is very logically constructed and easy to use although one of the options to save energy in Standby that the manufacturer incorporated in the display settings gave us a little bit of a headache in our test center. To make it easy for the new owner to get right to satellite reception, Dragonsat included a very comprehensive list of European and Asian satellites along with the corresponding C and Ku-band transponder data. In some cases this list is very up to date; the newly launched ASTRA 1N satellite located at 28.2 east is correctly identified. But in other instances its not quite up to date; important transponders like 11494H or 11671H on ASTRA1 at 19.2 east are missing. The DS-5500HD is compatible with all the DiSEqC protocols allowing it to be used with nearly every possible antenna configuration. DiSEqC 1.0 can be used with up to four satellites, 1.1 with up to 16 satellites as well as 1.2 and 1.3 for motorized antennas. They also thought to include the ability to freely define LOF parameters. Once these settings have been taken care of and the receiver has been matched to the reception equipment, the next step would be to start filling the channel list with as many as 10,000 entries. To handle this task there is an automatic channel scan on one or more satellites, a manual transponder scan, an expanded transponder scan with manual PID entry as well as a Blindscan. If youre not interested in receiving encrypted channels, the scan can be set to find only freely receivable channels. This would save quite a bit of time and provide organization later on when going through the channel list. The channel scan itself was fast right from the start; the DS-5500HD needed only about five minutes to find 1568 TV and 373 radio channels on HOTBIRD at 13 east. If you invest a little more time, 12 minutes to be exact, the Blindscan function will find 1604 TV and 374 radio channels on the same satellites. Naturally the Blindscan feature had to prove itself under more difficult conditions, specifically on TURKSAT at 42 east with all of its narrowband SCPC transponders. It mastered
1. The DS-5500HD's main menu 2. System settings 3. The DS-5500HD also supports the NTFS file system. Recorded data no longer needs to be split into 4GB pieces 4. Channel list editor 5. Channel list entries can be edited all the way to their PID values 6. Thanks to the Favorites lists, popular channels can be accessed very quickly at any time 7. The customized channel list can be backed up on an external USB storage device 8. Recorder settings 9. OSD settings 10. The installation assistant starts with the OSD language selection 11. Network settings 12. If you prefer, you can do without all of the DS-5500HD's many Internet features, but who would want to do that? 13. Time settings 14. Daylight savings time settings have been uniquely solved 15. Language settings

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16 6

16. The receiver supports all of the standard video output resolutions 17. The preprogrammed satellite list is extensive and up-to-date 18. The recently launched ASTRA1N at 28.2 east is correctly listed 19. The transponder list is not always up-to-date; missing, for example, are a few important transponders on ASTRA1 at 19.2 east that have a number of HD channels 20. The DiSEqC 1.0 and DiSEqC 1.1 protocols are supported 21. The DS-5500HD effortlessly drives a motorized antenna with the help of the DiSEqC 1.2 and 1.3 protocols 22. Four different scan modes are available 23. The scan can be limited to just TV channels or unencrypted channels 24. The LOF parameters can be individually matched









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this task without any problems. This is exactly how a Blindscan should work! With nearly 2000 different channels that alone were found on a single satellite, powerful editing and sorting capabilities of the channel list are an absolute must. And the DS-5500HD did not disappoint here; the channel list entries can be easily deleted, moved, renamed, locked with a PIN code to hide them from the curious eyes of your kids or shifted into one of the many Favorites lists. The channel list can also be sorted alphabetically, by provider, satellite, transponder or encryption system and it can all be handled with the push of one button. When you look at the Main menu for the first time it quickly becomes clear that the DS-5500HD is strongly oriented to the reception of content via the Internet. It makes sense then that the manufacturer paid special attention when designing its networking features. The fact that the DHCP protocol is supported comes as no surprise but we also appreciated that the receiver can also be connected to the Internet wirelessly through the optionally available WiFi or 3G dongle. This makes the DS-5500HD perfect for outdoor use out on the balcony or at a camping site. After the channel list is filled and the settings have

been adjusted to your personal tastes, the receiver automatically switches to the first available channel when exiting the Main menu. And its at this point where the very attractively designed Info bar can be seen for the first time. In addition to the title of the current program and, if desired, the upcoming program, the Info bar also contains a number of symbols. These symbols provide information on what features are available with the current program, specifically, teletext, language choices, subtitles or HD resolution. And its here where the dedicated function but25. Network settings 26. If necessary, many of the settings can be reset to their factory default values 27. Utilities menu 28. Individual PID entry in the expanded scan 29. Blindscan function 30. A successful Blindscan of HOTBIRD at 13; thus far 37 new channels have been found 31. SCPC reception as seen here in the picture via TURKSAT at 42 east is also possible 32. Channel scan for ASTRA2 at 28.2 east 33. Setting up a timer entry 34. Additional transmission information 35. EPG overview for six channels 36. EPG overview of one channel 37. Subtitle selection 38. The satellite list can be directly accessed through a dedicated function button on the remote control 39. Picture-in-picture, mode 1




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40. Picture-in-picture, mode 2 41. Picture-in-picture channel selection 42. Mosaic view of up to 12 channels 43. The channel list sorted by satellite 44. Channel list options 45. The Download menu. Here the user can update software, Apps and preprogrammed lists on the receiver via the Internet 46. The Plugin menu provides access to a variety of tools 47. Weather forecast 48. The Media submenu









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tons on the remote control show their worth: they provide access to teletext, language selection, subtitles or the Favorites lists. The new Dragonsat receivers channel list can be accessed, as is typical, with the OK button and presents itself as very detailed and organized. Thanks to the speedy channel switching times of less than one second, channel surfing with the DS-5500HD is actually fun. The Electronic Program Guide (EPG) will also raise an eyebrow: it is available in two different modes and provides detailed programming information for several hours for up to six channels or it can show the entire

programming schedule for a single channel for the next several days. Since the new Dragonsat also comes with PVR features, recordings can easily be programmed directly via the EPG. We definitely like that you not only can record two channels at the same time while watching a third channel live, but the Timeshift function is also automatically available at any time (up to a maximum of one simultaneous recording). If youre afraid of missing the next episode of your favorite TV series, then the ability to set up daily, weekly, weekday or weekend timer recordings would be just perfect for you.

Overall, playing around with the DS-5500HD was a lot of fun and this was due in large part to the speedy reaction of the receiver to remote control commands. The decision by the manufacturer to incorporate an STi processor with 256MB Flash as well as 256 MB SDRAM was right on the money. Dragonsat even paid close attention to quality when the tuner was chosen; in our tests it was able to handle weaker signals like those found on BADR at 26 east and also narrowband signals such as those found on TURKSAT at 42 east. We also want to mention the practical Picture-in-Picture (PIP) function that shines during commercial breaks. It can be used to show a second TV channel is a small window on top of the primary channel or display two channels side-by-side in the same size windows. Also available, although not all too useful, is the ability with the push of one button on the remote control to provide a mosaic

49. New entries can be added manually to the Internet TV+ list 50. Internet TV+ playback 51. Unfortunately, the Internet Radio+ list is empty and doesn't contain any preprogrammed channels 52. The YouTube App in the FreeTV+ section worked perfectly 53. The web browser with a number of bookmarks to interesting pages 54. The character entry via the OSD keyboard works just like a mobile telephone 55. The TELE-audiovision homepage with the browser's status bar at the bottom of the display 56. Bookmark function 57. The web browser window can be adjusted in size and moved to different positions 58. Two recordings (even from HD channels) can take place at the same time 59. The receiver displays all of the previously recorded content clearly and concisely 60. The DLNA media player can access the multimedia content on other devices in the local network 61. Here you can see a number of video files that are stored on a MAC and are displayed and played back on the DS-5500HD 62. Music playback via DLNA in the local network





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62 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


63 6



display of 9 or 12 channels. If you take a look at the manufacturers website, youll quickly realize that they are constantly at work modifying and improving the DS-5500HD. There have already been multiple updated software versions posted there. New software can not only be downloaded from the Dragonsat website, but updates can also be performed directly on the receiver through an Internet update. Dragonsat with their new DS-5500HD is standing squarely behind the Internet as a secondary source of TV and radio reception. We here at TELE-audiovision feel that the manufacturer is
63. Thanks to automatic software updates, it's very easy to keep the Dragonsat up-todate 64. In addition to new software, FreeTV+ Apps, Internet TV+ and Internet Radio+ lists can be downloaded via the Internet. Even preconfigured channel lists (e.g. for ASTRA2 at 28.2 east) are also available for download 65. Channel list download for ASTRA2 at 28.2 east, HOTBIRD at 13 east and EUTELSAT at 16 east 66. FreeTV+ Apps can be downloaded and updated from the Internet 67. The picture quality of the preprogrammed Internet TV+ channels is very good


definitely on the right path; high-speed Internet access has already established itself to be a viable competitor to satellite, cable and terrestrial TV. If you enter the submenu Media, youll come across catchy feature names like Internet TV+, Internet Radio+ or FreeTV+. When these were accessed during our tests we uncovered a small disappointment: a mere seven TV channels were preprogrammed and the Internet Radio+ list was completely empty. On top of that, of the seven preprogrammed channels, only three could be accessed and displayed. If youre not satisfied with these choices, the alternative is to manually add Internet channels. Fortunately, this can be done without any problems. The heading FreeTV+ provides access to a variety of multimedia and content providers via the Internet with the help of some practical Apps. Currently theres only one App for YouTube available; additional Apps were displayed as if they were available for download but in the end they could not be loaded on our test receiver. Nevertheless, the YouTube


86 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


App worked perfectly and when all the other Apps work reliably, the user should be more than satisfied. To top it all off, the multimedia section has a client that provides access to the Russian PayTV provider Kartina TV and, of course, theres also the ability to play back local video files in the formats WMV, TS, MP4, MP4 HD, MKV, Flash, DivX and AVI. For audio files the MP3 format is available and for pictures its the JPG format. In connection with this we also liked the integrated DLNA media player with which you can reach across the network and access your music collection on your PC with the DS-5500HD. The same, of course, is also true for videos. And as if this wasnt enough, Dragonsat made it possible using the DLNA media player to access all of the stored content on your receiver, whether its videos, music or pictures, from a Windows PC. This worked exceptionally well in both directions in our tests and at the same time it was a lot of fun. Of course, such an Internet-oriented receiver like the DS-5500HD should not

be without a browser. And Dragonsat did not fail here either, however, improvements can be made here as evidenced by the 10 second startup time that was needed. Even the display of websites despite a 100Mbit Internet connection was very slow here in our test center - nearly 20 seconds was needed to fully load our Facebook page. Yet we did like that Dragonsat included a number of preprogrammed bookmarks for some of the more popular sites like Facebook, CNN or Google Maps. Entering characters via the virtual keyboard also worked correctly. The browser itself can be individually adjusted for size and position such that, for example, a commercial break can be used to surf the Internet while still having the TV picture in view so you know when it would be time to stop surfing. The Internet features are rounded off with a weather App, an RSS reader, a calendar and a calculator. At this point we only want to mention the submenu Plugin for completeness; it contains numerous tools that go deeper into the reception technology.

DragonSat DS-5500HD HDTV Satellite Receiver


Thomas Haring Test Center Austria

+ Handy and easy to use receiver highlighted by a nicely structured OSD and sophisticated software. Thanks to a wide variety of Internet features, this box is much more than an ordinary satellite receiver. Through its space-saving design and its external 12V power supply it would be perfect for mobile applications, such as, when camping.

The loading of Apps did not work during our tests and the Internet TV+ and Internet Radio+ lists are very lackluster and need some updating.

Apparent Power Mode Apparent Active Factor Active 24 W 13 W 0.54 StandBy 12 W 5.5 W 0.45 Deep StandBy 0.5 W 0.5 W 1.00

Active Power

Energy: The first 15 minutes active operation, the second 15 minutes normal standby, the third 15 minutes expanded standby with energy saving functions 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Multiswitch SCR

88 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Multiswitch SCR de SPAUN SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY & SUS 5581 F

1re Partie
Permet lutilisation des cbles coaxiales existants De trs bonnes spcifications qui gardent la qualit originale du signal Solution facile pour la distribution des signaux satellites et terrestres jusqu 16 rcepteurs SCR Option en bonus : La commutation des chaines(zapping) trs rapide compare la plupart des rcepteurs 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Multiswitch SCR

La faon la plus facile dajouter satellite et de la tlvision terrestre une entreprise existante petit rseau cbl
SPAUN SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY & SUS 5581 F Excellent and most easy way to add direct satellite reception for up to 16 users without additoinal cables

Il y a quelques temps, dans un rapport de test , nous avons introduit le SPAUN SUS 5581/33 NF. Nous lui avons donn le titre : Une distribution de signaux TV satellite trs facile installer (voir TELE-satellite 12-01/2012). A cette poque , cela a t le premier dans son genre: Un multiswitch SCR (single cble router ). Paralllement , SPAUN a largi le concept et a intro-

duit non seulement des modles plus rcents mais toute une gamme de produits base sur le concept du cble unique. Nous avons choisi deux de ces nouveaux modles pour les prsenter dans ce rapport de test : Le SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY et le SUS 5581F. Bien que chacun deux peut tre utilis sparment, rien nempche de les interconnecter ensemble afin de raliser un systme plus ex-

tensible cble unique et en vrifiant jusquo peut aller le concept de cble unique. tes-vous familier avec le concept de cble unique SCR? Pour nos lecteurs moins expriments ,faisons tout dabord, une courte introduction de la technologie SCR . Un routeur cble unique prend habituellement les signaux dune tte (LNB) Quad ou Quattro - similaire un multiswitch ordinaire.

Fig. 1. Connection diagram for an SCR with 1x8 output

Cependant, contrairement un multiswitch vous ne connectez pas des rcepteurs individuels aux sorties spares dun SCR. Mais, vous connectez pas un seul, mais un certain nombre de rcepteurs en srie - lun aprs lautre - un cble coaxial reli une sortie SCR. Bien sr, vous devez utiliser les sockets dabonns appropris, par exemple: SPAUN UNiSocket 310, 314 und 318 afin de relier les rcepteurs et permettre au signal de passer la prochaine prise. Voir Figure 1. Dans lexemple illustr la figure 1, le SCR fournit huit sorties porteuses modules des frquences bien dfinies - comme si vous gnrez 8 transpondeurs diffrents. Chacun des huit rcepteurs

90 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

doit tre configur pour lire seulement une porteuse en question. Maintenant que les bases sont expliques , nous pouvons passer au test pratique des produits . Nous avons commenc avec le SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY. Ce Multiswitch SCR est lun plutt complexe. Il dispose de quatre entres pour connecter une tte (LNB) Quattro ou Quad et la cinquime entre est conue pour connecter une antenne terrestre. Au lieu dune sortie , la version de SPAUN arbore trois sorties qui peuvent tre configurs en deux modes: - Le mode 3x3: chacune des trois sorties gnre trois porteuses SCR diffrentes - Le mode 1x8: La sortie N2 gnre huit porteuses SCR tandis que la sortie 1 et 3 fonctionnent comme une sortie classique de multiswitch laquelle des rcepteurs satellites classiques (legacy) peuvent tre connects. En outre, le SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY est quip de 5 sorties groupes: quatre pour les signaux satellites et une pour le signal terrestre. Cest parfait pour les relier aux entres dun autre multiswitch. Et cest ce que nous avons fait dans notre configuration de test mais nous y reviendrons avec plus dtails. Tous les multiswitchs SPAUN sont parfaitement finis. Il ny a absolument rien de quoi se plaindre. Les manuels de conseils techniques qui accompagnent chaque produit fournissent toutes les donnes techniques pertinentes et astuces pour une bonne installation. Vous ne pouvez vous confondre ni perdre votre temps essayer de comprendre ce que vous devez connecter avec quoi. Tout est clair ds le dbut. Chaque multiswitch est en outre quip dune fiche dalimentation de type universel munie dadaptateurs interchangeables pour diffrentes prises lectriques. Ils peuvent fonctionner dans une large plage de tension dalimentation: 100 ~ 240 V ac 50/60

In TELE-satellite 12-01/2012 we introduced SPAUN's UNiSEqC

system with the first multiswitch of the series, the SUS 5581/33 NF

Hz et fournit 18 V en courant continu la sortie pour les multiswitchs. Notre configuration de test est compose dune parabole oriente vers EUTELSAT16A 16Est et quipe dune tete (LNB) Quad. Nous avons connect les sorties de la tete (LNB) aux entres satellite du SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY et avons bascul son commutateur de capot suprieur en position de 22 kHz tel que requis pour une tte (LNB) Quad. Devionsnous utiliser une tte ( LNB) Quattro , nous laurions chang la position 12V. Avant de tester les signaux de cble unique, nous voulions nous assurer que tout est OK avec les signaux existants. Par consquent, notre premier test tait de comparer une sortie de notre tte Quad avec la sortie N1

et la sortie N3 lorsquon travaille en mode legacy (mode 1x8). Comme vous pouvez le voir dans le graphique 1, les deux sorties sont rgules environ 73 dBV ce qui concorde exactement avec les spcifications SPAUN. La Qualit du signal reste pratiquement inchange - MER reste presque exactement le mme qu lentre du multiswitch - voir le graphique 2. Et que dire des sorties groupes ? Nous avons pris des mesures similaires en comparant la sortie de la tte (LNB) dorigine aux sorties groupes du SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY et avons obtenu une moyenne de perte de lordre de 1,62 dB, ce qui convient parfaitement aux vises de SPAUN: 1.... 2,5 dB de perte. Nous avons vrifi galement si la qualit du signal nest

Graph 1.

Graph 2.
92 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

pas dgrade aprs le passage dans le multiswitch. Et non. En moyenne, le MER est descendu juste 0,21 dB - ce nest presque rien. Ainsi, le signal rpt sur les sorties groupes du multiswitch est peine moins bon que celui original disponible la sortie de notre tte (LNB) Quad de test .

Une fois que nous avons fini avec les signaux satellites conventionnels, il tait temps de vrifier les signaux SCR. Initialement , nous avons examin le signal 1x8 la sortie N2. Figure 2 montre le spectre. Il est trs net - pas de signaux parasites dtects et les signaux euxmmes ont un excellent rap-

Fig. 4. Spectrum of Output 2 n 3x3 Mode.

Fig. 2. Spectrum of Output 2 in 1x8 Mode.

Fig. 5. Spectrum of Output 3 n 3x3 Mode.

Fig. 3. Spectrum of Output 1 n 3x3 Mode.

Fig. 6. Spectrum of SUS 5581 F output.

Graph 3.

Graph 4.
94 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

port signal-sur-bruit. Aussi les mesures MER ont confirm ce qui pourrait tre dduit de laffichage spectral - la qualit du signal de sortie tait trs bonne (voir graphique 4). La puissance de sortie est rgule 9095 dBV comme le montre le graphique 3. La sortie plus leve tait la porteuse haute frquence ce qui parait logique puisque lattnuation du cble coaxial augmente avec la frquence . Ensuite, nous avons chang le mode 3x3 dans lequel chaque sortie (1 3) a produit trois porteuses diffrentes. Les figures 3 5 montrent les

captures dcran prises partir de notre analyseur de signaux et les graphes 5 et 6 montrent la puissance de sortie et le MER. De mme pour le mode 1x8, dans ce mode galement le C/N tait parfait et les rsultats MER nont diminu que lgrement. Nous navons pas remarqu dimpact sur le MER en raison de taux de symbole du transpondeur. Le SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY a trait le signal sans erreurs pour les deux cas : des taux de dbit symbol trs levs et trs faibles (30 Ms/s et 2,5 Ms/sec respectivement). Actuellement , le point impor-

tant est venu du SUS 5581F. Alors que vous pouvez le connecter directement une tte (LNB) Quattro, comme mentionn prcdemment, vous pouvez galement le brancher aux sorties groupes du SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY. Dans une telle configuration, vous obtenez une autre sortie de cble unique laquelle vous pouvez connecter jusqu 8 rcepteurs supplmentaires. La figure 6 montre une vue spectrale de la sortie du SUS 5581 F - 8 porteuses, transportant chacune un transpondeur slectionn par un rcepteur

reli la ligne. Le spectre semblait toujours parfait. La puissance de sortie tait exactement ce que SPAUN avait spcifi, de lordre de 95 dBV. Le MER tait en baisse denviron 1,2 dB par rapport une sortie directe de la tete (LNB). Cest un trs bon rsultat si lon tient compte du fait que le signal a d traverser pas seulement un mais deux multiswitchs - voir les graphiques 7, 8. Aprs vrification de la performance des signaux satellite, Nous avons galement vrifi le traitement du signal terrestre. Comme on sy attendait,

Graph 5.

Graph 6.

Graph 7.

Graph 8. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


toutes les pertes de signal introduites par les deux multiswitchs taient infrieures aux paramtres spcifis. Joli travail! Pour rsumer: les deux multiswitchs ont trs bien fonctionn en effet. Comme le montre nos mesures, SPAUN a fournit ce quils ont promis. Pour finaliser notre test, nous avons connect un rcepteur rgulier pour vrifier si tous les transpondeurs seraient encore dispo-

nibles dans un arrangement de cble unique . Et bien sr, tout y tait. Le Zapping a t rapide et en fait, si votre rcepteur nest pas trs bon pour cette fonction, en utilisant le rseau de cble unique avec des multiswitchs de haute qualit comme ceux de SPAUN, cela peut augmenter la vitesse du zapping et augmenter votre joie de regarder la tlvision numrique.


Jacek Pawlowski Test Center Poland

+ excellente finition
Gain lev Faible bruit Zapping rapide Module souple - Convient pour diffrents arrangements


Manufacturer Web E-mail Phone Fax Model Inputs SAT/TERR Through loss 5...862 MHz Through loss 950...2200 MHz Tap Loss 5...862 MHz SAT Input Level SAT Output Level (Legacy Mode) Output Level 950...2200 MHz SCR carriers [MHz] Power consumption SPAUN electronic GmbH & Co. KG, Germany +49-7731-8673-0 +49-7731-8673-17 SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY < 4 dB 1 2.5 dB 13 15 dB 65 95 dBV 73 dBV 1x8: 95 dBV 3x3: 82 dBV SUS 5581 F < 4 dB 1 2 dB 4 6 dB 65 95 dBV N/A 95 dBV 04/01/13 04/01/13

974 974 1076 1076 1178 1178 1280 1280 1382 1382 1484 1484 1586 1586 1688 1688 1790 (only in 3x3 setup) < 7 W < 7W

96 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


Tiviar App

Air Tivi+
Commande les appareils grce votre rseau domestique Transmet en live la TV votre iPad ou iPhone Fonctionne mme avec des chaines HD Fonction PVR intgre Ne convient pas actuellement aux antennes motorises
98 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Tiviar App

Add-on App for the Tiviar

Thomas Haring
In our previous issue 0708/2013 of TELE-audiovision we presented the new Tiviar receiver to our readers. The manufacturer has now launched a smartphone/ tablet app called Air Tivi+, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple iTunes store and works with all iOS devices. All you have to make sure of is that both the Tiviar receiver and the iOS device use the same network and a WiFi connection is available for the smartphone or tablet. In the bottom line of the apps home screen the following functions can be selected: Channel, Schedule, Remote and Settings. The Remote section is of particular interest, as it allows operating the receiver via the iPhones or iPads touchscreen. Due to the different display sizes of phone and tablet the virtual remote control differs slightly on both devices. The system worked without any lag at all during our test, something we did not really expect and which impressed us all the more. Whats more, the virtual remote control is obviously much bigger (at least when an iPad is used) and more convenient to use than the original remote that comes with the receiver. So how does it actually

work? Simply select a channel for playback on your device. A small window then pops up counting down from 10 to 0 until enough data is stored in the buffer memory for smooth video playback.

Another touch of a (virtual) button is all it takes for full-screen view, which also works flawlessly. It goes without saying that we were particularly curious

In the previous isue 07-08/2013 of TELE-audiovision we

presented the new Tiviar Receiver

1. We had to enter the receivers IP address manually in our test automatic detection did not work 2. TV channel list of the Air Tivi+ app on the iPad 3. Channels sorted by groups 4. Setting options of the Air Tivi+ app 5. Virtual remote control on the iPad 6. Live playback of an HD channel 7. Complete EPG data for all channels is available with the app 8. A single touch of a button marks events for recordings 9. Editing existing timer entries 10. Full-screen playback of an HD channel

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as to how the system would cope with HD channels and we were delighted when we were shown HD content even before the initial countdown had reached 0. A word of caution: We found out during our thorough test that HD channels put considerable strain on the WiFi connection, which means that they work smoothly only if the network is in mint condition. Move away too far from the router and youll soon experience signal drops. With SD content, on the other hand, we never had a problem. Each of the three Tiviar tuners can be chosen to provide its signal to the app, with the two other tuners remaining available for recordings or live viewing with the receiver itself. It is even possible to record two different channels with the receiver and use the third tuner for watching TV with the app. And not only is this possible in theory, it also

works flawlessly in practice. One aspect we noticed and which to us didnt make a lot of sense is that the channel order in the app is different from the channel list on the receiver. And by the way, streaming only works if the selected channel is available right away. In other words, users of a DiSEqC motorised antenna, whose system may take some time until the required antenna position is reached, can use the app only for channels on the cur- 12 rently received satellite at this stage. In summary, the general concept and design of the new Air Tivi+ app did not fail to impress us and once the remaining bugs are eliminated, it will offer a vast enhancement to the Tiviar receiver.
11. List of timer entries shown on the iPhone 12. Virtual remote control on the iPhone page 1 13. Virtual remote control on the iPhone page 2 14. Virtual remote control on the iPhone page 3 15. Channel list with live TV on the iPhone



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Amplificateur Hi-Fi

Audolici A1/25

104 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Reproduit le son une trs haute qualit inimaginable Fabriqu uniquement avec dexcellents composants et matriaux Donne une nouvelle dimension lcoute de la musique Son Surround est une chose, le vrai son Hi-Fi en est une autre chose diffrente Disponible des prix abordables au grand public

Integrated Amplifier 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Hi-Fi Amplifier

Hi-Fi Sound for the Home

Vitor Martins Augusto
When was the last time you heard music in really good quality? Not just good stereo, but in a concert hall with good acoustics or even from a high class audiophile system? Maybe thats a long time ago, because nowadays audiophile sound quality is completely neglected. Most people nowadays are used to portable music players and of course it is great to carry around a large collection of albums in a small mp3 player, mobile phone or iPod. But with such devices our hearing ability is pushed into the background, as the focus is about the quick consumption of music: anytime, anywhere. Home Hi-Fi systems were replaced by surround sound systems, which are basically optimized to reproduce sounds and noise coming from all directions, rather than trying to obtain the best music quality. And so it comes that most people no longer are aware of how incredibly perfect music reproduction sounds and which dimensions, depth and plasticity can be achieved. This happened to me when I was able to test the Audolici A1/25 Integrated Amplifier. From the very first song by Joan Baez Diamonds and Rust, the music flowed through me and gave me goose bumps; I closed my eyes and was formally conveyed to the 70s and before me she stood and sang for me. When did I listen the last time to music in this way? I do not know exactly, but certainly a good 20 years ago. Back in the late 80s a proper Hi-Fi sound system was to be found in almost every household, but somehow this has changed in the 90s and especially in this new century. One encounters surround systems, media centres and home cinema, but listening to music on these AV receivers is just not the same. And so I dove into the

This is Valeriy Kuchkovskyi, founder and owner of

Audolici. In his hands he is holding the incredible Hi-Fi amplifier A1/25. He has all reasons to smile: this is a truly exceptional amplifier.

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world of music, spending hours listening to many amazing albums and discovering new details in the songs I already knew. All thanks to the A1/25, an audiophile class tube amplifier from Audolici. Very few will have ever heard of Audolici, so first a small introduction to this company. The history begins with Ukrainian Valeriy Kuchkovskyi who,back in the days of the Soviet Union, worked in the Ukraine as an engineer specialized in tubes. Do you still know what a tube is, also known as vacuum valve? These were used before transistors and transistors were used before the integrated chips IC became the norm and are used all over nowadays. Early on Valeriy started discovering the mysteries of audio circuits, especially the ones using tubes. Instead of just using well known schematics, he introduced his own ideas into the circuits. 15 years ago Valeriy moved to Portugal and in 2007 he founded his own company Audolici, in partnership with INESC Porto, the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of the city of Porto, located in the upper north of Portugal. During a period of five very productive years, Audolici not only developed a variety of tube amplifiers, phono pre-amplifiers and studio equipment, building up simultaneously a network of specialized companies to provide components of the highest possible quality. The best known Audolici product developed within this period is the classic AUDOLICI-50 Series, featuring the Jazz, Swing and
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Blues models. These are designed in the more typical appearance, in which we see the tubes and can guess the transformers at the rear. While this design is a delight to any audiophile, normal music lovers will struggle a little, because these amplifiers do not fit

in a normal rack, cannot be stacked with other audio components and therefore basically require a matching set of furniture. This will often cause some heavy discussion between the audiophile and his or her partner, even though the 50-AUDOLICI does look extremely

classy. The initial years of Audolici existence have been very important to get a better understanding of the very demanding audiophile market, too. Feedback came from all over the world and Audolici listened. And so it happened that Audolici has developed a

new approach to tube amplifiers and implemented it for the first time with the A1/25. It is a real tube amplifier, but in a classic amplifier housing. Indeed, it makes one immediately want to screw open the chassis cover to make sure that there really are tubes inside the receiver. And yes, 6 tubes reside inside, four tubes (type 6SL7) for the first stage and two tubes for the output power stage (the famous EL-34B). These are hand-picked, which may sound unbelievable, but it makes sense. Despite the utmost care in the production of the tubes, it is impossible to produce two tubes with absolutely identical properties. Valeriy therefore checks personally all the tubes used for each

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amplifier and only uses tube pairs which sonically match. It is no secret that Russian tubes are considered the best and its no coincidence that Valeriy knows all the best tubes and where to get them from Russia. But hold on: Audolici amplifiers are not of the handmade category: yes, the components on the board are soldered manually and all components are screwed together manually as well. But much more amazing is the amount of real development that has been gone into the production of the key components. The transformers for example are produced by a Portuguese company specialized in this area. Still, Audolici worked with this company over years, re-

searching the best production methods and properties to build the finest transformers for audiophile amplifiers. It is not just about how to wrap the coil: even the right composition for the ferrite core has been investigated. Another example is the black finishing of the case. Yes it is black, but it is neither piano shiny black, which perfectly reproduces any fingerprints, nor is it the matte kind of black, which looks a bit cheap. It is of the perfect smooth black kind, which I honestly never encountered before. Again, the reason for this unusual finishing comes from the fact that Audolici researched the most advanced materials and surface finishing techniques available and established partnerships to

both develop and produce the finishing of the casing. The result is a work of art and I have witnessed myself this commitment to excellence, because Valeriy is not unknown to me, as he lives like me in Porto and our professional paths have crossed many times in the past.

1. The Audolici aplifier A1/25 in its full glory in the audiophile test room 2. This room not only has very good acoustic properties: it features the unbelievable JBL Olympus C 50 speaker. Yes, they are big but what great sound comes out of them. The small tweeters on top of the speakers complement them perfectly and despite their size they feature an amazing weight of around 3 Kg each. 3. The Audolici A1/25 was tested with the Sony CDP-X77ES, one of the best CD players ever built by Sony. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


The Audolici A1/25 is not only design wise different from other tube amplifiers. It has another unusual point: its price. While an audiophile tube amplifier like the AUDOLICI-50 Jazz has a price tag of around 7500 Euros for the end user, the Audolici A1/25 aims at approximately half that price. This represents an unbeatable bargain for an amplifier of this class, particularly because Valeriy did not manage to make this amplifier sound worse than more expensive models. I was able to test this amplifier twice: first at my home and then in a proper auditorium for audiophile music systems, owned by a private collector and audiophile addict. This dual test enabled me on one hand to get to know the A1/25 in a familiar acoustic environment. On the other hand, it was also important for me to hear

the amplifier with speakers evenly matched in a truly optimized space, along with high class components. The first contact with the A1/25 is marked by the weight of the amplifier. Being used to the keywords compact and light common marketing keywords nowadays - it is surprising how heavy a real amplifier can be. The A1/25 brings an impressive 11.5 kg to the scale. The casing is perfect. An elegant front panel with only two knobs and a switch and a characteristic minimalist design. The left knob allows selection of the input (CD, Tuner, AUX 1 and AUX 2), while the right knob controls the volume. Both knobs are solid and heavy and have a high quality finishing.The volume knob uses an Alps 100k log potentiometer, which again is a sign that only the best components have been used

to build this equipment. The centre lever indicates the ON state by means of a green LED, which is integrated in the switch. The colour of my test equipment was graphite black, but the receiver is also available in silver. On the rear side, the A1/25 presents itself again with a high quality finishing. All RCA sockets are gold plated and the output terminals for the speaker use a WBT type binding post, which will totally satisfy the most demanding user. Although the unit is assembled by hand, the A1/25 by no means looks like a do it yourself amplifier, as opposed to many of the tube amplifiers to be encountered in the market from other brands. The manufacturing of the device is very professional as you would expect from a premium Hi-Fi component. The arrangement of the

speaker output terminals indicates the internal architecture of the amplifier, for they are distributed symmetrically and allow the connection of only one pair of speakers, which may be of the 4-6 Ohm or 6-8 Ohm type. Having only output terminals for one pair of speakers cannot be regarded as a limitation, because the A1/25 is to be used with a matched high quality speaker pair and it would not make sense to connect more speakers, nor to spend money in the purchase of two speaker pairs. Instead, Audolici has been rather generous with the 4 inputs connector pairs. In this segment, it is not that usual to have this number of input connectors available, but it does make sense in the present days, since music lovers no longer want to swap cables to be able to alternate between different sources, like a CD

After setting up the

amplifier we were ready to enjoy a long afternoon listening to a huge amount of CDs.

112 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Testing the Audolici with the Best Available CDs

player, a modern media player with a digital audio output connected through a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter - more on that later on), a tuner or a turntable through a phono preamplifier. Overall, the appearance of the A1/25 is discreet, classy, yet elegant. Although it is in principle a black box, you can immediately see that it is a special device. Sometimes less really is more. The cover is secured by 6 screws. Inside the case the tubes reveal themselves, since they occupy a third of the available space. The trick to the small hight of the A1/25 comes from the fact that the tubes are arranged horizontally, rather than the usual vertical position. A total of 6 units are installed, 3 for the left and 3 for the right audio channel. Like the speaker jacks the interior of the A1/25 is totally symmetrical, as is common in audiophile amplifiers. The printed circuit boards are of excellent quality and all the cables are of industrial grade with professional connectors. The device is the result of a remarkable feat of engineering, combining Old School with the latest manufacturing techniques. Being located inPortugal offers unprecedented advantages, because when it comes to the production of very small series, many highly specialized companies are to be found in this region, offering sheet metal production, electrical cables, etc. The 11.5 kgweight of the amplifier is not only due to the robust and perfect body but mainly caused by the three transformers especially produced for this amplifier. These were prepared according to the specifications of Audolici in a specialized Portuguese company. This expertise has a tradition in Portugal, because major companies like Grundig were located in the vicinity, resulting in a network of suppliers.

- Dire Straits - Brother in Arms Your Latest Trick Fantastic, the saxophone at the beginning of the song, then the voice of Mark Knopfler. The drums precisely positioned. The A1/25 reproduced this quiet song with a fabulous visibility and at great ease. I discovered in this song many new details. - Sade - Promise The Sweetest Taboo A great album in which Sades voice remains in the foreground and yet accompanied by a plethora of instruments and compositions. Here, too, the A1/25 provides full pleasure. If you close your eyes, you have Sade singing for you - an indescribable experience surrounded by all the instruments and arrangements. - Pat Metheny Group - Travels Goodbye This album has grown on me and it is by far the album Ive heard the most times in my life. Therefore, this double CD is in each of my audio tests. The track called Goodbye especially evokes emotions in me. It is not easy for many amplifiers to reproduce the tender sounds at the beginning with the voice of Nan Vasconcelos drawing a fragility that does not require volume, but presence. The A1/25 mastered this. With the volume knob set to about half the quiet background composition had presence, while the voice was not too loud. Interestingly, the A1/25 requires the volume knob to be turned further than other amplifiers to get the same volume output.

- Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Time This song begins with a prelude that is difficult for many amplifiers: the clocks ticking and ringing. I was thrilled by the Audolici amplifier being able to bring to life each clock individually. Only the best amplifiers in the world will be able to resolve the panoply of ticking and ringing sounds with such a brilliance. But the rest of the song captivates the listener as well with the guitar solo leading the listener through time and space. I have to confess that I never experienced Time by Pink Floyd like this before. Naturally, I kept on listening and The Great Gig In The Sky sounded just fabulous! - Arne Domnerus Group Jazz at the Pawnshop Audiophiles know Jazz at the Pawnshop, as most audiophile stereos will be tested with this CD to start with. The reason is not only because this CD was incredibly well produced, but also because the recording was done in a club full of people. This CD is simply considered the best jazz live recording ever. Although the conditions were just far away from the ideal: you can also hear clinking cups, chairs being pushed and people coughing. But this is exactly the reason for the fascination about this CD. The Audolici A1/25 mastered this CD with flying colours. For me this means: close your eyes and wait so see whether the amplifier just manages to transport me into The Pawn Shop. Yes it does, I am sitting at a table and Im in for a great Jazz experience.

114 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

To test the amplifier at home I connected it to my vintage speakers produced by the German manufacturer Pilot. The bulky speakers have a pure and solid sound, because they come from the Hi-Fi heyday, the early 80s. To play CDs I used my CD/ DVD Player DVP-S715 from Sony not the most expen-

sive device, but still fitted with a proper mechanism and individual CD and DVD heads. I have connected this player both through the internal DAC and an external DAC from Music Fidelity, the well-known V-DACII. To be able to fully take advantage of an amplifier in the 21st century there is no

way around using a modern media player. It is so much more comfortable to be able to browse in your own music library directly via a remote control, rather than having to constantly get up to change CDs. Therefore I connected a media player running the legendary Xbox Media Centre (XBMC), now available on

many platforms like the old Xbox, iPod, iPad, Android and even the Raspberry Pi. I used a Media-PC to run XBMC and connected it via the V-DACII to the A1/25. Interestingly, my media player gets the music over the network from a file server: analogue audio meets modern digital electronics.

116 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

What can I say about the amplifier? It is incredible! You experience music in a whole new context. It is as if one has seen his life through a matte glass, thinking that the sight was the normal one, when suddenly this glass is removed and you see the world in a sharpness and clarity like never before. This is how it felt to me. But just as you suddenly can see the image crystal clear you start to notice all faults as well. Suddenly you realize how bad mp3 actually sounds, due to the compression artefacts. Any mp3 file with a bitrate of less than 320MBPS simply makes no fun at all to listen to. Worse, one even discovers that some CDs do not sound so great either, because they have been badly produced. All this can not be noticed using a regular music player. To test the A1/25 I have therefore resorted to well-known recordings, which have been exceptionally well produced, meaning for example that you can locate all instruments in space: I have listened to these albums at home using CDs (with internal and external DAC) and using the media player (with the V-DACII). It was now time to repeat the listening in an audiophile environment. While the A1/25 was very tolerant with my speakers, CD player and theV-DACII, I wanted to see the hidden power of this valve amplifier when it had to feed proper audiophile speakers. I was lucky to be able to use a truly legendary classic audiophile speaker, the JBL Olympus C 50. As a CD player a Sony CDP-X77ES was used. Here the A1/25 could really show whats in it. I was already impressed with the sound quality in my home but now the A1/25 just produced a state of euphoria. Its so amazing to listen to well-

known CDs on this system. It is as if you were there, in the middle of the action - see my listening experience in the Testing the Audiolici with the Best Available CDs section. No question, the Audolici A1/25 reproduces a wellbalanced sound with a spectacular space. You close your eyes and can position the individual instruments around you. Especially acoustic instruments benefit from the valve amplifier. The Audolici A1/25 is a masterpiece in its category. Audolici has developed an amplifier that brings enthusiasm among audiophiles and yet at the same time this unit is affordable to a wider audience. The industry has neglected Hi-Fi sound in favour of the visual stimulation. Modern homes feature large TVs in HD resolution and surround sound, but with our ears we can achieve quicker and deeper relaxation and immersion in emotions. I wholeheartedly recommend to all ourTELE-audiovision readers to seek a demonstration of a real audiophile system, preferably of this

amazing amplifier. Even if you have no interest or possibility to buy it you should at least try it out and I am sure youll hear the difference it makes to listen to a real outstanding audio system.

Inside of the A1/25. The

tidiness is the result of yearlong research and development. As expected, the amplifier is mainly symmetrically build. Here, the tubes are installed vertically, a unique concept. The two transformers have been especially designed.

Model Function Manufacturer Website Contact Tel Channels Inputs Power output Loudspeaker impedance Total harmonic distortion Frequency response Input impedance Input sensitivity Output impedance Signal-to-noise ratio Damping factor Channel separation Overall Negative Feedback Power consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight Input terminal Colours Audiolici A1/25 Hi-Fi audio amplifier Audiolici, Centro de Empresas NET, Edifcio PROMONET, Rua de Salazares 842, 4149-002 Porto, Portugal +351-91-2005308 2 4 (CD / TUNER / AUX 1 / AUX 2) A1 2 x 20W A1/25 2 x 25W 4-6 or 6-8 @ 1W, 1000Hz 0,4% @ 10W, 1000Hz 0,8% @ 20W, 1000Hz 2,5% 28Hz 20 KHz / 1,5dB @ 20W 47 k 1,57 V 0,4 -89dB 10 @ 1KHz 50dB @ 1KHz 0dB 200VA 435 x 96 x 345 mm 11.5Kg Gold plated RCA Black, white and grey 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


DIGITAL receivers of

118 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website Function


& Combo Receiver

/ 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3

DiSEqC PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

/ /

HD MK Tech IS1-19and local TV in for Satellite Well equipped uth America So

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Expert Opinion


Manufacturer Website Function

TBS Tenow compatible Twin Tuner Streamingbox


1.0 / 1.1

PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

/ /

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

ing Box MOI ion TBS Stream ming and isolat ea str ers off double Program d software, a of hardware an t for the future of TV ep nc co innovative

Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine


0.54 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Digital Receivers of 21st Century

Manufacturer Website Function Gotech

Satellite Receiver
/ unlimited 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / /

Channel Memory DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

MK TechHD ceiver Mini Scart Re Fully featured HDMI with HDTV via

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Expert Opinion


Manufacturer Website Function


/ / Triple PVR Receiver

/ 10000 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / /

Channel Memory DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Plus Tiviar Alpha ration d integ Best dissolve all digital of for reception TV signals

Expert Opinion


120 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013




Receiver, Mediaplayer, Android Apps

/ / /

PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio
Smar tcenter Changhong essful Very succ for digital TV hybrid receiver

Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function




PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

/ /

75C Panodic HDT-2 HDTV era for the new Great receiver trial TV in digital terres f DVB-T2 in future-proo

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Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

0.53 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Digital Receivers of 21st Century

Manufacturer Function


/ /

PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio
-278 Tsinghwa GT llent eiver with exce Rock-solid rec time speed reaction

Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function


/ HDTV Receiver

S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

/ /
A6 Sk ywor th HT HDTV eiver for A rock-solid rec trial antenna over the terres

Expert Opinion

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122 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website Function Jiuzhou & Android STB

PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

/ /

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

1-12/2012 1
100 Jiuzhou DTP2 thanks receiver Cutting-edge system g tin era to Android op

Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine


Manufacturer Website Function


/ Receiver

1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3

DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

/ /

1-12/2012 1
75 Panodic HDS2 eiver mini-rec Best designed reception for the best HD

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Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

0.58 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Digital Receivers of 21st Century

Manufacturer Website Function /LAN Channel Memory DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio AZBox HDTV / Miniature HDTV Linux Receiver with Multimedia Features / unlimited 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / USALS / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

ME AZBox mini with Network receiver Excellent minime network ho a for al features - ide


Manufacturer Website Function


Small HD PVR Receiver

/ / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

27A DVB-T Panodic HDT-1 DVB-T Well-equipped r Mini-Receive

2 1 06-07-08/20

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Expert Opinion


124 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website Function

Mini Receiver with HDMI and PVR

/ / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

1E DVB-T Panodic M360 eiver with all rec Extremely sm y HDTV tuner high-sensitivit

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Expert Opinion


Manufacturer Website Function /LAN Channel Memory DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

AZBox HDTV / Linux Receiver with Multimedia Features and large Flashmemory for 3 Boot Images / unlimited 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / USALS / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Todays abso AZ Box ME Receiver lute best Linux

0.51 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


signal analyzers of

128 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Horizon Global Electronics
Digital Meter Signals

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument Professional TV Signal Anaylzer 5 - 1050 MHz (TV); 950-2150 MHz (Satellite) HDMI 7 TFT LCD, 800480 pixels

Expert Opinion

51 ~ 858 MHz
LCD display

DEVISER S7000 Best professional instrument for measurement and analysis of all globally used TV systems

HORIZON HD-CM+ for DVB-C Extremely easy to operate, for professional installers 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Signal Analyzers of 21st Century

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument Satellite Antenna Meter 950~2150 MHz LCD display

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Horizon Global Electronics
Digital Satellite Meter for and Signals

Expert Opinion

950 ~ 2150 MHz

LCD display

DEVISER S30 Highly accurate handheld meter optimized for the satellite dish installer

HORIZON Nano-S2 Very easy to use instrument for quick installation of satellite for HDTV reception

130 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor KWS-Electronic
Handheld Signal Analyzer with Spectrum for ,

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Fujian Baotong
Digital Meter & Receiver for and Signals

Expert Opinion

910 ~ 2150 MHz yes 5,7 Color-TFT, VGA Resolution

47 ~ 862 MHz & 950 ~ 2150 MHz yes 4.3 inch display

KWS VAROS 109 Extremely high-quality meter for everyday use by satellite installers

1 1-12/2012
Satlink WS-6936 Very easy to use signal meter which also serves as receiver. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Signal Analyzers of 21st Century

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Horizon Global Electronics
Digital Meter for Analogue, and Signals

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument Optical Power Meter -43 dBm ~ +25 dBm LCD display

Expert Opinion

48 ~ 862 MHz
LCD display

1 1-12/2012 1 1-12/2012
HORIZON HD-T2 One of the worlds first DVB-T2 signal analyzers with exceptional data DEVISER AE 120 Optical Power Meter Extremely simle to use but at same time very accurate

132 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument Professional Meter for

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor

Expert Opinion
SPAUN Electronic
and DSS Signal Analyzer

and CATV (analog TV)

5 ~ 1000 MHz 320 240 TFT display

950-2150 MHz 4.3 TFT LCD display (16:9)

SPAROS SAT HD Very useful meter for setting up critical satellite systems

DEVISER DS2400T This is by far the best handheld measuring instrument for DVB-T, DVB-C and CATV I have come across. Deviser has done an excellent job! 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Signal Analyzers of 21st Century

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor Horizon Global Electronics Satellite and terrestrial antenna meter 45~861 MHz (terrestrial) and 950~2150 MHz (satellite) LCD display

Expert Opinion

Manufacturer Website Function Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor

Digital and analog cable TV meter 46~862 MHz (for digital TV) and 46~870 MHz (for analog TV) 120 x 64 3.5 LCD color display

Satcatcher Digipro C Max More than a cable meter: includes everything a professional installer needs

Horizon HD-STM Perfect choice for an installer who values a practical instrument.

134 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


IPTV/WebTV receivers of

136 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website Function

TBS Tenow compatible Twin Tuner Streamingbox


1.0 / 1.1

PVR S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

/ /

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

ing Box MOI ion TBS Stream isolat streaming and Program offers d software, a double an are rdw of ha ure of TV ept for the fut innovative conc

Business Voucher

TELE-audiovision International Magazine



Manufacturer Website Function


D-Link Internet Streaming Box / no yes (up to 1080p) / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Internal Storage HDTV CVBS/HDMI USB/SD Card

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Expert Opinion

0.52 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century

Manufacturer Website Function

Netgear Streaming Player / no yes (up to 1080p) / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Internal Storage HDTV CVBS/HDMI USB/SD Card

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Expert Opinion

Manufacturer Website Function


Roku Streaming Player / no yes (up to 1080p) / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Internal Storage HDTV CVBS/HDMI USB/SD Card

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Expert Opinion

138 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website Function


LookeeTV Multimedia Player for local media and Internet / yes, 1.14 GB yes (up to 720p) / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Internal Storage HDTV CVBS/HDMI USB/SD Card

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Expert Opinion


Manufacturer Website Function /LAN Channel Memory DiSEqC S-Video/HDMI Scart/Digital Audio

AZBox HDTV / Miniature HDTV Linux Receiver with Multimedia Features / unlimited 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / USALS / /

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

ME AZBox mini with Network receiver Excellent minime network ho a for features - ideal

0.57 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Manufacturer Website Function

IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century

Logitech IPTV Receiver

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Manufacturer Website Function Stream Protocol Menu Standards WLAN

Jiuzhou IPTV Set-Top-Box UDP HTML4, Javascript 1.5, Java Virtual Machine (via USB stick)

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

1 12-01/201
P830 0 Jiuzhou DT uipped r Eq IPTV Receive Technology with Top- Notch

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Expert Opinion


140 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 05-06/2013 TELE-audiovision International


The Best Headend Equipment of

142 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Manufacturer Website Model

Function Input / Output frequency range

KLA-110 Launch Amplifier & KCC-110 Channel Convertor/Processor Filtering, amplifying and converting DTT channels to new frequencies 44 862 MHz / 44 862 MHz 65 95 dBV 60 80 dBV 14 45 dB

Input level range Output level adjustment (KCC-110) Gain adjustment (KLA-110)

KLA-110 Launch Amplifier & KCC-110 Channel Convertor/Processor Professional handling of DTT signals

Website Model

Dexin Digital Technology NDS3975 DVB-S2 HD IRD

Tuner Input ASI Input ASI Input /LAN SDI/YPbPr/CVBS/HDMI

Professional Integrated Receiver Decorder QPSK,QPSK ( / / optional)

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Maximum transmitting rate 90Mbps Maximum transmitting rate 90Mbps


/// /

Scart/Digital Audio

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Expert Opinion

Dexing NDS3975 Most powerful and versatile IRD ever - its built-in monitor is a unique plus.

0.61 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Website Model

The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century

Sat & Sound HD-MOD-001T

Output Frequency Video Input Format Video Encoding Format HDMI/LAN Modulator Standard

HDTV-compatible 50 - 860 MHz


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Component Video, YPbPr RCA, HDMI MPEG-2 Video (ISO/IEC 13818-2)


DVB-T (ETSI EN 300 744) 6, 7, 8 MHz QPSK, QAM16, QAM64

Expert Opinion

Bandwidth Constellation

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Satson HD-MOD-001T Smart solution for distributing HD signals via an existing coax cable network


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Website Model

Expert Opinion
DekTec DTE-3137

Frequency range Transmission Standards Modulations /LAN



950 - 2150 MHz) DVB, DVB-RSC, ATSC QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-APSK and 32-APSK


1 1-12/2012
DekTec DTE-3137 Perfectly equipped professional satellite receiver for use in networks and for processing in cable networks.

144 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion
Spaun VAM 420 NG PAL VSB Twin Modulator 110 862 MHz B/G/D/K/I/L 90 dBV 0...-10 dB <-60 dB 50 dB 1 0.1 V p-p

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Manufacturer Website Model

Function Frequency range

TV standard Output level max Output level adjustment Spurious level C/N ratio Input level

SPAUN VAM 420 NG PAL Easy way to create analogue tv channels

Website Model

Global Invacom FibreIRS DTT Processor

Frequency range Number of channels Broadcast standard Gain Channel flatness

Filtering and amplifying 470-862 MHz 6 (expandable to 9) 8 MHz

20 dB


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

< 2.5 dB 217-230 MHz < 2 dB

Expert Opinion

DAB Frequency range Insertion loss

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06-07-08/201 2
FibreIRS DTT Processor Delivery perfectly clean DTT signals for any distribution system 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century

06-07-08/201 2
SPAUN BluBox 16 Great leap forward in headend technology

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Model

Expert Opinion
Spaun BluBox 16

to /

Head End

Number of inputs Input frequency range

4 (cascadable) 950 ... 2150 MHz 64 ... 94 dBV 2 (cascadable) 47 ... 862 MHz / ITU-T J.83 Annex A (fixed)

Allowable input signal power Number of outputs Output frequency range QAM standard

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

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Manufacturer Website Model

Expert Opinion
NetUP Dual DVB-T/C-CI and

PCI-e adapter for professional applications under Linux

DVB-T/C-CI Impressive professional card for IPTV servers and multimedia centers that is loaded with the latest technologies for long-term use

146 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Manufacturer Website

IPTV Combine 4x

Tuners Max. simultaneous Transponders Max. bandwidth DISEqC Ethernet ports

IPTV Gateway for DVB Signals, Middleware,Billing, VoD, nVoD, DHCP-, Time- & DNS-Server 4 4 240 MB/s 1.0 6 x Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s 4

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

CI Slots

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02-03/201 1
NetUP DVB-IP Gateway 4x Perfect ease of use, combined with reliable technology ideal for IPTV providers.

0.98 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Sa propre IPTV

TV dun rseau

me 3


148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Les bases des transmissions de donnes dans un rseau TCP,UDP et RTP que signifient-ils ? Utiliser un rseau Le cblage rseau rend tous les autres cbles dmods 1000 MBPS recommand pour un fonctionnement fiable

This is how our test

centre looked like for this report. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Selfmade IPTV

Vitor Martins Augusto

You can find quite a bit of information on IPTV in the Internet but its often not all that easy to understand since it can be very long-winded and complicated and assumes the reader has some basic knowledge. One reason for the difficulty in getting started in this field is that most of the material doesnt have TV installers in mind but rather is more geared towards network specialists and IT administrators; two worlds bump into each other here. Our goal is to save our TELE-audiovision readers some time and describe the more important points. Taking the leap into the IPTV world is made complicated by these keywords: TCP, UDP, RTP, Multicasting and Unicasting. But none of these are really earth-shattering. Almost everyone today that uses a computer or tablet to get to the Internet knows what TCP is. This network protocol regulates the communication between the various computers. Data is sent in small packets from the senders computer to the recipients computer. To prevent the loss of a packet, it contains the address of the transmitter and the receiver. The packet also includes a checksum that is calculated from the data it contains. This makes it possible to determine if the packet arrives correctly and undamaged. The best thing about TCP is that the individual packets are transmitted until a confirmation is sent back by the receiver. If this is the case, the transmitter can then forget about the correctly received data. Otherwise, the packet would be retransmitted as often as needed until a reception confirmation is sent back. The order in which the individual data packets are received is not important they will be placed in the proper order by the receiver. You can look at TCP as an amateur radio communication between two Hams: the first Ham transmits a lengthy message and after each sentence waits for the second Ham to signal that he received the message by saying Roger. If he didnt understand it the first time,

1. Schematics of a MULTICAST transmission. The server sends one stream to the switch. The transmission is then forwarded to all connected devices. 2. Schematics of a UNICAST transmission. The server sends one stream to the switch, but this time the stream is only forwarded to one specific client. Notice how the remaining ports are fully available for other communications. 3. Analogy of UDP: one transmitter sends information, regardless of how many listeners there are. Also, there is no feedback to the transmitter. If a listener misses a part or if he cannot correctly receive the transmission, there is nothing to do about it the transmitter will never know! 4. Analogy of TCP: one transmitter sends information to one listener. The reception of every sentence has to be confirmed by the listener. If he missed the sentence or if he did not understand it clearly, the transmitter will send the sentence again.

the first Ham repeats the transmission. This protocol is ideal for data transmissions; it guarantees that the data arrives correctly and in one piece. For live video and/or audio transmissions this protocol is not as ideally suited. There are two problems: 1) The video (or audio) has to arrive

in the correct order. What good would it do if the third frame, for example, is lost and after the seventh frame the whole thing is repeated? 2) The checksum process is redundant. If the image data of a frame doesnt arrive correctly, it would be too late the retransmit that frame.

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Because of these reasons the UDP protocol is much better suited for live transmissions of audio and video. In this case were dealing with a greatly simplified protocol in that the data packets are sent without a

checksum. Aside from that, the transmitter is not looking for any kind of return signal from the receiver. And in Multicast mode the transmitter really doesnt care whos on the receiving end. Analog to UDP could be

compared to a radio broadcast: the DJ reads the news aloud and has no idea whos listening, no idea how good the reception is and no idea if the listener understood everything that was said. Unlike TCP, with UDP you

1. DekTec DTE-3137 in action. Amazing how much performance has been fitted in such a small device yet, it can inject a complete DVB-S/S2 transponder into the network. 2. In order to be able to work with IPTV, we had to get ourselves a gigabit switch. These are very cheap now, so there is no excuse to keep struggling with 100MBPS technology. 3. The Dexing NDS3975 in action: it is receiving three transponders (one from its internal tuner,

one from the Topreal TP-1011 through ASI and one from the DekTec DTE-3137 through IP). It then multiplexes a new transponder which is output through ASI and IP (on a different IP). Amazing! 4. This picture shows one clear advantage of using only IPTV within a studio or head-end station: notice the blue network cable this single cable is enough to transport all required information. Actually, all other cables could be removed (except for the LNB-cable, in case you want to use the internal tuner).

1 3

152 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

should make sure there is a reliable network connection between the transmitter and receiver, otherwise the broadcast wont be reliable. RTP on the other hand is not a fundamental protocol like TCP or UDP. On the contrary, RTP is a protocol layer based on UDP. This means that as a basis UDP is always used for RTP. RTP offers a number of functions that greatly improve live audio and video transmissions: Data identification Time stamps for audio/ video synchronization Maintaining the order of MPEG frames Special handling of MPEG key frames This just goes to show that RTP should be used whenever all the devices involved support this protocol. With Multicasting an audio/video stream is simply transmitted without any particular receiver in mind. This transmission is routed to all users by the network and its up to the users to decide if they want to receive it or not. Obviously this is extremely practical if more than one user wants to receive the same stream. As many users as desired can tune in without the need for additional network band-

1. Wireshark capturing the network traffic. Beware that lots of data is captured during a IPTV broadcast. You should only capture data for some seconds, otherwise it will take ages to process all captured packets. 2. After capturing the network traffic for a short period, there are many analysis tools available within Wireshark. This picture shows where the traffic originated. It can be clearly seen that the devices with IP-address and generated a huge amount of traffic. Notice the destination IP: they are multicasting IPs 3. All captured packets can be analyzed individually and the contents can be viewed, while the header is shown in a more detailed way.

width between the transmitter and the switch. Since the switch has to process numerous data packets, it could very quickly become overloaded when dealing with a cheap SOHO product (Small Office, Home Office) while at the same

time additional data is exchanged between users. If, for example, User 2 doesnt want to take part in Multicasting and would rather send a large file to User 3, it could happen that the flow of this data transmission is reduced to a snails pace or it

might not function at all. To utilize Multicasting, with regard to the IP destination address it would be good enough to configure using any IP address from to This address range would be used by all of the Multicast de-

154 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

4. This graph shows the bandwidth during the captured transmission. Interestingly, the bandwidth is not constant, when displayed in millisecond interval. 5. This graph shows the bandwidth of the same transmission, but as Bits/ second. With just two transponders fed into the network, a 100MBPS switch is working at its limit. In fact, we tried to use a 100MBPS switch and it froze after a few seconds. A regular operation was only possible using a 1000MBPS switch. 6. Using DekTecs StreamXpert software, which already has been tested in TELE-satellite 11-12/2012, together with the professional DekTec DTE-3137 receiver, one has much more feedback about the IPTV broadcast. Notice the lower left corner: a graph shows continuously the occupied network bandwidth. 7. StreamXpert can show all possible information about the streamed transponder, including the programme clock reference (PCR), required for correct synchronization of audio and video. This allows editing the timestamps in order to compensate for any detected errors.

vices. Note that Multicast is not only used for IPTV; it is used whenever the same data needs to be sent to multiple computers, such as, when multiple computers need to be installed all at the same time via a network. Thats how IT professionals, for example, in universities or large companys install an operating system on hundreds of computers all at once. With Unicasting however, the stream - unlike Multicasting - is

sent to one specific receiver. This has the advantage of not loading down the network for all the remaining users allowing data traffic to function normally. The data is routed in the switch between the inputs of the servers and the users while the remaining switch ports remain free. The disadvantage is the fact that for every additional user the stream would have to be individually retransmitted. In no time at all the network bandwidth

156 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


8. Despite having a perfect picture, StreamXpert indicates some errors in PAT and PMT. Interestingly; these were already present in the original DVB-S stream 9. Useful information provided by StreamXpert: the grid view, where all active services within the stream are mapped according to their PID. 10. Meanwhile, we monitor our Dexing NDS3975 with the SnmpNMS management software. This application gives us remote access to the internals of this integrated professional receiver. 11. On the Mux-tab, we can specify which channels of the three different incoming transponders (through the internal tuner, ASI-in and IPTV) we want to output.


would reach its capacity and its especially the connection from the server to the switch that would need to withstand enormous amounts of data. The question often arises if IPTV should be operated

at 100MBPS or would it be better at 1000MBPS (also referred to as 1GBPS or 1GBit/s). Its not an easy answer; it depends ultimately on how you want to use IPTV and the network.

When different receivers will only route single transponders to one or more multiplexers, then for the most part a 100MBPS network would suffice. Quite often professional receivers only oper-

ate via a 100MBPS interface; in view of the fact that the bandwidth of common DVBS/S2 transponders transport data on average at 50MBPS, this would be sufficient. All the IPTV receivers we know of also operate on a 100MBPS network interface. Why then would you want to upgrade to a 1000MBPS infrastructure? The simplest explanation is this: if cars could only drive at 55 MPH, then in principle single-lane roads would be good enough. But if there are a large number of cars all on the road at the same time, then a multilane highway would be much better even though the cars would be moving no faster than 55 MPH. A 100MBPS switch is designed for this speed and would fall to its knees if all the ports would suddenly demand high data transfer rates at the same time. A 1000MBPS switch is

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simply able to handle much more data internally. If you want to provide IPTV to a community, a hotel or a home where the network would be used for other services (Internet, File sharing, VoIP, etc.), then we definitely would recommend a 1000MBPS network. In todays day and age this is considered standard and upgrading from a 100MBPS network to a 1000MBPS network should not really present any problems if the

cables already in place are CAT-5e or CAT-6 types. If this isnt the case, the existing cable should be replaced with CAT-6 cable. The switches would also have to be updated and you should make sure that the network adapter on older computers can also handle 1000MBPS. To get an overview of the network, it would pay to install a Network Monitoring Program, also called a Network Sniffer. These programs log all packets that

are sent on a network. In order for this to be technically possible, special software, known as WinPcap, needs to be installed. WinPcap places the computers network card in promiscuous mode in which the network card accepts all packets, not just those that are specifically meant for that computer, but all of them. Additionally, WinPcap provides an interface for applications to gain access to these data packets.


The most well-known and most popular network monitoring program is Wireshark. The basic requirement is WinPcap and with that all of the data traffic can be logged. In this way its easy to recognize which IP addresses from which computers are requesting which data packets. Its also easy to identify if network multicasting is in use, how much bandwidth is being used, etc. And the good news? Both WinPcap and Wireshark are free. Whether in a studio or in a headend, IPTV has established itself as an omnipresent solution for the distribution of audio and video signals. There are many advantages regardless if IPTV is used for the internal distribution in a headend or for the direct feed to an end user. Just the fact alone that all data can be sent over a single cable makes it worth utilizing this technology.
12. To check our IPTV streams within the network, we use VLC. 13. TSReader Professional is an excellent tool when it comes to analyze transponder streams. Instead of just rendering the channel, TSReader shows all PIDs and their respective bandwidth.


160 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


Ultra High Definition Television

peut mieux afficher les couleurs, principalement des tons rouge et vert adapt pour la 3D grce sa vitesse suprieure ncessite une bande passante norme les utilisateurs auront besoin d'un quipement flambant neuf que UHDTV n'est pas compatible

162 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Ultra High Definition Television

Whats behind the new standard? Is it even a standard?

Jacek Pawlowski
We all are familair with High Definition Television. HDTV uses picture resolutions of either 720p, 1080i or 1080p. The first two are used for broadcasting TV via satellites while the last one is mostly used with Blu-ray discs. A HDTV video signal has either 50 or 60 picture frames per second. If a complete picture is sent in every frame, the letter p is added after the resolution figure (720p or 1080p). If only half the horizontal lines are sent in one frame (only odd number lines, then only even number lines and so on), the letter i depicts such interlaced video. Most of the contemporary satellite TV receivers upscale any 720p or 1080i video signals to 1080p and then output the video to your living room TV. Now, if we focus on the best version of HDTV 1080p it has a picture resolution of 1920 x 1080. The new 4K UHDTV standard has doubled the resolution in both axes to 3840 2160 while the 8K UHDTV has even quadrupled it: 7680 4320. The best way to realize how big an improvement UHDTV introduces is to look at our simple picture showing TV screens for different standards but the same pixel size (see picture). Imagine this: 4K is like arranging 4 HD TV-sets in a 2x2 array, while for 8K UHDTV one would need 8 HD TVs arranged in a 4x4 array! Though resolution is the most obvious improvement over classical HDTV it is by no means the only parameter that has been changed. The other two related to video are: color space and frame rate. UHDTV has a wider color space than HDTV. In particular, UHDTV picture is able to reproduce more deeply red and more deeply green colors which can not be shown by our existing HDTV equipment. In this way, UHDTV is able to reproduce more natural colors. The standard extends the allowable frame rates up to 120 frames per second. In this way 3D video can be reproduced with up to 60 fps for each eye. 60 fps are typical for North American TV whilst 50

Comparison of the TV screens for different resolution standards.

fps is used in most other areas including Europe. Therefore European 3D TV will use 100 fps rather than 120 fps. Adding to these enormous improvements in video performance, UHDTV also expanded the audio quality. With the new UHDTV standard an astounding 22 audio channels plus 2 low frequency effects channels are possible. The 22 channels are divided into three groups: an upper layer of nine channels, a middle layer of ten channels and a lower layer of three channels. Such complex audio setups can be found at movie theatres and thus with UHDTV this also becomes available to the average viewer. Of course, the first thing in order to enjoy that big resolution is a UHDTV compliant TV monitor. The best TV manufacturers already offer 4K UHDTV TV-sets with large screen (70 or more). Monitors capable of showing 8K can be seen at the professional broadcasting exhibitions but sofar we know of no such monitor available at regular stores. Now, what about the sources of ultra HD video? Presently, the choice is extremely small. One model of UHDTV video player has been announced with a few pre-stored movies in 4K format on the internal HDD. Blu-ray Disc Association have just started their work on extending Blu-Ray Disc specification to include 4K Ultra HD video. Similarly, Sony announced that their PlayStation 4 will support 4K resolution but only for photos and videos not for the games themselves. And what is going on in the satellite industry? In Europe EUTELSAT has started 4K UHD test transmissions coded with the MPEG-4 codec on EUTELSAT 10A. Quite recently, SES has done one step further and started a 4K channel coded with the newest HEVC (H.265) codec that helped reducing the necessary bitrate down to 20 Mbit/sec. You do not have to be an expert to realize that 4K UHDTV requires 4 times more bits than HDTV and 8K UHDTVrequires 16 times more bits. This is really a problem because the communication networks have finite throughput rates. HEVC, known also as H.265, can help here as its efficiency is roughly 2 times better than MPEG 4. But even using the best available codec you still need about 20 Mbit/sec for 4K UHDTV and as much as 80 Mbits/sec to broadcast a single channel. And all this for 50/60 fps. If you liked to double the frame rate to 100/120 to transmit 3D UHDTV you would need twice the bandwidth. It is funny to think that if in the future 8K is introduced to satellite broadcast, one transponder will be carrying a maximum one channel like in the old days of analog TV. The list of devices and standards that still have to be developed or extended is long: UHDTV cameras and other studio equipment, HDMI interface, audio equipment, and, of course, all kinds of digital TV receivers: satellite, cable, IPTV and (maybe) terrestrial. New equipment will require new chip-sets and perhaps even new hardware architecture to do the job efficiently. UHDTV is not backward compatible with HDTV. In other words, your present HDTV receiver will not process a UHDTV channel. Naturally, in the beginning, there will be a scarcity of ultra high resolution programs and many UHDTV channels will be created by up-scaling regular HDTV. We can still remember the first years of HDTV or more recently 3D HDTV the same will happen with UHDTV. However, despite all the technology, communication and media problems linked with UHDTV, we strongly believe that the race has started for good and sooner or later we will all enjoy the wonderful ultra high definition pictures in our houses.

164 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


New Developments

Take Advantage

Read TELE-audiovision's Technical Feature Stories to Know All About the Digital Developments and New Technical Breakthroughs Enjoy Reading TELE-audiovision FREE on Your Tablet Computer
166 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Self-made IPTV

Self-made IPTV

Ultra High Definition TV

Phase Shifts in Digital TV

Self-made IPTV

Digital Terrestrial TV - 2nd Level

Ultra High Definition

The Secret Special Transmission Modes 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine



New Developments
DVB-S2 MIS Reception with VCM/ACM

All About Fiber Optic Connectors

Basic Knowledge: Polar Mount Antennas

Automatic Creation of 3D

DVB-S2: Hide the SD inside the HD

How a Silicon Tuner Works

How a tuner for VCM operates

Channel Capacity of a Transponder

168 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

CI+ and HD+Encryption

How DVB-C2 Works

How MPEG Surround Works

Streaming TV via the Internet

How the SFN Modulation Works

Testing Horizon to Horizon Actuator

How HbbTV Works

How SCR Works 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


How Decoding Works

New Developments
How to Solve Problems with DiSEqC

How ABS-S Works

How the 3D Diffractive Antenna Works

Matching LNB with Dish

Relation between Dish Size and EIRP

How to Calculate the Power Factor

Secrets of the Aspect Ratio

170 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

How the Network Connection Works

The Secrets of HDMI

How the Ka Band Works

The Relation of Dish Size and EIRP

How MPEG Works

The Secrets of Polarization

Secrets of Antenne Alignment

The Secrets of Intermodulation 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine



Vitors Workshop

How to get the most out of technology

AZBox Ultra HD Recovery Satellite Reception in the Ka-Band

172 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Oscilloscope for Basic Use

Chip Flashing

Two-axis Motor Control

Add-On for SPAUN Signal Analyzers

Selfmade Dish

Upgrade for 8dtek Satellite Meters

Digital Picture Frame

Receiver Firmware 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Journal dentreprise

Grossiste de TV numrique en Islande

reind fete 25 annes

188 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Russite dans le segment dlectronique grand public Tout le matriel dinstallation dantenne toujours disponible en stock Se concentre sur lIPTV pour un dveloppement durable des affaires Atelier confortable pour la rparation des quipements lectroniques grand public

Looking for reind? Simply head to the

satellite dishes that are clearly visible in the Kopavogur commercial area. The two partners are currently in the process of refitting the hall to the left into an actual shop for all components required by installers of satellite TV, terrestrial reception systems and IPTV. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Digital TV Wholesaler, Iceland

Home Electronics Featuring TVs and Antennas

It was October 2013 when small company reind ( celebrated 25 years of business. It takes quite some stamina to surf the wave of success in the fast-paced TV and antenna business and an intuition for doing things right. reind (the Icelandic word for particle) is basically a two-men business located in Kopavogur, a suburb of Icelands capital city of Reykjavik. This is where two smart guys laid the foundation stone of their business, in a place so far north the sun never sets in summer, but never fully rises in winter either. Were both repair specialists for TV sets, says Baldur Sveinnsson, one of the two partners. Both had been employed by other companies before they decided to set up their own business. We repair any home electronics device, Baldur Sveinsson continues. No matter whether its a TV panel, audio equipment of any kind or the odd tape-based video recorder that pops up every once in a while. Video tapes? Well, yes! Many people in Iceland still have some old tapes lying around in their basement, and they need video recorders in order to watch them. Simple as that The two partners also install antennas and satellite reception systems. We began to import satellite components from Great Britain and Germany in 1992. In those early days reind sold some 50 to


190 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Baldur Sveinsson is

one of the founders and partners of reind in Kopavogur, close to the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


100 complete systems each year. The pinnacle of our success was in the year 2007. At that time between 300 and 400 satellite systems went over our counter, partner Sigurour Gunnarsson remembers. It was a time when reind could even afford two extra employees to meet high demand. Today we sell some 150 satellite system per year. The reind storage is filled to the brim with installation material, satellite dishes and terrestrial antennas. We generate approximately 40% of our turnover with satellite components, 10% with terrestrial antennas and 20% with repair work.

What about the remaining 30%? This is the part both partners consider particularly important for the future of their business. We offer installation material and components for IPTV. While Baldur and Sigurour expect digital terrestrial TV business to pick up again with the introduction of DVB-T2 in Iceland, they both see the future of reind in IPTV. Nonetheless, satellite reception will always remain a major pillar of reind. Here in Iceland the most popular orbital position is ASTRA 28.2E and even a relatively small 85 cm dish will provide reasonably reliable reception. You will

hardly meet an Icelander who does not speak English, so the UK channels on ASTRA 28.2E are watched by many. Those of us with an unobstructed view can receive signals from all positions between 42E and 30W, Sigurour Gunnarsson explains the local situation in Iceland. Like so many small businesses, reind has experienced many ups and downs in its 25 years of existence, but theres not a single challenge the two Icelanders havent mastered successfully. With their new focus on IPTV, many new chapters will be written for reind.

Sigurour Gunnarsson

is the other founder and partner of reind and mainly looks after the repair business.

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1. The motorised satellite dish on the roof of reind is a 1.5 m antenna which receives signals from all positions between 28E and 30W. 2. View of the storage: Everything you need for installing antennas (left shelve) as well as satellite dishes in all sizes (right shelve) are always in stock at reind. 3. The choice is yours. 14-element UHF antennas are reinds top sellers, followed by round dipole antennas for FM radio. But dont be fooled: A huge variety of other antennas is available as well for on-the-spot buying. 4. The future is here: reind can supply a wide range of IPTV components such as Ethernet switches. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Journal dentreprise

Secours durgence

Changhong aide les victimes du tremblement de

terre grce la tlvision par satellite

196 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Employees gather in front of

the Changhong headquarters in Mianyang (Sichuan province) to make relief goods and satellite equipment ready for dispatch to those affected by the earthquake in April 2013.

Changhong organise des aides durgence ceux touchs par le tremblement de terre Envoi des fournitures daides avec des systmes complet de rception satellites Le centre de formation de la socit transfoms pour accueillir les lves La tlvision par satellite est idale pour recueillir linformation lorsque les infrastructures du sol sont dtruites 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Emergency Relief

Satellite Television
Picture this: A devastating earthquake has not only taken the lives of countless people, but has also destroyed much of the existing infrastructure. All communication channels relying on cables are dead, and power outages are the rule rather than the exception. Yet, this is a time when those affected are in need for information and coordination how should they deal with the situation, and where can they turn to for help? Those scenes may sound like straight out of a disaster movie, but this is exactly what happened twice in recent years to residents of the Sichuan region in

Providing Information for Earthquake Victims

China. The first terrible quake occurred on 12 May 2008, had a magnitude of 10, and caused more than 20,000 deaths near the city of Wen Chuan. A similarly catastrophic earthquake happened only very recently, on 20 April 2013 in the city of Ya An, which is also located in the province of Sichuan. In both cases Changhong offered help and assistance immediately. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of TV panels and satellite receivers and provided complete satellite sets to those that were hit hardest. But Changhong did not stop there. According to a company spokesperson Changhong organised an immediate response team right on the night of the big earthquake in 2008. The group set off to the city of Bei Chuan right away, a place that was almost entirely destroyed. Food, water and tents were supplied by Changhong. Almost all schools in the area were destroyed as well, which is why Changhong converted its own training centre into a makeshift school, so that kids were able to continue their school education in the weeks and months that followed. Changhong supplied clothing and food to school students and even

198 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

organised teachers until regular schools were able to open again, according to the company spokesperson. When history repeated itself with a second devastating earthquake in 2013, Changhong did not hesitate for a moment to offer its help and assistance once again. In addition to humanitarian aid, the company also provided satellite equipment. We shipped satellite receivers and satellite dishes to the affected region, as well as TV sets, batteries and sources of light. This way people in need were able to watch the news on satellite channels to find out

whats going on around them. It is extreme situations like the two Sichuan earthquakes that lend living proof to the importance of satellite communication. Fixed-line infrastructure was destroyed or at least out of work, while those affected could still turn to their satellite reception systems to watch the news and more importantly find out about help and relief available to them from various organisations and initiatives. Changhong

offered valuable relief to people in need and demonstrated yet again that satellite technology, in particular, has countless benefits that are all too frequently swept under the carpet.

Mianyang, Sichuan

Changhong staff

have decided to immediately offer help to the victims of the Sichuan earthquakes. 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


1. Two of the satellite systems donated by Changhong complete with dish and TV receiver. 2. Satellite cases are prepared for transportation to the disaster zone. 3. On site at the disaster zone: A Changhong employee connects the mobile satellite reception system. Victims are glued to the television to watch the latest news that is broadcast on satellite channels. 4. One of the satellite reception systems was installed in this village. Here too, residents affected by the earthquake watch the news carried on satellite channels to find out more about the overall situation in the area and about help and relief that is on its way.

200 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory


Decision Makers

in Worldwide Digital TV Industry

according to TELE-audiovisions Company Reports
R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv
persistent quality and durability with a longer service life than metal dishes thanks to fiberglass. This now brings us to the core of the matter: For many years price has been the deciding factor for or against a certain satellite dish. These days, however, its all about quality. Ideal conditions for the snowball effect as practiced by Hwadar: The more focus is placed on quality, the more customers will consider fiberglass dishes. Professional customers have done that for some time already, but now even private end users begin

1. Visitors are greeted by this very friendly receptionist. 2. Customers purchasing a DEVISER product will be served by one of the ambitious members of the Overseas Sales team. Each of them is in charge of a specific region. John Wu (upper row, left) is responsible for the Indian market, Jason Wu (centre) is the team leader and can be met at many international fairs and exhibitions. He is in charge of Europe. Aaron Liu (right) looks after Asian customers, Vicky Han (lower row, left) after the Americas and Africa and Simon Liu (right) serves customers in the CIS region as well as in the countries of Oceania. Sally Chen (centre) makes sure deliveries to all corners of the globe run smoothly and reliably.

Hwadar, China - Fiberglass Dishes

COMPANY REPORT Signal Analyzer Manufacturer DEVISER, China


Wang and DEVISER with new Dan modern company headquarters one step at a time can lead to lasting success
The Hwadar sales team. Monica Wang can
be seen with an issue of TELE-audiovision in her hands. She is the point of reference for all international inquiries.

General Engineer Zhong Zhi Ming


1. Liu Lian Jun is the Managing Director of DEVISER and is in charge of the entire production business. 2. The driveway leading to the main building of the DEVISER company headquarters. 3. View from the roof of the DEVISER company headquarters towards the production buildings. The houses of the city of Tianjin can be seen in the background. The Business Snowball Effect Manager Monica Wang

COMPANY REPORT Fiberglass Dish Manufacturer Hwadar, China

one step at a time can lead to lasting success

extraordinary quality thanks to the use of SMC fiberglass

offset, PDA and segment dishes in all sizes can be produced supplier of choice even for small purchasers guarantees very long service life of its dishes

The new company headquarters of Hwadar

in Dongguan. The joint venture with the Zheng Group is called Dong Shi and has allocated 50% of its production capacity to high-quality Hwadar fiberglass satellite dishes.

148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International


In TELE-audiovision issue 06-07/2011 we introduced DEVISER

also includes dishes. Our designed for al customers, aterial we use ngineer Zhong s is the case: es, our SMC have a much ypically lies in Whats more, eir shape and nt. This way, Hwadar boast

extraordinary quality thanks to the use of SMC fiberglass systems. Together with his staff of eight, six of offset, PDA and which segment dishes in all sizes can be produced were software engineers at the

Deviser, China - Signal Analyzer

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

to shift the focus of their attention to ful of snow, even a minor initial job quality. This in turn means demand for can lead to more substantial follow-up smaller dishes is on the rise as well, a orders at a later stage, says Monica more than welcome development for a Wang, Business Supervisor for international contacts. Monica will be happy company like Hwadar. to receive any requests at monicaw@ So how can you obtain a high-quality time, Do Forcetech CEO Mr. Arojoy Wei SMC satellite dish from Hwadar? you It isfor clearcommerto see that General Managneed to be a wholesale signed organisation or streaming software er Wang Dan does not only rely on the distributor ordering truckloads worth cial during snowball the initial effect phase when creating and exof dishes? Well, requests likeapplications that are panding his company, but also for selling certainly very welcome, but the sales of tohis State-run institutions his products. And it is a rewarding expedepartment will be happy deal company. with rience to see a small snowball becoming smaller inquiries as well. After all, such as just schools and universities as well a major force on the market. like a snowball starts with only a hand-

shown persistent interest in streaming

Zhong Zhi Ming is the

for the first time. Click on the following link to read the full story:

Hwadar General Engineer and supervises the entire ing export success. Founded almost 25 production process. years ago to supply meters to the Chinese market, DEVISER has long since become a global player. By now most of our products are sold outside China, explains Jason Wu and also has some

export figures in store for us: 40% go to the USA, 25% stay in Southeast Asia, 20% are shipped to Europe and 15% are sold in India. For the US market DEVISER sells its products under the brand name of a local cooperation part-

supplier of choice even for small purchasers guarantees very long service life of its dishes Production Sales DEVISER Success Triggers Manager Expansion Jason Li Hong Wu Xiao
COMPANY REPORT Signal Analyzer Manufacturer DEVISER, China

The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013

TV Head-end Changgan Jun Products for on so-called multicast technolProfessional new company based headquarters streamlines production and administraogy, which means every client received his or her stream TV directly Distribution from a central tion at a single site
content server. Things changed in 2008,

tablishing a repair and logistics centre ters in the industrial zone of Tianjin, a as industrial enterprises ranked among in Mechelen, close to Brussels (Belgium) port city in Eastern China not far from 2 his first customers. Forcetech software in cooperation with Technetix. This way Beijing. DEVISER has been a 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International 155 DEVISER customers will not only receive of signal meters since 1990 and was implementedCOMPANY on theREPORT websitesDigital of TV Head-end Manufacturer DEXIN, China turer new products considerably faster, they has worked up a substantial base of loyal Lan is the will Haidong also benefit from shorter turnaround customers. The reason is obvious: DEthose customers for streaming video Marketing Manager at times for repairs. VISER pays special attention to quality content. Lan Haidong gives the example Forcetech. The official Not that DEVISER expects any increase and reliability over a long service life for DEXIN moved into their new producin repair work! Au contraire: We recentall of its products. name of the company of lectures at schools and universities tion building at the end of 2012. BeDuring the first years of operation only is Force Innovation fore that the company was located for that could be accessed online for viewing Chinese customers were able to benefit Technology Co., Ltd. years in downtown Chengdu. But they from that strategy, as products manuoutgrew that site and General Manager at home. as can be seen in the factured and sold by DEVISER were only Sun Yu decided it was time to move to a background. available in China at first. Signal meters At the time, all streaming software was

President Zhong

In July of 2012 DEVISER moved into its new and spacious company headquar-


ner, while the company has devised an entirely different strategy for Europe: We are currently in the process of es-

new company headquarters streamlines production and administration at a single site expansion of a dedicated repair and logistics centre in and for Europe strong growth in export markets

state-of-the-art test benches for EMS and overvoltage protection

Liu Lian

The new DEVISER company headquarters

in the Tianjin industrial zone. This is where both the administrative offices and the production premises of this manufacturer of professional meters are located.

148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International


expansion of awhen dedicated repair and logistics centre in and for Europe Forcetech launched a P2P (peer-

Dexin, China - Digital TV Head-ends

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv
Zhong Changgan is founder and

sional tv head-ends. These What types of to-peer) version of its software. devices are often specially made acwas different fromcording then With P2P all to on? customer requirements and connected streaming clients at the same time function as active multipliers and forward the received signal to additional is DEXINs General Sun Yu clients. Lan Haidong: P2P improves the Manager. Just like all the other employees, he also quality of the received signal, wears a jacket with theabove all. company's logo. Signals need not be fed from a central server any longer, but can be received

DEXIN is a manufacturer of profes-

since each application would have to be optimally configured DEXIN employes a large number of engineers in their R&D department.

The Forcetech Sales team with TELE-audiovision editor-in-chief Alexander Wiese: (from
Qinghua, Dong Peng and Guo Tianwei. 150 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013

Sun Yu left to right) Sales Manager Ren Nan, Sun Wenya, Marketing Manager Lan Haidong, Wang

but lasting success called for bundling all departments under a single roof. The shiny new and huge headquarters are ready to tackle continued growth, and Jason Wu gives us some details about TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 President of152 DEVISER. He established the driving forces behind that goal: We the company in 1990. expect substantial increases in the meter segment for fibre-optic cables as well as for the telecommunications business. The satellite meter line of business can also look forward to healthy growth, Chengdu while DEVISER does not envisage significant potential for cable signal meters any longer. One of the reasons for new and large company headquarters was increas-

completely new building. Sun Yu is not for cable TV were the major sellers at only General Manger; hes also a part the time, and have stayed right on top owner of DEXIN. He explains to us: My up to this day. 65% of our signal meters two brothers are also part owners but are designed for cable TV, according to they dont take part in the companys Jason Wu, who heads the International daily activities. Sales team and whom we already met It wasnt always like that. The comtwo years ago during our fist visit to DEpany was founded in 1994 under the VISER. name DESAI. Back then analog moduAt that time DEVISERs production lators and transmitters were manufacpremises and offices were spread over a tured for the local market in China. In number of different premises in Tianjin, those days Sun Yus parents were part

strong growth in export markets state-of-the-art test benches for EMS and overvoltage protection


Digital TV Head-end Manufacturer DEXIN, China 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International


DEXINs new production

facility that the company moved in to at the end of 2012. Its located in the Wuhou high-tech zone of Chengdu.

Digital TV Head-end Equipment Manufacturer DEXIN

180 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest TV Box Magazine 05-06/2013

Established in 1994 in Chengdu Specializes in professional tv head-end equipment 50% of their production is exported Intense quality controls Very large R&D team 05-06/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Established in 1994 in Chengdu Antenna Manufacturer Tianditong, China COMPANY REPORT Specializes in professional tv head-end equipment R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

50% of their production is exported Intense quality controls

Guan (Hebei)

Ultra-modern Forcetech, China - IPTV Solution Provider production equipment for conquering the world market
Sales Ren Nan
1 Marketing Lan Haidong

COMPANY REPORT IPTV Solution Provider Forcetech, China

large segment and solutions panel dishes. Our longer service turn means for life than metal dishes quality. offering technically mature and fully-fledged IPTV small-scale IPTV systems canThis be in realised ondemand a tight budget 154 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 range of customer large dishes and is designed for thanks smaller dishes is on the rise as well, a to fiberglass. large Chinese movie provider as showcase shareholder excellent video quality thanks to P2P technology

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Tianditong, China - Antennas


Quality Production of Satellite Dishes Production of ELDTEC, Brasil -Quality Dish, Antennas and Cables Satellite Dishes R Manu Sales 2

uses state-of-the-art production Satellite Dish Manufacturer LIANXING, China COMPANY REPORT fully automatic quality control during the production process environmentally-friendly production according to international standSatellite Dish Manufacturer volume production ofCOMPANY dishREPORT sizes from 45 toLIANXING, 180China cm ards 154 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013
The Forcetech Sales team with TELE-audiovision editor-in-chief Alexander Wiese: (from left to right) Sales Manager Ren Nan, Sun Wenya, Marketing Manager Lan Haidong, Wang Qinghua, Dong Peng and Guo Tianwei.

shown persistent interest in streaming systems. Together with his staff of eight, six of which were software engineers at the time, Forcetech CEO Mr. Arojoy Wei designed streaming software for commercial applications during the initial phase of his company. State-run institutions 182 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest TV Box Magazine 05-06/2013 such as schools and universities as well as industrial enterprises ranked among There was a time when a huge numhis first customers. Forcetech software ber of hard-working employees manuwas implemented on the websites of factured large quantities of all sorts of those customers for streaming video products. For most successful companies, this has long become a thing of content. Lan Haidong gives the example the past, and Chinese satellite dish and of lectures at schools and universities antenna manufacturer Tianditong is a that could be accessed online for viewing perfect example of that development. Almost every step of the production is at home. 1 completed by highly efficient machines, At the time, all streaming software was and even the few components that still based on so-called multicast technolrequire manual work will be assembled ogy, which means every client received by automatic equipment in the foreseeable future. All this results in roughly his or her stream directly from a central three million antennas being manufaccontent server. Things changed in 2008, tured by less than 300 employees. Imwhen Forcetech launched a P2P (peerpressive numbers and reason enough for us to pay a visit to that company. to-peer) version of its software. What Our first port of call is a small office was different from then on? With P2P all right in Beijing. As little as 20 employconnected streaming clients at the same ees work at this site, with six members of staff making up the Sales team for time function as active multipliers and forward received to Trade additional TELE-audiovision International The the Worlds Largestsignal Digital TV Magazine 07-08/2013 clients. Lan Haidong: P2P improves the quality of the received signal, above all. Signals need not be fed from a central server any longer, but can be received

IPTV Systems by Forcetech

Forcetech is based in the
ZhongGuanCun software park in northwestern Beijing. 40 software engineers and ten sales experts work at this site. An additional R&D office is located in Chengdu, where the local university offers a topnotch engineering degree program. Forcetech operates one more office in Shenzhen, since it sources OEM hardware such as encorders and settop boxes from there.

offering technically mature and fully-fledged IPTV solutions large Chinese movie provider as showcase customer and shareholder small-scale IPTV systems can be realised on a tight budget excellent video quality thanks to P2P technology

The Hwadar sales

be seen with an issu in her hands. She is for all international

ful of snow, eve can lead to more orders at a later professional and commercial customers, Wang, Business This now brings us to the core of the more than welcome development for a since the quality of the material we use matter: For many years price has been company like Hwadar. national contacts. is exceptional. General Engineer Zhong the deciding to receive any re So how can you obtain a high-quality factor for or against a TELE-audiovision-1307 /eng/tianditong.pdf Zhi Ming tells us why this is the case: tain satellite dish. These days, however, SMC satellite dish from Hwadar? Do you Quality Production its all about quality. Ideal conditions for need to be a wholesale Antennas Contrary GM to metal dishes, our SMC It is clear to see organisation or for the the snowball effect as practiced by Hwa- distributor ordering truckloads er Wang Dan doe fiberglass satellite dishes have a much worth Manager Global snowball effect w longer service life, which typically lies in dar: The more focus is placed on quality, of dishes? Well, requests like that are Market Bang Xing Xian the more customers will consider fiber- certainly very welcome, but the sales panding his compa the 10 to Bang 15 years range. Whats more, glass dishes. Professional customers department will be happy to deal with his products. And our dishes always keep their shape and Peng Peng rience to see a sm are very buckling resistant. This way, have done that for some time already, smaller inquiries as well. After all, just even private users begin of like a major force on t SMC dishes made by Hwadar boast but now a snowball starts with only a handmachinery ready forend production large quantities at short notice persistent quality and durability with a
Lan Haidong is the Marketing Manager at Forcetech. The official name of the company is Force Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. as can be seen in the background.
148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International

production facility, since it also includes

to shift the focus of their attention to



Antenna Manufacturer Tianditong, China

uses state-of-the-art production machinery

fully automatic quality control during the production process volume production of dish sizes from 45 to 180 cm

ready for production of large quantities at short notice environmentally-friendly production according to international standards

Is this the command centre of a

large satellite dish manufacturer? Yes indeed, on the 5th floor of the Newton office building in Beijings south we can find the administration staff and the Sales team of the dish manufacturer Tianditong. The production premises, however, are located in Guan, in the Chinese province of Hebei. A total of 180 workers are employed at the Guan premises, with another 100 production workers based at an additional production site in the province of Hunan.

148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International

COMPANY REPORT Dish, Antenna and Cable Manufacturer ELDTEC, Brazil
A look at ELDTECs production
facility in Aruja, in Brazils Sao Paulo province.

Distr Whol Shop Serv

1. Jefferson Cruz runs the Sales Team. He would ing success. Not only do they use top-grade materials, they also dilove to be able to export ELDTECs products. rect their attention to immaculate workmanship for every antenna Thumbs up cable for General 2. The Sales Team. Orders for dishes, and Manager Satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING has two owners, and both they manufacture. A total of ten buildings are located in the beautiful Bang Xian Peng. He and his brother antennas from Brazils wholesalers their areXing fullyfind aware ofthe the fact that only top quality will guarantee lastBang Peng are founders Xinganof county in Guilin city. way here. Tianditong. ing success. Not only do they use top-grade materials, they also di-

Satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING has two owners, and both are fully aware of the fact that only top quality will guarantee last-

Large market coverage within Brazil OEM production for other brand names R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

Lio Wen Fei and Wen Lang Yuan are the founders of the company, rect their attention to immaculate workmanship for every antenna and still have a shareholding of 50% each. What started in 1993 with they manufacture. A total of ten buildings are located in the beautiful 150 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 a workforce of 50 employees has grown continuously and today comXingan county in Guilin city. prises a staff of 170. We started out with producing C band dishes Lio Wen Fei and Wen Lang Yuan are the founders of the company, and still have a shareholding of 50% each. What started in 1993 with a workforce of 50 employees has grown continuously and today comprises a staff of 170. We started out with producing C band dishes

Manager Jefferson 2 Guilin Cruz


ELDTEC For Brazil Only

166 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 05-06/2013

Large market coverage within Brazil OEM production for other brand names Concentration on just a few product series Also offers antennas for 2.4 and 5.8 GHz (WiFi) 05-06/2013 TELE-audiovision International


LIANXING, China - Satellite Dishes 1. Production Manager Li Hong Xiao.

1. Brothers Bang Xian Peng (left) 152 TELE-audiovision International and Bang Xing Peng (right) are the founders of satellite dish manufacturer Tianditong. 2. Meet Bang Xing Peng. He is the Production Manager, while brother and co-founder Bang Xian Peng acts as General Manager and is in charge of overall company strategy, marketing and sales.
The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013

Meter Production

Concentration on just a few product series Also offers antennas for 2.4 and 5.8 GHz (WiFi)
COMPANY REPORT Satellite Dish Manufacturer LIANXING, China


Together with a staff of 30 he is responsible Product Sales for the production of satellite meter models S7000, DS6300 and DS2500. Four of my Manager Manager staff are exclusively in charge of quality assurance. Wen Liang Liao Wen 2. Who does what? The Production Manager Yuan Fei himself draws up the roster. This way, each

LIANXING: Professional Satellite Antennas

using only top-quality materials individually checking each single component offering antennas for the C and Ku bands very successful on the Japanese market

Bra Her The Pro

Jose Manuel

the backgroun

Entrance to the vast

production premises of LIANXING. The column to the right of the entrance displays the full company name in Chinese: Guangxi Lianxing Satellite Equipment Ltd. Company.

using only top-quality materials individually checking each single component


The two co-owners of satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING: production manager Wen Liang Yuan (left) and sales of satellite dish manager Liao Wen manufacturer Fei (right). LIANXING: production manager Wen Liang Yuan TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 (left) and sales 150 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 05-06/2013 manager Liao Wen Fei (right). The two co-owners
150 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 05-06/2013

employee knows exactly what to do when. 3. A chipset is added to a DS2002 meter. 4. The tuner is next. 5. Its all in the details: A female production worker checks the calibration of an S7000 meter.

148 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 05-06/2013 05-06/2013 TELE-audiovision International


offering antennas for the C and Ku bands very successful on the Japanese market

158 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013

202 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

ers of large receiver manufacturers for satellite, terrestrial TV and cable reception. Quite a few different operating systems can be found in these receivers but theres one operating system that everyone has been talking about for the past several years: the Android system. Here at TELE-audiovision we also have been expecting that more and more receivers would appear on the market with this operating system, yet that hasnt really happened. We introduced one of the first boxes, a DVB-T receiver - the DTP2100 from Jiuzhou, back in our 11-12/2012 issue. So, is the expected Android receiver boom now going to get off the ground? Who better to answer this question than the Android receiver Product Manager 1 at Jiuzhou, Yongjun Zhang, who currently is developing Android prod-

In the 11-12/2012 issue we introduced the new Jiuzhou receiver

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Jiuzhou, China - Android Receivers


DTP2100, one of the first receivers based on the Android operating system.

Digital Meter Manufacturer SAT-LINK, Quanzhou, China

SAT-LINK has Develops receivers with complex features only one product Installation of Apps on a limited basis group: digital Android system requires higher quality components that results in signal analyzers
Yongjun Zhang is the Android
Product Manager. Hes familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of this operating system.
If you do only one thing, you can fully focus on that one thing. This is QingZhang Lins philosophy. He is General Manager of the five-year young company SAT-LINK. We only produce digital signal analyzers, confirms QingZhang Lin, and are exclusively involved in the export market. The company was founded only five years ago in 2008 with 20 R&D employees and 200 production employees.

Product Manager Yongjun Zhang

1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang presents SAT-LINKs high-end success model. This analyzer is available in various versions and will shortly also be available as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.

Develops receivers with complex features Installation of Apps on a limited basis Android system requires higher quality components that results in higher costs Android is well-suited for private users but only limited for cable network operators

Jiuzhous Android Department

176 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013

Jiuzhous company headquarters in

Shenzhens High Tech Park. Here youll find 15 receiver developers that are working exclusively on the Android operating system. 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International


178 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013

higher costs Android is well-suited for private users but only limited for cable network operators

Sat-Link, China - Signal Analyzers

QingZhang Lin is
SAT-LINKs General Manager R Manu GM Project Sales R&D Signal Distr Analyzers from Whol SAT-LINK Qing GuiHuang Han Guang Shop Zhang Lin Huang Nancy Rong R Serv Only five years on the market Optimizes signal analyzers for every region Focusing on the signal analyzer product group Brand new: combo analyzers for DVB-S2 and T2 with fast spectrum Offers signal analyzers in four function classes and four price classes display


2. Nancy is Business Manager and is always on the telephone taking orders from customers from all over the world. When shes not at SAT-LINKs headquarters Quanzhou talking with customers on the phone, shes traveling all over the world visiting them. 1 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong is responsible for the function and development of the signal analyzers. He Professional Equipment REPORT 1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang checks the function of SAT-LINKs devices presents SAT-LINKs high-end success with oscilloscopes and other professional model. This analyzer is available in various test equipment. versions and will shortly also be available
as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.


Digital Meter Manufacturer SAT-LINK, Quanzhou, China

Here in this building in Quanzhous High Tech Park youll

find SAT-LINKs headquarters and the signal analyzers final assembly area. The circuit boards and remaining components are assembled in another location in Quanzhou.

Manufacturer Tecsys, Brazil

1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang presents SAT-LINKs high-end success model. This analyzer is available in various versions and will shortly also be available as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.

Tecsys, Brazil - Professional Equipment R Manu CEO

1. Ricardo still has his first analog receiver stored in his shack: its a model from DX Antenna that he used to receive his first TV channel back in 1985. 2. Ricardo even has a bending machine in his workshop that he uses to bend mounts and attachments for dishes. 3. Ricardos homemade device for the reception of circularly polarized C-band signals. 4. In Cosmosats warehouse: Ricardo is very happy with the AZURESHINE dishes that he resells and also uses at his cable operator installations. 5. Also homemade: a Ku-band feedhorn.
With a new SMD line that has been in operation since June 2012, the BraMarcos Jose 156 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 zilian manufacturer Tecsys can further increase their quality and improve their reaction time to incoming orders. Tecsys produces everything themselves. Tecsys was founded in 2000 by three partners who were all involved for many years in the TV reception industry. Today the three founders wear different hats at Tecsys: CEO is Jose Marcos Freire Martins, CCO is Jorge Alberto Ganuza and CTO is Rodolfo Vidal. CEO Jose Marcos Freire Martins explains to us how it all started: Tecsys began as that this analyzer series is very popular a manufacturer of SMATV products. We in Europe. had seven employees and produced, The next class of analyzers are those with smaller displays and non-illuminated keyboards. These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East. There are also two brand new Satellite Finder product lines: one of these handy models even has a camera input. This is actually in high demand in the Middle East since many people there have installed security cameras. They So Jos dos can use this new signal analyzer to very Campos easily check the function of these cameras. This new satellite signal analyzer with camera input even comes with a 12V output to supply power to the se-

that this analyzer series is very popular in Europe. The next class of analyzers are those with smaller displays and non-illuminated keyboards. These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East. There are also two brand new Satellite Finder product lines: one of these handy models even has a camera input. This is actually in high demand in the Middle East since many people there have installed security cameras. They can use this new signal analyzer to very devices to all the regions of the world. 3 easily check the function of these cam- All of the signal analyzers also come Professional Equipment Tecsys, Brazil COMPANY REPORT with Manufacturer DVB-S2 tuners and the terrestrial eras. This new satellite signal analyzer with camera input even comes with a versions and combo models come with 12V output to supply power to the se- not only DVB-T/T2 but will soon also be

With a new SMD line that has been in operation since June 2012, theFive Brayears later has Marcos grown to 30 R&D Jose it zilian manufacturer Tecsys can further engineers and Freire 250 production Martins employavailable with ATSC (for North Ameri curity camera. is one of the increase their quality and improveees. their founders of Tecsys and then in Tecthe following year And as if that werent enough, SATSAT-LINKs headquarters reaction time toca) incoming orders. and is CEO with ofare thelocated in Quanzhous High Tech Park company ISDB-TB for the South American mar - in the LINK also offers a simple Satellite Finder everything sys produces themselves. Fujian province in southeastern China Tecsys was founded in 2000in by three ket. Were the process of expanding with a display that only shows reception directly across from Taiwan. The propartners who all involved for Americas, reveals our activities in the parameters and therefore can be of - were duction facilities with the latest SMT many years in the TV reception indusmachines are in the Luojiang QingZhang Lin, and suburb fered very inexpensively. This instru- General Manager try. Today the three founders wear difnortheast of the seven-million-inhabitwe will also have a greater presence at ment is, for example, very ferent well-suited hats at Tecsys: CEO is Jose Marant city of Quanzhou. trade in that area. for South America, Business Manager cos Freire Martins, CCOshows is Jorge Alberto Since SAT-LINK only exports their products, we first wanted to was know where Ganuza and CTO is Rodolfo Vidal. CEO While SAT-LINK in their year Nancy tells us. they all go. General Manager QingZhang Marcos Martins to only able explains to sell about 10,000 pieces, And with that, SAT-LINK Jose covers the Freire Lin lists us how it all started: Tecsys began as for us all the different regions: those production numfour most important functions and pric- five years later60% a manufacturer of SMATV products. We of our production is shipped to quintupled. And its East, ing levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly Europe, 20% travels to the Middle had seven employees and produced,

Only five years on the market

Focusing on the signal analyzer product group

Offers signal analyzers in four function classes and four price classes Optimizes signal analyzers for every region

Brand new: combo analyzers for DVB-S2 and T2 with fast spectrum display

152 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Distr Whol Jose Marcos Shop Freire Martins Serv Very good operational organization Concentration on professional satellite reception products R Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv

from customersManufacturer from all over the world. Brazil Professional Equipment Tecsys, COMPANY REPORT the largest display and an illuminated When shes not at SAT-LINKs headquarters Canal 7 and the just-started private TV keyboard. One of the analyzers in this talking with customers on the phone, shes traveling all over the world visiting them. series, the combo SAT-LINK model WS- 9. These four channels channel Canal 3 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International 157 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong Freire Martins 6936 for DVB-S and DVB-T, was already is responsible for the function and Tecsys Production were on the INTELSAT V-F13 satellite. is one of the 2. Nancy is Business Manager and is Manager Adilson da Silva development of the signal analyzers. He introduced by us in the 11-12/2012 isholding a circuit board founders of Tecsys always on the telephone taking orders checks the function of SAT-LINKs devices produced by their new I could also and is CEO of the with oscilloscopes and other professional from customers from all over the world. sue. Business Manager Nancy tells us receive the channels on So Jos dos SMD machine. company test equipment. When shes not at SAT-LINKs headquarters BRASILSAT A1 and GORIZONT. talking Campos with customers on the phone, shes traveling all over the world visiting them. 154 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 It didnt take long for him to realize Jorge Alberto 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong Ganuza is also is responsible for the function and that his 2.5-meter dish was too small one available with ATSC (for North Americamera. that this analyzer series is very popular curity of the three development of the signal analyzers. He ca) andand then in the following year with And as if that werent enough, SAT-founders in Europe. checks the function of SAT-LINKs devices is for the C-band and in 1987 he was able with oscilloscopes and professional ISDB-TB for the South American marThe other next class of analyzers are those LINK also offers a simple Satellite FinderCCO test equipment. with smaller displays and non-illuminat- with a display that only shows reception ket. Were in the process of expanding

goes to North America and especially their10% brand new combo mod - the rest are shipped to the remaining regions. el for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 that promSAT-LINK has expanded its product those first TV channels were: It was ises to be quiterange a success so that for four SAT-LINK. different classes are the cable The top-end and thus TV mostchannel VCC and its comSince many of covered. the countries in Europe expensive signal analyzer comes with petitor CV. It was also the state-run and Africa are quickly switching over to

2. Nancy is Business Manager and is always on the telephone taking orders

Cosmosat, Argentina - Satellite Dishes

Digital TV Meter Manufacturer, UK COMPANY REPORT highlight at Tecsys is their SMD line. 156 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine A 03-04/2013
This work was previously outsourced to another company but by installing their own production line, Tecsys is now not only much more flexible when it comes to the customers requirements, but they can also react more quickly to changes in their own products. The entire production operation at Tecsys is
CCO moving into a much larger building.

available with ATSC (for North curity camera. lite Finder productAmeri lines:- one of these for South America, Business Manager trade shows in that area. ayear TV broadcaster. He soon realized that the following with And as if that werent enough, SAT- ca) and then in handy While SAT-LINK in their first year was models even has a camera input. Nancy tells us. And with and that, SAT-LINK covers the only able to sell about 10,000 pieces, This is actually in high demand in the South American mar LINK also offers a simple Satellite Finder ISDB-TB for the his fellow technicians engineers Middle Eastof since many people there four most important functions and pric- five years later those production numfor only example, ends. The company ket. Were in the process expanding with a display that shows head reception were quite familiar with the theory but installed security cameras. They ing levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly quintupled. And its grew very quickly. Today have 97 activities in have the Americas, reveals parameters and therefore can be of - ourwe devices to all the regions of the world. especially their brand new combo modcan use this new signal analyzer verythat didnt havetoall much practical exGeneral Manager Lin, and fered very inexpensively. instru - of employeesThis of which 28 them are en- QingZhang easily check the function of these cam- All of the signal analyzers also come el for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 that promat with reception. Ricardo on the ment is, for example, very well-suited we will also have a greater presence perience gineers. eras. This new satellite signal analyzer with DVB-S2 tuners and the terrestrial ises to be quite a success for SAT-LINK. trade shows in that for South America, Business Manager Tecsys produces everything that can andtesting combo models come with Since many of the countries in Europe with area. camera input even hand comes with a versions other was always dishes While SAT-LINK in output their first year was Nancy tells us. be found in head ends, from to supply power to the se- not only DVB-T/T2 but will soon also be and Africa are quickly switching over to IRDs (the 12V and LNBs and knew exactly what size pieces, And with that, SAT-LINK covers the only able to sell about 10,000 companys success product) to modulathose production num - Thewhat four most important functions and pric- five years later 156 dish and type LNB was needed TELE-audiovision International Worlds Largest Digital TV of Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 tors and decoders. Tecsys ships primaring levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly quintupled. And its to receive a particular satellite. ily to the domestic Brazilian market; devices to all the regions of the world. especially their brand new combo modmany of the larger organizations After for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 that prom- installing satellite systems in All of the signal analyzers also comeTV el utilize Tecsys products. ises Business is soa success for SAT-LINK. to be quite with DVB-S2 tuners and the terrestrial his free time for years, he finally deAlberto Jorge good models that, according CCO Jorge Al-the countries in Europe Ganuza is also many of versions and combo come withto Since one of the three is planning on berto Tecsys not only DVB-T/T2 but Ganuza, will soon also be founders and is and Africa are quickly switching over to

ed keyboards. These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East. There are also two brand new Satel-

to acquire a 3.4-meter antenna. The foland therefore can be oflowing year 1988parameters he began working for fered very inexpensively. This instrument is, for very well-suited a living and started as aexample, technician at

The New Tecsys Jorge Alberto Adilson da SMDGanuza Silva Line In-house development department
our activities in the Americas, reveals General Manager QingZhang Lin, and we will also have a greater presence at

COO The New Production Tecsys

COMPANY REPORT Professional Equipment Manufacturer Tecsys, Brazil
Tecsys Production
Manager Adilson da Silva holding a circuit board produced by their new SMD machine.

SMD Line

Very good operational organization Concentration on professional satellite reception products In-house development department IRD is their success product

164 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International


IRD is their success product

157 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International

157 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International
COMPANY REPORT Installer and Dish Manufacturer Cosmosat, Argentina

British Signal Analyzer Manufacturer with Ricardo Numerous New Learned everything about satellite reception on his own Products Installs head end stations for cable operators as well as community
for example, head ends. The company grew very quickly. Today we have 97 employees of which 28 of them are engineers. Tecsys produces everything that can be found in head ends, from IRDs (the companys success product) to modulators and decoders. Tecsys ships primarily to the domestic Brazilian market; many of the larger TV organizations utilize Tecsys products. Business is so good that, according to CCO Jorge Alberto Ganuza, Tecsys is planning on moving into a much larger building. A highlight at Tecsys is their SMD line. This work was previously outsourced to another company but by installing their own production line, Tecsys is now not only much more flexible when it comes to the customers requirements, but they can also react more quickly to Paul Pickering founded the signal changes in their own products. The entire production operation at Tecsys is analyzer manufacturer Horizon back in


Very good operational organization Concentration on professional satellite reception products In-house development department IRD is their success product

El Loco Ricardo and His Company Cosmosat

196 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013

El Loco Ricardo in front

of his 3.4-meter double reflector antenna.


166 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 164 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Learned everything about satellite reception on his own Installs head end stations for cable operators as well as community systems Planning his own dish production Turned his hobby into his career 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International


166 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 03-04/2013

Numerous new products for new DVB sectors s team. Monica Wang can Exports to every country as an OEM and under their own name ue of TELE-audiovision s the point of reference Focusing expansion to emerging countries such as South Africa and in inquiries.
Horizon in 2001 and with enormous foresight has expanded Horizons market niche: that would be very reliable and also easy-to-use signal analyzers for daily use by installers.

202 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Horizon, UK - Signal Analyzers


2001. In 2011 the company celebrated its 10-year anniversary and could be proud of the 125,000 satellite signal analyzers that they had sold thus far see TELE-audiovision issue 10-11/2011.

For the end of 2012 he is able to add another surprising figure: By then well have sold 160,000 analyzers in every DVB sector. Horizon started as a manufacturer of satellite signal analyzers but over the past several years theyve expanded into other sectors

that now cover every other DVB frequency range.

Planning his own dish production Turned his hobby into his career Technical Manager Rob Horizon on Sydee the Way Up
COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Meter Manufacturer, UK
Nine Horizon employees are
currently working in the Allen House in Harlows business district. Production is actually outsourced to another company in England.

Paul Hardcastle, who has been with Horizon for seven years and is now their Technical Director, explains to us more about their product palette. We

CEO Paul Pickering

Technical Director Paul Hardcastle

Numerous new products for new DVB sectors

Exports to every country as an OEM and under their own name Focusing expansion to emerging countries such as South Africa and in South America Specializes in easy to use analyzers for installers 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International founded Paul Pickering

South America Specializes in easy to use analyzers for installers


180 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Conceives their Digital TV Retailer own USATel, HDMI Sao Paulo, products Brazil COMPANY REPORT any, but also for selling it is a rewarding expeEverything has a beginning; even TV mall snowball becoming reception, that for us today is a part of life, had a starting point. For England the market.

Over 70 Years e that General ManagConquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their specialized es not only relyproducts on the of TV Antenna Experience when creating and ex Stefaan Cornelis with
one of SATSONs super products: a splitter that distributes HDMI signals to up to eight Ethernet cables.

Zhi Ming is the Zhong en a minor initial job R Manu 2 Hwadar General Engineer 2 e substantial follow-up R Distr and supervises the entire r stage, says Monica process. and HDMI Manufacturer, UK COMPANYproduction REPORT Antenna RinterWhol Supervisor for . Monica will be happy R Shop 182 equests at monicaw@ R Serv

Satson, Belgium - HDMI


HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium


HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium
3 4
Stefaan Cornelis with
one of SATSONs super products: a splitter that distributes HDMI signals to up to eight Ethernet cables.

1. Paul Hardcastle is Technical Director and developer of many of Horizons new analyzers. Hes been the technical heart of Horizon for seven years now. 2. Trevor Salter is Horizons Service Manager and is primarily responsible for repairs and quality issues, as well as assisting customers with technical Stefaan Cornelis with Debey is happy: he Didier questions. one of SATSONs super conceived one of SATSONs products: a splitter that success products the Dual distributes HDMI signals to Viewer DSB-0200, a product 3. Technical Manager is Rob Sydee. up to eight Ethernet cables. for digital signage. Long-time readers will recognize TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013 him: he made it to the front cover Didier Debey is happy: he of TELE-audiovision back in the conceived one of SATSONs success products the Dual 12-01/2007 issue. Hes holding here Viewer DSB-0200, a product for digital signage. one of Horizons success models the yellow color reveals that its a satellite signal analyzer. He says, All of our terrestrial DVB-T and DVB-T2 signal analyzers come in red housings, combo units come is green and DVB-C analyzers come in blue. The HD-TC8 (for tooway Turbo Internet-viasatelliteservices) is in a grey case. 4. Ivan Valbuena is the Senior Hardware Engineer. He checks the mechanical components of Horizons analyzers and does a lot of the new hardware design, working with Paul Hardcastle on new products.


Stefaan Cornelis

Technical Manager Didier Debey



HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium

Manu azilians Come R Distr Managing Trevor Paintain is Antiferences So Paulo re to Buy R Whol Director. He is seen here holding the current 84-page product catalog in his right hand filled with all of their TV reception and Shop eir DigitalR TV TV distribution products. In his left hand hes holding one of Antiferences success stories: the Tribeam UHF antenna. Serv oducts Online

These first TV broadcasts were transmitted from Alexandra Palace in London (The site is still in operation today and is now used for DVB-T2 and DAB+). workshop can be sensaseen in Jose Manuel Pereira is USATels At the Manager. time, it The was an absolute the background tion and raised the curiosity levels of two electronics technicians: Norman Best and M. S. Beebe. They recognized the unbelievable potential of this new technology and thereby found their market niche that they never changed after they founded their company in Digital TV Retailer USATel, Sao Paulo, Brazil Y REPORT 1937. They named the company Antiference, and this name was based on the main problem that existed back then: the interference that was created

Antiference, UK - Antenna and HDMI Brazilians Come Professionals The HDMI R Manu MD from SATSON Here to Buy R Distr Professionals Their Whol Digital TV from SATSON Trevor Shop Paintain Products Serv Online
190 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013


1. Paul Hardcastle is Technical Director and developer of many of Horizons new analyzers. Hes been the technical heart of Horizon for seven years now. 2. Trevor Salter is Horizons Service Manager and is primarily responsible for repairs and quality issues, as well as assisting customers with technical questions. 3. Technical Manager is Rob Sydee. Long-time readers will recognize him: he made it to the front cover of TELE-audiovision back in the 12-01/2007 issue. Hes holding here one of Horizons success models the yellow color reveals that its a satellite signal analyzer. He says, All of our terrestrial DVB-T and DVB-T2 signal analyzers come in red housings, combo units come is green and DVB-C analyzers come in blue. The HD-TC8 (for tooway Turbo Internet-viasatelliteservices) is in a grey case. 4. Ivan Valbuena is the Senior Hardware Engineer. He checks the mechanical components of Horizons analyzers and does a lot of the new hardware design, working with Paul Hardcastle on new products.

Didier Debey is happy: he

conceived one of SATSONs success products the Dual Viewer DSB-0200, a product for digital signage.

The HDMI Professionals from SATSON

190 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013

Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their specialized products Conceives their own HDMI products Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI Extenders Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet cables 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI Extenders Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet cables

Conceives their own HDMI products easy to use device for DVB-C, the Nano other the Asian countries. ada, India and other Asian countries. easy to use device for DVB-C, the Nano namely the HD-T2 series. But Horizon ada, India and namely HD-T2 series. But Horizon that was in 1936 when the first regular antenna systems. Not long after that rod manufacturing company was acCable, which DVB-C should is become available popular in the cable net- and very popular in the cable net- Cable, which should become available doesnt only have DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 DVB-C is very doesnt only have DVB-S2 DVB-T2 Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI he expanded his activities include quired. This company was located in Extenders the first quarter of 2013. The Nano the first quarter of 2013. The Nano there products; and for the installers in in works there and for the installers in in to products; they are currently prepar- works they are currently preparTV transmissions began. Broadcasting Cable is Horizons solution for those Cable is busiHorizons solution for those regions ing Horizon now has the right thosean regions Horizon now has the right ing for the introduction of DVB-C signal those for introduction of DVB-C signal Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their antenna installation wholesale Lichfield, a the half hour train ride north took place on VHF channel 1 (50 MHz) cables So Paulo specialized products of Birmingham in Englands Midland. In ness. Today his company Bitek operand a system with 405 lines was used. 184 TELE-audiovision 184 International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine TELE-audiovision 01-02/2013 International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International 185 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International 185 Conceives their own HDMI products 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International 1998 the entire company moved to this ates five branch offices all across AusToday SD uses 720 lines and HD 1080 Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI location and it can still be found there tralia. In 2007 Kaz Bialecki started his Extenders lines. today. Antiferences Managing Director own manufacturing: In Guangzhou,

signal analyzer for them.That would be the HD-CM+ analyzers: would behave the HD-CM+ started DVB-T a few years ago started with DVB-T a few years ago analyzers: ownerwith of the company, also comes from That Syria. We sales of about Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their model for which we see the primary and since May 2012 weve also year, been he and since May 2012 weve also 100,000 US dollars every reveals to us after taking a look atbeen his model for which we see the primary specialized products Were also developing an in extremely in South America, Can- for DVB-T2 to be South America, Canoffering signal analyzers for DVB-T2 markets to be offering signal analyzers markets books.

The companys Financial Manager is Allam Almughrabi, who, just like the
Were also developing an extremely
COMPANY REPORT Antenna and HDMI Manufacturer, UK

signal analyzer for them.

155 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International


75 Years of TV Antennas from Antiference

Antiferences administration
building in the Fradley Distribution Park in Lichfield near Birmingham, UK. Theres also a logistics center in Lichfield.

Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet is cables

190 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 01-02/2013 01-02/2013 TELE-audiovision International

Arnold Boeijen

Manufacturing TV antennas since 1937 Provides all the components needed for TV reception Expanding into HDMI distribution, as well as wireless solutions 9

Trevor Paintain; hes been with Antiference for 15 years now. He tells us 191 who the current owners of Antiference are: Since May of 2011 Antiference has been owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bialecki from Australia. How did someone from Australia end up buying a British company? It turns out that this was a very logical development. In the 1990s Kaz Bialecki started a company in Australia that installed

China, 150 employees produce antennas and accessories, that is, things like LCD holders, antenna mounts, antenna outlets and other installation material. Now the connection is beginning to make sense. Bitek is one of the largest antenna distributors in Australia and an antenna manufacturer in China while Antiference is one of the largest antenna manufacturers and distributors in Great Britain. For Kaz Bialecki

Manufacturing TV antennas since 1937 Provides all the components needed for TV reception Expanding into HDMI distribution, as well as wireless solutions Expanding distribution network to the European market Offers their own products as OEM and private label
184 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 1 1-12/2012 1 1-12/2012 TELE-satellite International


Expanding distribution network to the European market Offers their own products as OEM and private label

USATel, Brazil - Distributor

Arnold Boeijen is Antiferences

distribute Antiferences products in the The companys Financial Manager is Allam Almughrabi, who, just like

Europe. He can be directly reached by owner of the company, also comes from Syria. We have sales of about 100,000 US dollars every year, he reveals to us after taking a look at his e-mail at books.

l Pereira is USATels Manager. The workshop can be seen in nd

Imports all of its products from China Optimized assortment for digital TV needs

Lichfield (Birmingham)

6. A DS6300 is readied CFOfor quality assurance. by those antennas that were not perAdjustment fectly matched to the frequency.7. The antennas from Antiference were the of a DS2500 solution to that problem; they reduced Jose Manuel Allam meter. interference. Final inspecPereira In 1938 their young company8. Almughrabin betion came a limited liability company in the of an S7000 meter. London Company Register and the two Sells and ships young owners hired their first employDebugging ees. Back then TV antennas were9. considered real high-tech products meters and in Brazil of the Expanding into the number of customers they had was S30 series. This very small. It all really began to take production off in the 1950s when TVs became affordable and the demand for antennas worker checks skyrocketed. The company, that up unall functions til then had its headquarters in central of the device London, moved to the outskirts of the city and manufactured TV antennas before its final with nearly 250 employees. That initial release. boom slowly faded but then in 1964


European Export Manager and the first contact for dealers that want to
COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Retailer USATel, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Behind this unremarkable wall of a small
Villa can be found online shop USATels headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Administration can be found in the right side of the building; the warehouse can be seen in the background.

The spirit of the

Imports all of its products from China

company is secretary and receptionist Letica Lacender

USATel in Sao Paulo

194 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 1 1-12/2012

Optimized assortment for digital TV needs in Brazil Sells and ships almost exclusively to end users Expanding into new business segments such as WLAN and IPTV 1 1-12/2012 TELE-satellite International


almost exclusively to end users new business segments such as WLAN and IPTV

BBC started their second channel in the The spirit of the UHF band. That meant a renewed decompany is secretary mand, this time for UHF antennas. and receptionist
Letica Lacender

The company went through a series 07-08/2013 TELE-audiovision International of ups and downs in the demand for antennas so they began to diversify. This went so far that even a curtain


Many of Antiferences success

186 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 1 1-12/2012

products are on display in their showroom including HDMI components, TV amplifiers as well as cable head ends.

Two electronics technicians founded the company in 1937; it 1 1-12/2012 TELE-satellite International

188 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 1 1-12/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International 189

was officially entered into the London Company Register on 28th January 1938.



Original Equipment Manufacturer Topsignal, China

TELE-audiovision Directory for the WorldGlobal Market Company

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop Serv

Enormous Numbers
With a yearly production of five million satellite dishes and even more LNBs, Topsignal is one of the largest manufactures of these products. The company actually started in a completely different product segment: actuators and motors for satellite dishes. Its an unusual development that we had a look at in the small city of Ninghai. Ninghai is located near Ningbo which itself is a three-hour train ride south of Shanghai. Zongbao King founded the company

Actively Involved in Satellite Business for 33 Years

DMS International, USA - Distributor

in then antenna motors for satellite dishes were in demand and Zongbao King built a production facility for these motors. Unfortunately, today theres not much demand for these motors anymore, explains Sales Manager James You to us. Order quantities have steadily decreased, but we can still handle any kind of order since our storeroom is still fully stocked. Two other product groups are todays sales giants at Topsignal: In 2008 we

There arent too many companies heed and Marietta northwest that have hung around for decades and of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, we at the same time are still in the same found Tim Heinrichs and his business segment. DMS International, wife Vicky, the President of which has been in existence since the the company. We wanted to very early days of TV reception via know how DMS International satellite, belongs to that group. Tim became what it is today. Heinrichs is Founder and CEO of satelTim Heinrichs has been a DXer lite wholesaler DMS International and if youve been in the same business for so for a long time: he was excited about long, theres absolutely no doubt that CB communications when it first started and all that could be done with it. you are a real enthusiast. In the small Ninghai back in the year 2003. Back town of Acworth, not too far from Lock- It allowed people for the first time to

Acworth, Atlanta, GA, USA

Ninghai (Ningbo)


monthly and even more LNBs. Tim duced Vicky The reason these production numbers are almost the same is simply that the Heinrichs Heinrichs dishes and LNBs are sold in sets. A

communicate wirelessly with each other without too much in the form of technical requirements. Oh really? In 1968 Tim erected a tower 25 meters high for his CB antenna. He used it to listen in when railroad employees talked to each other, when construction companies passed on work orders to their builders, when truck drivers warned others of radar traps on the highways and whenthe started manufacturing satellite dish police would coordinate road blocks with es and in 2011 we started But producing their headquarters. Tim was especially fascinated the phenomenon LNBs. The quantities are with huge: nearly of skip transmissions: under certain a half million satellite dishes proweather conditions CB are radio transmis- President 1
COMPANY REPORT Satellite Wholesaler and Meter Manufacturer DMS, USA

1. Chaofeng Ge is General Manager. He coordinates production and is always on the phone coordinating production with customer orders. 2. James You is Sales Manager and counts on the help of the Lion in front of the entrance to Topsignals building.

Always working enthusiastically on new products Special focus on signal analyzers for the semiprofessional

sions in the 27 MHz range would skip off the ionosphere or troposphere allowing for two-way communications over extremely long distances. Back then I collected QSL cards from my contacts and managed to collect nearly 1000 of those cards.

Always working enthusiastically on new products Special focus on signal analyzers for the semi-professional Enormous growth of the international market outside of North AmerR Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

ica Innovative expansion of signal analyzer models for 2012

Topsignal, China - Satellite Dishes

COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Website, China

2 Chairman

Topsignals Founder and 1 Chairman ofthe Board DMS Internationals Tim Heinrichs, CEO, in his office in Acworth, Zongbao King Georgia, northwest of Atlanta. Hes
testing an FS2 signal analyzer beta model.

GM Chaofeng Ge Success in the Sales

customer orders. outside of China to search for employ2.vice James You is Sales and counts ees and also, versa, to make it Manager eason the help of specialists the Lion into front of the ier for Chinese digital TV entrance to Topsignals building. find a job with a foreign company.
But that was still not enough for Anna - in 2011 she founded yet another business segment in her own company: Digital Technology Ltd. develops digital TV software. This segment immediately caught on; this is the company with the additional 13 employees we had mentioned earlier, although theyre not located in Shanghai. 10 engineers work in an office in Hangzhou plus one additional engineer each in Shenzhen, Chengdu and Beijing.

Tim also worked for the railroad in Nebraska and when word got around among his friends and coworkers that he liked to tinker with radios in his free time, they began bringing him defective radios, TVs and CBs. At first it was tedious, but later on it became routine for him to repair these devices. Even the police came to me to repair their radios. Tim was becoming more and more experienced in radio technology. In 1979 he read an article in a technical magazine about satellite reception. This new technology was irresistible to Tim; he simply had to have it. He spent a lot of money on his first three-meter dish. Back then the dish antennas were
1. Vicky Heinrichs is the President of DMS International and runs the administrative side of the company. 2. Ivy Bliss is the receptionist and takes care of DMS Internationals website ( If you call the company, Ivy is your first contact. 3. Tina Ryan handles the accounting

quite heavy; they were made of fiberglass with metal braces and weighed 400 pounds. Tim still remembers today what an experience it was to be able to receive a TV picture with his new dish. It was an absolute sensation to be able to receive a signal from space from so Americas Busiest Satellite Enthusiast far away.

Enormous growth of the international market outside of North America Innovative expansion of signal analyzer models for 2012

President of the company.

DMS International could be found here
in the Northpoint Business Park with its two buildings and attached warehouse.

Then came the turning point in Tim Heinrichs evening job: a farmer bought that dish from him. Thats when it all started, next I bought two new dishes. That was in 1980 and it was at this point that Tim Heinrichs recognized that there was a new business brewing. He sold and installed these dish antennas at a faster and faster rate. The breakthrough came in 1982: I invested $40,000 and bought my first truckload of dishes - it was 500 three-meter antennas. Tim Heinrichs young company became a satellite wholesaler.
186 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

Tim Heinrichs from DMS 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International

In 1991 another big decision had to be made: the market in Nebraska was covered so in order to better expand his business the decision was made to move his company to Atlanta, Georgia. DMS International can still be found there today. Transportation costs are cheaper here, rationalizes Tim regarding this decision and then grins as he adds, Besides, the weather is much better here. Sure enough, the company experienced quite a boom in business. Vicky provides us with a few sales figures: In 1991 DMS managed sales of roughly $2.0 million. The companys best year was 2008: Back then we had sales of $12 million. Sales have pulled back a little bit since then although in 2009 they were still at about $9.0 million.

OEM delivering exclusively to Wholesalers Specializes in large production quantities Produces millions of satellite dishes and LNBs
Its not easy to find women in leading positions in the digital TV business and its even rarer for women to actually start a company in this business. But thats exactly what Anna Xie did: she started a website from nothing and in just 10 years built it up into Chinas largest site for digital TV. Its an exciting story that we wanted to hear about directly from her. DVBCNs offices can be found in Shanghais Minhang District. Anna rented expansive office space on the fifth floor of a modern office building. 10 employees work there although DVBCN has an additional 13 employees. But more on that later. First we wanted to know how Anna managed to turn her website into Chinas largest site for digital TV. Anna studied at the university in Shanghai. I studied TV and radio journalism. That was in 2001. And she was still a brand new student when she started her website DVBCN in 2002 (www. At first it was just a forum to discuss technical information. As you can tell by the websites name, her forum dealt back then primarily with the new DVB technology. We made available for download all documents, She explains to us: I come from Wenzhou in the Zhejiang Province. This province is located south of Shanghai;

How Anna Built up in Just 10 Years

Alexander Wiese

technical specifications and standards. 188 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine Some of09-10/2012 the documents were translat-


Zongbao King

ed into Chinese by her fellow students. Anna had managed to find a powerful market gap; anyone in China who was involved with receiver production or development of digital receiver software could view and download all the necessary documents from Anna. By 2004 we already had 80,000 registered users, remembers Anna about the quickly growing popularity of her website. We also offered the source codes for DVB applications and DVB analyzer information. A natural development of her download forum website was the start of a discussion page and not long after that a news page was started. Today DVBCN is the most viewed website in China for anyone that in one form or another is connected with digital TV. Technicians can find not only valuable information for their work on the DVBCN site, but

even those employees in marketing use DVBCN for up to date information on digital TV trade shows and exhibitions. Today DVBCN has over 200,000 registered users.

1. Chaofeng Ge is General Manager. He coordinates production and is always on the phone coordinating production with

But Anna was not satisfied with one website. The main site is just a base website, she explains, but two other business segments are above all financially successful. Since so many professional digital technical users have come together on DVBCN, it was actually quite easy to provide them and digital TV firms a platform where workers could find new jobs and digital TV companies could find new employees: In 2005 Anna started her new website www.51dtv. com that resembles a recruiting company; the number 51 is Chinese for I need.

James You

At first I worked both jobs; my regular job at the railroad and at nights and weekends at my own company DMS International. That only worked for a few months: he had to make a decision and naturally he chose his own company. My wife Vicky worked along side me from the beginning; at first she took care of the books and now shes the
COMPANY REPORT Original Equipment Manufacturer Topsignal, China

OEM delivering exclusively to Wholesalers Specializes in large production quantities

Millions From Topsignal

Produces millions of satellite dishes and LNBs Majority of shipments go to South America

Expanding product palette to include high-quality LNBs and VSAT

For many years DMS International was a small company with very few employees: It was Vicky and Tim along with one or two warehouse and administrative employees. Today we have 10 employees with a warehouse that is 14,000 Sq-ft in size. Up until recently DMS International was mainly focused on the North American market, that is, the USA, Canada and Mexico, explains Tim. As recently as 2009/2010

Topsignals production plant in Ninghai, China.

The administration building is to the left and two of the four production buildings are to the right. Satellite dishes and LNBs are manufactured here in large quantities.

200 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International


Majority of shipments go to South America 2 3 Expanding product palette to include high-quality LNBs and VSAT
COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Website, China

Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv

DVBCN, China - Internet News and Job Forum

Owner Anna Xie
2 Ho oversees the Victor
news and test reports on DVBCN. He is DVBCNs Chief Editor.

At the moment is only available in Chinese but Anna is in the process of creating an English version that would make it easier for companies

What are these engineers doing at these locations? We are primarily working on the DLNAOTT technology, that is, the integration of mobile telephone, laptop and TV under the term Multi Screen Interaction. This means that what you see on a display screen, for example, on a mobile telephone screen, can be

Anna Xie is founder and owner of DVBCN,

the largest website for digital TV in China ( Recently DVBCN began cooperating with TELE-satellite. The first DVBCN ad appeared in the TELE-satellite issue that Anna is holding in her hand.

202 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

Chief Editor Victor Ho

Known by every digital TV company in China Provides all information regarding digital TV Expanding in the areas of recruitment and software development Focusing in future technologies such as OTT and IPTV Working on international expansion

Largest Digital TV Website in China:

210 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012

In the office building

to the left in Shanghais Minhang district can be found DVBCNs leased offices on the fifth floor. 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International


City, A

Known by every digital TV company in China Provides all information regarding digital TV USA Expanding in the areas of recruitment and software development
COMPANY REPORT Professional Dish Manufacturer SVEC, China

190 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

Focusing in future technologies such as OTT and IPTV Working on international expansion
3. Some of the R&D engineers. A total of 10 engineers work here. 09-10/2012 4. View of the four production buildings as seen from the administration building

TELE-satellite International


206 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

SVEC, China - Satellite Dishes

212 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012 CEO
214 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012



Professional Dish Manufacturer SVEC, China


Wholesaler Hypex, UK

Success with Large investment in Quality range of Assurance Expanding VSAT and Ka-Band production products

Wang Duo

3. Some of the R&D engineers. A total of 10 engineers work here. 4. 4 View of the four production buildings as seen from the administration building 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International

SVECs Quality 215 Offensive

A large dish highlights the location
of SVECs administration building in Chengdu in China's Sichuan province. The manufacturing facilities can be found directly behind the administration building.

Large investment in Quality Assurance Expanding VSAT and Ka-Band production Opening a new fully automatic satellite dish production line Focusing on top-of-the-line Quality dishes

206 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

Becky 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International


184 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International



Opening a new fully automatic satellite dish production line Focusing on top-of-the-line Quality dishes

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

TSReader, USA - AnalyzerSVEC Software

Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for Internet Archive Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

The Man Behind TSReader:

Rod Hewitt
Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for Internet Archive Working on IPTV application programs

Software Programmierer Rod Hewitt, USA Not many digital TV product dealers among other things DX Sichuan SVEC CEO Wang Duo amateur can boast over 30 years success in the Communications 1. Kahlo, named herself after the painter Frieda Kahlo, handles the SVEC advertisement in TELE-satellite. Relatives business (in 2012 it will be 33 years). radio 2.receivers. Becky runs the SVEC sales team with 15 employees 3. Milton and his team take care of SVEC customers in South America his and family came later One of the few wholesalers that fall into from North 4. Betty Lee runs the sales team for India and Africa started working his this category is the company Hypex in on and 5. A look into the SVEC sales teamfor offices. To the left is Belinda, responsible for The Far East and to the right is and Nina, responsible for The Middle East. so Hypex became London. We paid a visit to them just company before they moved into their new ware- stronger and stronger over the years. Just a192 few years ago the company behouse. TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012 already reported on SVEC back in SVEC (Sichuan Video Equipment dishes with diameters of 2.4 meters. Great Britain. Hypex customcame a limited liability corporation and outside ofWe Company) has been manufacturing sa- Lately SVEC is concentrating on expan- TELE-satellite 02-03/2010 issue. Even then we as already how ding name their professional antenna tellite now antennas of all sizes since 1993. the can back be found farmentioned away as Malayoperates under Hypex,VSATers Hypex was founded in 1979 by Shyv Production quantities are enormous: business. We also offer Ka-Band di- SVEC was becoming active in VSAT and sia. Neal explains how itSVEC came to that: Sood. He is an electrical engineer and the Ka-Band. Since then has inwe learn SVEC Ltd. manufactures several million shes for Internet-via satellite, dishes each month. The most popu- from Becky, Manager of the Internatio- vested enormously to not only guaranOver those many years our company recognized back then the need for comlar dish types are 60 and 75cm off- nal Sales Team. And, really, thats the tee production quality but also to raise to new levels; levels that areestabwe came to pay has a visit to the quality set antennas. Next in are 1.2 wholesaler and reason why become very well-known and Hypex is line a pure and does mercial receivers and other broadcast1.5-meter diameter dishes. But SVEC SVEC: professional products require unheard of for a manufacturer that proaside that many Asian not sell tolarge end segmented users. Managing Director lished and ing equipment. duces millions from of dishes every month. professional production. also manufactures Neal tells us more: We ship to roughly companies have their own branch office 186 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012 As a one-man operation he sold 600 active dealers of which 15% are in Great Britain. For those its much sim-

Sales TeamOwner



Software Programmierer Rod Hewitt, USA

High Investment Rod in Product Quality


The Man Behind TSReader:

Rod Hewitt 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International


Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for Internet Archive Working on IPTV application programs Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBCs EPG data
200 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012

Rod Hewitt enjoys reading TELE-

satellite magazine. The picture of the Eiffel Tower in his living room highlights the fact the he can speak French fluently and loves the French way of life. 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International


Working on IPTV application programs Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBCs EPG data
COMPANY REPORT Wholesaler Hypex, UK

Hypex, UK - Distributor
Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBCs EPG data
200 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 06-07-08/2012

Neal is Managing Director for Hypex and personally

Rod Hewitt enjoys reading TELEsatellite magazine. The picture of the Eiffel Tower in his living room highlights the fact the he can speak French fluently and loves the French way of life. 06-07-08/2012 TELE-satellite International


takes care of their professional broadcast and cable TV customers.


Professional products from a professional dealer

Ships large dishes to Great Britain and Europe Offers successful product lines from ICECRYPT and GLOBALINVACOM Low prices thanks to minimal overhead costs Consistent sales despite pricing pressure

An image from the old

172 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012

days: Hypex resided here up until recently. Now the company moved into a 6000 square foot warehouse only about a mile from here in Wembley in western London. 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


ki, USA

Ships large dishes to Great Britain and Europe Offers successful product lines from ICECRYPT and GLOBALINVACOM

Low prices thanks to minimal overhead costs Consistent sales despite pricing pressure

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop Serv

Ricks Satellite, USA - Distributor

Owner Rick Caylor Owner 10 Years

COMPANY REPORT Satellite Dealer Ricks Satellite, Kansas City, USA

celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2012

Bobbie & Rick

distributes AZBox's receivers in North America is an enthusiastic satellite feedhunter

sees a good future for the FTA market in North America

Rick Caylor

A typical residential home in the USA. Looking from the street there

are no satellite dishes to be seen and theres also no company sign to suggest that theres a successful online satellite shop hidden inside. A knock on the door reveals Bobbie and Rick along with Ricks Satellite which can be found in the Internet at

156 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2012 174 distributes AZBoxs receivers in North America Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Scott Greczkowski with a T-shirt TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012 from in front of his two motorized dishes, on the left a 1.5-meter offset antenna and in the middle a 2.5-meter prime focus dish both of which are currently pointed to 85W.

is an enthusiastic satellite feedhunter sees a good future for the FTA market in North America
COMPANY REPORT Satellite Forum Operator Scott Greczkowski, USA

StelliteGuys, USA - Internet Forum

Owner Scott Greczkowski

Scott's SatelliteGuys
206 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012

Provides assistance with technical satellite reception questions Founded by Scott as a non-profit forum All advertising income is reinvested in better technology New is the use of the forums through Customer Service employees of digital TV companies

Scott Gerczkowskis home in

Newington outside of Hartford, Connecticut in the USA. Scott operates his satellite forum from here. On the street side he has two motorized dishes installed; four smaller fixed dishes are mounted on the wall. To the left is a multifocus dish with five LNBs for DirecTV, in the middle is a dish for the DishNetwork eastern arc pointing to 61.5W, 72.7W and 77W plus another antenna for the DishNetwork western arc at 110W and 119W. All the way to the right is another antenna for 110W. This dish is used for automatic scanning that takes place every hour. It can instantly identify when a new channel appears on DishNetwork and posts this information in the forum thread Uplink Report. 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


Provides assistance with technical satellite reception questions Founded by Scott as a non-profit forum All advertising income is reinvested in better technology
COMPANY REPORT Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

New is the use of the forums through Customer Service employees of digital TV companies

USAs population. intuitively easy. Then one day coincidence came to hisfirst IPTV project Already operating the Integration of TV reception with transmitters dont have the same range explains to us what all the fuss is IPTV about The young company managed to sell day coincidence came to his transmitters dont have the same range explains to us of what the fuss is aboutare The young company managed to sell aid: his employer, the auto for parts com 3D planned the future 60% all all Sowell receivers already as the old analog transmitters. And so, with GALAXY 19: It is currently the HD 50 receivers in the first year. 10 years ployer, the auto parts comwith GALAXY 19: It is currently the as the old analog transmitters. And so, 50 receivers in the first year. 10 years pany, reorganized and offered Rick a pofor many people living in outlying regions most interesting of all satellites in North later sales have greatly increased: We anized and offered Rick a pofor many people living in outlying regions most interesting of all satellites in North later sales have greatly increased: We sition that didnt appeal to him. Instead, the only solution was to subscribe to a America in terms of FTA. The satellite sold over 1100 receivers in 2011 with didnt appeal to him. Instead, the only solution was to subscribe to a America in terms of FTA. The satellite sold over 1100 receivers in 2011 with he decided to go out on his own. His wife satellite PayTV service. Rick says: The TV market in North America is supplied the AZBox Receivers being the biggest 204 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 to go out on his own. His wife satellite PayTV service. Rick says: The TV market in North America is supplied the AZBox Receivers being the biggest Bobbie supported him and said, You have by two large PayTV providers that each Satellite Pay Services normally require a seller. But receiver sales are only one orted him and said, You have by two large PayTV providers that each Satellite Pay Services normally require a seller. But receiver sales are only one
Integration of TV reception with IPTV 60% of all Sowell receivers are already HD

CT, USA R Manu Largest Distr asm back then Whol was a treasure trove of SA was a treasure hen trove of experience; theShop operation of all of the rethe operation of all of the reServ ceivers was intuitively easy.

Sowell, China IPTV Receivers





Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

is Future 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

A successful couple: Rick and Bobbie together run the satellite shop Ricks Satellite in Blue Springs, Missouri, USA. Its an area with 60,000 inhabitants located eastonline of Kansas City. Its an excellent location: Kansas City likes to be Eagle USA. Its an area withto 60,000 inhabitants locatedits east ofonly Kansas City. Its an excellent location: Kansas City likes to be referred as the heart of America; not the geographical center of the USA, its also the mathematical center of referred to as the heart of America; its not only the geographical center of the USA, its also the mathematical center of USAs population. Chain
Already operating the first IPTV project 3D planned for the future

General Manager

Eagle Chain in Sowells showroom with one of the companys success receivers.

A successful couple: Rick and Bobbie together run the satellite online shop Ricks Satellite in Blue Springs, Missouri,


General Manager

Eagle Chain in Sowells showroom with one of the companys success receivers.

is Future


148 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


207 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


son Wadt is originally from Germany. The company, that has been suc-

first. for It was already ob- a country reason us to pay them visit. at low prices. offering the first cable headends.

TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv
So Paulo Wadt, Brazil - Headends
Neide is the daughter of the

So Paulo

The company founders grandson, Joao Alfredo Wadt Miranda, who today is the companys Technical Director, thinks back to the products that started it all: It was car radios for Ford vehicles that my Grandfather manufactured first. It was already obvious back then what path the company

vious back then what path the company

Wadt had to specialize and focused

Wadts best times were before 1994, remembers the company founders Grandson, Back then we had 200 employees. Those days are over; in 1994 the Brazilian government lifted the high import duties after which HF products came into the country at low prices. Wadt had to specialize and focused Owner Neide Wadt

Digital TV Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China

companys founder and takes care of Wadts finances. Joao, Neides son and the company founders grandson is headend manufacturer Wadts Technical Director in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Technical Director Joao Wadt

vinced that exports will also pick up: With our new DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 receivers we will increase our market share and the upcoming football world cup will increase ISDB-T sales in South America. Its becoming clear that Panodic is


Headend Manufacturer Wadt, Brazil

The dish antennas on the roof provide a

clue to what goes on inside this building; it caught the interest of the TELE-satellite editorial staff: the company Eletronica Wadt, which has been involved with reception technology since 1945, resides here.

Distribution Technology from Wadt

Involved in HF for more than 60 years New allocation of cable licenses in Brazil opens up huge opportunities for the company Specialized products for cable headends Only ships domestically

164 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012 04-05/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


Involved in HF for more than 60 years Jiuzhous OTT opens up huge opportunities New allocation of cable licenses in Brazil Neide is the daughter Development of the Team for the company companys founder and takes care of


1 Specialized products for cable headends Only ships domestically

not a manufacturer that produces only when there are orders; they are continInternet services and terrestrial/satuously active in further development. ellite TV are constantly merging closer We are cooperating with many industogether. Many current digital receivers already have partners, an Internet connection trial such as, NDS, Conax, but most of the time this connection is SuperNovelTV as well as chip manufaconly used to load new software into the turers ST and Ali. Weve also received receiver or to connect the receiver to a local network. The from total integration of licenses Sisvel DivX and Inview. Internet video and audio content with is still a in provider digital Inview receivers is its infancy.of EPG informaOne of the companies that is inten- additional data tion and Internet-based sively working on this new technology such as IPTV. Thanks to the appearance is Jiuzhou. of more and more hybrid receivers, the Jimmy Zhang is Jiuzhous Marketing integration with the Internet is moving Vice Manager and tells us what its all and for more to the forefront. about: more OTT stands Over-The-Top. It means that viewers can not only see And thats how Panodic managed to their normal TV channels terrestrially, work themselves up into the group of via satellite or cable, they can now use the same device to enjoy video and autop five manufacturers in just a few dio content via the Internet. YouTube years. From the three-man and VUDU, a movie service, are original just a few founding examples according to Jimmy team the company has grown Zhang. The end user doesnt really care to over 1500 employees and theres no how the video and audio makes it to his endas inlong sight. Yu: We are constantTV screen, as heAlan can use one remote control to access everything ly working on designing and developing thats available. higher quality products. This includes, Unfortunately, a weak spot receivers. in the above all, hybrid These are OTT technology is the bandwidth of the receivers are mostly interesting to end users Internet that connection. Video transmissions require a large bandoperators. width. Therefore, right now these OTT The expansion of their product palcompatible digital receivers would really only have markets in that Europe and ette suggests Panodic will continue North America even though there are to climb higher in the ranks of top class many other regions that offer scattered companies. high-speed Internet access. Were focusing on these two markets, confirms Jimmy Zhang, Buying power is the highest there.

The Big Expansion of Panodic


R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Jiuzhou, China - Receivers

Receiver Manufacturer Panodic, China

Wadts finances. Joao, Neides son and the company founders grandson is headend manufacturer Wadts Technical Director in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

166 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012


Developes Digital TV receivers optimized for OTT Dedicated OTT development team

Growth Through Quality

Jimmy Zhang is digital TV

Vice Vice GM Marketing Wholesaler and Installer SORTEC, Slovakia Jimmy Shenzhen Richard Zhang

developed in software form, reveals Marketing Vice Manager Jimmy Zhang to us, This means that end users merely have to upload a new software version in order to make their existing digital receivers OTT compatible.
though older digital receivers can be upgraded with OTT, they might not be good enough to truly take advantage of OTT. The chips get faster and faster every day and if you upgrade a digital receiver that has an older chipset with OTT, you might not be able to enjoy these OTT services interference-free.

Digital TV Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China

Over-The-Top by Jiuzhou

Richard is Vice General

Manager and runs the Jiuzhou R&D team with 200 engineers.

Even though it appears that this can all be easily accomplished technically, two things have to be kept in mind: the first has to do with a license since there are many Internet services that have to be paid for. The second is that even

The end result is that it would be far better to upgrade a new digital receiver with OTT services; only then would the menu operation and the speed and capabilities of the built-in chips be optimal for these OTT services. The Jiuzhou development team is working feverishly on the best possible solutions for OTT.

Development Team works on the sixth floor of the Jiuzhou Electric Building in Nanshans Hightech Park in Shenzhen, China.

Developes Digital TV receivers optimized for OTT Dedicated OTT development team Market for OTT in Europe and North America Upgrade of older digital receivers possible with a software upgrade

154 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine



Market for OTT in Europe and North America Upgrade of older digital receivers possible with a software upgrade
The OTT technology is so important to Jiuzhou that they have put together a dedicated development team: There are 20 engineers working in the OTT Team, we learn from Vice General Manager Richard who is responsible for the R&D Team. Our entire R&D Team 1. Huang Wei is one of the founders consists of 200 engineers, clarifies of MICO/Panodic. He takes care of the Vice General Manager Richard, Were orientation working with strategic the Android as well as of production. with the Linux2. operating Xu Haisystems. Bin is Panodics CEO. Hes Department operations Manager Yongjun andZhang can reveal to us: In is in charge of the Application Team 2011 we achieved sales of 70 million consisting of ten engineers. This is USD and in 2012 were expecting an where the functioning of the software increase to 100 million USD. is tested and optimized so that end users wont have any trouble accessing all the different Internet services with their Jiuzhou receiver later on.

Always Active When it Has Multiple quality control points before, during and after production to Do with Concentrating on digital TV products Digital TV Sortec, Slovakia - Distributors
that the exports will proalso pick up: operate five retail stores to vinced becoming 166 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digitaleration TV Trade Magazine 04-05/2012 sales figures largest are supported also by an device manufacturer Jiuzhous Marketing Vice Manager and is also responsible for the marketing of their OTT units.

R Manu Distr Whol Shop 1 Serv


Panodic, China - Receivers

Satellite Information Website BSD, Brasil

Founder With our new DVB-T2 DVB-S2 Company founder: from which end users can buy fessional installer Slovakia and and at TURBOSAT other in important reason: not a manufacturer that produces only 1 Founder CEO Marketing when there are orders; they are continOne of the You Zhen Yu. He the and receivers we will one increase our anything market uously active in further development. same time has become the Top Five: receivers are listed of with every large they need for television two other partners share andin the upcoming football worldreception. And if you cant We are cooperating with many indussignal largest wholesalers the country. We receivers Manager chain in Great Britain. Our Panodic founded MICO inwanted to cup will increase ISDB-T sales in South trial in partners, such as, NDS, more shops the east. SORTEC will Conax, visit the stores in person, you can buy know about canmore be found in SORTECs the superstores from 1999 and Panodic in America. SuperNovelTV as well as chip manufacthen have Slovakia nicely covered with from them online. ubo Bezk, Mansuccess story. Their headquarters and electronics TESCO, in the MAPLIN 2003. You Zhen Huang Its located becoming that Panodic is the E-shop, tells us more about turers ST and Ali. you Weve also their satellite stores where can findreceived ager of main shop are in clear the capital shops, in CPC, Dixons, John Lewis, at licenses from Sisvel DivX and Inview. in addition to all the necessary satellite city of Bratislava within sight of a large them: At the moment four of these and many others. 3 Slova- components, Inview is a provider of also everything forEPG ter-informashopping center in which among other Yu stores can be found in western Wei Xu Hai Bin Alan Yu tion and Internet-based additional data restrial reception. Slovakia is currently things can be found a TESCO hyper- kia with the fifth one in the east. But in
In 20 years a company went from starting off as a small installation opSORTEC is not only an installer and wholesaler; they

Receiver Manufacturer Panodic, China

Panodics Marketing
Director is Alan Yu. He is a loyal reader of TELE-satellite.

The administration and

R&D teams of OEM/ODM manufacturer Panodic can be found in the futuristic Grentech Building in Shenzhens High Tech Park.

Receptionist Yan

in charge of the companys daily

Jing greets visitors in the lobby

by Luo Shigang

Multiple quality control points before, during and after production Concentrating on digital TV products Cooperating with many license providers Continuous product palette expansion


156 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012

Manu R Distr R Whol Shop In 1999 three technically enthusiastic young entrepreneurs founded the Serv

Sure enough, three receiver modThe best part is that OTT is only being such as IPTV. Thanks to the appearance in the transition phase from analog to 2012 we are planning to open up two els make up nearly 75% of all receivof more and more hybrid receivers, the 1. Pavol Macko is SORTECs General Manager reception, explains erdigital sales: terrestrial For the national market in 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 157 integration with the Internet is moving 4 2. ubo Bezk SORTECs E-shop Manager. ubo Bezk. Great Britain its the T5000 for DVB-T more and more to the forefront. 3. Its always busy in SORTECs satellite store and its brother the T2400 with PVR for where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take And thats how Panodic managed to But these retail stores only make up care of the customers' needs. DVB-T2 as well as the ICECRYPT 3000 work themselves up into the group of about 15% of SORTECs business. The 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: for the European market. The latter top five manufacturers in just a few largest portion of our sales comes from Alexander Zhonk (left) and Pavol Luk (right). 3 receiver we already introduced to instalyou years. From the original three-man our wholesale business and our in lation our TELE-satellite 08-09/2011 isfounding team the company has grown work, explains E-shop Manager sue withBezk, a detailed test report. The ubo From our wholesale acto over 1500 employees and theres no 1. Pavol Macko is SORTECs General Manager digital terrestrial reception, explains 4 sight. Alan Yu: We are constant2. ubo Bezk SORTECs E-shop Manager. 158 TELE-satellite International Bezk. The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine ubo T2400 with a 2.0from terabyte tivityeven 90%comes of sales comes instalend in 3. Its always busy in SORTECs satellite store hard drive! Paddy. Normally, lations and says the remaining 10% comes where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take ly working on designing and developing But these retail stores only make up care of the customers' needs. PANODIC Company Details from our cooperation with large store such high-capacity hard drives cant about 15% of SORTECs business. The higher quality products. This includes, 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: largest portion of our sales comes from Alexander Zhonk (left) and Pavol Luk (right). For these hyperchip markets and bechains. connected. A special makes 0............................ 1000 .............................. 2000 above all, hybrid receivers. These are our wholesale business and our instal electronic chains SORTEC delivers it large possible. 0................................ 50 ................. 100 Mio US$ lation work, explains E-shop Manager receivers that are mostly interesting to ubo Bezk, From our wholesale accomplete satellite systems that include operators. tivity 90% of sales comes from instaldish, LNB and receiver. 1 Sales at TURBOSAT are divided into The expansion of their product pal-

126 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

Cooperating with many license providers Continuous product palette expansion

Receiver Manufacturer, China


Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

GM Sales Sales Number in Professional



Wholesaler and Installer SORTEC, Slovakia

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)



Production Certicates

Manu Owner A successful climb Distr Whol Marcus Shop 128 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 Bernardini R Serv
Anyone, whether its a manufacturer or a dealer, who has something to sell has the same problem: how do you win new customers? What good is the best product if no one knows about it? What use are all those sensational offers if no one is aware of them? How do you make your potential customers notice your products? Every successful manufacturer and every successful dealer managed to find their own solution. A wholesaler that came up with an especially interesting solution to this problem is P-SAT in Hungary. The founder and operator of this company, Tibor Posta, gave us some insight into how he solved the problem of winning new customers. erecting TV antennas, he remembers, This was at the same time when Hungary started their second TV chanBut first we wanted to learn more nel via UHF. His first customer was about Postas Company P-SAT. Obvihis parents. And then it happened as ously, the P in P-SAT stands for his it usually does: friends and relatives name Posta. The company146 P-SAT KftInternational TELE-satellite The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 would call and Tibor Posta ended up was founded in 2002, explains Tibor with more and more work to do. Back Posta. Before that time he was an anthen he lived in eastern Hungary and tenna installer. In 1991 I started out

Slovakia are the 80cmthe and 90cm DVD anplayers video screen in the name, just not the Panodic name. We the other half is to Europe. Internatennas; they make up about 90% of car. Rear passengers can use export as an OEM and tional ODM manufac - Chris Sales Manager Ward tells seated quickly repaired here.. our dish sales, says ubo Bezk. The Wholesaler and ICECRYPT Manufacturer TURBOSAT, Great The Britain COMPANY REPORT most requested dish sizes in usreason more: Our receivers aSlovakians remote control to change channels use our name at all. company MICO in Hong Kong. Their turer and dont 2.Slovakia Technical Director is Ray for this is that for the are the 80cm and 90cm anGargiulo. One of his main 90% of make up about 50% of our can sales with tennas; they make up about more attractive channels be found 2 while the car tasks is in motion. The driver In addition to the production facility first product: a DVD player. Since then is to check production our dish sales, says ubo Bezk. The our accounting for about 20%. onCAMs ASTRA at 23.5 east but there are samples from the manufacturer reason for this is that for Slovakians the of course out the Group also inwith - 15% they have gotten larger and larger so in Baoan, the Panodic SmartCards inmore Korea. TURBOSAT isfront winfollow with the is looking also many free-to-air (FTA) channels attractive channels can be found an ODM (Original Design 1 3 on ASTRA at 23.5 east but are rest consisting other satellite comon Beijing. ASTRA at of 19.2 east that they want traffic. dow at the Panodic is there planning in 20 that today they are one of the top five cludes a branch office Manufacturer), he explains, also many free-to-air (FTA) channels Our own Manufacturing to see, continues Bezk. Thats ponents such as our our ubo ownto LNB series. on ASTRA at 19.2 east that they want make this Engineers product available in the on receiver manufacturers in China with engineers work there primarily Sittingbourne design the receivers; why these larger dishes with 1. Pavol Macko is SORTECs General Manager digital terrestrialubo reception, explains to see, continues The quantity of LNBs mayare be fitted consid1. Huang Wei is one of the founders 132 the receivers are then Bezk. Thats 2 4 of MICO/Panodic. He takes care of the 2. ubo Bezk SORTECs E-shop Manager. ubo Bezk. first quarter of 2012. why these larger dishes are fitted with The domestic more than 1200 production employ- IP receivers software. monoblock LNBs so both satellites manufactured based on these erable but because ofthat their low sales 3. Its always busy in SORTECs satellite store monoblock LNBs so that both satellites strategic orientation of production. where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take designs. But these retail stores only make up can be received. care of the customers' needs. Were found there. ees and over 100 R&D engineers. The sales team can also be value they dont have much of an im- also working can be received. on projectors, about 15% of SORTECs business. The 2. Xu Hai Bin is Panodics CEO. Hes 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: International Sales largest portion of our sales comes from Alexander Zhonk (left) and Pavol Luk (right). pact on overall sales. Manager Chris Ward in in charge of the companys daily said Alan Yu surprisingly. Sure enough, market, Panodic technology and marketing departments For the Chinese SORTEC was business founded in our 1992 by our wholesale and instalfront of small sampling SORTEC offers was founded in 1992 by operations and can reveal to us: In of TURBOSATs Ladislav Back then he was an lation mrik. work, explains E-shop Manager products: ICECRYPT Ladislav mrik. Back in thenthese he was an 2011 we achieved sales of 70 million days of HD are more and IPTV receivers. are located in the Shenzhen High Tech primarily DVB-C ubo Bezk,there From our wholesale ac antenna installer and was very sucreceivers and LNBs. He The high SmartCard sales figures tivity 90%the of sales comes from instalUSD and in 2012 were expecting an is the contact for new cessful with installation of profesantenna installer and was very suclations and the remaining 10% comes dealers in Europe and constantly and more viewers interested in TV are - TURBOSAT Park; the production facility is only a TV and Internet increase to 100 million USD. comes from merg another busisional systems such as those for entire other areas. cessful with the installation of profesfrom our cooperation with large store housing blocks in larger communities. ness branch. We have exclusive chains. For these hyper markets makes and projectors. really we are half hour car ride away in Fuyong in the ing closer and closer together; sional systems such as the those for entire A projector large electronic chains SORTEC delivers rights for blocks the Dolly Buster adult-oriThis MATVsatellite (Master Antenna) complete systems that installa include housing in larger communities. HD beautiful, he comments and then with our Baoan District. We paid a visit to both integrating Internet services dish, LNB and receiver. ented TV service, reveals Chris Ward. promises, The first samples are alfacilities to see for ourselves how Pan- DVB-C receivers. 182 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 183 The most requested dish sizes in We have five channels on HOTBIRD This MATV (Master Antenna) installa Slovakia are the 80cm and 90cm an Ladislav mrik is and wetheir sell our Dolly Buster Smartready completed tennas; with production to Panodic started exporting DVB odic managed to get this far. they make up about 90% set of SORTECs Founder and Jundia our dish sales, says ubo Bezk. The Cards to any country where HOTBIRD President reason forquarter this is that for Slovakians the of 2012. products in 2005. The first receiver begin in the second So, obviously the first is 182 TELE-satellite International The question Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine more attractive channels can be found can be received. on ASTRA at 23.5 east but then. there are (So Paulo) that far away In this: is the company name MICO or that we manufactured for export was 3D cant be all also many free-to-air (FTA) channels ASTRA at 19.2 east that they want And now we come to the mot- quarteron the third of 2012 well also be Britain, re- back Panodic? Marketing Director Alan Yu a DVB-T receiver for Great to see, continues ubo Bezk. Thats why these larger dishes are fitted with to was that we highlighted Small introducing receivers with integrated also the earlier, has the answer for us: The company members Alan Yu. That monoblock LNBs so that both satellites and Valuable. TURBOSAT has placed can be received. time P-SAT, that Hungary Panodic expanded into the 3D converters. MICO Hongkong still exists and is the Wholesaler and Shop COMPANY REPORT its entire focus on small products SORTEC was founded in 1992 by Ladislav mrik. Back then he was an Where find Panodics prod- to ship. parent company of the Panodic Group. then new receiver business. since theyPanod are easier For thiscan you antenna installer was very suc180 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 and reason we dont deal with largerIn and 2011 we cessful with the installation of profesucts? still only sold about accomplished MICO has its headquarters in Hong ics R&D engineers have sional systems such as those for entire heavier products, explains Paddy. housing blocks in larger communities. 10% of our products domestically here time: Were Kong and thats where youll also find quite a bit in just a short TURBOSAT concentrates on valuable This MATV (Master Antenna) installain China. 90% were exthe Panodic Groups financial manage- introducing a new combination 2 products receiver such as receivers, small The remaining 182 183 for DVB-S2 and DVB-T as well as for ported. In 2012 it will shift to about ment and logistics. Budapest TELE-satellite International Worlds domestic Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 20% and 80% export. Alan Linux-based IP The Panodic itself was founded in Shen- DVB-S2 and ISDB-T. A 150 Yu is expecting to see an increase in zhen in 2009 and sold their products box was also completed just now. An interesting niche is DVB-T mod- DVB-C as well as ABS, the Chinese digiunder this name to the local market in China. The companys products are also ules for reception in a car. This mod- tal satellite TV standard. 130 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 But the Marketing Director is conis connected to exported under every possible brand ule with DVB-T/MPEG4

two regions: Half of our sales are The most requested dish sizes in domestically here in Great Britain;

Ladislav mrik


Production Categories Main Products

Receivers for DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, ISDB-TB, IPTV, DVD Players, Projectors

lations and the remaining 10% comes from our cooperation with large store ette suggests that Panodic will continue chains. For these hyper markets and to climb higher in the ranks of top class large electronic chains SORTEC delivers 130 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 satellite systems that include companies. 1.complete A look in the Technical dish, LNB and Defective receiver. Department. units are

Pavol Macko

Alexander Zhonk

Pavol Luk

One of the largest wholesalers in Slovakia Success through distribution of wellknown, high-quality brand names Move to their own building in 2012 Active in new technologies such as fiber optics and IPTV

Wholesaler SORTECs

headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia. SORTEC just leases this space and will move to their own new building in 2012.

178 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


One of the largest wholesalers in Slovakia New Receiver from Success through distribution of well-known, high-quality brand names

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop R Serv

Turbosat, UK - Receivers


Move to their own building in 2012 Active in new technologies such as fiber optics and IPTV 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012


Sales Chris Ward

Technical Director Ray Gargiulo

Small and Valuable

own receiver line ICECRYPT 50% of sales outside Great Britain Focus on receivers, CAM, SmartCards and LNBs 80,000 receivers a year produces Dolly Buster TV programming via HOTBIRD


TURBOSATs headquarters

in Sittingbourne south east of London

144 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


own receiver line ICECRYPT 50% of sales outside Great Britain Focus on receivers, CAM, SmartCards and LNBs

80,000 receivers a year produces Dolly Buster TV programming via HOTBIRD
COMPANY REPORT Satellite Information Website BSD, Brasil

BSD, Brazil - Internet Forum of ideas:

Active and full

TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 02-03/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

Bennis BSD

Operates Brazils largest digital TV website Engaged in the further education of digital TV antenna installers Planning his own IPTV channel all about digital technology Living his dream with his own worldwide radio station
246 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 12-01/2012 12-01/2012 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


Operates Brazils largest digital TV website Engaged in the further education of digital TV antenna installers

Planning his own IPTV channel all about digital technology Living his dream with his own worldwide radio station

Has its own customer magazine Success with Your Created supermarket style Hobby store Plus a 248 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 12-01/2012 Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

Manu Marcus Bernardini, aka R Distr Benni, in his garden. In the background is his 5.0antenna as well as R meter Whol his 1.5-meter dish. Benni is the operator of the www. Shop website that focuses on satellite Serv interests in Brazil.

P-Sat, Hungary - Distributor

Tibor Posta is founder and majority owner of P-SAT. Anything and
everything an antenna installer would need, including fiber optic LNBs from GlobalInvacom, can be found in his shop.

Owner Tibor Posta


Wholesaler and Shop P-SAT, Hungary

How P-SAT Wins New Customers

Has its own customer magazine Created supermarket style store Planning start of own branded TV services Operates one of the most well-known web communities in Hungary
Since November 2010 wholesaler and retailer P-SAT Kft has been leasing
this 330 square meter building in northern Budapest; the 150 square meter warehouse in the background also belongs to P-SAT. The company also operates a very popular Internet digital TV community as well as a web shop under the name SAT.HU. The company has six employees.


Wholesaler and Manufacturer SatelliteAV, USA

184 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 12-01/2012 12-01/2012

TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


SatalliteAV, USA - Wholesaler

first DVB-T2 receiver, he hints at some interesting plans for the future. The only question that still begs an answer is in which countries DVB-T2 will actually be launched. As a matter of fact, nobody knows at this stage because every country will decide independently whether and how to introduce DVB-T2, and these decisions are not always easy to understand.

Little Luck

Planning start of own branded TV services Operates one of the most well-known web communities in Hungary
AB-COM, Slovakia
COMPANY REPORT Wholesaler and Manufacturer SatelliteAV, USA


Conquering the marketBrian with new Gohl receivers Optimized complete product assortment plus service
Own receiver line for semi-professional applications First provider of OTA-SSU FTA receivers in the USA
Slovakian receiver manufacturer ABCOM has found its firm place in the Central European market within an impressively short time. Based in the little-known town of Topolcany, some 100 km east of the Slovakian capital Bratislava, the company was founded by Juraj Masaryk in the year 2002. In the beginning the business acted as a wholesaler for satellite components and it was only in the year 2010 that ABCOM Europe was established as an independent receiver manufacturer. AB-COM 1 as a wholesaler continues to prosper

consumer applications you need not look net networks are gradually disappearing further than to the brand new AB 3DBox and that almost every household these receiver line which features HD receiv- days has set up a WiFi network. So why Receiver Manufacturer COMPANY REPORT not add WiFi capability to satellite reers with integrated 3D TV converter. The newly developed 3D boxes are sched- ceivers? These boxes are based on the uled to hit the market in the first quarter Ali 3606 chipset which is particularly of 2012. In the previous issue of TELE- fast, Juraj adds. satellite we presented the stand-alone Brian Gohl is and PresidentABThanks to all these Founder achievements 3D converter, whose software will also of SatelliteAV. The company distributes COM Europe has taken only two years to be used in the AB 3DBox receivers. the GLORYSTAR system as a wholesaler become a significant and player that is acmanufactures and distributes the product segThe recently introduced AB-COM tively tapping into various The LinkBox series features another GEOSATpro brand name. range of receivers: Here we are talk- CryptoBox receiver line from AB-COM ments. For Juraj Masaryk, innovation is ing about boxes we produce for Czech has a very special treat in store: As ex- the key to success and a cornerstone pay TV provider Skylink, which uses the tremely good-value receivers targeted for a successful expansion path. Even Irdeto encryption system. These receiv- towards the pay TV market, all receivers the company name has turned out to be ers are particularly inexpensive, Juraj from this line include CA and a CI mod- wisely chosen: The acronym AB appears says and adds wed be ready to offer ule. The truly special feature, however, on all new brand names whenever a new this box to other content providers using is a USB interface which can be used to products series is launched. This way 186 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 12-01/2012 Irdeto as well. If you need further proof connect a WiFi dongle, Juraj Masaryk ex- AB-COM is able to grow and prosper for for AB-COMs orientation towards future plains. He knows that fully cabled Ether- a long time to come!


"My Hobby is My Occupation"


Optimized complete product assortment plus service Own receiver line for semiprofessional applications First provider of OTA-SSU FTA receivers in the USA Offers the smallest LNB in the world Develops first Android hybrid satellite and IPTV receiver for North America

SatelliteAV along with their partner company PowerON can be found in a section
of Rosevilles enormous industrial park near Sacramento, California in the USA. You can see the tip of a C-band dish mounted on the roof. There are 10 different C and Ku band antennas installed on the roof ranging in size from 45cm to 3m covering the entire arc from 58W to 166E.
TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

194 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 12-01/2012 12-01/2012


alongside and is the official distributor of all AB-COM Europe products in the companys home markets of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Company founder Juraj Masaryk tells us how AB-COM products are supplied to

Offers the smallest LNB in the world Develops first Android hybrid satellite and IPTV receiver for North America Sales

AB-COM, Slovakia - Receivers

R Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv
Michal Krajciks passion
is all about photography. It should be, as he is the head of design and looks after the website of AB-COM.

Founder Juraj Masaryk

1. Meet Marketing Manager Michal Grezo. Whats that on his screen? Its the advertisement of the AB 3DBox as it appeared in TELE-satellite. 2. Pavol Blaho is Sales Manager

Particularly successful in Central Europe Products for different applications such as 3D and pay TV
1. Meet Marketing Manager Michal Grezo. Whats that on his screen? Its the advertisement of the AB 3DBox as it appeared in TELE-satellite. 2. Pavol Blaho is Sales Manager

first DVB-T2 receiver, he hints at some consumer applications you need not look net networks are gradually disappearing interesting plans for the future. The only further than to the brand new AB 3DBox and that almost every household these question that still begs an answer is in receiver line which features HD receiv- days has set up a WiFi network. So why which countries DVB-T2 will actually be ers with integrated 3D TV converter. The not add WiFi capability to satellite relaunched. As a matter of fact, nobody newly developed 3D boxes are sched- ceivers? These boxes are based on the 196 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine first to hit the12-01/2012 market in the quarter Ali 3606 chipset which is particularly knows at this stage because every coun - uled try will decide independently whether of 2012. In the previous issue of TELE- fast, Juraj adds. and how to introduce DVB-T2, and these satellite we presented the stand-alone Thanks to all these achievements ABdecisions are not always easy to under- 3D converter, whose software will also COM Europe has taken only two years to be used in the AB 3DBox receivers. stand. become a significant player that is acThe recently introduced AB-COM tively tapping into various product segThe LinkBox series features another range of receivers: Here we are talk- CryptoBox receiver line from AB-COM ments. For Juraj Masaryk, innovation is ing about boxes we produce for Czech has a very special treat in store: As ex- the key to success and a cornerstone pay TV provider Skylink, which uses the tremely good-value receivers targeted for a successful expansion path. Even Irdeto encryption system. These receiv- towards the pay TV market, all receivers the company name has turned out to be ers are particularly inexpensive, Juraj from this line include CA and a CI mod- wisely chosen: The acronym AB appears says and adds wed be ready to offer ule. The truly special feature, however, on all new brand names whenever a new this box to other content providers using is a USB interface which can be used to products series is launched. This way Irdeto as well. If you need further proof connect a WiFi dongle, Juraj Masaryk ex- AB-COM is able to grow and prosper for for AB-COMs orientation towards future plains. He knows that fully cabled Ether- a long time to come!

Marketing Manager Michal Grezo

Receiver Manufacturer AB-COM, Slovakia

Company premises of receiver manufacturer

AB-COM in Topolcany, Slovakia. The company has cooperation agreements with TV manufacturer LG and pay TV provider Skylink, which is why their logos also appear prominently on the roof of the building. AB-COM generates 30% of its turnover in the local markets of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with the remaining 70% share coming from other European markets.

Pavol Blaho

112 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1

AB-COM: Innovation Guaranteed

Particularly successful in Central Europe Products for different applications such as 3D and pay TV Focus on cost-efficient product range Products optimised for individual applications 10-1 1/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Focus on cost-efficient product range Products optimised for individual applications


Michal Krajciks passion

is all about photography. It should be, as he is the head of design and looks after the website of AB-COM.

Juraj Masaryk is founder and

206 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013
120 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1 10-1 1/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

Managing Director of AB-COM. Here he is seen explaining all the features of the 3D converter that is built into the AB 3D boxes.

121 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory

and prefers to work at this shack. He is co-owner of Applied Instruments.

Robust Signal Analyzers Made in USA

General Manager Tom Haywood in the showroom with
a selection of products from Applied Instruments. He owns 50% of the company while his partner Jeff Haas, Director of Engineering, owns the other 50%.


Jeff Haas is Director of Engineering

A motorized C-band dish on the wall

as well as numerous other dishes on the roof are all used by Applied Instruments to develop and test their signal analyzers.

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Applied Instruments, USA - Signal Analyzers

GM Tom Haywood 25 Years Engineering Sales 1


Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA

The power of this company is its robust signal analyzers

Applied Instruments

Company plans worldwide expansion with its internationally compatible analyzers

Special test signal generators for receiver manufacturers Special attention to ergonomic operation Technical customer service an important highlight of the company

Jeff Haas

Scott Haywood

Applied Instruments leases two suites in this

Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, USA

Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees 10-1 1/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

industrial complex from which digital TV signal analyzers are produced.

126 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1

0................................ 25 .................................. 50

The power of this company is its robust signal analyzers Company plans worldwide expansion with its internationally compatible analyzers R Manu Distr COMPANY REPORT Whol Shop R Serv

Special test signal generators for receiver manufacturers Special attention to ergonomic operation Technical customer service an important highlight of the company
Production Certicates

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 10 ................... 20 Mio U$D


Production Categories

own brand

Main Products

Cable TV Signal Analyzers, Satellite TV Analyzers, Noise Signal Generators, Noise Power Ratio Test Instrument

Huber+Suhner, Switzerland - Fibre Optics

Wholesaler and Manufacturer MEGASAT, Germany

MEGASAT wholesaler and One of the leading fiber optic companies in the world distributor rises from New CLIK! System for easy installation New market that will make coaxial cable distribution systems the heart ofsegment Germany
128 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1

Product Manager Patrick Zaina

A small family business has managed to become one of the most well-known names in the North American cable and satellite TV signal analyzer market. Its the perfect reason for us to go and pay Applied Instruments in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, a visit only to find out that the company is expanding into the international market with its products that are Made in USA. Whos behind Applied Instruments? It really is a family-owned business. It was founded exactly 25 years ago in 1986 by Doyle Haywood, the father of the current General Manager Tom Haywood. His son Scott Haywood also works for the company as a sales manager.

son Tom Haywood explains to us where the name came from: We apply a solution to every problem and provide the Marketing Manager instruments justOthmar for that purpose ApFuchs presents us with a plied Instruments. CLIK! system brochure here in
the main lobby.

130 fine its actual location? Sven Melzer, founder and General Manager Manu Manufacturer and Wholesaler SAPRO, Czech Republic COMPANY REPORT CEO

iPONT, Hungary - 3DTV


When we look back at when it all started, we find out that theres even more history behind the companys founder Doyle Haywood: he founded a company back in 1973 that produced signal 1 for cable TV. In 1979 he sold analyzers that company to a large corporation. But when he came up with the idea to develop clean reliable test signal generators for CATV, he quickly founded a new company: Applied Instruments. His

The new company originally began with three employees, one of whom was David Poelstra, a research engineer that worked together with Doyle Haywood in the first company. In 1990 they released their first successful product to the market a cable TV signal analyzer that not only was easy to use but was also affordable. Over the years other analyzers appeared. In order to test long cable lengths, we produced a Return Path Test Set, remembers General Manager Tom Haywood, It consisted of a CW Test Signal Generator that was attached to one end of the long cable and a receiver at the other end. In this way we could check the quality of the cable. In 1994 MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service), also known as wireless cable, gained widespread use primarily in rural areas and Applied Instruments was there providing the appropriate signal analyzers.

Marketing Manager Othmar Fuchs

From here the path to satellite signal analyzers was not a long one. In 1998 we introduced the first satellite signal analyzer from the Buddy series, comments Tom Haywood.
When his mother, the wife of founder Doyle Haywood, began to have health issues, his father decided to leave the company and sell 50% ownership of the company to Tom Haywood. The other 50% was sold to Jeff Haas. Both are enthusiastic with the opportunity to further expand Applied Instruments. But the company doesnt only manufacture signal analyzers that are used at the receiving end. An especially interesting highlight is the Noise Power Ratio testing product that manufacturers of amplifiers, optical transmitters and receivers, and other active devices can use to test the operating range of their products. It consists of a noise generator that sends its signal to the receiver to be tested and a corresponding signal analyzer that measures the output signal from the tested receiver. General Manager Tom Haywood explains to us their product palette: 80% of our sales are made up of reception signal analyzers, 10% are test generators with the remaining 10% made up of complete systems consisting of signal generators and signal analyzers. And as far as sales figures go, he tells us, For the past several years sales have been stable at about US$ 5.5 million but for 2012 we are expecting roughly a 10% increase.

not all that much different from being a building designer who must also be creative and a problem solver.

to noise testing, comments Tom Haywood.

Fiber Optic Distribution Systems Manufacturer HUBER+SUHNER, Switzerland

USA and Canada, with only the remaining 5% being shipped abroad to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, Belgium as well as Australia, comments Scott Haywood.

Smack in the middle of the

obsolete Now available: economical alternative with distribution systems starting with eight users
Tom Haywood, the current General Manager, is actually a construction engineer but always enjoyed lending a hand at the company. In 1996 he decided to work exclusively for his fathers company: The creation of solutions and the ergonomic products have always fascinated me, he reveals, Its

The Sat Buddy quickly became known and loved by North American satellite installers and over the years was consistently improved and fitted with new features. Scott Haywood, Tom Haywoods son and third generation in the company, is a sales manager at Applied Instruments and tells us about the newest Buddy version: Its the Super Buddy 29 and in addition to letting you measure satellite TV signals, it can also be used to install the Wildblue Internetviasatellite service. These LNBs require 29 volts that the Super Buddy 29 can supply, hence the 29 in the model name.

Swiss Alps: thats where HUBER+SUHNER can be found in Herisau in northeastern Switzerland

Fiber Optics at

One of the leading fiber optic companies in the world New CLIK! System for easy installation New market segment that will make coaxial cable distribution systems obsolete Now available: economical alternative with distribution systems starting with eight users

Where will this increase come from? Sales Manager Scott Haywood has a few answers for us: We are currently developing a signal analyzer for DVB-S2 that will become available in the fourth quarter of 2011. We are also working on terrestrial signal analyzers for ATSC and QAM that will appear in the first quarter of 2012.
138 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1


Where is it, the much-proclaimed heart of Germany? How do you de-

Our NS-3 Broadband Noise Generator is often used by receiver manufacturers and satellite service providers to simulate rain fade and conduct carrier

Applied Instruments is looking at satellite signal analyzers as their way of expanding into the export market. Up until now, 95% of our products have been shipped to North America, that is

But this is what will change in the companys 25th year of operation: We are actively looking for competent distributors in Europe, The Middle East and Asia. It is critical for Applied Instruments to find technically competent partners: Our products are not throwaway products; they are solidly built and can be repaired if the need were to ever arise. Technical customer service is actually quite important when dealing with products like signal analyzers; professional installers use signal analyzers on a daily basis and can thereby document a proper installation. Reliability and help with technical problems are excellent reasons why an installer would want to choose a quality product from a manufacturer that he knows will support him later on. 10-1 1/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


We produce everything ourselves, comments General Manager Tom Haywood referring to his nine production employees, Our R&D team consists of
iPONTs software solution converts 3D for use with autostereoscopic monitors

R Manu Distr Whol mane Ait Yala is confident that the Shop ishes he manufactures will be sucessful in the export market: Algeria is Serv n oil-producing country, he explains,

was in the hands of the dealers, a risk and started up his own production line (more precisely Marietta). There are six Robby Dosetareh patiently built up years old, the family had with the help of an office in Guangzhou employees in the 4600 square foot ofthat was difficult to calculate. his company WS International one an opportunity to flee the Robby Dosetareh decided that there in southern China. Today we produce fice/warehouse: Two sales managers, small step at a time. Hes still young country, first to Pakistan 142 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1 LNBs as well as 75cm and 90cm satellite a technical support manager, an assisand since he has already brought his and then for a few months was no future in this! Since he had aldishes ourselves, comments Robby. In tant as well as two employees in the ready sold systems and components to company quite a long way in the USA, to Austria. The UN acquired installers in the past, he decided to be- 2009 his1own receiver line that Robby warehouse, explains Robby. To better 6 his expansion to the rest of the world all the necessary paperwork as named Lexium was also added to the serve his customers on the west coast, come a satellite wholesaler. On April shouldnt have any obstacles. In July well as the required visas and fi SAPROs Founder and Chief Lubomr 1, 2001, I founded WS International, palette. Theres even a website under Robby opened a branch office in Paco2010 he opened a 2nd distribution nally in April 1992 the family arrived Proboszcz standing communications, he accepted an offer USA. branch & offices in the small town of in their land of their dreams remembers this name: In ima, California, near Los Angeles. Not Robby Dosetareh. Robby, in front of a Pacoima, cabinet California in from a DishNetwork dealer and began ended up in Atlanta, Georgia on to make 18order TELE-satellite Global Digital They TV Magazine 06-07/201 1 who actually had no business experi- 2010 we sold roughly 30,000 DVB-S re- long after that he decided to move out full of SAPRO working there was as a Sales it cost efficient for customers in the the US east coast. to Los Angeles himself. Since then I go4 says Robby and then explains ence or background, very Manager. coura- ceivers, receivers. In his 18 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/201 1 After a few months his father became Young Robby came to a newgeous world, in this Western part of the USA and Canada. decision and had at the that a DVB-S2 variant of this receiver back to visit the Atlanta office every two hand is the flagship ill and Robby Dosetareh had to help him Thats where we met up with Robby a place where its normal to get a free product, a box from same time a little foresight: the WS in will be available by the time this issue months for one week, says Robby. He communicate with the doctors; his faHe explains to us how it all glass of water in a restaurant. The the HD-Box Dosetareh. series. is proud to say that he has employees the company name stands for World of TELE-satellite hits the newsstands. thers English wasnt good enough. Unteenager quickly acclimated himself to began. Since 2010 Robby has built up his in Atlanta that can operate the business Satellites. fortunately, his time off from the DishRobby Dosetareh was born and his new surroundings. After graduatproduct palette to the point that any without him having to constantly look But the Network World dealer in his company name was getting too much raised in Shiraz, Iran. But his father ing from High School, he immediately component that an installer could pos- over their shoulders. stands for the business field that and towards the end of 2000 the dealer was alwas watched and mistreated by the re- joined the work force. Since he also Business Voucher The branch office in Los Angeles is sibly need can be obtained from him heteleselected for Since the had tohis let company. him go. Robby Dosetareh gime at that time. When Robby was ten ways interested in electronics and satellite reception of English-language under his own label. This includes 5000 square feet in size but only has programming in the USA is generally dishes as small as 75cm to as large as three employees: Sales Manager Jo104 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 monopolized by DishNetwork and Di- 4.5 meters, lists Robby, and in ad- seph Bassala, who Robby can speak to recTV, Robby looked around at other dition to cables and receivers, all the in Farsi, Shipping Manager Jeff Bynum TV programming. As a native from necessary accessories such as DiSEqC and a warehouse employee. We also switches. He even has satellite signal have one more employee in our GuangIran, the obvious choice was foreign Dosetareh is the very young founder and President Robby of satellite wholesaler and manufacturer WS International. 2 Our model 5100 Pro can au5 care of 7 zhou, China office who takes language programming for the ethnic analyzers. Here we see him in his Pacoima, California office located production and overseas transport, living in opened the USA. are north minorities of Los Angeles that he just There one year ago tomatically recognize the satellite that several of these groups that want TV a dish is pointing to, highlights Robby adds Robby. 1. Alina Proboszcz is responsible for SAPROs bookkeeping and is ter of 2011 well be coming out with reception hobby, he tests all the products himself and is also 6 the founders wife. an Android based receiver under thereby able to immediately recognize any weak spots. 1 How successful is WS International? programming in their own language. and then continues, The model 7100 the Dreamsky brand name; this will 2. Petr Zwrtek is Sales Manager for The Czech Republic. He is Robby Dosetareh provides an overview be followed by a DVB-T2 receiver in In this way he can be confident that the production line showing us on the map where Tinec is located: right at the point where The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland meet. 2012. For the HD-Box and Dreamsky only puts out products that meet his requirements. SAPRO on these groups: In my case of course, line of receivers, 2012 will bring with is on the way up. 3. Marek Roszka is Marketing Manager. You can see SAPROs the first group would be TV channels in it a number of enhancements related WS website on his monitor ( that he also maintains. Farsi, after that its programming in Arto the Internet: The Dreamsky se I also translate the user manuals, says Marek who is fluent in International, ries will see a box with IPTV enhance English and German. SAPRO Company Details abic, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, RusManufacturer and Wholesaler, Czech Republic USA ment, he reveals to us, For cable 4. Jana Proboszczov is Sales Manager for Slovakia and all of the sian, Armenian as well as the English we are planning a DVB-C remaining countries. 0................................ 12 .................................. 25 WS Joseph Bassala is operators Business Voucher receiver. language Christian channels. Most of 5. Service Technician Milan Martynek tests a satellite signal Internationals Sales Manager 0............................... 2.5 .....................5 Mio uro analyzer that SAPRO distributes under its own brand name. these TV channels, many of which are in Los Angeles. He receives the Lubomrs schedule is full. With a 6. Should there ever be any problems with a SAPRO receiver, the customer orders primarily from DVB produced locally in the USA, can be revariety of new products, hes expandreturns land with Customer Service Manager Ester Vrbelov, who those on the west coast of the own brands Di-Way, Di-Box, SatElita, Dreamsky, HD-Box ing in the market as well as moving ceived for free and thus make a very inscans the bar code of all incoming problem items. USA sons together make for Thomson still existed in France and into the surrounding countries. Be Satellite Receivers for economic range, mid range and high teresting product to offer these ethnic 7. Service Technician Petr Schlesinger is at work repairing a range, Wholesaler for LNBs, dishes, accessories cause of his engineering background quite an argument that BYA started off as an assembly line for 3 receiver circuit board. and his personal love of his satellite groups here in the USA. SAPRO s.r.o. SAPRO SK s.r.o. thisdishes third plant, Boiingsat was control Hoawen Chiang exporting his is Thomsons TVin sets. NotFrom long after that, to us. These two coun- of Ku-band LNBs looks quite a bit differKonsk - Podles 455 SUPERSAT Robby got right to work. Mari73961 Tinec ul. Slovansk cesta 672 126 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 08-09/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 127 of every aspect they of production; they only analog tries still received the bulk of their delivent. CZECH REPUBLIC PS 02 201 adca a good move to make. began a assembling satellite etta, Georgia, small city near Atlanta Tel +420-591008312 SLOVAKIA Tel +421-220-648942 needed theI SMD components which they eries in 2010: 40% of their production Slimane Ait Yala: receivers shortly with 100,000 followed inhabitants that he thereafter now Download Report out and purchased. In receivers. 2010 producwent to we Indonesia Our primary market for Ku-band LNBs was just atwent the Canton by digital Back then had and 30% to Thailand. tion capacity reached 500,000 C-band 20% went to Brazil with 10% going to is the Middle East. In 2010 60% of our trade show in south- 90 employees, remembers Slimane Ait LNBs and just as many Ku-band LNBs. A other countries like South Africa, Dubai, Ku-band LNBs were shipped to Dubai, ern China and found Yala, and we had sales equivalent to fourth factory should begin operations in Russia, Singapore as well as Malaysia. 15% went to North Africa, 5% to South out that our prices about eight million Euros. BYA was at 2013 which would then raise the capacAfrica with the remaining 20% going to are competitive. And ity of Ku-band LNBs to a staggering one When we heard him mention Brazil, North America, Australia and Europe. theres still another million a month. our ears perked up. 2 5 Weve been deliv- But in 2011, Jason Chiang sees these 7 120 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 Perforated Dishes from reason: BYA is not a small ering C-band LNBs to Brazil since 2004 numbers shifting considerably: The Algeria company; they Ofproduce course, we want to know where but demand has recently taken a strong North African market will pick up quite 1. Alina Proboszcz is responsible for SAPROs bookkeeping and is ter of 2011 well be coming out with reception hobby, he tests all the products himself and is quite a few other all products these LNBs are going to. In the jump upwards, revealed Hoawen a bit; we expect to ship 30% of our total also the founders wife. an Android based receiver under thereby able to immediately recognize any weak spots. beginning, we delivered our production Chiang, In fact, for 2011 were expectproduction there, 45% will go to the and thus have plenty of experithe Dreamsky brand name; this will 2. Petr Zwrtek is Sales Manager for The Czech Republic. He is 134 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 be followed by a DVB-T2 receiver in East, 5% to South In this way 10% he can to Indonesia and Thailand, explains ing that 35% of our LNB production will Middle Africa, tobe confident that the production line showing us on the map where Tinec is located: right at the point ence as a manufacturer. For the HD-Box and Dreamsky only puts out products be delivered to 2012. Brazil. Brazil with another 10% going to the rest that meet his requirements. SAPRO where The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland meet. line of receivers, 2012 will bring with is on the way up. 3. Marek Roszka is Marketing Manager. You can see SAPROs of the world. BYA was founded in 1993. Back then it a number of enhancements related website on his monitor ( that he also maintains. The 16,000 squaremeter production Chiangs son to Hoawen the Internet: The Dreamsky se I also translate the user manuals, says Marek who is fluent in lant can be found in the city of Ain 136 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 will ries see a Chiang box with IPTV Jason alsoenhance Once again Brazil is mentioned but this English and German. SAPRO Company Details Manufacturer and Wholesaler, Czech Republic ment, works he reveals to us, For time cable in connection with l Bia. This city, with 20,000 inhabitfor the Ku-band LNBs. 4. Jana Proboszczov is Sales Manager for Slovakia and all of the operators we are planning a DVB-C remaining countries. nts, is located about 35km east of the 0................................ 12 .................................. 25 company. Hes Jason Chiang revealed a little secret: I receiver. 5. Service Technician Milan Martynek tests a satellite signal 1 3 econd largest city in Algeria: Oran with currently passing have good contacts in Brazil. That along 0............................... 2.5 .....................5 Mio uro analyzer that SAPRO distributes under its own brand name. through a number witha the steadily increasing demand in Lubomrs schedule is full. With oughly 1.6 million people. The Port 6. Should there ever be any problems with a SAPRO receiver, the DVB variety of new products, hes expandof stations in the that South American country makes for Boiingsats rzew harbor is right next to Ain El Bia; returns land with Customer Service Manager Ester Vrbelov, who Numerous 4 Production Facilities own brands Di-Way, Di-Box, SatElita, Dreamsky, HD-Box ing in the market as well as moving company but above all a very attractive market. scans the bar code of all incoming problem items. his is where Algerias national oil cominto the surrounding countries. Be Satellite Receivers for economic range, mid range and high hes involved in Interna7. Service Technician Petr Schlesinger is at work repairing a range, Wholesaler for LNBs, dishes, accessories cause of his engineering background any Sonatrach loads its oil tankers. 3 receiver circuit board. tional and Sales. He breaks Its common knowledge how prices for his personal love down of his satellite SAPRO s.r.o. SAPRO SK s.r.o. Konsk - Podles 455 SUPERSAT for us the product distribution by LNBs have been falling considerably and 73961 Tinec ul. Slovansk cesta 672 And this is the first reason why Sli126 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 08-09/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 127 CZECH REPUBLIC PS 02 201 adca groups; the geographical distribution when General Manager Hoawen Chiang Haowen Chiang
102 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 08-09/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

1. Patrick Zaina is Product seven engineers, the repair team is made up of five en0............................ 2500 ............................. 5000 Manager for fiber optic 2 connectors. Here we see gineers and our technical customer service has four en0.............................. 500 ................ 1000 Mio SFr him in front of a professional gineers. On top of that are three employees in admindistribution cabinet consisting primarily of istration as well as two sales managers so that a total of fiber optic splitters. The CLIK! system is a compact 30 employees make up Applied Instruments all of which version for the distribution work in an 11,000 Sq-foot office/production facility loof satellite signals in smaller apartments. 144 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1 cated in an industrial zone southeast of Indianapolis. 2. Jrgen Silbereisen is one Download Report of the five CLIK! system design engineers. Here After 25 successful years, Applied Instruments is 1. The two friends and business partners: CTO Andor Pasztor and tence 170 years ago in the Theres a large industrial zone in 1. Sales Manager Scott 2 Haywood enjoys reading TELE-satellite. we see him programming CEOthe Zoltan Korcsok in their headquarters in Budapest in front of city Wholesaler and Manufacturer, USA an online calculator COMPANY REPORT ready to plow into the international market. The enone of iPONTs 3D without glasses auto-stereoscopic monitors. Im especially interested in thetwo satellite DXer reports, reveals of Tinec. This city currently northeastern portion of the Czech 1. The friends and business partners: CTO Andor Pasztor and The Recompany that currently has 40 employees operates two other has 2 that installers Scott, can useIt shows the enthusiasm CEO Zoltan Korcsok in their in Budapest they have for headquarters their hobby. Its in front of thusiasm of the engineers and the requirements that offices in Hungary: the software engineers are in Szeged while the one of iPONTs 3D without glasses auto-stereoscopic monitors. 40,000 inhabitants and everywhere to determine exactly public. There youll find large amounts creative team can be found in Bekescsaba. an enthusiasm that Scott shares andthat that can has be 40 readily seen in The home, company employees operates other customers have for their signal Pro was designed especially with the analyzers provides this he currently managed to become thetwo came to the conclusion that this would calls what CLIK! systems 2. Ervin Farkas takes care of customer service for iPONTs offices in Hungary: the software engineers are in Szeged while the the companys signal analyzers. you look you can see fabrication sys-components they would of ore that can be turned into professional iron; customers. creative team can be found in Bekescsaba. in with mind. theres chance still one satellite dealer in just a professionals never need happen to him again: to be in number company anAnd excellent to grow in the world for a specific 2. Diana doesnt greets visitors at the reception desk. 2. Ervin Farkas care of customer service for iPONTs anddistribution there are also quite a few rivers that tems with their superstructures SAPRO interfere with ittakes more: Soon well be introducing an ad- with their robust signal short time thanks charge of hisBut own time The he had to start system. professional his extensive marmarket over the next 25 years MEGASAT founder Camille Edmonds keeps trackgoes of finances and organizes the online lets the this supply water power as well as a large interconnecting pipes. atcalculator all, 3. rather, heating pipe and General Manager monoblock LNB with which you In 2002, remembers Robby, justable his own company. He then started as keting. analyzers. books. installer plan for an optimal Sven Melzer likes to expanse of forest for its enormous perfectly with this company: WScompo International sold roughly 200 sys- can set the offset anywhere between 4 a dealer for DishNetwork and installed system. After entering in stay up to date with all the parameters, the and 10. For installers were preparing a been month. customer satellite systems. After a few tems One of these pipes, an exterior supply of building materials. Because TELE-satellite. nents for satellite receivers have software produces a list the sales numbers in- a toolbox that will contain all the tools months he along realized how dan132 TELE-satellite Global Digital here TVOver Magazine years 10-1 1/201 1 components with developed cen-of though of all this, an enormous steel works heating pipe, passes just a few designed and since signal level calculations at and one day, not sur- needed to install our products. gerous this business was: DishNetwork andevery factory, the Tineck elezrny timeters away from manufacturer 1992. Its a can perfect match creased for thesteadily inendpoint. You How is Robby doing all of this? He only paid when the custom- prisingly, he decided he no longer wantPacoima, findthe the dealers calculator at www. (Tinec Steelworks) came into exis- wholesaler SAPROs building. dustrial atmosphere here. SAPROs ers paid DishNetwork. All of the risk ed to be dependent on other importers started WS International in Atlanta
Fibre Optic Cables and Distribution, Switzerland
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates) Production Certicates Production Categories

Andor Zoltan Receiver Korcsok Pasztor Fabrication in the iPONTs softwarevsolution converts 3D for use with auto-stereoscopic monitors Industrial City 3D enjoyment without annoying glasses
Distr Whol Shop R Serv
of satellite wholesaler and distributor MEGASAT has a rather pragmatic approach to those questions. We are right in the heart of Germany, and by that he simply means the region hes at home. The name of the place is Niederlauer, which is a small town north of Schweinfurt in northern Bavaria. As a matter of fact, if you look up Niederlauer in Google Maps the marker pops up right in the centre of Germany.

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 10-1 1/201 1


iPONT and 10-1 1/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

3D enjoyment without annoying glasses Potential for receiver manufacturers to expand their STBs to include 3D Compatible with the variety of manufacturer auto-stereoscopic monitor solutions

To the left is the
Allee shopping mall in Budapest, Hungary in which iPONT has already installed their 3D system. To the right is the Allee Corner Office building in which the startup company iPONT can be found .



14 TELE-satellite Global GlobalDigital DigitalTV TVMagazine Magazine 06-07/201 06-07/201 1 1 06-07/201 06-07/201 1 1 TELE-satellite TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



Company Details

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IRIS, RoHS, REACH own brand CLIK!
Main Products

Potential for receiver manufacturers to expand their STBs to include


Connectivity solutions for Radio Frequency, Low Frequency and Fiber Optic applications. Fibre optic distribution systems for professional and home use.

3D Compatible with the variety of manufacturer auto-stereoscopic monitor solutions

HUBER+SUHNER AG Degersheimerstrasse 14 9100 Herisau SWITZERLAND Tel +41-71-353-4111

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop R Serv

Megasat, Germany - Receiver and Wholesaler

First the USA, then the world


Wholesaler and Manufacturer MEGASAT, Germany

TELE-satellite Magazine Direct Contact to Sales Manager

Business Voucher

In the Heart of Germany


Sven Melzer

80% of distributed products come from in-house MEGASAT brand

In front of the entrance to the
850 square meter company premises that MEGASAT has been occupying since 2010 in an industrial area of Niederlauer. The official company name is b2c Electronic, even though MEGASAT is used as brand name vis--vis the outside world.

full range of satellite components special focus on self-aligning camping antennas distribution to the whole of Europe


80% of distributed products come from in-house MEGASAT brand full range of satellite components

special focus on self-aligning camping antennas distribution to the whole of Europe

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

Sapro, Czech - Receiver and Wholesaler

Owner Lubomr Proboszcz

Sales SAPRO Sales


Manufacturer and Wholesaler SAPRO, Czech Republic

Covers every price segment with its four brand names Starting expansion to surrounding countries In-house design and production (assembly line)

is Expanding

Produces 100,000 receivers per year

Petr Zwrtek

Jana Proboszczov

TELE-satellite Magazine Direct Contact to Sales Manager

An external heating pipe runs right past SAPROs

administration, warehouse and production buildings. The company is located in the industrial city of Tinec in the northeastern end of The Czech Republic, not too far from Ostrava.

118 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 08-09/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Covers every price segment with its four brand names Starting expansion to surrounding countries

In-house design and production (assembly line) Produces 100,000 receivers per year

Ain El Bia (Oran, Algeria) Successful

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

WSInternational, USA - Receiver and Wholesaler

Owner Robby Dosetareh


Wholesaler and Manufacturer, USA

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

Joseph Bassala

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

GUARANTEE direct contact

TELE-satellite Magazine Direct Contact to Sales Manager

Production Certicates Production Categories Main Products

Successful Young Company with Ambition Manufacturer of Satellite Components

Plan for Worldwide Expansion with Satellite Signal Analyzers Inexpensive Products Thanks to Efficient Production and Distribution

In this building in Pacoima, north

of Los Angeles, can be found WS Internationals west coast office/ warehouse

132 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 08-09/201 1 08-09/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Young Company with Ambition Manufacturer of Satellite Components

Plan for Worldwide Expansion with Satellite Signal Analyzers Inexpensive Products Thanks to Efficient Production and Distribution

Address in Czech Republic

Address in Slovakia

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

BYA, Algeria - Dishes and Receiver


Dish and Receiver Manufacturer BYA, Algeria

Ain El Bia (Oran, Algeria)

Alexander Wiese

sons together make for quite an argument that exporting his dishes is a good move to make. Slimane Ait Yala: I was just at the Canton trade show in southern China and found out that our prices are competitive. And theres still another reason: BYA is not a small company; they produce quite a few other products and thus have plenty of experience as a manufacturer.

Thomson still existed in France and BYA started off as an assembly line for Thomsons TV sets. Not long after that, they began assembling analog satellite receivers followed shortly thereafter by digital receivers. Back then we had 90 employees, remembers Slimane Ait Yala, and we had sales equivalent to about eight million Euros. BYA was at

The 16,000 squaremeter production plant can be found in the city of Ain El Bia. This city, with 20,000 inhabitants, is located about 35km east of the second largest city in Algeria: Oran with roughly 1.6 million people. The Port Arzew harbor is right next to Ain El Bia; this is where Algerias national oil company Sonatrach loads its oil tankers. And this is the first reason why Slimane Ait Yala is confident that the dishes he manufactures will be successful in the export market: Algeria is an oil-producing country, he explains, and that means that the energy costs in Algeria are very low. He follows right away with the second reason: Wages in Algeria are also very low; the official minimum wage is about 100 Euros. Aside from that, the necessary metal for their dish production is produced domestically. All of these rea-

BYA was founded in 1993. Back then

Slimane Ait Yala

Slimane Ait Yala is General Manager (PDG: Prsident Directeur Gnral) and

With a new series of satellite dishes

founder of BYA. BYA actually gets its name from the name of the location: Ain El Bia. Bia was converted to BYA.


Dish and Receiver Manufacturer, Algeria

Company Details

made out of perforated metal, Algerian manufacturer BYA Electronic wants to start an export offensive. Are there

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 75 ................................ 150

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 5 ...................10 Mio uro

Production Certicates


Production Categories Main Products

reasons to expect success in the strongly contested satellite dish market? It wont be easy for BYA, but there are several

Satellite Dishes with Full and Perforated Metal (60, 105 and 120cm), TV-Sets with CRT, LCD (32 and 40 inch) or Plasma (42 and 50 inch), Satellite Receiver for DVB-S/S2

TELE-satellite World
Indonesia Deutsch English Espaol Franais Polski Portugus Trke

reasons which would make one optimistic. Slimane Ait Yala, founder of BYA, gives us the reasons for this optimism.

Arabic Indonesian German English Spanish French Hebrew Chinese Polish Portuguese Russian Turkish

Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Available online starting from 3 June 2011

BYAs production facility

in Ain El Bia east of Oran in Algeria

144 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/201 1

146 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/201 1

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

Boiingsat, China - LNB


Co-Owner Yunnjye Qin Sales
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates) Production Certicates Production Categories Main Products
COMPANY REPORT LNB Manufacturer Boiingsat, China
remembers Hoawen Chiang. Two of the investors have in the meantime moved on to other things but investor, Yunnjye Qin, is still here and is in charge of Production. tion plant which they used to manufacture 240,000 C-band LNBs every month. 2004 became rather turbulent: We sold our first production facility and then built a new one for Ku-band LNBs. Now with 500 employees, production climbed to 350,000 C-band LNBs per month and 150,000 Ku-band LNBs per month.

Three Production Locations in Zhuhai/ China

Large Sales Expansion in South America In the Works: LNB with Two Feed Rings

LNB Manufacturer Boiingsat operates multiple production facilities in Zhuhai, China, a city with 1.5 million inhabitants located in western Guangdong Province. Zhuhai sits right next to Macao and slowly but surely is attracting more and more satellite component manufacturers. But one of the first of these manufacturers was Boiingsat; it has been in exis-

tence since 1997. However it all really started in Taiwan. Hoawen Chiang, General Manager of the company who was also born in Taiwan, explains to us how it all began.

In 1996 I was a Production Manager at an LNB manufacturer in Taiwan. But things didnt go exactly as I had planned so in 1997 I along with three investors founded Boiingsat in Zhuhai, China,

The main reason for moving from Taiwan to China was obviously the costs. Wages in China are still lower than that of Taiwan. But we still have a small R&D office in Taiwan with three engineers, says Hoawen Chiang. Thus far the technical expertise in Taiwan is somewhat more advanced than in Mainland China at least as far as high frequency LNBs are concerned. Back then we started with 30 employees and produced 20,000 C-band LNBs every month, he says looking back. In 2002 Boiingsat started a second produc-


The next expansion step took place in 2008: We constructed our third factory this time for production of die-cast housings. With

Address in Czech Republic

Address in Slovakia

One of Boiingsats three factories in Zhuhai in southern

China; soon itll be four factories. The companys administration offices can also be found here.

Boiingsats founder and General Manager

Haowen Chiang

Download Report

Jason Chiang
Tel +420-591008312

SLOVAKIA Tel +421-220-648942

86 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1 04-05/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


and that means that the energy costs n Algeria are very low. He follows right way with the second reason: Wages n Algeria are also very low; the official minimum wage is about 100 Euros.

Three Production Locations in Zhuhai/ China Large Sales Expansion in South America
Bomare, Algeria - Receiver
Slimane Ait Yala is General Manager (PDG: Prsident Directeur Gnral) and founder of BYA. BYA actually gets its name from the name of the location: Ain El Bia. Bia was converted to BYA.

In the Works: LNB with Two Feed Rings

COMPANY REPORT TV-Sets and Receiver Manufacturer Bomare Company, Algeria
The industrial city of Birtouta is very conveniently located: the airport, harbor and numerous highways are all within easy reach. It is an excellent location especially for a company that wants to expand its export business. It all started many years ago with the distribution of satellite receivers. The founder, Ali Boumediene imported receivers from South Korea and sold them locally. But for him it wasnt enough: one day it dawned on him that he could assemble these receivers on his own production line. Together with a South Korean manufacturer that supported him with not only the components but also the know-how in setting up an assembly line, Ali Boumediene started his own production in 2001. Back then 20 employees assembled digital receivers using the supplied components. Today Bomare Company has 120 employees. Right from the start Ali Boumediene had a great idea: he chose the brand name Stream System for his line of receiver products. An excellent choice considering that in todays IPTV age everything revolves around streaming. But lets get back to the beginning: in 2003 Ali Boumediene took the next expansion step. He created his own production line for power supplies and then in 2006 he took one more step by investing two million Euros and installing an SMT line in a new production facility complete with automatic component mounting machines and an oven. Bomare Company also owns a unit of plastic injection and silkscreen painting Technical Director Tewfik Lamrani gives us some insight into their production numbers: From 2001 to 2007 we produced a total of three million SD receivers. Production numbers dropped every year because of the ever-increasing competition with imported receivers. But Ali Boumediene also managed to find a solution to this: he simply started a second assembly line to produce TVs. We are especially proud of our LCD TVs with integrated DVB-T tuners, commented Tewfik Lamrani whose five-member R&D team developed this TV. Now we also manufacture HD TVs, says Tewfik and explains why now is the right time to begin exporting their products: In the past several years we learned how to start a production line. The old adage holds true: You learn from your mistakes; Bomare Company has accepted all of the setbacks and over time has become a professional manufacturer. Now we have the right products and now we know how to make them, says Tewfik Lamrani, And now the time has come to start exporting. Bomare Company is not only going

Aside from that, the necessary metal for their dish production is prouced domestically. All of these rea-

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Technical Manager Tewfik Lamrani


Bomare Company: a new OEM Manufacturer

In 2005 the European Union entered into an agreement with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Algeria to support economic cooperation between the two. This agreement provides an interesting

Birtouta (Algiers)

opportunity for satellite receiver manufacturers and, in the case of the Algerian Bomare Company, also for TV manufacturers. Actually, Bomare Company produces both products. For 2011

1. Annie greets visitors at the reception desk 2. Yunnjye Qin is co-owner of Boiingsat and in charge of production. 3. Jason Chiang is the son of the companys founder and designated successor to the Captains chair. Here in the showroom he shows us one of the companys specialties: a four-way combination with 4 x C-band LNB. This LNB lets four receivers receive four C-band satellites independently from each other; this setup is especially in demand in Indonesia. 4. Sales Manager Joseph Liu runs a team of six employees

Bomare Company has decided to take their products and service capabilities to the European market. We paid a visit to Bomare Companys production facility in Birtouta, about 20km from Algiers, and had a look around.


TV and Receiver Manufacturer, Algeria

Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

Even in Algiers it rains occasionally

and when it does it pours: a look at Bomare Companys production facility in Birtouta not far from the capital Algiers. Working hours are from 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM Sunday to Thursday (they are closed Friday and Saturday).

0................................ 75 ................................ 150

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................. 12.5 ...................25 Mio uro

Production Certicates

Production Categories

Main Products

LCD and Plasma TV-Sets with integrated DVB-Tuner, Satellite Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, Home Theatre Systems

TELE-satellite World

Arabic Indonesian Indonesia German Deutsch English English Spanish Espaol French Franais Hebrew Chinese Polish Polski Portuguese Portugus Russian Turkish Trke

Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Available online starting from 1 April 2011

102 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1 04-05/201 1

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90 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1

BYAs production facility n Ain El Bia east of Oran in lgeria

46 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/201 1

208 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013
88 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1

such an increase in sales, could it? Well, actually, were expecting this increase in sales also because were expanding into a new business sector; in 2012 well be opening up a new factory for LED lights. In 2013 we expect that 30% of our sales will be from LEDs with the rest coming from LNB production. OK, now the picture is getting clearer. But back to LNBs. Sales Manager Jason 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory

Prevail, China - Fibre Optics and CATV
R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv Sales
1 2



Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China


Helen Production Manager Ren Guorui

COMPANY REPORT Fiber Optic and CATV Manufacturer Prevail, China

Prevails Perfect Organization

Substantially Increased Sales for 2011 Thanks to Rising Exports Additional Factory Soon to be in Operation Increased Number of Employees Very Active R&D Team

Four New SMT Machines in Operation


A recipe for the continued success of a manufacturer is a wellorganized operation. A perfect example of this would have to be the Chinese manufacturer Prevail located in Hangzhou, the capital of the Zhejiang Province which is south of Shanghai. This company manufactures fiber optic products, CATV components and professional digital TV modulators and accessories for signal distribution. The first thing you notice when you visit Prevail is how neat and clean the entire factory is; nothing is out of place. Another small detail are the uniforms that the employees wear. Its not out of the ordinary to see workers on an assembly line wear uniforms, but at Prevail the office workers also wear uniforms. For the visitor it

Two of the three Prevail

factories in Xiaoshan in Hangzhou City in, China. The fourth is under construction.

becomes immediately clear that the work here is very disciplined and organized. And of course the products themselves would also be associated with this high standard. To confirm this we paid a visit to the three manufacturing plants and had a look around; a fourth factory is currently under construction. Necy-xu is General Manager Sales & Marketing and provides us with a little history about the company: Prevail was founded in 2001 by Managing Director Xu Quanhai along with ten other partners. The company is in private hands and continues to manufacture the same product groups that it did at the beginning: fiber optic products, CATV components and accessories as well as distributors and splitters for coaxial cable lines. Necy-xu remembers the early days: In our first year 2001 we had sales of roughly 50 million RMB (5 million Euros) with about 100 employees. 70% were domestic sales and the rest were exported. For 2010, however, this changed considerably. Necy-xu revealed to us that now only 50% of their products are sold domestically in China; exports have increased markedly. To what countries and regions does Prevail export to? Helen is Prevails International Sales Manager and tells us, 40% of our exports end up in the south Asian region and this includes India, Pakistan, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 30% land in South America, 20% go to Europe and the rest go to The Middle East, North America and Africa.

Two elephant statues greet visitors

in Pevails entrance lobby.

significantly and we have exactly the right products for them. Exports to South America look to sharply increase for 2011, but Eastern Europe is also rapidly on the rise.

Necy-xu adds that sales in South America have picked up quite a bit and that Prevail is shipping more and more products to that region: The cable TV providers there are expanding

Prevail achieved sales of 200 million RMB (roughly 20 million Euros) in 2010. The number of employees has also been
TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

112 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1 04-05/201 1


IPTV Box Manufacturer China to Rising Exports Substantially Increased Sales for 2011 Jiuzhou, Thanks COMPANY REPORT Sowell, an Engineering Firm Additional Factory Soon to be in Operation thats an OEM Increased Number of Employees Jiuzhou greatly expands into

Four New SMT Machines in Operation Very Active R&D Team

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Jiuzhou, China - IPTV Boxes

IPTV Box Production

Founded by 5 Partners Overseas Offices in the Plan IPTV box production User Friendliness is Company may reach 1 million Philosophy units in 2011

ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver in 2011

Jiuzhou to attend all IPTV box production may reach 1tomillion in a 2011 Big2. retailers about to launch into IPTV box sales are still the largest customers for this product climb over 500 and units we also expect jump TELE-satellite World Helen is International Sales major exhibitions in group as well since Shenzhen they need large numbers of in sales. Prevail is actually optimistic that Manager and is constantly in Jiuzhou starts HbbTV boxes for Europe Jiuzhou to attend all major exhibitions in 2011, 10 in all Shenzhen 2011, 10 in all contact with customers all over Shenzhen these products. they can be on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

A team of five R&D engineers are the felt the same way and so in deal of thought must go into what fea Jiuzhou starts HbbTV founders of the OEM company Sowell. 2004 they founded their own tures are currently in demand. In talking The driving force and General Manager company Sowell. with Eagle Chain its clear that quite a boxes for Europe of the young company is Eagle Chain. bit of observation and analysis is going He was, like his four colleagues, an R&D We met up with General Manon. Eagle Chain cites an example: Im Big retailers about to employee with a large receiver manufacager Eagle Chain in Sowells office amazed with Apple and their products. launch into IPTV box turer but over time didnt feel so comfortin Shenzhen who started off by telling They are precisely geared towards the prefer to tackle this on their at Prevail. But he for us 2011 is we extremely Sowells own. This is not how itNecy-xu all began: All had was the able with that company. All too often end-user and thus very successful. The with sales offices was assigned projects that had nothing money of we had while employed conclusion to Eagle Chain: their 70 employees true according for accessories although cable operators excited: The number our saved employees will are located on the seventh to do with receivers. His four colleagues with that other company. We pooled We have a similar view with our soft - Vice Marketing PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China REPORT PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT COMPANY PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT 3 4 PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT Huang Jimmy 2 2 1. Necy-xu is General Manager know-how and that therefore cable operators on the rise: now about 450 employees work Wei Zhang Sales and Marketing and takes Sales
COMPANY REPORT IPTV Box Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China

Jiuzhou greatly expands into IPTV Box Production

IPTV box production may reach 1 million units in 2011 Jiuzhou starts HbbTV boxes for Europe


Big retailers about to launch into IPTV box sales Jiuzhou to attend all major exhibitions in 2011, 10 in all

Sales Director Huang Wei is,

amongst many other tasks, in charge of the IPTV boxes development, sales and marketing

The Chinese large manufacturer Jiuzhou is very well known by our readers. The company originated in Sichuan and has been in existence since 1958. In 2008 they celebrated their 50th birthday (see TELE-satellite issue 02-03/2008). In 2009 the company expanded into HDTV and in 2010 terrestrial TV was the theme. In 2011 Jiuzhou is planning on taking a huge step further into the IPTV market with enormous production numbers. Huang Wei is Jiuzhous Sales Director and reveals to us what Jiuzhou has planned for 2011.

First, though, Sales Director Huang Wei took us on a trip into the past: The first IPTV boxes were manufactured by Jiuzhou in 2007; back then about 20,000 boxes were produced and involved pure IPTV boxes. Production numbers only increased slowly. In 2010 we produced 60,000 boxes, comments Huang Wei. But 2011 looks to be completely different: We will be manufacturing a minimum of 200,000 boxes and it could go as high as one million. It all depends on negotiations that are currently in progress with a variety of retail chains in North America as well as Europe. The reason: these retail chains are in

Jiuzhou constructed an impressively large

building in Shenzhens High-Tech Park. The engineers are here continuously working on new products currently theyre mostly occupied with IPTV.

R Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Sowell, China - Receivers

Founded by 5 Partners ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver in 2011

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

TELE-satellite World Young, Yet With Extensive NetUP from Moscow Tenow, China Know-how: - PC Cards

know-howwork and that therefore cable operators on the rise: now on about know-how and that therefore cable operators the 450 rise:employees now aboutwork 450 employees prefer to tackle this on their own.this This is their not own. This is not at Prevail. But for 2011 Necy-xu is extremely prefer to tackle on at Prevail. But for 2011 Necy-xu is extremely true for accessories although cable operators excited: The number of our true for accessories although cable operators excited: Theemployees number ofwill our employees will still a the largest customers for this product for this product climb to over 500climb and we also expect a we jump are still the largest customers to over 500 and also are expect jump group as well since they as need large numbers of large numbers of in sales. Prevailinis sales. actually optimistic that optimistic group well since they need Prevail is actually that
3. What magazine is laying there on Designer worked together for half a year until the Im 30 years old, he says smilingly. to potential customers. The the future. toabout be spot on! Pan Smile revealed to billing softwaretor: Zoe Lees desk? Yes, she takes care of Sowells His founding partner is Evgeniy Makeev who us that his current team of 40 engineers point in time could not have been better. ads in TELE-satellite. She also works on the 2 a PhDof in operation mathematics and only just graphical layout of a receivers OSD as well as will be expanded to 80 in 2011. We also While in their holds first year sales the packaging, turned 29. Both care deeply about anything user manual and everything else 3 employ five engineers from Europe here never exceeded five-digit USD figures, from at Sowell that involves graphics. to do with digital technology, which is a clear

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

NetUP, Russia - IPTV

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

Tevii, Taiwan - PC Cards and Receiver 114 114 Founder Tevii Tapping Into New Markets
latest developments: PCIe cards for 2 x DVB-S2, 2 x DVB-T or 2 x ASI. All 2. C, Software engineer Peng Yi is one of Sowells cards come with two CI slots. partners. founding

ANGA in NewCable-Tec Orleans in4.New 10% are shipped 10% to distributors. The obvious He manages production: Ren ANGA in Cologne, Orleans are shipped to distributors. The in obvious 4. He manages production: Ren Guorui is Production Guorui Manager as well as optic three shows inas South America: one reason for this is reason that at for this point fiber at optic is Production Manager as well three shows in Southand America: one this is that this point fiber organizes the entire and organizes the entire is Evgeniy and two in Brazil. This provides products require a great deal of installation PC products COMPANY REPORT process atMakeev Prevail. and a founding Abylay Ospan showing the companys co-founder of NetUP in Columbia and two in Brazil. production This provides require a partner. great deal in ofColumbia installation
NetUP has added another business segment to its portfolio in the meantime, which
and holds a PhD in mathematics.

Manager and is constantly in Russia seems contact with customers all over theseExchange products. these products. they can be on the Shanghai contact with customers all over they can be Stock on theExchange Shanghai Stock the world. She can often found the be world. She can often be found 1. Always there for customers: Sales in 2012. Thats quite an achievement at trade shows at 1 the at Prevail in 2012. Thats quitefor ansuch achievement for such trade shows at the Prevail Manager Konstantin Emelyanov. in Shenzhen who are primarily respon - an stand. year two onwards turnover increased con-hobby As international company, Prevail can be a young company! indication that they have turned into 2. This is where NetUP runs its stand. As an international company, Prevail can be a young company! sible for customer support, comments sistently. It was the timeWe when sprung business on the ground floor. Two profession. ask ISPs Abylay Ospan to give us 3. This man is very critical for a satellite Pan Smile. Sales Director Amanda is up all over the CIS countries, and most of found at numerous trade International 3. This man is very critical for a dishes on the roof send down 108 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 the signals required for developing found atshows. numerous trade shows. International quality manufacturer quality like Prevail: also optimistic: Over the past several them turned to NetUP for software soluinnovative satellite cards. manufacturer like Prevail: years we were able to increase our sales tions. Sales Manager Helen gives us an overview: Who actually buys Prevails products? 90% More than 2,000 ISPs currently rely he is Yu Xinghong and with his Sales Manager Helen gives us an overview: Who actually buys Prevails products? 90% he is Yu Xinghong and with his 50% every year. In 2010 our sales were on our billing software, with 90% of them 20 engineers he is responsible 82 CCBN TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 In we 2011 well exhibiting at in Beijing, of our customers cable operators around US$ 30 million and for 2011 20 engineers he is responsible being located inbe CIS countries, NetUP Sales 82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 In 2011 well be exhibiting at CCBN in Beijing, of are our the customers are the cable operators for quality assurance during 82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 expect that to rise to US$ 45 million. Manager Konstantin Emelyanov proudly for 1 quality assurance during Cabsat inabout Dubai, CommunicAsia in CommunicAsia Singapore, themselves, explains Necy-xu, only General Managerabout Eagle Chain production. states. Small medium-sized provid82 TELE-satellite added Global Digital TV Magazine and 02-03/201 1 Cabsat in Dubai, in Singapore, themselves, explains Necy-xu, only production.

ware development, namely Receiver a customerShenzhen. production place in Baoan which friendly operation takes of our products. It is isnt Arabic too far from here and close to exactly for this reason that Eagle Chain Indonesian Shenzhens airport. 200 employees German is skeptical about how IPTV develop; work in thewill production facility. English the world. She can often be found 200,000 receivers per month can be Shenzhen for TELE-satellite though, its a subject Spanish in Espaol produced by one shift; if all three 2012. Thats quite an achievement for such at trade shows at the Prevail that is being approached very ecstati French Franais shifts are used, receiver Hebrew stand. cally: The telecom production providersclimbs all to The Chinese large manufacturer Jiu- a young As large an international company, Prevail can be company! Chinese more than 500,000 delivering programming ter Jimmy Zhang have their the own agenda andeither that is selling zhou is very well known by our readers. Polish Polski 3. This man is very critical for a boxes a month. is Marketing Vice restrially via With IPTV found atsatellite. numerous trade Portuguese Portugus their dataor packages to end-users; they shows. International Manager and deals The company originated in Sichuan and quality manufacturer like Prevail: 1 comparatively simple technology using Russian with the global are focused solely on that concept. He has been in existence since 1958. In Turkish Trke Sales Manager gives us an overview: Who actually buys Prevails products? 90% marketing of Set Gateway servers is all thats Helen needed. he is Yu Xinghong and with his doesnt see that the users point of view Available online starting from 28 January 2011 Top Boxes 2008 they celebrated their 50th birthday But even more important, the customer 20 engineers he is responsible is considered regarding and wishes In needs 2011 be exhibiting at CCBN in Beijing, no longer to well installIPTV an antenna; (see TELE-satellite issue 02-03/2008). of our customers are the cable operators for quality assurance during deal of thought go into what be an approach to that the process must of becoming their ownfea proInternet is opening up new possibili- thered almost every household has similar an Internet In 2009 the company expanded into Cabsat in Dubai, CommunicAsia in Singapore, themselves, explains Necy-xu, only about tures are currently in demand. In talking production. gramming providers! ties; now there are programming pro- of connection. Apple: following a path based strictly HDTV and in 2010 terrestrial TV was viders that can join the bandwagon on the end user without looking back at with Eagle Chain its clear that quite a ANGA in Cologne, Cable-Tec in New Orleans 10% are shipped to that distributors. The obvious Large 4. He manages production: Ren the theme. In 2011 Jiuzhou This is a rather developreally didnt have any interest in enterprises bit is of planning observation and interesting analysis is going what thebusiness provider wants. that have Guorui is Production Manager ment: obviously viaIm the doing so before since it wouldve meant for quite some time been not only sellon taking a huge step further into Chain the on. Eagle cites transmitting an for example: as well as three shows in South America: one reason this is that at this point fiber optic and organizes the entire IPTV market with enormous production amazed with Apple and their products. Sowells General Manager Eagle Chain in Columbia and two in Brazil. This provides products require a great deal of installation production process at Prevail. numbers. Huang Wei is Jiuzhous They areSales precisely geared towards the isnt just thinking about the further NETUP Company Details Director and reveals to us end-user what Jiuzhou and thus very successful. The IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia development of IPTV. The general future Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees has planned for 2011. conclusion according to Eagle Chain: of the is also on his mind. Will receiver 0................................ 25 .................................. 50 We have a similar view with our softthe receiver transform into a multimedia Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates) 114 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine Average 04-05/201 1 ware development, namely a customerFirst, though, Sales Director Huang receiver in the asksIts Eagle Chain, 0.................................. 5 ................... 10future, Mio US$ not only since friendly operation of our products. It is Wei took us on a trip into the past: The or will the receivers functions gradually the DVB-IP Gateway 4x Production Certicates exactly for this ISO, RoHS, PCI SIG, IEEE, DVB first IPTV boxes were manufactured by reason that Eagle Chain shift over to the TV itself? a ques - readtestIts report that skeptical about how IPTV willHardware develop; Producer NetUP, Russia Production Categoriestion thats on all of our minds and for IPTV Software and COMPANY REPORT Jiuzhou in 2007; back thenis about 20,000 OEM, ODM ers of TELE-satellite Main Products TELE-satellite though, its a subject which we all dont yet have an answer. boxes were produced and for involved pure Professional PC Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, DVB-C, might be familiar with that is being ASI, IPTV Gateway/Streamer, IPTV Middleware, IPTV Conditional IPTV boxes. Production numbers onlyapproached very ecstatiNetUP. This device Access Systems, IPTV Billing Systems, Video on Demand cally: The large telecom providers all But even if there arent any answers, increased slowly. In 2010 we produced to the private end user market. They are hardware was ready for production. An allows setting up your have their own agenda and that is selling everyone at Sowell is still optimistic 60,000 boxes, comments Huang Wei. used in professional streaming equipment, additional two software engineers wrote own IPTV network in their data packages to end-users; they Download this report in other languages from the Internet: about the future. Pan Smile revealed to like NetUPs DVB to IP gateway 4x and IPTV the drivers required for the Linux-based 1 next to no time (TELE are focused solely on that concept. He Arabic us that his current team of 40 engineers Indonesian Indonesia bid/netup.pdf Combine 4x. The latter (IPTV Combine 4x) is But 2011 looks to be completely difsoftware. NetUP even played a major role satellite 10-11/2010). 2 esky ces/netup.pdf doesnt see that the users point of view Czech will be expanded to 80 in 2011. We also a special product for the hospitality market. in finding the right manufacturer for card ferent: We will be manufacturing a German Deutsch Even before that TELEis considered regarding IPTV and wishes English English eng/netup.pdf from Europe here employ five engineers This is an all-in-one IPTV solution that production. A facility some 100km from minimum of 200,000 boxes and it could satellite reported on a Espaol thered be an approach similar to that Spanish in Shenzhen far who are primarily responFarsi /netup.pdf Alexander Wiese includes IPTV Middleware, billing, DVB to IP Moscow is in charge of manufacturing our go as high as one million. It all depends world first launched by Franais fra/netup.pdf of Apple: following a path based strictly French sible for customer support, comments Manager Eagle Chain working in his office Hebrew in front of a General gateway and VoD server (see test report in PC cards. NetUP: A DVB-S2 card on negotiations that are currently in on the end user without looking back at Mandarin man/netup.pdf Pan Smile. Sales Director Amanda is painting of the Great Wall. TELE-satellite 10-11/2010). Such IPTV syswith two inputs (TELEprogress with a variety ofwhat retail chains Dutch Nederlands the provider wants. also optimistic: Over the past several Polish Polski pol/netup.pdf tems are a favorite in hotels and hospitals, The cards are used in professional setsatellite 02-03/2010). in North America as well as Europe. Actually, a triple hit: NetUP, a company Portuguese Portugus por /netup.pdf Marketing Specialist Zoe Liu finds years we were able to increase our sales Isnt young and know-how a contradiction in terms? Romanian Romn because each room can be accessed indiups only, which means production numbers theare graphics in TELE-satellite to be so founded as recently as 2001, has its adminThe reason: these retail chains in Global 104 TELE-satellite Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 Sowells General Manager Eagle Chain Russian rus/netup.pdf 50% every year. In 2010 our sales were good that she pins them on her wall. In many cases it is, but if were talking about know-how vidually but the cable infrastructure can be are on the lower side when compared to istrative office in the vicinity of Moscow Of course we wanted Trke tur/netup.pdf isnt just thinking about the further Turkish around US$ 30 million and for 2011 we State University. The closest metro Station Available online starting from 3 December 2010 laid out as a bus system. mass consumer good. We only produce to learn more about in the making, the two terms go together very nicely. development of IPTV. The general future expect that to rise to US$ 45 million. large Jiuzhou constructed an impressively is University and the two founders of NetUP 66 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 some 1,000 cards per annum, Abylay that product line, and ofcase the receiver is also on his Will in High-Tech such a is an asset, as it mind. means theres no are naturally! former students building Young in Shenzhens Park. The General Manager Eagle Chain added of that One of our largest customer groups are Ospan tells us. This has made us curious 1. Necy-xu is General Manager engineers are here continuously working Abylay Ospan has the details. We develop a brief run-down of the events leading to the the receiver transform into a multimedia some university. Actually, its not only themore two optimism: In 2011 we are 1. Necy-xu is General Manager obligation to depend on past developments. So where on new products currently theyre mostly hotels which generally favour two-way sysand were eager to find out what else is in everything in-house. Both software and establishment of NetUP. When we still State were receiver in the future, asks Eagle Chain, Sales and Marketing and takes founders who are Moscow University planning to open our own offices in Sao occupied with we IPTV.find a perfect example for young meets knowcan Sales Right and Marketing and tems. This means that hotel guest are not NetUPs pipeline. now at the end of takes hardware (circuit board layout) have been working on billing soft-employees graduates, but almost all other or will the receivers functions gradually students we were care of the companys exposure, only able to enjoy TV and Internet access in 2010 were launching a PCIe card for DVB-T how? If were talking about digital technology Russia care of the companys exposure, as well. Its providers. clear for all to see that NetUP designed by our very own engineers. service shift over to the TV itself? Its a ques - ware for Internet such as, at trade shows and in the pools together collective digital technoltheir rooms, but that hotel management is and DVB-C. Just as the DVB-S2 card this 64 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine on 02-03/201 tion thats all of 1 our minds and for springs to mind. And if we support our assumption with such as, at trade shows and in the 1. Sun Guanghua is also a Software Engineer know-how, while everybody working at also able to send personal and customised card, too, has two inputs and tuners. Were press. Andrew Budkin is the head of Software He was still ogy in his final semester at uni - a founding and partner. which we all dont yet have an the fact that Moscow State University is answer. ranked right press. NetUP is still very young. messages to guests in their rooms, Abylay also working on a card with two ASI inputs. Development and knows precisely the versity when Abylay Ospan teamed up with 2. Software engineer Peng Yi is one of Sowells 2. Helen is International Salesis International Sales among all the top-notch universities in the world when it Ospan lays down the reasons behind such amount of effort put into such a project. Makeev set up their But even if there arent any answers, his colleague Evgeniy founding partners. 2. Helen Lets start with to Abylay Ospan, who is one infrastructure. PCIe cards from NetUP are not targeted comes to digital everyone technology teaching and research, Manager in For the DVB-S2 card two of our engineersand is constantly own then business, of which offered exactly that at Sowell is still optimistic the companys founders and acts as DirecDownload this report in other languages from the Internet:

Sales Director Huang Wei is, many other tasks, in charge Indonesiaamongst the IPTV boxes development, Deutsch and marketing English sales

floor of this office building in

care of the companys exposure, such as, at trade shows and in the press.

64 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 02-03/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



Software Software
COMPANY REPORT Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

Sowell, an Engineering Firm thats an OEM

Founded by 5 Partners ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver in 2011 Overseas Offices in the Plan User Friendliness is Company Philosophy


A team of five R&D engineers are the founders of the OEM company Sowell. The driving force and General Manager of the young company is Eagle Chain. He was, like his four colleagues, an R&D employee with a large receiver manufacturer but over time didnt feel so comfortable with that company. All too often he was assigned projects that had nothing to do with receivers. His four colleagues

felt the same way and so in 2004 they founded their own company Sowell. We met up with General Manager Eagle Chain in Sowells office in Shenzhen who started off by telling us how it all began: All we had was the money we had saved while employed with that other company. We pooled

Eagle Chain

Sun Guanghua

Peng Yi

Sowells offices with their 70 employees are located on the seventh floor of this office building in Shenzhen. Receiver production takes place in Baoan which isnt too far from here and close to Shenzhens airport. 200 employees work in the production facility. 200,000 receivers per month can be produced by one shift; if all three shifts are used, receiver production climbs to more than 500,000 boxes a month.

General Manager Eagle Chain working in his office in front of a

painting of the Great Wall.

104 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 02-03/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Overseas Offices in the Plan User Friendliness is Company Philosophy Founder Founder
COMPANY REPORT PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China
Tenow is in the process of
setting up new offices on the second floor in this new office complex in Shenzhens HighTech Park. These offices will give Tenow room to expand.

Founder Richard Zhang

Founder Bob Liu

Eric Deng

There is another feature which shows that PCIe cards from NetUP are designed for the professional high-end market: We are now beginning to ship our cards based on the ALTERA chipset. What makes this so special? Well, the hardware is identical for each customer and only the software on the PCIe card defines its scope of application. In the third quarter of 2011 we will also base our 2 x DVB-S2 card which was presented in TELE-satellite on the ALTERA chipset, NetUP Sales Manager Konstantin Emelyanov adds.

Innovative PC Cards from China


One company that is fully concentrated on the development of their products is the young firm Tenow from Shenzhen, China. PC cards are manufactured although the actual production process is outsourced allowing Tenow to focus their efforts on Development and Marketing. Also interesting to note about Tenow: the company is run by four partners and all four of them work together as a team to further expand their young company. Tenow is in the process of setting up a new office in Shenzhens large High-Tech Park. When we paid them a visit, we went to their old office located directly next to the Shen Da Metro Station on route 1.


Co-Founder Evgeniy Makeev Sales
COMPANY REPORT IPTV Software and Hardware Producer NetUP, Russia
IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia

Speaking of products already introduced in TELE-satellite: The NetUP DVB-IP Gateway 4x can be ordered with an H.264 encoder/transconder as of Q3 2011. Things get even more exciting towards the end of 2011 when we will offer the DVB-IP Gateway 4x with unicast. This will make the device which hitherto is only available as a multicast model even more user-friendly and will also allow laymen to distribute their TV channels via the Internet. Head of Software Development, Andrew Budkin, has another piece of interesting news in store. It makes economic sense for some providers of Internet-via-satellite only to use the base band which saves valuable bandwidth. This is why NetUP has decided to develop PC cards with precisely that strategy in mind. Large utilities might be extremely interested in that technology, adds Abylay Ospan and has the following example: Gazprom uses this one-way technology for its local networks.

James Liu

Tenows four partners: they

founded the company in 2005. From left to right: Richard Zhang, Bob Liu, Eric Deng and James Liu

Two of the founders, James Liu, in charge of Marketing, and Bob Liu, responsible for Software Development, met each other while studying at Wuhan University. The two other partners, both of whom previously worked at a receiver manufacturer, are Richard Zhang, in charge of Hardware Development, and 82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1

Eric Deng, who is also involved with Software Devlopment. All four of them founded the new company in 2005 using a starting capital of 500,000 RMB (roughly 50,000 Euros). Tenow then operated as a commercial enterprise: DVB-T was just starting

to become popular and they distributed DVB-T demodulator chips to local manufacturers in Shenzhen. Then, as a design house, Tenow developed complete applications for manufacturers. One success story involved DVB-T USB sticks: Tenow developed the
TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1


Company Details

Young, Yet With Extensive Know-how: NetUP from Moscow

Alexander Wiese
Isnt young and know-how a contradiction in terms? In many cases it is, but if were talking about know-how in the making, the two terms go together very nicely. Young in such a case is an asset, as it means theres no obligation to depend on past developments. So where can we find a perfect example for young meets knowhow? If were talking about digital technology Russia springs to mind. And if we support our assumption with the fact that Moscow State University is ranked right among all the top-notch universities in the world when it comes to digital technology teaching and research, then Russia seems to be spot on!

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 .................................. 50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 5 ................... 10 Mio US$

Production Certicates Production Categories


Main Products

Professional PC Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, DVB-C, ASI, IPTV Gateway/Streamer, IPTV Middleware, IPTV Conditional Access Systems, IPTV Billing Systems, Video on Demand

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TELE-satellite World

Actually, its a triple hit: NetUP, a company founded as recently as 2001, has its administrative office in the vicinity of Moscow State University. The closest metro Station is University and the two founders of NetUP are naturally! former students of that university. Actually, its not only the two founders who are Moscow State University graduates, but almost all other employees as well. Its clear for all to see that NetUP pools together collective digital technology know-how, while everybody working at NetUP is still very young.

Nederlands Polski Portugus Romn Trke

Available online starting from 3 December 2010

Its not only since the DVB-IP Gateway 4x test report that readers of TELE-satellite might be familiar with NetUP. This device allows setting up your own IPTV network in next to no time (TELEsatellite 10-11/2010). Even before that TELEsatellite reported on a world first launched by NetUP: A DVB-S2 card with two inputs (TELEsatellite 02-03/2010).

some more optimism: In 2011 we are ers in particular like our software solution, planning to open our own offices in Sao which is ideal for a client base of up to 50,000. Even the company name is derived from that strategy: Network Up a com1. Sun Guanghua is also a Software Engineer NetUP co-founder and Director pany that takes care of network expansion. Card & Receiver Manufacturer Tevii, Taiwan

Abylay Ospan Cologne, Cable-Tec

Konstantin Emelyanov

Lets start with Abylay Ospan, who is one of the companys founders and acts as Director: Im 30 years old, he says smilingly. His founding partner is Evgeniy Makeev who holds a PhD in mathematics and only just turned 29. Both care deeply about anything to do with digital technology, which is a clear indication that they have turned hobby into profession. We ask Abylay Ospan to give us

a brief run-down of the events leading to the establishment of NetUP. When we still were students we were working on billing software for Internet service providers. He was still in his final semester at university when Abylay Ospan teamed up with his colleague Evgeniy Makeev to set up their own business, which offered exactly that billing software to potential customers. The point in time could not have been better. While in their first year of operation sales never exceeded five-digit USD figures, from year two onwards turnover increased consistently. It was the time when ISPs sprung up all over the CIS countries, and most of them turned to NetUP for software solutions. More than 2,000 ISPs currently rely on our billing software, with 90% of them being located in CIS countries, NetUP Sales Manager Konstantin Emelyanov proudly states. Small and medium-sized providers in particular like our software solution, which is ideal for a client base of up to 50,000. Even the company name is derived from that strategy: Network Up a company that takes care of network expansion. NetUP has added another business segment to its portfolio in the meantime, which fits in smoothly with the original software business for ISPs: NetUP is now also developing software and hardware for IPTV. IPTV has already gained a 70% share of our turnover, NetUP Director Abylay Ospan reveals and adds annual sales are high in the one-figure million USD this year. As a matter of fact, it has become difficult to differentiate between software for ISPs and IPTV, as many Internet service providers have become IPTV providers as well. For those providers we offer middleware, videoon-demand servers and streaming servers, Abylay Ospan explains.

Of course we wanted to learn more about that product line, and Abylay Ospan has the details. We develop everything in-house. Both software and hardware (circuit board layout) have been designed by our very own engineers. Andrew Budkin is the head of Software Development and knows precisely the amount of effort put into such a project. For the DVB-S2 card two of our engineers worked together for half a year until the

NetUP co-founder and Director

Abylay Ospan showing the companys latest developments: PCIe cards for 2 x DVB-S2, 2 x DVB-T or C, 2 x ASI. All cards come with two CI slots.

Evgeniy Makeev is

co-founder of NetUP and holds a PhD in mathematics.

82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 12-01/201 1

84 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 12-01/201 1

production process at Prevail.

fits in smoothly with the original software 3. What magazine is laying there on Designer TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/201 1 Zoe Lees desk? Yes, she takes of Sowells business TELE-satellite Global Digital TVcare Magazine 04-05/201 1 for ISPs: NetUP is now also develads in TELE-satellite. She also works on the oping software and hardware for IPTV. graphical layout of a receivers OSD as well as the packaging, user manual and everything else IPTV 3 has already gained a 70% share of at Sowell that involves graphics.

R Manu R Ds Who Shop R Se v

Sa beams A Webs e or Pro ess ona s Satbeams, Belgium - Software

founder of Tevii and the companys top-scoring 82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine sales director. He reveals some future plans in a meeting we had with him in Munich, one of a number of global destinations he recently visited.
scratch and the first item on our to-do list was the development of our own products. It was only in the following year, 2007, that we were able to generate a modest turnover. In case youre curious about the exact figure: it was 250,000 US$ in 2007. Tevii has come a long way since and expects sales reaching 2.2 million US$ in 2010 and even 3 million US$ the year after. Talk about rocksolid business! Obviously, staff numbers have also increased so that today we have 28 employees, a whopping 18 of which are engineers in Research and Development.
12-01/201 1

our turnover, NetUP Director Abylay Ospan reveals and adds annual sales are high in the one-figure million USD this year. As a 108 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 matter 1 of fact, it has become difficult to differentiate between software for ISPs and IPTV, as many Internet service providers Tevii while being young of age has already have become IPTV providers as well. For worked up a solid reputation for its PC cards and those providers we offer middleware, videoUSB boxes and is now in the progress of launching on-demand servers and streaming serva new range for new markets. Matthias Liu is the ers, Abylay Ospan explains.

Matthias Liu

TELE-satellite World
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Matthias Liu founder, president

and sales director of Tevii

84 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 12-01/201 1

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate

86 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 12-01/201 1

te-1011/sa beams pd

R Manu w w R Ds m R Who m W Shop TELE-satellite World m Se v m m m W

PC Card & Receiver Manufacturer, Taiwan

SmartWi, Denmark - Wireless Card Reader

Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

To start with, Matthias Liu gives us a brief account of where he comes from: Up until 2006 I was employed as sales manager for a major company in the satellite industry. When this company was taken over by another player I took the decision to become self-employed. Some of his former colleagues were equally impressed with his envisaged business strategy and so they decided to jump on board as well. Tevii started with a total workforce of only eight people, Matthias recalls on his walk down memory lane. Its never easy to start from

Power Supp y Un s Made by SPAUN guaran eed

Matthias Liu can truly be proud of what he has been able to achieve in such a short period of time. But what exactly is Tevii all about? We have always focused on PC cards for satellite reception. And for laptop users our range includes USB boxes as well, Matthias Liu explains. Incidentally, Matthias himself has no engineering background, but a dependable gut feeling for what the market needs. For each product we sit down and evaluate whether expected sales will justify and ultimately pay for development costs, he explains. It comes as now surprise, then, that the R&D department is the core element of the Tevii business model. Actual production is outsourced to third-party manufacturers in Taiwan as well in Shenzen in mainland China. The trick is to come up with the right product at the right time, Matthias Liu states and illustrates this credo with an example: Right now there is so much talk about DVB-T2, for example, even though this is a technology that will only start to penetrate markets in about two years. By the time that happens our own DVB-T2 products will also be ready for take-off. Theres no point in being the first, it is a waste of valuable resources that can only be brought to fruition if

used wisely. Deciding on the right time is the key to economic success.

Founde A exande De ug n www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate Techn ca Manage Jens G ad www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate
w m w
m W m

0................................ 25 .................................. 50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 2.5 ..................... 5 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Production Categories


Main Products

PC Cards for DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T/MPEG-4, Boxes for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, PC Sticks for DVB-S/S2

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Indonesia esky Deutsch English Espaol Franais

m m



R Manu m D s m Who Shop w TV Rece m a Se v ve

Spaun, Germany - Power Supplies m

Nederlands Polski Portugus Romn Trke

A closer look at the Tevii product range lends additional support to that theory. When the company was established in 2007 it offered two products: the S400 DVB-S PC card and the S600 USB box for use with laptop computers. Both products came with a tuner sourced from Sharp, which was replaced with a NIM tuner from Serit at the beginning of 2008. Since then the product designations have changed to S420 and S630. When the DVB-S era slowly came to an end and DVB-S2 was just around the corner Tevii launched successor models S464 as PC card and S660 as USB box for laptop use at the end of 2008. And wouldnt you know it the Tevii S470 was introduced in 2009 just when the whole world was turning to PCIe (PCI Express) slots as a replacement for older PC slots. At the end of 2010 new demand was met with the launch of a PC card with dual tuner the model name is S480 and it sports two DVB-S2 tuners.

te-1011/sma w pd

m W Founde m

m Ku W O esen m M
m m

W m

Available online starting from 3 December 2010

92 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 12-01/201 1

M e Manu ac u w

W Cert ficate m m BOXSAM Ch na Ho der mm

m W m m W

m W m m

If you have read all the lines of this report so far, you can probably guess what comes next. DVB-T has picked up considerably the world over, which called for a USB box with one

mm W

te-1011/spaun pd

w m




Kev n m Spaun

m W m m m

W m

ivers e by SAM

R Manum D s Who Shop Se v

Boxsam, China - Receivers

m m mm

m m


www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate VP Je ey Zhao www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate

te-1009/boxsam pd

X ao eng Huang

ea y be on de ed an any a wa ounded Manu w h a eed ap a o D s D S a ng ou w h R Who BOXSAM expanded ove a e e e eShop ve Se v e n e e ng p odu 4 We pa d a v o h a n abou he way o

Atlanta, Dubai - Wholesaler

te-1007/a an a pd

Founde Ra ma Ja n

D ec o San eev Ja n BOXSAM V ce P es den Je ey Zhao n on o a d sp ay wa w h a se ec on o

he company s p oduc s


app ox ma e y 20 000 boa ds A o a o s ak ng shape We w use a so o n o accoun he ac ha BOXSAM s 92 emp oyees wo k n he SMT depa an enna and LNB p oduc on a so one o he o fic a manu ac u e s o he Ch nese DTH sys em we den fied a men o supe v se nse on mach nes and o make su e a s eady supp y o Th s makes us p ck ou ea s How g ea bus ness oppo un y and w be TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 equ ed componen s s ava ab e come BOXSAM s p ann ng o b eak new o e ng d shes and LNBs as we Wh e 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Yinhe, China - Receiver

Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacoms Director of

Marketing Manager Jianbiao Zhu

Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard F connectors werent used.
COMPANY REPORT High Volume Digital TV Receiver Manufacturer YINHE, China

Receiver Manufacturer YINHE

Organized for the Future

Presents Their Factory

The enormous 280,000 square-meter production site is located in the city of Zhangjiagang in the Jiangsu province roughly 100 Km north of Shanghai in eastern China. Here, in addition to the four-story administration building, youll also find multiple fabrication buildings. During the tour of the facility, Jianbiao Zhu, Overseas Marketing Department Manager, told us there are a total of 1500 employees, 1100 in production and 400 in administration. Last year we had 1200 employees but in 2010 we added 300 additional employees, he explained to us. Business seems to be booming at YINHE! YINHE was founded in 1975 and at that time it was a state-run company that had the goal of producing Chinas first memory chips for use in the large computer systems of that time. It all started with 50 employees, Jianbiao says as he looks back at the old days. In 2000 the ownership structure changed and it became a privately run company made up of 40 share-owners. But all of that could possibly change, reveals Jianbiao Zhu, Were planning to go public this year on the Shenzhen stock exchange. The goal is to acquire additional capital for expansion. So, what do YINHEs sales figures look like? For 2009 our receiver products had

sales of US$ 80 million while the remaining product groups produced sales of US$ 30 million, says Jianbiao Zhu. He continues, In 2010 we are expecting an increase to US$ 100 million in receiver sales with the remaining product groups increasing to US$ 35 million. What are these other product groups? We are one of the largest PC housing manufacturers; we also produce satellite dishes as well as professional receiver components for cable headends . But TELE-satellite is primarily interested in receivers, so lets get back to that. Satellite receiver development started in 1997, remembers Jianbiao Zhu, and in 1998 we produced 10,000 receivers. This number increased at a tremendous rate: In 2009 we produced 3.6 million boxes and in 2010 we expect production of four million boxes, he reveals and then adds, In both years two million receivers were sold domestically in China; the rest were exported. We wanted to know more about the export side of things: where does YINHE export to? Jianbiao Zhu takes a look at his laptop and then says, 30% of our

receivers end up in The Middle East, 20% go to Europe including the CIS countries and Southeast Asia, another 15% go to Australia, 10% to Africa and 5% to South America. It should come as no surprise that YINHE operates offices in critical regions namely in Dubai since 2003 and in Australia since 2005. This year 2010 we plan to open two additional offices in Sao Paolo and Moscow. We are also looking to open an office in Chennai in 2011, confirms Jianbiao. The best export countries are Australia with DVB-T receivers in MPEG-4 and HD as well as India with DVB-C boxes in MPEG-2 and SD. We want to expand our distribution in Europe including the CIS countries with DVB-T MPEG-4, DVB-T2 MPEG-4 and DVB-S2 receivers, comments Jianbiao Zhu. He adds, 60% of our exports are satellite receivers, 30% are terrestrial receivers and 10% are cable receivers. Another interesting note: with a market segment of about 10%, YINHE is one of the largest providers of cable receivers domestically in China.

Alexander Wiese

That was yesterday! Today one single optical cable is enough to transport both satellite and terrestrial signals. Global Invacom has expanded their system to include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horrocks, Director Sales and Marketing, explains to us how this works: We took the satellite signal carried in the optical cable and combined it with the DTT signal; now both signal formats can be carried on one optical cable. For this purpose, Global Invacom developed a new system that will be marketed under the nickname Wholeband, or more officially, F-IRS (Fibre Integrated Reception System). But first we want to take a quick look again at how Global Invacoms optical system works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) takes the four satellite frequency ranges, that is, the upper and lower bands in both horizontal and vertical polarizations, and stacks them on top of each other so that all four bands are carried over the optical cable in one frequency range. Each of these four bands covers 1000 MHz and if you place them one on top of the other you get a bandwidth of 4000 MHz. So much for the satellite range. How do you include the DTT range? Very simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial Transmissions using another laser at a different frequency then combine the two together.

Chinese high volume manufacturer YINHE is one of the top ve producers in China. Although this company is well know within China, it is only the insiders that recognize the name YINHE outside the country since abroad it is only an ODM. In other words, the YINHE designed boxes (Original Design) are marketed by other companies, primarily dealers and programming operators, under their own brand name. YINHE therefore is just the manufacturer (hence ODM) and for the time being it will stay that way. There are no plans for YINHE to dive into the export market with Zhangjiagang, their own brand name. What does Jiangsu it look like inside one of these high volume manufacturing plants? TELE-satellite wanted to nd out.

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TELE-satellite World

Nederlands Polski Portugus Romnesc Svenska Trke

Available online starting from 28 May 2010

YINHEs Main Entrance. The administration building is to the left behind which are
numerous production facilities. 1500 employees work here.


TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/2010 06-07/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


today it is eginnings of s founded in oducing milithe company e, pluralistic, erent indusom digital tv r conditioner roducts, set y and power s of techniineering and

R Manu Distr development, marketing and manufacturWhol ing of digital set top boxes in all standards like DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T, ISDB, DMB-TH Shop and of course HDTV including value-added Serv systems for digital tv.

GlobalInvacom, UK - Fibre Optics

duction line from Panasonic in Japan and we also implemented every single production guideline right down to the very last detail. Richard continues to explain that this is how things go in the rst phase of
COMPANY REPORT Fibre Optic Products by Global Invacom

Sales Ivan Horrocks

here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it is installed by the end-user who would then connect a maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. Weve integrated two new features, explains David Fugeman, one LED indicates if theres an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected. Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacoms Director of Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard F connectors werent used.

David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen


Global Invacom goes Fibre DTT

Alexander Wiese
The British company Global Invacom is best known to TELE-satellite readers as the inventor and manufacturer of the sensational fibre optic LNB system (see TELE-satellite issues 04-05/2008 and 08-09/2009). With an optical system distances are no longer a factor since the attenuation in a fibre optic cable is next to nothing. Its an absolutely great system except for one thing: these days people want not just satellite TV but digital terrestrial TV channels as well. Up until now, that meant once again that you needed two separate cables routed to the TV; one for satellite signals and the other for terrestrial digital TV TELE-satellite World Download this report in other languages from the Internet: signals. Arabic
Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Hebrew Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish
Indonesia esky Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hrvatski Italiano Magyar

Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacoms Director of

Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard F connectors werent used.

That was yesterday! Today one single optical cable is enough to transport both satellite and terrestrial signals. Global Invacom has expanded their system to include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horrocks, Director Sales and Marketing, explains to us how this works: We took the satellite signal carried in the optical cable and combined it with the DTT signal; now both signal formats can be carried on one optical cable. For this purpose, Global Invacom developed a new system that will be marketed under the nickname Wholeband, or more officially, F-IRS (Fibre Integrated Reception System). But first we want to take a quick look again at how Global Invacoms optical system works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) takes the four satellite frequency ranges, that is, the upper and lower bands in both horizontal and vertical polarizations, and stacks them on top of each other so that all four bands are carried over the optical cable in one frequency range. Each of these four bands covers 1000 MHz and if you place them one on top of the other you get a bandwidth of 4000 MHz. So much for the satellite range. How do you include the DTT range? Very simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial Transmissions using another laser at a different frequency then combine the two together. In order to do that, Global Invacom had to modify their LNB system: the optical LNB already has the laser built into it so that the optical cable can be connected directly to the LNB. To include terrestrial signals, Global Invacom could have added a second connector on the LNB for the terrestrial antenna along with the necessary electronics. This would have been theoretically possible, says Ivan Horrocks, but it really doesnt make any sense since the LNB would have become too heavy and bulky. Not to mention it would have created problems for installers in that

David Fugeman

Nederlands Polski Portugus Romnesc Svenska Trke

David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen

here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it is installed by the end-user who would then connect a maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. Weve integrated two new features, explains David Fugeman, one LED indicates if theres an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected.

Available online starting from 2 April 2010

Global Invacom has two locations in London: here we see

their head office in Althorne (Essex).

the CHANGCHANGHONG o., Ltd. It is the CHANGn research &

Their production capacity reaches up to 12 million, making them the largest STB manufacturer in China. The company has heavily invested in their quality control and Jianbiao Zhu, Overseas has built up a digital TV laboratory, a digiMarketing Manager, in tal HFC experimental net, EMC laboratory and most importantly a high accuracy SMT YINHEs showroom. production line. CHANGHONGs Samples from aim theis to become one of the strongest suppliers for production digital tv solutions worldwide.line are In 1978 CHANGHONG started its TV production, Richard Cheng Li remembers. At the time we imported a complete pro-

R Manu Distr Whol Shop on display here. Serv

Changhong, China - Receiver

sible for quality and system management with another 30 expatriats who are mostly responsible for Marketing and Management.

that Kaifa produces, its easier to see why us if we could also manufacture satelKaifa wants to start manufacturing satelFor this purpose, Global Invacom lite receivers. This customer was so developed a new system that will be lite receivers. Marketing Manager Jackie impressed with the overall quality and marketed under the nickname Wholeband, or officially,development F-IRS (Fibre Yan explains it to us in words: About a more further of Kaifas products Integrated Reception System). But first look in the museum at an old year ago one of our largest power we meter that A itGlobal only seemed natural that Kaifa 82 to TELE-satellite Digital TV Magazine 04-05/2010 want take a quick look again at Thats how TV worked Global should Invacoms optical system After this introduction to everything customers in India came to us and how asked also produce satellite receivers works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) customer takes the for four this satellite frequency and its DTH project in David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it ranges, thatIndia. is, the upper and lower is installed by the end-user who would then connect a
maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. Weve integrated two new features, explains David Fugeman, one LED indicates if theres an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected.


That was yesterday! Today one single optical cable is enough to transport both satellite and terrestrial signals. Global Invacom has expanded their system to include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horrocks, Director Sales and Marketing, explains to us how this works: We took the satellite signal carried in the optical cable and combined it with the DTT signal; now both signal formats can be carried on one optical cable.

80 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/2010

82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/2010

At Chengdu airport: His role

as Overseas Sales Director leads Richard Cheng Li to many destinations around the globe.

Richard Cheng Li

In order to do that, Global Invacom had to modify their LNB system: the optical LNB already has the laser built into it so that the optical cable can be connected directly to the LNB. To include terrestrial signals, Global Invacom could have added a second connector on the LNB for the terrestrial antenna along with the necessary electronics. This would have been theoretically possible, says Ivan Horrocks, but it really doesnt make any sense since the LNB would have become too heavy and bulky. Not to mention it would have created problems for installers in that
COMPANY REPORT Receiver and TV Manufacturer CHANGHONG, China

Large-scale Quality and Innovation Made by CHANGHONG

CHANGHONG is one of the largest volume manufacturers of receivers with headquarters in Mianyang in the Sichuan province of south-western China, some 130 km from the provincial capital of Chengdu. Not only do millions of satellite and terrestrial receivers leave the production premises every year but also an equal number of at-screen TVs, so that the company ranks among the most important digital corporations in the world.

Looking at their business today it is hard to imagine the humble beginnings of the project. CHANGHONG was founded in 1958 and started out with producing military radar systems. But today the company has evolved into a super-huge, pluralistic, international group of 13 different industries, producing everything from digital tv panel displays to IT systems, air conditioner systems, digital audiovisual products, set top boxes, eco-friendly battery and power supplies up to whole systems of technical equipment, electronic engineering and chemical materials. One of the 13 industries of the CHANGHONG GROUP is the SICHUAN CHANGHONG NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES Co., Ltd. It is an independent subsidiary of the CHANGHONG GROUP and specializes in research &

development, marketing and manufacturing of digital set top boxes in all standards like DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T, ISDB, DMB-TH and of course HDTV including value-added systems for digital tv. Their production capacity reaches up to 12 million, making them the largest STB manufacturer in China. The company has heavily invested in their quality control and has built up a digital TV laboratory, a digital HFC experimental net, EMC laboratory and most importantly a high accuracy SMT production line. CHANGHONGs aim is to become one of the strongest suppliers for digital tv solutions worldwide. In 1978 CHANGHONG started its TV production, Richard Cheng Li remembers. At the time we imported a complete pro-

duction line from Panasonic in Japan and we also implemented every single production guideline right down to the very last detail. Richard continues to explain that this is how things go in the rst phase of

At Chengdu airport: His role

as Overseas Sales Director leads Richard Cheng Li to many destinations around the globe.

training device:

One of PROMAXs rst products: a test pattern

generator from 1964

Digital TV manufacturer CHANGHONG is

headquartered in Mianyang, a city of 600.000 inhabitants. The administrative building can be seen in the centre, with the development centre to the left and any many satellite antennas on its roof. In the background and extending to the left the CHANGHONG manufacturing plants stretch out over 2 square km.

bands in both horizontal and vertical polarizations, and stacks them on top of each other so that all four bands Naturally this are is quite a fast start for a carried over the optical cable in one frebrand new quency range. Each of these satellite four bands receiver producer. But covers 1000 MHz and if you place them of course theres more going on than just one on top of the other you get a bandthis width of 4000 MHz. one customer. Jackie Yan explains, So much for the satellite range. How do you include the DTT large range? Very another DTH operator who also simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial happens to be from the Southeast Asia Transmissions using another laser at a different frequency then combine the region and we are also waiting to start two together.

Jos Clotet founded the company in

the rst satellite signal analyzer and in 1993 the rst microprocessor controlled universal analyzer that covered everything from VHF/UHF (including FM) to the satellite range.





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TELE-satellite World

1963. That was only a few years after the rst TV station came on the air in not only antenna installers but also then-existing TV manufacturers who needed signal

economically are their signal analyzers. Roughly 30% of our sales can be attributed to signal analyzers, explains
50 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2010

Available online starting from 29 January 2010 /changhong.pdf bid /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf esp /changhong.pdf far /changhong.pdf fra /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf hrv /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf man /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf rom /changhong.pdf /changhong.pdf sve /changhong.pdf tur /changhong.pdf 02-03/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


sat Aluo-sat Microwave Filter Company Microwave Filter Company Innovation s Everybody! Knows Everybody! High Quality Specialized Filters High Quality Specialized Filters
Jackie Yan, Marketing Manager, is seen here showing us Kaifas rst satellite receiver model. It is being manufactured for a DTH provider in India. Jackie Yan is standing in front of a wall on which are calligraphies of the former President of China Zemin Jiang.
The futuristic Skyworth building in Nanshan/ Shenzhen in southern China

high position in the EMS category: everyThats quite an assortment and we At rst glance, there does not seem 2011 a DVB-S2 receiver with WiFi and thing is exceptionally organized and the In 1968 TV station made asked Jos-Maria Clotet about the last to be too much uniformity here. But as machines are statea of second the art. CI+ is planned. its appearance in the UHF band. Again one: From the beginning PROMAX Jos-Maria Clotet explained the connecSatellite Consultant, China RT But this is completely understandSkyworth, China -REPORT Receivers TELE-satellite-1003 /skyworth.pdf PROMAX was right there and began taught installers and engineers how tion, the picture became clearer and the worldwide companies like Samsung Satellite Consultant, China able: COMPANY What about any upcoming newCOMPANY proddemand nothing the but the best quality. Dish Antenna Manufacturer INFOSAT, Thailand delivering rst UHF signal analyzto use our products. This service only strategy could be seen. We are strongly REPORT Vice And it looks like it was a very good deciR Manu Technical ers. made up about 10% of their sales but it focused on DVB-T, says Jos-Maria sion for Kaifa to but step into the satellite ucts? The head of the R&D department Thats quite an GM impressive list, is Jack Zhang receiver market. has been a goodwill gesture by PROMAX Clotet, Our strong points have always Distr S F Chief M Technical nu u USAUp until now S F M nu u USA COMPANY REPORT COMPANY REPORT Manager must have known that those questions theres more. we Ofcer,still he In 1986 only it was another rst for PROMAX: that should not be underestimated. been the reception side with our signal many Whol In the past TELE-satellite has had Luo manages has named his the company Aluo-sat were coming. We werent disappointed mentioned satellite receivers; but YINHE David Jack reports on receivers from this manufacstrong R&D team for a simple reason: In the Cantonese Luo has named his company Aluo-sat Shop of 350 employees turer butOn always undercontrary, a different brand dialect spoken in southern China an terrestrial a for a simple reason: In the Cantonese with the answers. the also has plans for receivers. Ken Zhang name. Skyworth happens to be is anoften OEM prexed to the rst name Serv spoken in southern China an a YINHE has quite an array of new prodjust released of a aDVB-T MPEG-4 box dialect (Original Equipment Manufacturer). TheWe person. So Luo becomes Aluo. is often prexed to the rst name of a success of an OEM is measured by the Originally, LuoHD, comestwin from Sichuan in and PVR, reveals person. So Luo becomes Aluo. ucts in the works. According to Hongwith tuner quality of their products. So what makes southwest. He studied electriChinas Originally, Luo comes from Sichuan in Spain -the Signal Analyzers TELE-satellite-0909/promax.pdf chun Gu:Promax, In the third of 2010 Skyworth soquarter successfull in OEM busi-Hongchun Gu, and we will shortly be cal engineering and got his rst job at Chinas southwest. He studied electriness? Why do more and more a big and R Manu Founder producing there will be a DVB-S2 receiver coming outelectronic with a comtwin tuner PVR for GM the cal engineering and got his rst job at and from owner of overcompany Founder new famous customers all the ponents for the Chinese military in Lana company producing electronic com Distr PROMAX, Jos Clotet e inwith the satellite eld in China can world start to cooperate with Skyworth? a built-in media player and also Freeview system in Great Britain, Austra- ponents for the Chinese military in Lanzhou City in the northwest. Among other Somebody active And why are these customers all so satis- in the satellite eld in China can Whol d meeting Luo Shi Gang sooner or things, his rst employer also manufaczhou City in the northwest. Among other Jos Jos-Maria S m no on h TV d o nd S m no on h TV d o nd ed with Skyworth? It is exactly these meeting Luo Shi Gang sooner or hardly get for around tured satellite equipment. things, his rst employer also manufacShop ecause hes been distributing TELEreasonsdthat we to pay them u a h decided nn h ou w n bu o unw n d d h nn tured ou equipment. u w n bu o unw n d Luo experienced genuine satellite Clotet Clotet h satellite later. Not only because hes been distributing visit in Nanshans Hi-Tech Park in the city Serv for many years, but also because he gn h m World u reception n n the How g he gn h mLuo experienced u n n How do ou g for rst do time ou when genuine satellite TELE-satellite of Shenzhen in this southern China. satellite in China for Download report in other languages from the many Internet: years, but also because he received signals from EKRAN at 99 reception for the rst time when he d o h n ng gn M C m nu u ng d o h n ng gn M C m nu u ng gure in many other satellite areas Arabic /changhong.pdf Indonesian Indonesia bid /changhong.pdf of the largest transmitted on the UHF received signals at 99 is a high-prole gure in many other satellite areas p on o East, bwhich d One n h USA receiver p odu p on o b from d EKRAN n h USA p odu Bulgarian bul /changhong.pdf ina is entering the DTH age in 2009 Skyworth can be found in a very impresmanufacturers in the world Infosat, TELE-satellite-0907/infosat.pdf 86 Dishes CzechThailand esky ces /changhong.pdf East, which transmitted on the UHF o well. h m n u h n o h mn u h n n is Skyworth. Skyworth German Deutsch deu n /changhong.pdf as Since China is entering the DTH age in 2009 sive-looking futuristic building. This is me for visiting Luo Shi Gang English in his English /changhong.pdf Groupeng Co. Ltd. is one of the R Manu Jos-Maria Clotet, PROMAXs CEO, explains the basic idea behind the PROMAX The theory is demonstrated via an actual connection: where Spanish we met Vice Manager Espaol General esp /changhong.pdf Founder leading manufacturers of TV Shi Gang in his now is a good time for visiting Farsi far /changhong.pdf Luo each slot represents a possible signal source. At the strategy: the four possible reception sources satellite, antenna, video sources (e.g. en. David Ken. On the companys homepage French REPORT Franais fra /changhong.pdf sets in China. The Rece ve Manu ac ucompany e Sma other end you get a combined signal in DVB-T. DVD) or live camera are PROMAX amplied and modulated and routed using DVB-T COMPANY Distr Hebrew heb /changhong.pdf ofce in Shenzhen. technology wirelessly or via cable. started into the satellite we saw that Skyworth TVs Greek manufactures hel /changhong.pdf
80 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2010 02-03/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

R Manu REPORT YINHE also COMPANY works very closely Distr together with the larger CA module Whol producers such as Irdeto, Conax, NDS, Shop Topreal, Sumavision, Novel and CryptoServ

Kaifa, China - Receivers

Barcelona. you We are currentlySuddenly, in negotiations withhad

analyzers and above all test pattern Digital Spain with CI.Powerhouse In the Marketing fourth PROMAX, quarter will follow generators. In the rst year PROMAX
negotiations with a third customer.
In order to do that, Global Invacom had to modify their LNB system: the And what about production capacity optical LNB already has the laser built into it so that the optical cable can at Kaifa? GuangYun Zhu is their Satellite be connected directly to the LNB. To Receiver Manager. He says to include terrestrial signals, Production Global Invacom could have added a second conus, Right now we have production facilinector on the LNB for the terrestrial ties can elecproduce 5 million satellite antenna along withwhich the necessary tronics. This would have been theoretireceivers per years. cally possible, says Ivan Horrocks, but it really doesnt make any sense since the LNB would have become too heavy While touring the fabrication facility we and bulky. Not to mention it would have created problems installers in that can for clearly see why Kaifa holds such a

Jos-Maria Clotet. In 2009 the status of TELE-satellite-1003/kaifa.pdf the TV Distribution division was greatly
COMPANY REPORT Satellite Receiver Manufacturer Kaifa, China

Today PROMAX is still owned by Jos Clotet. In 2005 his son Jos-Maria Clotet took over business operations and in 2007 PROMAX was divided into four divisions: Test & Measurement, Broadcast, TV Distribution and Electronic Training.

enhanced when PROMAX took over a local manufacturer of distribution products. This division now also is responsible for 30% of our sales, comments Jos-Maria Clotet. The remaining 30% falls on the Broadcast division.
The Birth of a New Receiver Manufacturer Kaifa in China Starts Production

Kaifas administration building

in Shenzhen, China

employed four engineers each of which Manager a DVB-S2 twin tuner PVR with Irdeto developed their own unit. Production on four newly designed units started Jackie box withthese as well as a DVB-S2 a media the following year; in 1964 there were player and integrated web browser. For Yan ten employees.
82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 04-05/2010

By the time this issue of TELE-satellite will be published, Kaifa will have been manufacturing satellites receivers for just a few weeks. When we paid them a visit, they were just nishing the installation of their assembly line and an initial test run was soon to follow. Who exactly is Kaifa and what makes this company think theyre ready to step into the market as a satellite receiver manufacturer?



Receiver Manufacturer Skyworth, China

Quality Control at Skyworth

The futuristic Skyworth

building in Nanshan/ Shenzhen in southern China

David Ken is Vice General

Manager and explains Skyworths background

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TELE-satellite World

Available online starting from 29 January 2010 /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf far /skyworth.pdf fra /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf hel /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf mag /skyworth.pdf man /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf rom /skyworth.pdf rus /skyworth.pdf /skyworth.pdf tur /skyworth.pdf

One of the largest receiver manufacturers in the world is Skyworth. Skyworth Group Co. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of TV sets in China. The company started into the satellite receiver research as early as 1997 and in 2002 a subsidiary was established under the name of Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Technology Co. Ltd. Those 13 years of experience in satellite technology made the company more and more professional and by now Skyworth claims to be the leading STB (set top box) manufacturer in China.

84 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2010 02-03/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Out of Made in USA

ThailandMade in USA
A portion of the products that Kaifa manufactures: to the left are power meters, in the middle are components for hard drives and to the far right are head stack assemblies for hard drives.


Digital Powerhouse PROMAX, Spain

The Four Divisions of PROMAX

known about PROMAXs

Founder and owner of

PROMAX, Jos Clotet

TELE-satellite readers have

reliable, widely used satellite

signal analyzers for many years now. They are recognizable by their characteristic yellow color.

But PROMAX has much more to those that you already know

offer: their products range from to signal processing products distribution components.

all the way to end-user signal

PROMAX covers so much that

we wanted to take a closer look at what theyre all about so off we went to one of the most

lively tourist cities Barcelona. Up until 1981, PROMAX called downtown Barcelona home, but then they moved out to LHospitalet de Llobregat, a with the L1 Metro Line.

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Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Indonesia esky Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hrvatski Italiano Magyar Nederlands Polski Portugus Romnesc Svenska Trke

TELE-satellite World

David Ken is Vice General Manager and explains Skyworths background

Available online starting from 31 July 2009

suburb that is easily reachable

Partial view of the PROMAX fabrication and

administration building in LHospitalet de Llobregat, a suburb south of Barcelona and close to the El Prat airport. A total of 6600 sq-m of space is at PROMAXs disposal. These buildings are occupied by 120 employees, of which 50 are in production, 30 in sales, 30 in R&D and 10 in administration.

80 TELE-satellite Broadband & Fiber-Optic 08-09/2009 08-09/2009 TELE-satellite Broadband & Fiber-Optic


TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2010


Dish Antenna Manufacturer INFOSAT, Thailand

Innovation Out of Thailand

This picture appeared in the

02-03/2008 issue of TELE-satellite

research as early Croatian Hrvatski hrv /changhong.pdf Whol and other products receivers. So ve receiver Rece ac auNiran e Sma COMPANY REPORT Italian Italiano ita /changhong.pdf asManu 1997 and in 2002 Hungarian Magyar mag /changhong.pdf naturally, our rst to David Ken 82 subsidiary was established Shop Mandarin man /changhong.pdf underned the name of Nederlands /changhong.pdf is how Dutch is it all divided. He explains, If you Tangpiroontham Polish Polski pol /changhong.pdf Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Serv look atPortuguese it from a sales gure point of view, Portugus por /changhong.pdf Technology Co. Ltd. Those
Romanian Romnesc rom /changhong.pdf

Chief, Niran Tangpiroontham (left), INFOSATs Editor-in-Chief, Alexander Wiese (right), TELE-satellites in Nontaburi, a suburb in front of INFOSATs head ofce northwest of Bangkok.


Even a long-standing product such as a C-band antenna still has room for improvements. A few months ago, INFOSAT in Thailand introduced a 1.5meter single-segment antenna to the market. The result was immediate success! The driving force behind this new product is Niran Tangpiroontham, founder and owner of the company INFOSAT. He is not new to the pages of TELE-satellite: we previously reported on Niran and his new ideas in TELE-satellite issues 02-03/2007 and 0203/2008.
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Indonesia esky Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hrvatski Italiano Magyar Nederlands Polski Portugus Romnesc Svenska Trke

TELE-satellite World

TELE-satellite Broadband & Fiber-Optic 08-09/2009

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop Serv


Aluosat, China - Wholesaler


then 70% of it is TVs, 20% is receivers Russian rus /changhong.pdf 13 years of experience in Swedish Svenska sve technology /changhong.pdf made satellite and the remaining 10% falls on the other Turkish Trke tur /changhong.pdf the company more Available starting from 29 January 2010and products. But as David Ken online continues, more professional and by it gets more interesting: If you look at now Skyworth claims to be the leading (set top it from a prot aspect, then the receiver A look at aSTB portion of the R&D department in which a group of engineers just nished a meeting 02-03/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 51 box) manufacturer in China. section is greater than 20%. These gures are all made possible by the 2000 employees in the receiver section; 02-03/2010 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 85 Ts Chief, and worth has a total of 20,000 employees. Niran Tangpiroontham (left), INFOSA atellites Editor- in-Chief, Alexander Wiese (right), TELE-s in Nontaburi, a suburb Skyworth is a publicly traded company in front of INFOSATs head ofce northw listed on the Hong Kong exchange. In est of Bangkok.

Founder Luo Shigang

Microwave Filter Company

worth manufactures receivers for cable reception, satellite reception and terres-


Made in USA

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate you hands he company Sma E ec on c market with our set top box business, you ho d hSa s ssue o TELE sa e Ma e nke ng R Manu CEO When es says David Ken. w on y have been n ex s ence o ess you hands he company Sma E ec on c Even a long-standing product R Ds Manage han a yea doub ess y s a ve y young What does this mean in numbers? David w on y have been n ex s ence o ess Who Ken jumps right into the millions: In 2008 such as a C-band antenna still company bu Sco s can boas s own Ca Sandy han a yea doub ess y s a ve y young it was 5 million receivers, in 2009 it will Quality Specialized Filters Shop oduc on ac es and ded ca ed sa es be 8 million and for 2010 we are guessing Fah enkpug Pa s se epov z company bu can boas s Ne own has room for improvements. Se v channe s How can a s a up bus ness total sales of 10 million receivers. Sky Hardware engineers are seen at work here wan ed o nd ou when we se ou on ou Nanoxx, Germany -After Wholesaler and Receivers www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate trial reception. V David Ken tells us: in Thailand introduced a 1.5- deve op so as ? Tha s exac y wha we

to USA be listed in China stock exchange MFC, -the Filters

the yearM 2010 we will also USA actively plan

When you ho d h s ssue o TELE sa e

Being SMART Being SMART in Germanys in Germanys Black Forest Black Forest
Sales Luo Jun
e n

Available online starting from 29 May 2009

and this picture is from the same spot in March 2009; where an open eld was only a few months ago, today stands a new factory.

74 TELE-satellite & Broadband 06-07/2009 06-07/2009 TELE-satellite & Broadband

COMPANY REPORT Satellite Consultant, China

Aluo-sat Knows Everybody!

Somebody active in the satellite eld in China can hardly get around meeting Luo Shi Gang sooner or later. Not only because hes been distributing TELEsatellite in China for many years, but also because he is a high-prole gure in many other satellite areas as well. Since China is entering the DTH age in 2009 now is a good time for visiting Luo Shi Gang in his ofce in Shenzhen.

Luo has named his company Aluo-sat for a simple reason: In the Cantonese dialect spoken in southern China an a is often prexed to the rst name of a person. So Luo becomes Aluo. Originally, Luo comes from Sichuan in Chinas southwest. He studied electrical engineering and got his rst job at a company producing electronic components for the Chinese military in Lanzhou City in the northwest. Among other things, his rst employer also manufactured satellite equipment. Luo e

84 TELE-satellite & Broadband 04-05/2009

te-0903/m c pd

deve op so as ? Tha s exac y wha we A few months ago, INFOSAT channe s How can a s a up bus ness

p oduc on ac

es and ded ca ed sa es

eceivers e happy ustrade? eption is this way een from can see ne in the n front is ationary.

10 years wm of effort we have w obtained an ou ney o he Sa soues h wes e n co ne o R Manu Foundewan m ed o nd ou when we se ou on ou outstanding in the eld of national m Hrecord w m Power Supp yantenna Un Made byo he woh d Ge s many home amous B ack meter single-segment R D s digital television. Since mass production m ou ney o he sou TELE-satellite wes e n co ne o M C m World of STB has started in 2001, Skyworth has Qua y o Measu e Fo es cuckoo c ocks and a by wo d o SPAUN guaran eed Download this report other languages from the Internet: R Who Lou Jun USA m Ge many home o he wo d amous Bin ack 06-07/2010 to the market. The result was provided products and services in over Ma ce Dan e Arabic t) on the m Aluo-Sat members of staff Lou Jun p ec s on and he a o c a smansh p m 100 cities in all of China owning to our Shop oose the Indonesian Fo es cuckoo c ocks and a by Indonesia wo d o (left) and Luo Shi Gang (right) on the probably Bulgarian excellent quality and thoughtful roof. Why did Luo Shi service. Gang choose the Ho baue Sam immediate success! The driving sure the Se v Czech esky p ec s on and he a o c a smansh p top oor for his ofce? You probably In recent years, Skyworth Digital kept its
m m m

te-0901/nanoxx pd


m Manu m still prohibited in China and this way R MD m all these Luos antennas cannot be seen from Where do receivers go? David m and owner of the company outside. On this picture we can see R D s Ken spells it m all out for us, 90% of our m two C band dishes the one in the within China; the mcable boxes remain back is motorised, the one in front is R Who Here we Yuan Quibo, of the Test He issee not new the stationary. other 10% are exported.INFOSAT. However for Pe one e to Engineers, checking out a model T29 DVB-T Shop satellite boxes its exactly the opposite: receiver. This box will ultimately end up in Lb e pages of TELE-satellite: we Only 10% remain in China and of the Spain Se v

Smart, Germany - Receivers Niran Tangpiroontham, founder

m W

rst rank in China and provided over 8 cables between dishes and receivers kept 2004, short. And why is he happy million cable m STBsare since occupying there is a rather dominant balustrade? 20% of the domestic STB market. m
Well, private satellite reception is

guessed it: He wants to make sure the

force behind this new product is

84 TELE-satellite & Broadband 04-05/2009

R Manu D s Who 80 Shop Se v

Spaun, Germany - new Accessories his ideas in TELE-satellite

03/2008. TELE-satellite Broadband & Fiber-Optic

86 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/2010

previously reported on Niran and issues 02-03/2007 and 0208-09/2009

IBC Cert ficate

Ho der


Deutsch English Espaol m French Franais m Greek Croatian Hrvatski m Italian Italiano m Hungarian Magyar Mandarin m Dutch Nederlands This is Terry. He manages the technical Polish Polski Support team that consists of six engineers. m Portuguese Portugus They help OEM customers with any technical m Romanian Romnesc problems Russian m m Swedish Svenskam Turkish W mTrke Available online starting from 29 May 2009 m m H W m m m m Farsi Germanm English Spanish
m m m

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate




Ch s oph Hoefle


F ed ch Spaun

Kev n Spaun

m m W m m m W m

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B m w w m m W w S w w m w W U W S G

74 TELE-satellite & Broadband 06-07/2009

D w

212 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

m m

TELE sa e e Wo d www m TELE sa e e Wo d www D w m

m m

m w

members Liong Ten

R Manu Distr Whol ITE SOFTWARE Shop Dish Alignment Serv

Semesta entered arena in 1989 began to offer llite receivers. In rst digital receiver nd in 2002 it all y serious when the of satellite dishes the meantime the xpanded its mania Tek Ijoe climbed partner. Today PT sta is run by these ers.

Stab, Italy - Motors

PT Subur Semesta entered the satellite arena Semesta in 1989entered PT Subur Those are large numbers; we Those are large numbers; we when they began to offer the satellite arena in 1989 wanted to know how many solid know how manynumbers; solid are large we analog when satellite receivers. they began In to wanted offer toThose antennas are being manufacantennas are being manufacto know how many solid 2000 the rst digital receiver analog satellite receivers. In wanted tured today: At the moment, tured today: At are the moment, antennas being manufacappeared and in rst 2002 it all 2000 the digital receiver our production capacity is at our production capacity is at tured today: At the moment, turned really serious the it appeared andwhen in 2002 all about 15,000 antennas per about 15,000 antennas per is at production capacity production of really satellite dishes turned serious when the our month of which the majority are month of which 15,000 the majority are about antennas per began. production In the meantime the dishes of satellite sold domestically, explained explained month of which the majority are company expanded itsmeantime man- sold began. In the the domestically, Thiang Tiong An, Our company Thiang Tiong An, Our company sold domestically, explained agement: Tjia Tekexpanded Ijoe climbed company its mansupplies approximately 15% of supplies approximately Thiang Tiong An,15% Our of company aboard agement: as a partner. PTclimbed Tjia Today Tek Ijoe the Indonesian market. the Indonesian supplies market. approximately 15% of Subur Semesta is run by these aboard as a partner. Today PT

the manufacture of dishes. They are whenever there is used a power ies that everywhere the manufacture of dishes. people of which 60 are They involved with work from 8AM to 5PM Monday thru outage, remembers Liong whenever there isTen a power work from 8AM 5PM Monday the to manufacture of thru dishes. They Friday and on Fook. Saturdays to 2PM. outage, remembers Liong Ten Friday and from on Saturdays to 2PM. work 8AM to 5PM Monday thru Fook. Friday and on Saturdays to 2PM.

10 Years
Founder Giorgio Bergamini MD Finance Liong Ten Fook Tjia Tek Ijoe
Motor Control

Happy Birthday

10 Years

USALS Celebrates 10 Years

Alexander Wiese
Every TELE-satellite reader is familiar with the term USALS. In the Technical Data table of every receiver test report there is a line that identies whether or not the receiver is USALS compatible. Today, almost every receiver on the market comes with USALS. But USALS is not just a group of letters; theres actually a human behind this term! USALS stands for Universal Satellite Automatic Location System and is software that was developed exactly ten years ago by Giorgio Bergamini. But it would be much better to hear the story from the birthday boy himself so off to Italy we go near Ferrara located about equidistant from Bologna and Venice. STABs headquarters and production facility can be found there and Giorgio Bergamini is the founder and owner of STAB, a company that has been in existence since 1970. STAB started early on building antenna motors. In the beginning it was rotors for VHF/UHF TV antennas and when satellite reception became popular in the 1990s, they expanded to offering an assortment of satellite antenna motors. It was 1995, remembers Giorgio Bergamini, when a few of the early satellite receiver manufacturers got together with EUTELSAT and developed the DiSEqC protocol. In 1997 it was ofcially introduced and included DiSEqC 1.0 for individual LNBs, DiSEqC 1.1 for two LNBs and, DiSEqC 1.2 for antenna motors. But it was quickly discovered that the 1.2 protocol could only be used on a lim-

Sandro Gnani is a STAB technician who checks each sample receiver to make sure that USALS

has been correctly implemented. The manufacturer can only print the USALS logo on the receiver and its packaging when the receiver has passed every test.

ited basis: it required the storing of satellite positions in the motor and this turned out to be useless when the motor was used anywhere in the southern hemisphere. The dishes there are pointed to the north and not to the south. As a result, the order of satellites was no longer correct it was now backwards compared to the northern hemisphere. In 1998 I had an idea: the positions should no longer be stored in the motor but instead in the receiver, remembers Giorgio. This was the birth of USALS. He wrote a small, but effective software program that with the help of

only the local geographical position on the Earth and a reference satellite was able to calculate all the other satellite positions directly in the receiver, and it didnt matter if you were in the northern or southern hemisphere. Finally, in January 2000, EUTELSAT ofcially recognized USALS and introduced it as DiSEqC 1.3. It is identical to DiSEqC 1.2 but includes an additional line of code: Drive Motor to Angular Position.

The birthday boy himself: Giorgio Bergamini is the founder of the USALS program that is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2008.

amount of money d in 2004 explains e: We acquired a ss so that we could e the dish segments Heavy investment any occurred again ter: We bought a inting system to the segments.

pointed? To the east? To the west? This would be its aziite & Broadband 04-05/2008 56 TELE-satellite Broadband 04-05/2008 hen how far up into the sky should the dish&look? This 56 TELE-satellite Broadband 04-05/2008 elevation. Actually, its really not that hard to gure&this out; there are plenty of calculation aides and prepared give you all the data you need. But if you do a little extra n did with his Dishpointer software, youll discover comresults. variously sized dots (the larger the dot, the more visitors) on a world map. And, wouldnt you know it, that is exactly the technology that Alan was looking for with his idea to display satellite positions. He extracted his old idea from the back of his mind and began with a new sense of purpose to nd a solution and then promptly stumbled onto Google Maps. Suddenly, everything clicked: in August 2007 he programmed the rst version of his Dishpointer. Click on a desired position on the map and the azimuth and elevation of a selected satellite is displayed. Now it was only a question of programming in order to integrate additional features, explains Alan about his work the last several months. The rst step was: why should a user rst have to click on a map or enter an address when the IP number alone identies the position? There are professional companies that provide exactly this data. Online stores use this information to determine if a buyer really lives where he says he does. That was the rst step. Now Dishpointer knows exactly where a user is and automatically sets the reception location to this point. This may not always be very precise; it depends on the accuracy of the virtual IP addresses compared to the real addresses. Next, Alan analyzed the popularity of satellites so that

s still not enough. oe revealed to us Tjia Tek But Ijoe itrevealed us was still to not enough. in quality. PT Subur Semesta yet another large 58 TELE-satellite & Broadband 08-09/2008 that theres yet another large to us Tjia three Tek Ijoe revealed PT Subur Semestas We invested PT Subur Semestas three investment: We yet invested partners: From the theres left, that another large partners: From the left, D 600,000 for the PT Subur Semestas three Lionganother Ten Fook, Finance USD 600,000 We for the investment: invested Liong Ten partners: Fook, Finance of mesh antennas. From the left, Director, Tjia fabrication Tek Ijoe, another Managing of mesh USD antennas. 600,000 for the Director, Tjia Tek Ijoe, Managing Liong Ten Fook, Finance s produce 20,000 Director, Thiang Tiong An, the erecmost critical questions that and come up before This lets us produce 20,000 fabrication of mesh antennas. Director, and Thiang Tiong An, Director, Tjia Tek Ijoe, Managing Technical Director y month. ellite antenna is how to properly dishes position thelets antenna so Technical Director every month. This us produce 20,000 Director, and Thiang Tiong An, ired satellite can be received. In whichdishes direction should Technical Director every month.

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Subur Semesta, Indonesia - Dishes

Dishpointer, UK - Software

three partners. Subur Semesta is run by these the Indonesian market. Of their total production, 02-03 /200 8 Of their total production, three partners. 80% is delivered domestically, DISHPOINTER Of theirdomestically, total production, A large amount of money 80% is delivered Software Solution that, the rest is exported. According with the help of the rest is exported. According 80% is delivered domestically, was invested in 2004 explains Google Maps and its A large amount of money real images as well to Thiang Tiong An, 40% of our to Thiang Tiong 40% of our the rest An, is exported. Accordingas SatcoDX and its up-to- date channel Tjia Tek Ijoe: We acquired was invested in 2004 a explains dish production goes to Thaidata, provides highly accura te satellite dish production goes to Thaimachine press so that we could Tjia Tek Ijoe: We acquired a to Thiang Tiong An, 40% of our reception information. land and Vietnam, the remainland and Vietnam, the remaindish production goes to Thaimanufacture the press dish segments machine so that we could der goes to Brunei with a small der goes to Brunei with a small land and Vietnam, the remainourselves. Heavy investment manufacture the dish segments percentage going to Australia. percentage going to Australia. der goes to Brunei with a small in the company occurred again ourselves. Heavy The birthday boy himself:investment Giorgio Bergamini is the founder of the USALS program that is one year later: We bought a again percentage going to Australia. in the company occurred Naturally we want to expand celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2008. Naturally we want to expand powder one painting system year later: We to bought a our exports, explains Tjia Tek ourto exports, explains Naturally we Tjia wantTek to expand spray paint the segments. powder painting system Ijoe, We are investing heavily Ijoe, We are investing heavily our exports, explains Tjia Tek spray paint the segments. in quality. PT Subur Semesta Subur Semesta heavily Ijoe, PT We are investing But it was still not enough. in quality.

58 TELE-satellite & Broadband 08-09/2008

60 TELE-satellite & Broadband 08-09/2008 Technical
COMPANY REPORT Dish Manufacturer PT Subur Semesta, Indonesia
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TELE-satellite World

Jakartas Venus Star

The company PT Subur Semesta was founded in 1978 in Jakarta on Java, one of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. 60% of the 220 million inhabitants can be found on Java of which 15 million live in the capital city Jakarta it could even be a few million more. To be noticed here you need an extremely bright star and it is for that reason that PT Subur Semesta uses the planet Venus as their trademark. The wonderful ambiguity with the God of Love Venus can only make you smile. One of the founders of the company, Liong Ten Fook, came up with the name an ingenious idea!

A devious discovery from Venus: this small tool makes it very easy to precisely align a dish.

we use, for example, lead-free even the dish is made of the

paints from Akzo Nobel and

quality material Galvalume, a is working on getting ISO certied. We are expecting the test results in April 2008, reports Tjia Tek Ijoe proudly, We applied for ISO 9001 and 14001. This means that PT Subur Semesta also follows the most stringent environmental guidelines. In order to have international success, we have to have quality in every respect, conrms Tjia Tek Ijoe, For the coating of our dishes product of the manufacturer Bluescope in Australia. The material consists of 55% aluminum and 45% Zinc and is therefore especially resistant and durable. Finance Manager Liong Ten Fook is proud of PT Subur Semestas sales gures. Every year theres an increase, he comments. The year before it was 10% less while in 2008 we
PT Subur Semesta organizes seminars for installers eight times a year. Distributors send their technical people to learn how to quickly and efciently set up a packaged 1.8-meter antenna with dual-feed LNB. To make these seminars even more attractive, time limits are set and winners are announced. Food and drink is also taken care of as can be seen by the accommodation tent in the background. A large loudspeaker is also set up there to keep the young installers happy with loud music. Each seminar handles 60 installers where they are taught to install a dish such that the dual-feed can successfully receive PALAPA C2 at 113 east and TELKOM at 108 east.

Thiang Tiong An

But Liong Ten Fook was not the only founder; his partner was back then and still is now Thiang Tiong An. We originally started as a telephone accessory factory. Later on we added emergency lights, that is, lights with built in batteries that are used everywhere whenever there is a power outage, remembers Liong Ten Fook. PT Subur Semesta entered the satellite arena in 1989 when they began to offer analog satellite receivers. In 2000 the rst digital receiver appeared and in 2002 it all turned really serious when the production of satellite dishes began. In the meantime the company expanded its management: Tjia Tek Ijoe climbed aboard as a partner. Today PT Subur Semesta is run by these three partners. A large amount of money was invested in 2004 explains Tjia Tek Ijoe: We acquired a machine press so that we could manufacture the dish segments ourselves. Heavy investment in the company occurred again one year later: We bought a powder painting system to spray paint the segments. But it was still not enough. Tjia Tek Ijoe revealed to us that theres yet another large investment: We invested another USD 600,000 for the fabrication of mesh antennas. This lets us produce 20,000 dishes every month.

In western Jakarta, not too far from the international airport, can be found PT Subur Semesta, brand name Venus. The ofces are at the front of the building with the windows, and towards the back are the factory buildings that house the machines to manufacture the dish antennas. The company employs a total of 200 people of which 60 are involved with the manufacture of dishes. They work from 8AM to 5PM Monday thru Friday and on Saturdays to 2PM.

Those are large numbers; we wanted to know how many solid antennas are being manufactured today: At the moment, our production capacity is at about 15,000 antennas per month of which the majority are sold domestically, explained Thiang Tiong An, Our company supplies approximately 15% of the Indonesian market. Of their total production, 80% is delivered domestically, the rest is exported. According to Thiang Tiong An, 40% of our dish production goes to Thailand and Vietnam, the remainder goes to Brunei with a small percentage going to Australia. Naturally we want to expand our exports, explains Tjia Tek Ijoe, We are investing heavily in quality. PT Subur Semesta

PT Subur Semestas three partners: From the left, Liong Ten Fook, Finance Director, Tjia Tek Ijoe, Managing Director, and Thiang Tiong An, Technical Director

expect 10% more. 50% of their sales are attributed to TVRO products such as dishes and the installation of satellite receivers as well as the sale of imported actuators and LNBs. Then theres also the sale of their homemade 2in1 and 4in1 products: that would be Combi-feeds for Cband LNBs with offsets of 5 with the 2in1 and 5 -2.5 -5 with the 4in1. Unfortunately, PT Subur Semesta cant really hope for any large business with this product since its so easy to copy it. Tjia Tak Ijoe gave us a look

The installers take great care to remain within the preset time limits. That would be 45 minutes from the box to successful reception using a dual-feed LNB and 75 minutes for the successful set up of a motorized system. Since Jakarta is located so close to the Equator, the declination angles are very small. Protecting the environment at PT Subur Semesta: Tjia Tek Ijoe shows us the waste water treatment system the company invested in so that they comply with ISO environmental standards.

at their production: 40% of our dishes are made of steel, 40% are galvanized and 20% are made from Galvalume, the best dish material. The Venus Star from Jakarta is well on the way to establishing itself in the international league, and could very well come out on top of the international market share with their quality dishes that happen to be Made in Indonesia!

56 TELE-satellite & Broadband 04-05/2008 04-05/2008 TELE-satellite & Broadband

02-03/2008 DISHPOINTER Software Solution that, with the help of Google Maps and its real images as well as SatcoDX and its up-to-date channel data, provides highly accurate satellite reception information.


Dishpointer, when started, can immediately display those satellites that would likely be of most interest. Lastly, Alan expanded Dishpointer so that a click would display any remaining receivable satellites as well as the receivable channels. I get the satellite data from SatcoDX, explains Alan. In a cooperative venture, Alan has linked his Dishpointer live to SatcoDX. In this way the Dishpointer data is always up to date; changes are immediately incorporated. With Dishpointer, Alan managed to link two worldwide services that are constantly concerned with being up to date: Google Maps and SatcoDX. He thereby created something new! What does the future look like for Dishpointer? Customer-oriented solutions are my business goals, revealed Alan, One of my customers is a program provider: he wants to show his users (private viewers) as simply as possible how to erect a satellite antenna and what they can receive with it. The Dishpointer version for these customers is reduced to display only the data from that programming provider. Another customer operates cruise ships and wants to know what channels he can receive in any port. For this customer Alan developed a Dishpointer version that displays only those

satellites and channels that are receivable with the available satellite system. Another customer is an aid organization that wants to set up satellite systems for their employees. Since their operational areas can often be in out-of-the-way places, Dishpointer can tell them in advance what dish size would be needed and what channels could be received. This, comments Alan, might be an interesting tool for satellite receiver manufactur-

One of the most critical questions that come up before the erection of a satellite antenna is how to properly position the antenna so that the desired satellite can be received. In which direction should the dish be pointed? To the east? To the west? This would be its azimuth. And then how far up into the sky should the dish look? This would be its elevation. Actually, its really not that hard to gure this information out; there are plenty of calculation aides and prepared tables that give you all the data you need. But if you do a little extra work, as Alan did with his Dishpointer software, youll discover completely new results. Alan, who lives in England, has been a satellite DXer since the year 2000. His rst antenna was a 120 cm model with a rotor. Back then I used an Echostar box with positioner to turn the motor, explains Alan. As a student in aereodynamics, writing his thesis, hes completely at home working with PC programming. I got my rst PC when I was 16. It was a C64, remembers Alan about his early software programming days. It must have been in 2004 when I came across Multimaps; its a collection of geographic maps. He came up with the idea to incorporate the display of satellite positions on these maps as a way to help with the set up of satellite dishes. But how was this going to work? These were xed maps in differing display sizes. Alan could have programmed something but it would have required a lot of time and effort. So he dropped the idea; it would have been too much work. In 2005 he started a web site ( in which he provided helpful tips on how to properly set up a satellite dish. To get an idea of how successful his website was, he enlisted the aid of Google Analytics, a free service that analyzes in great detail the trafc of a website. TELE-satellite also uses this service. Google Analytics also contains a tool that graphically displays the geographical location of a websites visitors by displaying variously sized dots (the larger the dot, the more visitors) on a world map. And, wouldnt you know it, that is exactly the technology that Alan was looking for with his idea to display satellite positions. He extracted his old idea from the back of his mind and began with a new sense of purpose to nd a solution and then promptly stumbled onto Google Maps. Suddenly, everything clicked: in August 2007 he programmed the rst version of his Dishpointer. Click on a desired position on the map and the azimuth and elevation of a selected satellite is displayed. Now it was only a question of programming in order to integrate additional features, explains Alan about his work the last several months. The rst step was: why should a user rst have to click on a map or enter an address when the IP number alone identies the position? There are professional companies that provide exactly this data. Online stores use this information to determine if a buyer really lives where he says he does. That was the rst step. Now Dishpointer knows exactly where a user is and automatically sets the reception location to this point. This may not always be very precise; it depends on the accuracy of the virtual IP addresses compared to the real addresses. Next, Alan analyzed the popularity of satellites so that

ers to integrate in their receivers. This would not only be a helpful tool for the end user, Dishpointer could also be used to preprogram the transponder list into a receiver. Dishpointer could preprogram the receiver automatically with up-to-date data and at the same time lter this data for a specic target market area, explained Alan his business idea. So far no manufacturers have signed on to this idea. For the individual satellite installer that doesnt need a specic Dishpointer version,

Alan added a small additional feature to Dishpointer: the installer can use it to determine ahead of time if buildings or other obstacles might interfere with reception. A potential satellite system can be tested in advance and without any cost. Alan is quite proud of his Dishpointer program. Dishpointer is a software solution that very simply and precisely can answer all questions regarding the planned erection of a satellite antenna system at a particular location. Well done, Alan!

Dishpointer Application Examples

Dishpointer is used to determine ahead of time what satellites are actually receivable, how the antenna needs to be aligned and what channels can be expected on these satellites. Since Google Maps delivers very precise information, an actual site survey may in many cases not even be necessary. Lets take for example a satellite dealer in Dubai who wants to attract new customers and has the opportunity to erect satellite dishes in the parking lot of the Al-Ghurair Shopping Center. What satellites can he receive from that spot? Scenario 1: he transports his three-meter antenna to the parking lot and checks to see what he can receive. Scenario 2: he sits in front of his PC and goes to

This is what it looks like in the Al-Ghurair Shopping Mall parking lot. Al Rigga Street is to the far left, a Mosque is to the right around which the shopping mall was built. What satellites can be received from here? Were the apartments above the shopping mall built too high to allow a direct lineof-sight view to the satellites?

Alan at home in front of his reception system. He uses the smaller dish


to receive the Sky package and the larger dish for scanning the skies. He programmed Dishpointer; a tool that combines azimuth and elevation with Google Maps for positioning on the Earth and SatcoDX with its global satellite databank.

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TELE-satellite World 02-03/2008 TELE-satellite & Broadband


36 TELE-satellite & Broadband 02-03/2008

lives in England, has llite DXer since the His rst antenna was model with a rotor. I used an Echostar sitioner to turn the ains Alan.

ent in aereodynamhis thesis, hes comme working with PC g. I got my rst PC 16. It was a C64, Alan about his early ogramming days. It been in 2004 when ss Multimaps; its a geographic maps.

up with the idea to the display of satels on these maps as p with the set up of es. But how was this k? These were xed ering display sizes. have programmed but it would have t of time and effort. ed the idea; it would oo much work.

Alan at home in front of his reception system. He uses the smaller dish

to receive the Sky package and the larger dish for scanning the skies. He programmed Dishpointer; a tool that combines azimuth and elevation with Google Maps for positioning on the Earth and SatcoDX with its global satellite databank.

e started a web site in rovided helpful tips roperly set up a sat-

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Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian German English Spanish Farsi French Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Russian Swedish Turkish Indonesia Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hrvatski Italiano Magyar Nederlands Polski Portugus Svenska Trke

TELE-satellite World

dea of how successite was, he enlisted Google Analytics, a e that analyzes in the trafc of a webatellite also uses this

alytics also contains graphically displays phical location of a sitors by displaying

ite & Broadband 02-03/2008 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


Journal dentreprise

Liaison montante de Speedcast Barueri,SP, Brsil

Fournit une liaison montante pour la plupart des chaines brsiliennes Lana la premire liaison montante dune chaine TVHD au brsil en 2008 Fonctionne avec sept grandes antennes paraboles de liaison montantes Possde leur propre studio pour les affaires de TV Transmet en 3D depuis 2010

214 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International



Satellite Uplink Speedcast, Barueri, SP, Brazil

Seven Uplink Dishes and Many, Many Reception Antennas

Modern and very organized is the impression you get from the Speedcast uplink station in Barueri west of Sao Paulo. With seven large dishes (well talk more about them later) and numerous other smaller and larger dishes used just for reception, Speedcast is one of the largest in Brazil. The companys customers include among others the TV channels Rede TV and SBT. Speedcast is particularly proud of being the first company to uplink an HDTV signal in Brazil that was 2008 for Rede TV and TV Bandeirantes. Henrique Antonini is one of the broadcast technicians at Speedcast and tells us more about the company: Speedcast was founded in 2003 by Alfonso Aurin and Luciano Esteves. Both of them are engineers and Alfonso Aurin was for many years Technical Manager at SBT, a TV channel that was founded in 1981 whose headquarters is located in Oscasco, the next town over from Barueri. But the initial

Barueri, SP

Satellite TV uplink operator

Speedcast can be found in this modern office complex in Barueri near Sao Paulo

216 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

1. In a conference room broadcast technicians are displaying on three monitors the live pictures that are being uplinked by Speedcast: RedeTV HD (left monitor), SBT (center monitor) and the still image of Business TV (upper monitor) with a programming note regarding an upcoming broadcast from Volkswagen 2. A look in the small live studio. Business TV programs are produced here. At the moment theres a broadcast going on for Volkswagen

218 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

services provided by Speedcast in 2003 were not TV uplinks, it was VSAT services. That radically changed in 2005: Speedcast completely eliminated VSAT and switched entirely over to TV uplink. The first uplink dish was our 9.0-meter antenna that is still in operation today. Additional dishes followed soon after that; a 7.3-meter dish was erected

and over the years four more 3.6-meter uplink antennas and one at 4.5-meters were placed into service. All of these uplink dishes are used not only for regular TV channels, but also for Business TV. Their most prominent customer is Volkswagen; they regularly keep their employees informed at specific times. We even have our own small studio here in

which these Business TV programs are produced. Other Business TV customers include NCR, PanAmerican Bank, Johnson Batteries and the Business TV service TV Oficina Brasil. In 2007 Speedcast went into cooperation with EUTELSAT. Since then Speedcast has been operating EUTELSATs monitoring station for South America.

220 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Henrique Antonio explains to us how that works: The EUTELSAT technicians can access our system directly from their headquarters in Paris and can thus keep a real-time eye on the signals. In the same year 2007, Speedcast also expanded their technology and since then have been able to process all broadcasts in 16:9. The upgrade to 3D came

in 2010. Today there are a total of 34 employees at Speedcast, 15 of them are at their headquarters while the rest are field technicians working with customers. In just ten years Speedcast has made quite a name for itself in the TV uplink field. In Brazil the company is one of the first names you come across in this field.

The dishes in the foreground are

reserved for EUTELSAT. Technicians at EUTELSATs headquarters in Paris can remotely control these antennas allowing them to keep an eye on transmissions from the EUTELSAT satellites 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


A Speedcast technician is

checking on the positioning of the 9.0-meter dish that is fixed on STARONE C1 at 65W. The smaller 7.3-meter dish behind it is fixed on STARONE C2 at 70W

222 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

A look in the video control room.

Video signals that arrive here from the TV channels studios via fiber-optic cable are monitored as is the transmitted signal

224 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


1. In the heart of the system: here youll find the 19 racks of the actual transmitters 2. Large dishes, because of their extremely small aperture angle, constantly need position adjustments. This is taken care of by this controller. The set points for optimum reception have been predetermined and with the aid of a beacon receiver the position of the 9.0-meter antenna can be kept perfect 3. The signals via fiber-optic cable land here: Speedcast takes the Rede TV and SBT signals and uplinks them to the STARONE satellite 4. This rack is reserved for EUTELSAT: this is where the dishes reserved for EUTELSAT are remotely controlled. Speedcast only makes the space available; all of the work is handled remotely from the EUTELSAT headquarters in Paris. A small web camera is pointed at this rack so that technicians in Paris can actually see whats going on and advise when something needs to be changed.

226 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


1. TV Aparecida is another channel carried by Speedcast. Its signal is received via satellite in this rack and then retransmitted 2. The broadcasted signal can be viewed in the broadcasting room at the same time. The individual reception antennas can be connected here and the spectrum analyzer is used to monitor the signal. The monitor above shows the corresponding TV picture 3. A mosaic monitor shows all of Speedcasts broadcasted channels

228 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013


TELE-audiovisions Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations

BT Madley UK ESPN Bristol, USA CASTOR Burum Netherlands CBC Cologne Germany SES ASTRA Luxembourg MEDIA BROADCAST Usingen, Germany PTS Taipei Taiwan SHENZHEN TV Shenzhen China




Nivalod da Silva So Paulo, Brazil TV Bandeirantes Campinas (So Paulo) Brazil TELEMEDIA Johannesburg South Africa

Speedcast So Paulo, Brazil

230 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Speedcast Sao Paulo Brazil

Read Full Report /13/09/speedcast

ESPN Bristol USA

Read Full Report /12/11/espn

Nivaldo da Silva So Paulo Brazil

Read Full Report /12/09/nivaldodasilva 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine



TELE-audiovisions Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations

TV Bandeirantes So Paulo Brazil

Read Full Report /12/07/tvbandeirantes

Shenzhen TV Shenzhen China

Read Full Report /12/05/shenzhen-tv

Castor Burum Netherlands

Read Full Report /12/03/castor
232 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

CBC Cologne Germany

Read Full Report /12/01/cbc

BT Madley UK
Read Full Report /11/11/bt

SES ASTRA Luxembourg

Read Full Report /11/09/ses 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine



TELE-audiovisions Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations

Media Broadcast Usingen Germany

Read Full Report /10/09/mediabroadcast

Telemedia Johannesburg South Africa

Read Full Report /07/09/telemedia

PTS Taipei Taiwan

Read Full Report /07/07/pts
234 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 06-07/2012 09-10/2013 TELE-satellite TELE-audiovision International International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


These Companies Started Their International


SHARP 1989

236 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Made Them Big!

Success with TELE-audiovision Magazine
TOPFIELD 2001 MTI 2001

HUMAX 2001

ARION 2001 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


These Companies Started Their International
NDS 2002 DREAM 2002

KAON 2003


238 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

Made Them Big!

SVEC 2003 CABSAT 2004

Success with TELE-audiovision Magazine

JONSA 2004


CHANGHONG 2006 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision HISTORY

TELE-audiovision in 1983

Years Ago
Receivable Satellites in Europe in 1983 In the UHF range a Russian Satellite was located at 53E. In 4 GHz (C band) programmes could be watched form all over the world. The 12 GHz range (Ku band) has just started with satellites at 5E.

Cover page of TELE-satellite 06-07/2002

240 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision HISTORY

TELE-audiovision in 1993

Cover page of TELE-satellite 06-07/2002

For all viewers that have access to two satellites, SPAUN electronics offers an interesting solution Each single viewer needs one sat relais SAR 207 F and a Sat switching generator sUG 7000 F. Switching is done by toggling the 0/5 V control voltage from the receiver's polarizer input, activating the generator, which then delivers a 7 kHz signal to the relais. No control cable is needed and the units can also serve as the building blocks of a four-viewer system.

Years Ago
Everything at once from SPAUN

242 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision HISTORY

TELE-audiovision in 2003

Satellite Receivers

Year s
Digit Outpal Audio ut Au d io/Vid Outp ut eo ate le USA ComLS patib le Loop Thro edugh IF L Mod ulato Outp ut r SCP ComC patib C/PA 0/12 OutpVolt ut Sym bolr Ch a nnel Mem ory qC Po w Sup er ply Scar Outpt ut S-VH Outp S ut DiSE NT S
TV Radio Ms/sec Volt Hertz RCA S-VHS 0/12 V ASTON XENA 1800HD Digital with Hard Drive 4000 1.8-45 yes 1.2, 2.3 no PAL yes, UHF yes 110-230V 50/60Hz yes, AC-3 yes yes, 4 yes no no

ione r Mec Polahanical rizer Hard (Buil Disk t-in) Emb CA edded Seria Inter l face
GB Issue Page yes yes yes, 2 yes,2 yes,2 RS-232 0303 20

TELE-satellite Receiver Guide

ASTROVOX VSR-4500 2CI Digital 3000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.3 yes NTSC/ PAL yes, UHF yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, yes, 2 yes, 0307 RS-232 UCAS 20

AVIAS VA203S Digital with embedded Viaccess 2000 2-45 yes 1.0 no NTSC/ PAL no yes 12VDC no yes yes, 1 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no


0311 20

AXAS M-Box with 2 CI Slots and UCAS 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no PAL yes yes 95-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, yes, 2 yes, 0309 RS-232 UCAS 20

CHESS Digi 1000 FTA 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 95-240V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0309 28

COSHIP CDVB 3188C Digital FTA 2000 2-45 yes 1.0 no NTSC/ PAL no yes 100-240V 50/60Hz no yes no yes yes no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0311 24

DELTASAT CXCI 1106 HDI with 2 CI Slots and optional Hard Drive 5000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 95-250V 50/60Hz yes, AC-3 yes yes, 2 yes yes no no yes, yes, yes, 2 option RS-232


0309 24

DREAMBOX DM 5600-S unlimited n/a yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL coming soon no 230V 50Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, yes,2 yes,1 RS-232 0303 17

DREAMBOX DM 7000-S unlimited n/a yes 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL coming soon no 230V 50Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no yes, yes, yes,1 option RS-232 no 0301 20

EM TECH eM-150FTA Digital 2000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-260V 50/60Hz yes, AC-3 yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0303 24

KAON KSC-510H Digital with 2 CI Slots and Hard Drive 4080 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL yes yes 95-250V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no yes yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0301 71

GRUNDIG Selio DTR 5210 S CI Digital 4000 2-45 yes 1.2 yes PAL no yes 230V 50Hz yes, S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0307 24

HIRSCHMANN 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC PAL SECAM NTSC PAL SECAM NTSC PAL SECAM NTSC PAL no yes 90-250V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0303 84

HIRSCHMANN CSR 60 CI with 2 CI Slots 4000 2-45 yes 1.2 no no yes 95-250V 50/60Hz yes, AC-3 yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0309 16

HI TOP Si-dTV Digital Portable 400 2-45 yes no no no yes 100-240V 50/60hz 9-12VDC 90-260V 50/60Hz no yes, not RCA yes no no no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0305 20

HUMANACE SKYCI 2003 Digital 3000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no yes yes no yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 yes 0305 24

INTERSTAR DSR 8006CI XCAM with 2 CI Slots and embedded Conax 6600 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-265V 50/60Hz no yes yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232


0309 36

KAON KSC-510H Digital with 2 CI Slots and Hard Drive 4080 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL yes yes 95-250V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no yes yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0301 71

KJAERULFF Maximum FTA-100 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 yes PAL no yes 100-240V 50/60Hz no no yes, adapt. cable yes, 2 no no no no no no no no 0307 40

LEMON 07 CI Digital 3000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC PAL yes yes 90-260V 50/60Hz yes, 2 yes no no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0305 28

244 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

T SI Mag azin




T SI Mag azin

Year s
Digit Outpal Audio ut Au d io/Vid Outp ut eo ate le USA ComLS patib le Loop Thro edugh IF L Mod ulato Outp ut r SCP ComC patib C/PA 0/12 OutpVolt ut Sym bolr Ch a nnel Mem ory qC Po w Sup er ply Scar Outpt ut S-VH Outp S ut Posit DiSE NT S
TV Radio Ms/sec Volt Hertz RCA S-VHS 0/12 V MEDIACOM MFT 910 Plus Digital 3000 2-30 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC PAL yes yes 90-250V 50/60Hz no yes yes, 2 no yes no MEDIACOM MCI-920 Digital with Two CI Slots 3000 2-30 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 220-240V 50Hz no yes
Euro Version

ione r Mec Polahanical rizer Hard (Buil Disk t-in) Emb CA edded Seria Inter l face
GB Issue Page yes no yes, RS-232 no no 0303 28 no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0311 28

Satellite Receivers



NAEMO MEGA S00-5540 MCI 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL no yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 yes no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0307 32

NEXTWAVE Plus SCR-3200C Digital 4000 2-31 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes, UHF yes 90-245V yes, 2 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, RS-232 no yes,

0307 28

OPENTECH ODS 4000PVR Digital with Two Tuners and Hard Drive 4000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC PAL yes yes 90-240V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no yes yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0303 71

PALCOM DSL-3 with USALS 4000 2-45 yes 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL no yes 110-240V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0305 74

PIXX ADT 8310 Digital, DVD, CD, MP3 5000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC PAL SECAM NTSC, PAL no yes ? yes yes yes, 2 yes no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0305 17

SAMSUNG SCRCI-703E 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no yes, UHF 90-245V 50-60Hz yes yes yes, 2 yes no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 yes,

0307 36

SATELCO DVB-S USB Box unlimited 2-45 yes 1.0 no n/a n/a no 12VDC no no no no no no no yes (PC) yes (PC) no no 0303 80

SATFORCE S-ZWO FTA 2500 F FTA 5000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 yes NTSC/ PAL no yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no

0309 40

SUCCESS CG5860 Digital 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no n/a yes yes n/a no yes yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, RS-232 no no 0305 71

TECHNOTREND DVB-S Card 1.6 with Remote Control and S/PDIF unlimited as good as 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no n/a no yes n/a yes, S/PDIF yes
via adapter






yes (PC)

yes (PC)




0311 16

TOPFIELD TF3200IR Digital with Embedded Irdeto 4000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-250V 50/60Hz no yes yes, 1 no no no no no yes, RS-232 no yes, 0303 Irdeto 74

TOPFIELD TF4000PVR Digital with Two Tuners and Two CI Slots 5000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.3 yes NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no no no no yes yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0301 74

TOPFIELD TF5000 PVR with Two Tuners 5000 2-45 yes 1.2 yes NTSC/ PAL no yes 90-250V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 yes no no no yes yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0307 44

VISIONPLUS VP-DTV Sat-CI Digital PC Card unlimited 2-45 yes 1.2 yes n/a no yes n/a no no no no no no no yes (PC) yes, RS-232 no no 0301 84

WEISS DigitAll World SFT-2000 with addable Universal Card Reader 4000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no yes no no no yes, RS-232 no must 0309 be 44 added yes, Skycrypt yes, Skycrypt 0309 47

WEISS DMSIS DSR-110SKCI with 2 CI Slots and Skycrypt 3600 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-264V 50/60Hz yes AC-3 yes yes, 2 no no no no yes, (via PC) no yes, yes, 2 RS-232

XTREME HORNET A2CI STR with Two CI Slots and embedded Skycrypt 9000 2-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no NTSC/ PAL/ SECAM NTSC/ PAL/ SECAM NTSC/ PAL yes yes 90-250V 50/60Hz yes yes yes, 2 no yes no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 0311 32

XTREME ONE U2CI PVR 8058 2-45 yes` 1.2 yes yes yes 90-250V yes, 50/60Hz S/PDIF yes yes, 2 no yes no no yes yes, yes, 2 yes, 0307 RS-232 UCAS 16

X-WINDS DVB-X2005CI Digital/Terrestrial 4000 1-45 yes 1.0, 1.2 no yes yes 100-240V 47-63Hz yes yes yes no no no no no yes, yes, 2 RS-232 no 0305 78

TSIMag azin



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Ultra High Definition HDTV

Edited by

Branislav Pekic

Russian satellite TV operator Tricolor TV plans to carry out broadcasts using the Ultra HD standard, reports Tass-Telecom. Offering 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution, the new standard is four times higher than the existing Full HD resolution. The broadcasts will be carried out over the 84-inch 3D TV from LG supporting Ultra HD. A transponder on the Eutelsat 36A satellite will be used to show the UHDTV content under the MPEG-4 standard at 40 Mbps.



Ericsson and Measat have demonstrated a live solution at Broadcast Asia 2013, Asias largest show for the pro-audio, film and TV industries. The system shows how UHDTV premium coverage such as live sport can be broadcast today. The UHDTV trial uses Ericssons AVP 2000 contribution encoders, RX8200 advanced modular receivers, as well as its Simulsync technology.

Cable operator Comcast has demonstrated a 3Gbps broadband connection at NCTAs Cable Show 2013 in Washington, DC for downloading a 4K Ultra HD video file to a PC. On the occasion, Comcast said that 4K Ultra HD is still in the early stages.



Eutelsat has teamed up with France Televisions, ATEME and 4Ever during the Roland Garros tennis tournament to promote 4K UHDTV. Visitors to the event were able to see live images shot by 4K cameras. This was the first trial that included the new HEVC codec and live feeds for reception on PC, tablet and PC.

Sony Electronics has launched a marketing campaign in support of its new 4K Ultra HD TVs, featuring Garth Davis. The commercial featuring Davis was shot on the Sony F65 and F55 professional 4K cameras. Sony is also advertising its new 4K UHDTV TV sets via social networks, email, direct mail, among other means.


NHK and Mitsubishi Electric Corp have jointly developed the worlds first HEVC encoder for 8K ultra HDTV Super Hi-Vision (SHV). The SHV standard offers 16 times the number of HD pixels and a 22.2 multichannel surround sound experience. HEVC is due to be recognized as an international standard this year. It offers about double the data compression of AVC2), and about four times that of the MPEG-2 standard currently employed for digital HDTV broadcasting.



Spanish satellite operator Hispasat and LG Espana have reached an agreement to promote the development of TV in Ultra HD. As part of the deal, both companies will exchange knowledge, share a platform for development of new products and technologies related to Ultra HD, increase their operational and commercial synergies, spread the usage of Ultra HD TV sets from LG, as well as use satellites to support the broadcasting of new content in Ultra HD. Hispasat will broadcast via satellite a promotional Ultra HD channel. At the presentation ceremony a live demonstration of the new technology was shown on a LG Ultra HD TV via the Hispasat 1E satellite.

Disney has announced it will close down the ESPN 3D channel by the end of the year, after three years of broadcasting. The channel said that customers have not warmed to the technology, citing a lack of demand from the majority of consumers. Disney is now looking to focus their efforts on Ultra HD or 4K TV rather than 3D broadcasts.

Sony Brasil has covered three matches of the Confederations Cup, which took place in Brazil in June, in 4K. The material will be used as test mate rial for FIFA and Brazilian broadcaster TV Globo. A total of 35 cameras were used, five of them 4K. The image resolution will be 3840 x 2160, which is five times that of Full HD, and the audio was 5.1.


Some 21 Japanese companies, including manufacturers, telecommunications operators and broadcasters, have set up a partnership to promote the development of the Ultra HDTV standard. They include broadcasters NHK and SkyPerfect, as well as manufacturers such as NEC, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic and Fujitsu.


Sony has captured part of this years Wimble don Tennis Championships in the Ultra HD/4K format. Sony used the F55 cameras and NEXFS700 cameras to film the action in 4K. The footage was shown at the Sony 4K Experience centre which was set up at the location.


Rovi and Broadcom have teamed up to to enable device manufacturers and service providers to utilise the benefits of High Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC/H.265) to deliver an enhanced entertainment experience. Rovi is planning to drive 4K content creation and market availability of compatible devices. Broadcom plans to support the playback of DivX HEVC streaming and downloadable content in the UHDTV home gateway chip BCM7445.


UHDTV will become mainstream by 2017, according to the director of European Business Development at Samsung Electronics. Speaking at the Futuresource Entertainment Summit 2013, Vassilis Seferidis, said that the question is whether operators will wait for penetration to reach 5 per cent before introducing channels. He added that some operators such as Sky Deutschland were already experimenting with UHDTV.

Hispasat conducted a live satellite broadcast of 4K content, reproduced on an 84-inch TV set from LG, during an event in Rio de Janeiro to celebrate the start of operations of the Amazonas 3 satellite. The images were generated in Spain and were received by a PC connected to the TV with the necessary codecs for playback. Local cable and DTH operators should start selling the first domestic receivers compatible with 4K from the 2H 2014.

Japans NTT West has been conducting 4K tests via the internet to set-top boxes, a first of its kind. A new video compression standard is being used to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted. Japan plans to become the first country to broadcast 4K programming over satellite from 2014, in time for the football World Cup. SONY ANNOUNCES 4K MEDIA PLAYER Sony has announced a 4K Ultra HD media player and a 4K Ultra HD content service providing 4K downloads within the Sony Entertainment Network. The player, to be available July 15 for USD 699, will come preloaded with 10 Ultra HD feature films. Ultra HD compression encoding technology from eyeIO has been licensed by Sony Pictures to enable the studio to offer the first-ever 4K UltraHD content delivered to the home.


Manufacturers expect to ship nearly 943,000 Ultra High Definition LCD panels this year, up from less than 33,000 units in 2012, according to IHS. For 2015, the figure will reach 7.1 million units and in 2017 it will arrive to 20.8 million units. Suppliers collectively plan to ship as many as 4 million UHD Ready panels this year alone. Leading panel suppliers such as Samsung, LG Display, AUO and Innolux are all introducing UHD TV panels, with TV brands like Sony, Sharp, Samsung, LG Electronics, and Vizio planning to launch their own offerings later this year.

Intelsat and Ericsson in June conducted the first 4G UHDTV trials in North America. Intelsats Galaxy 13 satellite delivered a 4:2:2 10-bit, 4K UHDTV signal at 60 frames per second to Turner Broadcastings facilities in the USA. The 100 Mbps video feed was encoded and decoded in real time by Ericsson, using its AVP 2000 contribution encoders and RX8200 receivers. Newtec provided the modulation and demodulation hardware, featuring Clean Channel Technology.

248 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


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INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Middle East, North India 359.2 East (000.8 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Africa, South East Asia 359.2 East (000.8 West) THOR 5, 6 - Europe 359.2 East (000.8 West) AMOS 2, 3 - Europe, Middle East 356.0 East (004.0 West) EUTELSAT 5 WEST A - Europe 355.0 East (005.0 West) C-Band: EUTELSAT 5 WEST A - Europe 355.0 East (005.0 West) NILESAT 102, 201, EUTELSAT 7 WEST A - Middle East 353.0 East (007.0 West) EUTELSAT 8 WEST A - Europe, America, Middle East 352.0 East (008.0 West) EXPRESS AM44 - Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West) C-Band: EXPRESS AM44 - Europe, North Africa, Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West) EUTELSAT 12 WEST A - Europe, Africa 347.5 East (012.5 West) TELSTAR 12 - Europe, South Africa, Am. 345.0 East (015.0 West) INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Middle East 342.0 East (018.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean Region 342.0 East (018.0 West) NSS 7 - Europe, Africa 340.0 East (020.0 West) C-Band: NSS 7 - Africa 340.0 East (020.0 West) SES 4 - Europe, MIddle East 338.0 East (022.0 West) C-Band: SES 4 - America 338.0 East (022.0 West) INTELSAT 905 - Europe 335.5 East (024.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 905 - Europe, Africa, America 335.5 East (024.5 West) INTELSAT 907 - Europe 332.5 East (027.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 907 - Europe, Africa, America 332.5 East (027.5 West) HISPASAT 1C, 1D, 1E - Europe, America 330.0 East (030.0 West) INTELSAT 25 - Africa 328.5 East (031.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 25 - Europe, Africa 328.5 East (031.5 West) INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West) TELSTAR 11N - Europe, Africa 322.5 East (037.5 West) C-Band: NSS 10 - Europe, Africa, America 322.5 East (037.5 West) NSS 806 - Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West) C-Band: NSS 806 - America, Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West) INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 317.0 East (043.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 315.0 East (043.0 West) INTELSAT 14 - Europe, North Africa, South America 315.0 East (045.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 14 - America 315.0 East (045.0 West) INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (050.0 West) INTELSAT 23 - America 307.0 East (053.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 23 - America, Africa 307.0 East (053.0 West) Galaxy 11 - Brazil 304.5 East (055.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 805 - America 304.5 East (055.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 21 - Mexico 302.0 East (058.0 West) AMAZONAS 2 - South America 299.0 East (061.0 West) C-Band: AMAZONAS 3 - America 299.0 East (061.0 West) AMAZONAS 3 - Brazil 299.0 East (061.0 West) ECHOSTAR 16 - Conus 298.5 East (061.5 West) TELSTAR 14R - Brazil, Mercosul 297.0 East (063.0 West) STARONE C1 - Brazil 295.0 East (065.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C1 - South America 295.0 East (065.0 West) AMC 4 - North America 295.0 East (065.0 West) STARONE C2 - Brazil 290.0 East (070.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C2 - South America 290.0 East (070.0 West) AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West) C-Band: AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West) NIMIQ 5 - Conus 287.3 East (072.7 West) QUETZSAT 1 - Conus 283.0 East (077.0 West) ECHOSTAR 1 - America, Mexico 283.0 East (077.0 West) SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West) C-Band: SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West) NIMIQ 4 - Canada 278.0 East (082.0 West) AMC 9 - North America 277.0 East (083.0 West) C-Band: BRASILSAT B4 - Brazil 276.0 East (084.0 West) AMC 16 - North America 275.0 East (085.0 West) SES 2 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West) C-Band: SES 2 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West) GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West) NIMIQ 6 - Canada 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 25 - North America 266.9 East (093.1 West) GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West) GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West) GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West) DIRECTV 4S, 8 - America 259.0 East (101.0 West) SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West) C-Band: SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West) AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West) C-Band: AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West) AMC 15 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West) C-Band: AMC 18 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West) ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1 - South America 252.7 East (107.3 West) ANIK G1 - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West) ECHOSTAR 10, 11 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West) DIRECTV 5 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West) ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West) C-Band: ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West) SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West) C-Band: SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West) SATMEX 8 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West) C-Band: SATMEX 8 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West) ANIK F3 - Conus 243.2 East (116.8 West) C-Band: ANIK F3 - America 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 14 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West) DIRECTV 7S - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West) C-Band: ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West) GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 14 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West) AMC 21 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West) GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West) CIEL 2 - America 231.0 East (129.0 West) C-Band: AMC 11 - North America 229.0 East (131.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 15- North America 227.0 East (133.0 West) C-Band: AMC 10 - North America 225.0 East (135.0 West) C-Band: AMC 7 - North America 223.0 East (137.0 West) C-Band: AMC 8 - North America 221.0 East (139.0 West)


Satellites of the

003.1 East C-Band: RASCOM QAF 1R - Africa 003.1 East RASCOM QAF 1R - Africa 003.1 East EUTELSAT 3D - Europe 003.1 East C-Band: EUTELSAT 3A - EUROPE 004.9 East ASTRA 4A - Europe 004.9 East SES 5 - Europe, AFRICA 007.0 East EUTELSAT 7A - Europe, Africa 009.0 East EUTELSAT 9A - Europe 010.0 East EUTELSAT 10A - Europe 010.0 East C-Band: EUTELSAT 10A - Global 013.0 East EUTELSAT HOTBIRD 13B,13C,13D - Europe, Middle East 016.0 East EUTELSAT 16A - Europe, Africa 017.0 East AMOS 5 - North Africa, Middle East 017.0 East C-Band: AMOS 5 - Africa, Middle East 019.2 East ASTRA 1KR,1L,1M,2C - Europe 020.0 East C-Band: ARABSAT 5C - Africa, Middle East 021.6 East EUTELSAT 21B - Europe, Asia, West Africa 023.3 East ASTRA 3B - Europe 025.5 East EUTELSAT 25C - Europe, Asia 026.0 East BADR 4,5,6 - North Africa, Middle East 028.2 East EUTELSAT 28A, ASTRA 1N,2A,2F - Europe 030.5 East ARABSAT 5A - Middle East 030.5 East C-Band: ARABSAT 5A - Asia, Middle East 031.5 East ASTRA 1G - Europe 033.0 East EUTELSAT 33A - Europe 033.0 East INELSAT 28 - Africa 034.0 East ARABSAT 2B - Middle East 036.0 East EUTELSAT 36A,36B - Europe , South Africa, Asia, Russia 038.0 East PAKSAT 1R - Pakistan, North India 038.0 East C-Band: PAKSAT 1R - Pakistan, India, Middle East, Africa 039.0 East HELLAS SAT 2 - Europe, Middle East, Asia 042.0 East TURKSAT 2A,3A - Europe, Russia 044.5 East NIMIQ 1 - Europe, Middle East 045.0 East INTELSAT 12 - India, South Africa, Middle East, Europe 046.0 East AZERSPACE 1,AFRICASAT 1A - Asia, Africa 047.5 East INTELSAT 10 - Middle East, Europe 049.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 202 - Global 050.0 East INTELSAT 26 - Europe 050.5 East NSS 5 -Global 050.5 East C-Band: NSS 5 - Global 052.5 East YAHSAT 1A -Europe, Middle East, Africa 053.0 East EXPRESS AM22 -Europe, Middle East, North India 055.0 East GSAT-8, YAMAL 402 - Russia 056.0 East BONUM 1, DIREC TV 1R - East Russia 057.0 East NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India 057.0 East C-Band: NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India, Global 060.0 East INTELSAT 904 - Europe 060.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 904 - Europe, Africa, Global 062.0 East INTELSAT 902 - Europe, Middle East 062.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 902 - Europe, China, Australia, South Africa, Global 064.2 East C-Band: INTELSAT 906 - Europe, Africa, South India, Global 066.0 East INTELSAT 17 -Europe,Russia 068.5 East INTELSAT 20 - Africa, Europe, Middle East 068.5 East C-Band: INTELSAT 20 - Global 070.5 East EUTELSAT 70B - Europe,Middle East, India 072.1 East INTELSAT 22 - Middle East, Africa 074.0 East INSAT 4CR - India 074.0 East C-Band: INSAT 3C - India 075.0 East ABS-1 - Europe, Asia, Middle East 075.0 East C-Band: ABS-1 - Global 076.5 East APSTAR 7 - China 076.5 East C-Band: APSTAR 7 - Global 078.5 East THAICOM 5 - Thailand 078.5 East C-Band: THAICOM 5 - India,China,Thailand, Global 080.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS MD1 - Russia, North India 080.0 East EXPRESS AM2 - Russia, North India 083.0 East INSAT 4A - India 083.0 East C-Band: INSAT 4A - India, Middle East 085.0 East INTELSAT 15 - Middle East 085.0 East HORIZONS 2 - Russia 086.5 East KAZSAT 2 - Russia 087.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 5A - China, India, Midle East 088.0 East ST 2 - India, Malaysia 088.0 East C-Band: ST 2 - India, Thailand 090.0 East YAMAL 201,300K - Russia, North India 090.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 201,300K - Russia, North India 091.5 East MEASAT 3 - Malaysia, South Asia 091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3 -Global, Thailand, Australia, East Asia 091.5 East MEASAT 3A - Malaysia, South Asia 091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3A -Global 092.2 East CHINASAT 9 - China 093.5 East INSAT 3A,4B - India 093.5 East C-Band: INSAT 3A,4B - India, Middle East 095.0 East NSS 6 - India, Middle East, South Africa, North East Asia, Australia 096.5 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM 33 - Asia, Russia,China 100.5 East ASIASAT 5 - East Asia, India, Middle East, Thailand 100.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 5 - Global 103.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS A2 - Russia, China 105.5 East ASIASAT 3S - East Asia, South Asia, Australia 105.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 3S - Global 108.2 East NSS 11 - South Asia, North East Asia, China 108.2 East C-Band: TELKOM 1 - Indonesia 108.2 East SES 7 - South Asia, Australia 110.0 East BSAT 3A,2C,3C N-SAT 110,JCSAT 110R - Japan 110.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 10 - China, Asia Pacific 113.0 East KOREASAT 5 - South Korea, North East Asia 113.0 East C-Band: PALAPA D - Asia, Australia 115.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6B - Global 116.0 East ABS 7 - South Korea 116.0 East KOREASAT 6 - South Korea 118.0 East C-Band: TELKOM 2 - Global 119.5 East THAICOM 4 - Indonesia, Cambodia 122.0 East ASIASAT 4 - East Asia, Australia 122.0 East C-Band: ASIASAT 4 - Global 124.0 East JCSAT 4B - Japan 125.0 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6A - China 128.0 East JCSAT 3A - Japan 128.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 3A - Asia 132.0 East VINASAT 1 - Vietnam 132.0 East C-Band:VINASAT 1 - Asia, Australia 132.0 East VINASAT 2 - Vietnam 132.0 East JCSAT 5A - Japan 134.0 East APSTAR 6 - China 134.0 East C-Band: APSTAR 6 - Asia, Australia 138.0 East TELSTAR 18 - India, China 138.0 East C-Band: TELSTAR 18 - Asia, Australia 140.0 East EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 140.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 144.0 East SUPERBIRD C2 - Japan 152.0 East OPTUS D2 - Australia, Newzealand 154.0 East JCSAT 2A - Japan 154.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 2A - Asia&Oceania&Hawaii 156.0 East OPTUS C1,D3 - Australia, Newzealand 160.0 East OPTUS D1 - Australia, Newzealand 162.0 East SUPERBIRD B2 - Japan 164.0 East OPTUS B3 - Asia 166.0 East INTELSAT 19 - Australia, Newzealand, North East Asia 166.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 19 - Australia 169.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 8 - Pacific 172.0 East EUTELSAT 172A - South Pacific, South East Pacific 172.0 East C-Band: EUTELSAT 172A - Pacific 180.0 East INTELSAT 18 - Australia, Pacific 180.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 18 - Pacific

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256 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013 09-10/2013 TELE-audiovision International


TELE-audiovision Deadlines
Issue # Editorial Deadline Advertisement Deadline Hardcopies Online TELE-audiovision 09-10/2013 1309 28 June 2013 5 July 2013 16 August 2013 30 August 2013 TELE-audiovision 11-12/2013 1311 30 August 2013 6 September 18 October 2013 1 November 2013 TELE-audiovision 01-02/2014 1401 1 November 2013 TELE-audiovision 03-04/2014 1403 27 December 2013

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Digital TV Exhibitions
6 - 11 September 2013 IFA 2013 The Global Innovations Show Messe Berlin, Messedamm 22, Berlin, Germany Opening Hours: 6 - 11 September: 10am - 6pm East and Central European Broadband Exhibition Keleti u. 1. (Budapark), Budars, Budapest, Hungary Opening Hours: 29 October: 09:00am - 5:00pm 30 October: 09:00am - 5:00pm 20 - 23 November 2013 Vietnam Electronics 2013 The Best Platform to Capture the Electronics Market in Vietnam Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 3 - 4 December 2013 Satellite Mobility 2013 London, UK

13 - 17 September 2013 IBC 2013 For professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment and news content RAI Convention Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Opening Hours: 13 September: 10:30am - 6:00pm 14 - 16 Sept.: 9:30am - 6:00pm 17 September: 10:30am - 4:00pm 18 - 20 September 2013 VSAT 2013 Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 13 - 16 October 2013 HKTDC Autumn Hongkong, China 24 - 27 October 2013 CeBIT Bilisim Eurasia Istanbul, Turkey

25 - 27 October 2013 SCaT India 2013 South Asias Largest Tradeshow of the Indian Cable & Satellite Television Industry World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, India Opening Hours: 25 October: 11:30am - 6:30pm 26-27 October: 10:30am - 6:30pm

13 - 15 November 2013 InterBEE International Broadcast Equipment Exhibition Tokyo, Japan

7 - 10 January 2014 2014 International CES Manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and related products and services Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Opening Hours: 7 January: 10:00am - 6:00pm 8 - 9 Jan.: 9:00am - 6:00pm 10 January: 9:00am - 4:00pm 21 - 23 January 2014 Convergence India 2014 New Delhi, India

29 - 30 October 2013 ECEBE Broadband Expo

19 - 22 November 2013 ITU Telecom World Conversation that Matters IMPACT, 99 Popular Road, Banmai Subdistrict, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand

28 - 30 January 2014 CSTB 2014 Key professional media event covering all the cutting-edge formats and trends of TV and telecommunication IEC Crocus Expo, Pavilion 1

258 TELE-audiovision International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2013

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