Faces of The Neighbourhood Photo Exhibition
Faces of The Neighbourhood Photo Exhibition
Faces of The Neighbourhood Photo Exhibition
Travelling across EU
cooperation with its Southern
and Eastern Neighbours
Voyage travers la coopration
europenne avec ses voisins du
sud et de lest
Telling the story
of a Partnership
Faces of the Neighbourhood illustrates concrete activities
that derive from a major EU external relations policy,
the European Neighbourhood Policy. Travelling though
themes and space, the exhibition showcases examples
of cooperation in sectors as dierent as youth, migration,
research or environment, across all the countries of the
region. These are just a few among the thousands of
EU-funded projects in the 16 neighbouring countries.
Photos: Agence France-Presse (AFP),
European Pressphoto Agency (EPA)
The Info Centre
The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre, funded by
EuropeAids Regional Communication Programme, raises
awareness about the partnership between the European
Union and its Neighbours to the East and to the South.
Its website www.enpi-info.eu is a one-stop-shop for
information and resources.
It is implemented by Action Global Communications in
consortium with two news agencies, ANSA and CNA.
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texte franais.
This exhibition has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content is the
sole responsibility of the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre and can in no way be taken to reect
the views of the European Union.
Libyan pupils stand around a poster at their school in Az-
Zawiyah, as they discuss the dangers of handling weapons
lef afer the conict, under an initiative supported by the
EU, September 2013 (AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
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texte franais, texte franais.
Libyan pupils stand around a poster as they discuss the
dangers of handling weapons lef afer the conict, at their
school in Az-Zawiyah, September 2013, under an initiative
supported by the EU (AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
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EU Supporting Ukraine
The Eastern Partnership
Union for the Mediterranean
EU response to the Arab Spring
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An ongoing commitment
In times of change, the EU is proving to be a stable
partner to the Neighbourhood and its citizens.
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Texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte
franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte franais.
Palestinian children celebrating Europe Day in Ramallah,
9 May 2012 (EPA EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
Texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte
franais, texte franais, texte franais.
Find out more: QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/
Find out more: QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/thememed.
Find out more QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/thememed.
Find out more QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/themeeast.
Find out more QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/themeeast.
Find out more QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/thememed.
Find out more QR http://www.enpi-info.eu/thememed.
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Implemented by
Regards du
Gender equality
Egalit entre les hommes
et les femmes
Migration and human rights
Migration et droits de lhomme
A girl reads a book on the dangers of illegal migration at her
school in Tangiers, Morocco, January 2014, part of an EU-
supported initiative against illegal migration of unaccompanied
minors (EPA EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
Pupils at the UNRWA girls school in the Shuafat Refugee Camp,
north of Jerusalem, October 2011. With EU support, thousands of
Palestinian refugee children can continue their education. (EPA
EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
The door to peace: a young Lebanese woman walks through a
maze containing multiple perceptions on the Lebanese conict,
developed as part of a project supported by the EU, August 2013
(AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
Women can do change: Palestinian women from villages around
Hebron attend a workshop as part of a project that empowers
women through training and education, July 2011. (EPA EU/
Neighbourhood Info Centre)
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Empowering women through media:
interview workshop at Zarqaa refugee camp, Jordan
(AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre). Texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte franais,
texte franais, texte franais, texte franais.
Syrian refugees in Jordan. The EU is leading international assistance to Syria
and neighbouring countries (AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
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texte franais, texte franais.
Women walk on a road in northern Morocco, restored with EU funds,
January 2014 (AFP EU/Neighbourhood Info Centre).
Texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte franais, texte
franais, texte franais, texte franais.
Environmental problems
dont know borders.
It is in our common interest
to work together with
our partner countries so
that our neighbourhood
becomes greener.